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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 640x480, 1335881360518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2718999 No.2718999 [Reply] [Original]

Hiya there, /lit/. I'm here from /v/ and I wanted to ask a few questions.

How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?

Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?

Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.

Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?

If no, do you think they will ever be? Why?

Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?

>> No.2719005
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>> No.2719009

My brain hurt from reading op post.

>> No.2719015

>it feels okay
>we don't use cancer here: there's a guy trying to force the term "roach", but people mostly ignore him
>they're not comparable
>i think the price of producing a video game stifles creativity to a certain extent, but who knows what things will be like 20 to 30 years down the line

>> No.2719024

>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?
I don't know.
>Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?
Troll threads aren't very noticeable.
>Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.
Not that I've noticed.
>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?
They can be.
>Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?
Not as much as /v/, no.

>> No.2719026
File: 236 KB, 929x1168, dirty casuals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, is there such thing as a disgusting filthy casual?

>> No.2719029

>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?
It feels alright, despite the fact that people new to literature believe all contemporary lit is in the shitter. But I'm glad at how well contemporary world literature is going at the moment.
>Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?
Sort of, but I get the feeling most of the butthurt over that sort of thing is feigned here. Everyone likes to argue here, even if they don't give a shit about what they're arguing for or against.
>Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.
Plenty. A lot of genre fiction vs. literary fiction, ebooks vs. physical books, etc. No one wants to let other people read what they want.
>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?
Not yet, but I think they have the potential to be. They haven't really had as much time to develop yet.
>Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?
Yes. I haven't been to /v/ much, but you'll get plenty of shit posting here as well.

>> No.2719034

No, op, /lit/ is actually a lot like /v/.

We believe our hobby is in the shitter of postmodernism and genre fiction, just like you believe videogames are only FPSs, gimmicks and 3rd person cover-based shooters.

Your "Chrono Trigger sucks" is the same as our "DFW sucks"

Personal preference is always controversial. My tastes are better than yours, always, because I'm enlightened and you're a pleb.

Everyone here is a HUGE retarded faggot, especially the tripfags. If anything, /lit/ is worse than /v/ because we don't have a sense of humor and we're so easily trolled.

>> No.2719037
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>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?

>> No.2719038

Yes. We'll usually call them entry level or high schoolers though.

Or our casual could also be the people who read shit like Eragon and GRRM. But I don't know that we actually have many of those. There's more of the pseudo-intellectual Penguin Classics types.

>> No.2719041

OP, thank you for posting here. It is refreshing to see someone post other than the same 10 assholes all day. Now for your questions:

>i dont feel
>no, everyone argues about ever thing here and we don't have a general consensus, other than that infinite jest is the best book ever written. which is wrong
>video games are certainly an artform, but they are and will for the near future remain inferior to literature.
>its possible video games will surpass literature in many ways and ultimately be forgotten. I cannot predict the future because I'm not into science fiction or video games

>> No.2719044

There's fantasy readers, but we segregate ourselves from them for the most part. Pseudo-intellectual is probably the most closely related term.

>> No.2719046

>/lit/ is worse than /v/ because we don't have a sense of humor and we're so easily trolled.

1) Go on /v/
2) Post a tier list
3) Put Steam at 'shit' tier
4) Wait for responses

The best way to get a thread going without samefagging.

>> No.2719047

>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?
Reading IS in the shitter. Most of my friends don't read.

>Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?
Yes but the people here can generally express themselves well.

>Is there as much controversy over personal preference?

>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?

>If no, do you think they will ever be? Why?
I think they have potential. Thus far video games have been made mainly as shallow entertainment and to make money. Occasionally games are created to raise money for charity, but no games have been created solely to express ideas or better mankind.

>Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?
Both /v/ and /lit/ are burnt out and depressed but there are some very good people on both boards.

>Also, is there such thing as a disgusting filthy casual?
Yes. Everyone starts out in ignorance though.

>> No.2719051

No, we get a lot of people new to reading, or people who haven't learned how wonderful books are, but we try to encourage them. Sure, people posting the daily Hunger games threads are reprimanded, but we generally welcome "casuals"

I have never played skyrim in my life; The last videogame I played was on an sega saturn. But what is wrong with people enjoying it?.

>> No.2719055

Apparently casual here and casual there mean to very different things.

Casual here
>Someone new to reading
Casual there
>Total retarded consolefaggot who doesn't know shit about video games

>> No.2719056
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>Thus far video games have been made mainly as shallow entertainment and to make money. Occasionally games are created to raise money for charity, but no games have been created solely to express ideas or better mankind.

>> No.2719062

I know it's all platitudinous and shit. I'm sorry. I'm tired. I promise to do better next time.

>> No.2719063

>I have never played skyrim in my life
>The last video game I played was on my sega saturn

I am pretty sure the last game you played being on the Sega Saturn is the only way you could enjoy it. You aren't missing much, but then again you guys are all about the 'story' and shit.

>> No.2719067

Wow, you guys are a lot more mature. Huh.

Someone hasn't heard of pro-consumer indie games.

>> No.2719069

Tell me about these pro-consumer indie games.

>> No.2719077

Basically, a game developer decides to not go with a publisher, and rather goes to personal funding or donations from the fans to make a game based on what they ask for rather than what is guaranteed to sell. With it, they make sure to have little to no DRM involved and a low price tag, along with continuous updates.

>> No.2719083

>Total retarded consolefaggot who doesn't know shit about video games.

What is there to know? Don't you just guide a character around a virtual world collecting or shooting things? It's hardly a discipline that requires any skill. Just repetitive button pressing.

I'm sure you juts structure some kind of gamer hierarchy based on both the difficulty and popularity of the game, sneering at those who like the more popular ones. You don't need any kind of training prior to playing, or background knowledge to be able to play. To call people casuals, because they like COD (I have never been to /v/ but I presume this is true?) is just fucking pretentious.

>> No.2719085


shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.2719092

>tfw I used to go on /v/ all the time, but haven't been back in a while
>just went back
>hasn't changed a bit, even with the creation of /vg/

>> No.2719094


I fully believe games to be capable of being art, but as of yet examples of such games are far and few between. Similar situation with comics.

>> No.2719097

But none of that defines art.

>> No.2719098

Hiya there, /lit/. I'm here from /v/ and I wanted to ask a few questions.

How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?
>It is if you compare to modernism

Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?
>Pleb (FUCK YOU /MU/)

Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.

Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?

If no, do you think they will ever be? Why?
>earlier answer

Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?
>more so

>> No.2719099

It's true that Chrono Trigger is pretty overrated, but not nearly as much as DFW

>> No.2719101

no one really reads literature here. we read about literature, but not literature itself. unless it gets assigned in class.

this is 4chan after all.

>> No.2719103

Not even close.

Let's take an example, Tribes. This requires quite a lot of skill, because you are sliding along the ground, using jetpacks, and firing explosives going at about 200 mph. It requires time and dedication to master completely, and is resource demanding so you would need a fairly good machine.

Now, let's compare that to CoD. There, you run around slowly in another gray/brown warehouse shooting more gray/brown terrorists. The guns sound like shit and the graphics are in the toilet. If you like that, you are a casual because you know nothing about video games, just spent $300 on a shit console, and are playing something that requires no skill whatsoever.

>You don't need any kind of training prior to playing, or background knowledge to be able to play.
Are you comparing it to reading right now? Because on it's own that's bullshit, and comparing it to literature is even more bullshit.

>> No.2719105

Anyone here played The Void? It's a pretty cool, artsy game about Beauty and Death and crap. Check it out

>> No.2719108


>but not nearly as much as DFW
You take that back you filthy casual

>> No.2719109

I can imagine, that's the point of the board.

We don't play video games, we just argue about what is better.

>> No.2719111

Please return to /v/.

>> No.2719113
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>> No.2719118
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I'm not him but I'll reply anyway.

>What is there to know? Don't you just guide a character around a virtual world collecting or shooting things? It's hardly a discipline that requires any skill. Just repetitive button pressing.

>It's hardly a discipline that requires any skill

>based on both the difficulty

If games have 'difficulty' then what does it challenge besides skill? Timing, reaction and problem solving, just to name a few, are skills used in video game playing.

This has to be some trolling.

>> No.2719121
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, ehroN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? I'm having fun here.

>> No.2719123 [DELETED] 
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>think video games don't require any skill

>things that prior playing and background knowledge don't contribute enormously to your ability to intuitively grasp video gaming (just as with any other form of media)

>calls other people pretentious

>> No.2719125



no, not really

>> No.2719130

>asserts that video gaming requires no skill

>thinks that prior playing and background knowledge don't contribute enormously to your ability to intuitively grasp video gaming (just as with any other form of media)

>calls other people pretentious

>> No.2719134
File: 39 KB, 488x165, fuckingidiots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any equivalent of the PC master race here?

>> No.2719135
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ITT: instead of analyzing literature, lets analyze a literature image board

Ones singularity arrives lit will be merged with /v and we will all be playing the same game as the same character

>> No.2719142

>that requires no skill whatsoever.
Just the fact that there is a ranking system in cod means that people have to improve to compete. I even gave it a go and struggled to coordinate the legs with the upper half of the body, yet my friend, whose game it was, could run around and shoot with incredible accuracy. Playing a video game is just like a sport. Sure, there are a few transferable skills but you are just improving in that discipline. If you waste 5 hours playing game A you are no better than somebody wasting 5 hours playing game B, regardless of how you much higher you view yourself.

The same is not true of reading or literature. Even people reading genre fiction are improving their vocabularies, reading comprehension, sentence formation and a wealth of other things that can be applied to the real world. C'mon, son. Even if you claim to have better hand eye coordination, the benefits of reading far outweigh those of playing a game.

You cannot claim any superiority for playing your "Tribes" over someone playing Mario cart, because you are just wasting time staring at a screen when you could be reading schopenhauer.

>> No.2719149
File: 161 KB, 635x460, cockroach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saged for overwhelming roaching.

Discuss literature or fuck off back to your shitty videogames, you are not welcome here, roach.

>> No.2719151

>no one really reads literature here. we read about literature, but not literature itself. unless it gets assigned in class.

easy kiddo, you're projecting your own inadequacies

>> No.2719156

>struggled to coordinate the legs with the upper half of the body
Sorry, that was hilarious.

And no, this game requires no skill because of how easy it is. Large, slow moving targets that die in a max of two hits are as easy to kill as a sack of kittens.

>If you waste 5 hours playing game A you are no better than somebody wasting 5 hours playing game B, regardless of how you much higher you view yourself.
Yes you are. Take the Tribes player and the CoD player, now pit themselves against each other in both games. The Tribes player will win every time in either, because Tribes requires a lot more accuracy to aim and fire, and the controls are normally dulled, so when he gets into an environment with a slower movement speed, more accurate weapons, bigger targets, and one hit kills he will always win.

>implying staring at words on paper in complete silence is any better than staring at a screen with explosions in the background

>> No.2719159

You do realize that an image bumps the thread, regardless of sage, right?

>> No.2719160

hey kid, what's the deal with you spamming the word roach? Its annoying and you are singling yourself out as a cunt.


>> No.2719163

I don't like you, roachguy. You're so abrasive and moody. It's pathetic, really.

>> No.2719165

Remember back in '09 when /v/ was still a decent board? It still hurts a little when I visit it and it looks like Reddit and GameFAQs got pressed together.

/lit/ sucks and it's full of hipsters. It's the same as /mu/.

Exactly, it's like sports: a recreational activity that requires skill and encourages competition and cooperation. All of those things have real world applications, you douche. If you never played a game or sport on any kind of team you're a fag IRL.

>> No.2719166

That was fixed breh

>> No.2719168

0/10. Images do not bump threads when saged.

>> No.2719169
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Is it just this one guy?

>> No.2719174


On the other hand, though, books don't age like games do. Outside of particularly obscure works, acquiring a particular book is a trivial enough matter, and it's not like the book is going to cease to be usable given a decade or two.

Not so of games. Playing really old games from the NES or SNES era is really quite an adventure that shouldn't need to be so adventurous. Actual consoles that play those games are only decaying by the day, and emulating that hardware provides massive hurdles if one wishes to perfectly replicate the original authentic experience. Just look at this fellow's experience trying to make a perfect SNES emulator:


This isn't really necessary with books. I have books in my house dating back to at least the 50s, and can read them quite well enough even though their binding may be in a state of some decay. In many ways those books have survived 60 years more gracefully than the NES or SNES catalog of games has 30.


>> No.2719175
File: 30 KB, 457x69, Screen Shot 2012-03-26 at 10.17.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh damn,

and /v/ isn't all that bad, get some pretty good feel threads now and then

>> No.2719176

0/10 for this entire thread

Saging doesn't do anything and boards are threads are bumped when someone opens them in a new tab to read them. Don't be fools

>> No.2719177


Meanwhile, modern games are so incredibly advanced compared to older generations the two almost feel incomparable at times. Literature has similarly gone through many different eras but there isn't present as much a sense of progression. Post-modernism didn't by its very existence invalidate modernism, and neither did modernism Victorian literature and the Victorian movement the romantic movement.

But there's a complexity and sophistication to modern games that older games are incredibly hard pressed to keep up with. That's what happens when your medium is so tied to technological advancement. Whatever happens, technology marches on, and games become capable of things older generations were never capable of. This simply isn't present in poetry. The reasons Flanagin's Wake was written in the 20th century and Hamlet in the 16th have nothing to do with some technological innovation having or having not yet been produced, but are strictly related to the mindset & cultural context of the writers.

Writers theoretically have no limitations beyond their imaginations & the very definition of literature, but video game developers are always going to face limitations in the hardware, software, &c. they have to work with. Literature is timeless, but videogames very much rooted in their times.

>> No.2719179
File: 154 KB, 696x2969, pls no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favourite /v/ comic

>> No.2719182
File: 34 KB, 513x120, Screen Shot 2012-03-26 at 10.18.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is DFW? And when was the last time someone mentioned Chrono Trigger?

>> No.2719183
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>I don't like you, roachguy. You're so abrasive and moody. It's pathetic, really.

>Implying I'm actually the roachslayer.
>Implying I didn't just use his new found recognition to sage an irrelevaphant thread that I didn't like.

>> No.2719184
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>> No.2719190
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>What the hell is DFW?

DFW is the patron saint of /lit//

Get Out

>> No.2719204
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>> No.2719207

i'm glad that people on the literature board have strong opinions about video games

>> No.2719212
File: 27 KB, 300x457, dfw_thanks-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW is the patron saint of /lit//

>> No.2719215

he's an untalented piece of shit that only plebs who don't know anything about literature love

>> No.2719228


>confirmed for never having read his philosophical essays.

>> No.2719229

Books and video games have different strong points as artistic media.

>> No.2719232

they're almost as bad as his fiction

>> No.2719236
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I would somewhat have to disagree.

>> No.2719244
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>> No.2719252
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>> No.2719253
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hi /v/

now leave

>> No.2719263
File: 22 KB, 328x400, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Foster Wallace
Wrote 1000+ page novel, Infinite Jest
Hung himself due to massive case of feel
/lit/'s god for now and ever

>> No.2719269



People can't be hung, unless you're referring to gentleman bits,

>> No.2719276

Hanged is just an alternative way of conjugating the verb. While it is used more often to describe the act, neither is wrong. Learn more about grammar if you're going to be pedantic.

>> No.2719281
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Oh, he's your Gaben.

>> No.2719282

>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?
I don't think it is a matter of the hobby being of poor quality. Most people just aren't reading as much as they used to.

>Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?

>Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.

Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?
Rarely, and my opinions on which ones are on par would be laughed at (Morrowind and Shadow of the Colossus).

>Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?
Yes. Also trolling is much more effective here due to everyone taking things more seriously and that includes the trolls taking their role more seriously.

>Also, is there such thing as a disgusting filthy casual?
People who read popular literature (Harry Potter, Hunger Games)/people who read fantasy and science fiction

>Any equivalent of the PC master race here?
People who read "serious"/classic literature

Also we gave /v/ Quentin. You are welcome.

>> No.2719291
File: 658 KB, 3328x4992, gaben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think it is a matter of the hobby being of poor quality. Most people just aren't reading as much as they used to.
I was more referring to how much of a disaster E3 was this year.

>Also we gave /v/ Quentin. You are welcome.

>> No.2719292

Not when it applies to people, nigga.

"For centuries, hanged and hung were used interchangeably as the past participle of hang. Contemporary usage guides insist that hanged, not hung, should be used when referring to executions: convicted killers are hanged; posters are hung. But see the usage notes below.

- Don't mention a rope in the house of one whose father was hanged.

- "A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts." (Joshua Reynolds)

Hanged, as a past tense and a past participle of hang, is used in the sense of “to put to death by hanging,” as in Frontier courts hanged many a prisoner after a summary trial. A majority of the Usage Panel objects to hung used in this sense. In all other senses of the word, hung is the preferred form as past tense and past participle, as in I hung my child's picture above my desk."

>> No.2719293
File: 89 KB, 1000x941, LjYYC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who forced the
>i sure hope you guys don't do this
and made a bunch of anti-pot comics

>> No.2719294

tha fuck is a gaben?

>> No.2719297


roach detected

>> No.2719301

he truly is a god among men

>> No.2719303

>roach detected
lol. Sorry, but its true:

Pronunciation: /haŋ/
verb (past and past participle hung /hʌŋ/ except in sense 2)

1suspend or be suspended from above with the lower part dangling free: [with object]: that’s where people are supposed to hang their washing [no object]: he stood swaying, his arms hanging limply by his sides

2 (past and past participle hanged) [with object] kill (someone) by tying a rope attached from above around their neck and removing the support from beneath them (often used as a form of capital punishment): he was hanged for murder she hanged herself in her cell

-Oxford English Dictionary

>> No.2719311

>Usage panel
Good one. You managed to avoid all the other internet sources disagreeing with you and pick the one that did.

>> No.2719312

Another /v/irgin here, oddly enough looking to get into reading as a hobby and leave vidya behind as I feel its only holding me back. The only problem is that I don't know where to start and don't want to read shit like Twilight or HP. I just want to constantly read things that grow me as a person.

>> No.2719313

I just noticed, hung or hanged are both acceptable in the simple past even by the rules of the idiots who ignore usage in favour of whatever they like best.

>> No.2719314


>> No.2719315

I congratulate you on your decision. Start with Catch-22.

>> No.2719321

Also, from experience in my younger years, I hate all books involving the following:
>US history
>US southern states
>black people
>anything involving the united states

Its just all so damn boring.

>"Maw and Paw pickin cotton while the plantation..."

Makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.2719319


yer ther 0nli w0rds who need? da correct usage spe1ing or grammer%

>> No.2719323

exactly, use them however you wish. It's impolite to obfuscate meaning in the manner you're doing so though.

>> No.2719326
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>> No.2719335

>It's impolite to obfuscate meaning.

That's what the hung/hanged does to me though, consider the following:

My father fought in the revolution and was hung, much to the generals delight.

I instantly think he had a huge cock.

>> No.2719344


>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?
Reading is sort if respected. But really, it's a lot easier to strike up a converstaion about a video game than a book nowadays, as people don't read.
>Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?
It actually does spark quite some of that. Not as effective here though I think.
>Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.
>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?
No. There's potential, but it's still completely unrealised. Most games, artistically speaking, are shit, and the ones trying tend to try too much and get all pretentious and boring. (which is worse in a video game than in a book)
>If no, do you think they will ever be? Why?
Hopefully. The ever rising indie-game industry would suggest there is at least some positive developement going on. Yet at the same time mainstream games get simpler and simpler and more straightforward. Being "difficult", in any sense of the word, seems to be out.
>Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?
No. But don't let that fool you, they still are pretty retarded faggots.

>> No.2719346
File: 100 KB, 467x700, 45KI6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know... Gaben...

>> No.2719353
File: 33 KB, 469x254, resizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Gaben is too universally loved on /v/. If DFW has an equivalent it is /mu/'s Jeff Mangum.

I think Harold Bloom is our Gaben.

>> No.2719363
File: 2.70 MB, 5000x5000, reggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, then I think I found our DFM.

>> No.2719369

Wow i had no idea that /lit/ had 70 year old grandpas who don't play videogames. Seriously some of the comments here really proves how isolated this board is from others, i didn't expect that.

And the comparisons you do with both boards. It's like there's 2 different species communicating with each other for the first time.

There's something about this thread that i don't like, but i can't really put my finger on it. Good night people.

>> No.2719376
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Sweet dreams, love.

>> No.2719379
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Thanks for stopping by.

>> No.2719382

but people hate Bloom, too.

I think Borges would be a less popular Gaben. Everyone loves him, but his work is so masterful that it's taken for granted.

>> No.2719387
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Thank you, I'd love to do it again sometime. I'm off to go be angry about Microsoft, I just love what they cooked up this time.

Toodles! ^3^

>> No.2719399
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>> No.2719405

Most people would presume that he had been hung though. That's just you being silly and blaming others for it.

>> No.2719411

SHIT, I got here too late. I wanted to ask what you guys call yourselves. (i.e. /v/irgins, /b/rothers, /k/omrade, etc.)

>> No.2719412

>I even gave it a go and struggled to coordinate the legs with the upper half of the body,

I know that feel bro. I tried playing grand theft auto and just spun in circles. (I was quite baked though) it took me a few minutes to work out that my right thumb controls the head, I thought my character had a handicap and could only look in one direction. I manged to climb into this vehicle and that's even harder; you have to steer with one hand, look with another, accelerate, brake and shoot. Fucking video games. The wii's quite good though, they have bowling and golf which you play by swinging the buttons. I can manage that.

>> No.2719418




>> No.2719421

Holy shit, I only play video games a little, but I presumed people like you didn't even exist anymore.

>> No.2719422

How fucking old are you?

>> No.2719423

c/lit/orides, /lit/izens, c/lit/erati. The like.

>> No.2719425

/lit/izens? Laaaame.

>> No.2719427

The most commonly used on is e/lit/ists.

>> No.2719428

Isn't there two 'e's in that?

Then again, I'm a /v/irgin on /lit/, you guys probably know what you're talking about.

>> No.2719432

Fuck off guys, Ive never owned a console. i'm 19, and my parents have offered to buy me xboxes and shit many times but the just don't interest me. It's like with anything, you're shit the first few times you try it. Go out and try and hit a can with a riffle and you'll miss, drive a car and you're bound to stall. Why should I be expected to be good at something I really don't care about?

>> No.2719433

I forgot the "e" in the word "one," but e/lit/ist only has the one.

>> No.2719435

or just c/lit/s, that's used a lot too.

>> No.2719441

Well, I am quite good with a "riffle" if that means anything.

I get what you are saying, but hell, if you jump into GTA IV and do bad, it implies that you've taken steps up to that.

If you say you played GTA IV and had trouble MOVING, it looks like you're just bad at video games. Probably should have put it into context, bro.

Well, I was shit when I first tried video games.I was maybe 3 at the time.

>> No.2719444

Perhaps Bejeweled is more your speed.

>> No.2719448

>Jimmies status: riffled
In all seriousness, I think we're all just having a bit of banter, don't be so insecure.

>> No.2719450

>implying consolefags are good at video games

Well, if there is one thing you have, it's that you've never experienced the horrors of Xbox Live. http://youtu.be/Ei3aDa6H6s8

>> No.2719465





>> No.2719467

The last thing I played before that was goldeneye and street fighter on a friends nintendo. I had gone round to a mates, was really high, played an xbox for the first time and just couldn't coordinate it. I'm sure if I practiced at it I could probably play it quite well. I don't know what version of GTA it was, but i'm supposed to say "None of the GTA's are as good as vice city" right?
>Perhaps Bejeweled is more your speed.
I'm actually quite good at tetris

>> No.2719490
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/lit/. What the hell do you think you are doing

>> No.2719492

Nobody really cares about GTA anymore.

>I'm actually quite good at tetris.
Think you can make the jump and do this?

>> No.2719499


>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?

Do you read? A lot of books are awful, especially a good deal of the popular ones, however, unlike /v/, we ignore them.

>Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?

I would imagine, but no one uses it here.

>Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.

All the time. Really only in the summer. Not because of new users or anything, but because the old(er) users decide that everyone who isn't exactly like them is summerscum and needs to be given harsh criticism.

>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?

Not yet. Maybe soon.

>Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?

Unfortunately, we're getting there.

>> No.2719502

That's actually pretty sad. I mean, yeah, the kid shouldn't be playing an M-rated game, but those guys were massive dicks to some little kid.

>> No.2719521

Sweet, I didn't know the new halo was out. look at the top comment of that vid, he tries to greentext.

>> No.2719523

For what? Pretending that they reported him? Maybe that little kid or his dumbass mother will learn not to go around games not intended for the age group in question.

>> No.2719530

Are you retarded?

>> No.2719537

They actually called Xbox and reported him, they didn't pretend. The kid hadn't done anything, he was just bad at the game. They started saying he had a modded controller, but, honestly, how would a 7-year-old kid get one, let alone know how to use it.
Then, while the kid sat there crying, they were all laughing their asses off at him.
I understand the general attitude they had, I don't like it when annoying little kids play the games that I play, but they activated dick mode for no reason, just to ruin a small child's day.

>> No.2719545

If we're going to be shitty grandpas, I don't like the amounts of /v/ images and screencaps here. They're just a bunch of bad 'ironic' memes and 'that feel', which has got to be the laziest way to invoke an emotion in someone.

>> No.2719547

Read the vid description

>> No.2719550

>They actually called Xbox and reported him, they didn't pretend.
Read the description, genius.
>hey started saying he had a modded controller, but, honestly, how would a 7-year-old kid get one, let alone know how to use it.
You can buy them online, in stores, or make your own.

Watch this, and you will figure out why kids shouldn't be on Xbox live. They get a bloated fucking ego and act like little shits, and start crying when it backfires.

>> No.2719557

I agree, children shouldn't be there, but instead of egging them on like cunts, why not ignore them and move on? I mean, I could imagine them pulling this on a teenybopper or some pimply teen and it being ok, but a 7 year old? Not that dude, btw.

>> No.2719564

>Watching YouTube clips of people playing videogames.
You really are some sad mah'fuckers over at /v/

>> No.2719565

Even if they didn't actually report him, it was still a dick thing to do to a 7-year-old kid. Of course he's going to act like a little shit, because, well, he is a little shit. They even acknowledge that it was a dick thing to do:
>Second off I acknowledge the fact that this was cruel and got out of hand so stop spamming me and my friends. I actually ended up apologizing bigdaddyyumyum7
And do you honestly believe that a seven year old boy would be able to get a modded controller off the Internet (yes I'm aware his mother would purchase it), but even know what it is or how to use it?

>> No.2719566

You don't play video games do you?


Let's say you checked out a book from the library, were really getting into it and enjoying it, then some shitty kid starts drawing all over it with crayon. You tell him to stop, and he just says "fuck you nigga" and continues. Now you either have to get him to fucking stop it so you can finish your book, or just leave him alone and get a cliffhanger.

You play an online game with a kid, and he fucks it up, you can't just leave. You leave, you get penalized for quitting the game prematurely and fucking over your team.

>> No.2719568

Coloring on a book and being bad at a game are incomparable.
If a child "fucks up your game," then simply stop playing with him after that match. You can do that, you know. Also, if his voice is annoying, mute him. You can do that, too.

>> No.2719570

Do you know what a modded controller is? It's exactly like a normal controller except it has one more button on the side that turns on rapid fire. It consists of pressing it, and CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE A CHEATING BASTARD.

>> No.2719574

I play video games, online, but not often. I don't see how a child being shitty on a microphone is analogous to a child literally forever ruining a book you like. You can always, again, mute him, finish the match, and find another or quit the game and take the (small) penalty.

>> No.2719577

It isn't that they are bad at a game, it's they are intentionally fucking it up, screaming how they fucked your mother, and continuously talking about how you are hacking.

People beat their kids for less than that, and suddenly you get butthurt because they pretended to do something non-physical that taught him a much larger lesson than beating them?

Shows what kind of person you are.

>> No.2719580

*cough cough*
You seriously feel bad for these kids?

>> No.2719586

Your obvious rage over this child being a minor nuisance on a video game shows what kind of a person you are.
I've played many video games for years online, and I have literally, not once, encountered a child do any of the things you described.
>people beat their kids for less than that
So, because people beat their children for less than that, it makes it okay. Thanks for the lesson in morality and ethics.

>> No.2719593

No one's upset, much less 'butthurt'; which, by the way, the biggest cop-out. The minute someone gets even slightly emotionally invested or brings up any sort of moral, they're 'butthurt'.

>People beat their kids for less than that, and suddenly you get butthurt because they pretended to do something non-physical that taught him a much larger lesson than beating them?

I'm taking offense because they're adults and they're just relentlessly shitting on this kid. I mean, call the parents, turn the other cheek, don't stoop to his level. And I hate corporal punishment too.


No. But they didn't deserve to get screwed with by two random strangers on the internet. Kids will always be annoying little shits. That does not make it ok for you to become a vigilante.

>> No.2719604

>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?
Modern literature can't be respected that much seeing how the top selling books are by people like Bill O'rielly or they're something similar to twilight.

>Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.
What do you think?

>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?
They're a superior medium but haven't been utilized as so yet as much. I'd consider games like Half Life 2 an artform.

Video games would also be superior in education because it would appeal to people more naturally.

>> No.2719608

>screaming how they fucked your mother, and continuously talking about how you are hacking.

I play with a modded controller when i play some games, who gives a shit. Its good, especially last stand in cod where a handgun becomes a fucking auto. I'm outsourcing my fingers capabilities to a few components I soldered together, quit crying. and stop shitting up this board with /v/ crap.

and yes those guys in the vid were cunts.

>> No.2719611

Fine, you want to take the moral 'high' road about little shits being fucking assholes in a place they shouldn't, be a cunt then.

Don't be so buttfustrated over something that doesn't involve you even slightly.

It specifically says on the fucking box "DON'T LET YOUR SHIT SPAWN PLAY THIS" and the dumb parents buy it for their kids baby-sitting device, and surprisingly, all along they shouldn't have been playing it.
>hurr durr dont be mean to the kids shouting about how they fuckd ur mom
Also, yes it okay to do this, it is completely okay to report someone for cheating on Xbox live, and it is even more okay to pretend to do so. Quit being butthurt.

>I've played many video games for years online
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.2719616

Why shouldn't we stoop to their level? It tends to be the only way to get the message across. Chances are, if the parents are dumb enough to buy a 17+ rated game for their 7 year old, they don't care how they act to random people online.

>> No.2719623

Ok. You've had your fun, but your getting over-excited. I think it's time you went home now.

>> No.2719625

Fuck yeah, go parents!

>> No.2719627

For someone calling someone else 'buttfustrated' frustrated, you mongoloid, you seem very angry.

Because, and I cannot possibly make this point any clearer, making a 7 year cry as a grown adult would probably be the saddest event of your life. Yes, congratulations, you totally vanquished that small, weak child and stopped his terrifying reign of being annoying near you. Take a victory lap around your mother's basement.

That's why you move, you mute, or you ignore. He's 7. We're all shits at 7. We wouldn't want to be dealt with like that.

>> No.2719628

I'm not even butthurt, though, so I don't know why you keep saying that. If anybody in this situation is, it would be you.
I'm not saying that what the kids are doing is okay. But that doesn't give you or anybody else the right to take justice into your own hands. The solution to the problem is so unbearably easy. Simply mute or block them.
I feel like something traumatic must have happened to you involving this subject, but can't think of anything that possible could have happened, so you must just be a bitter person.

>> No.2719637

I think the only people that seem to hate children with a passion like this on the internet are other children terribly old men. And it's far more likely for the former to go to 4chan than the latter.

>> No.2719648

>other children and
It's late.

>> No.2719663
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>your mother's basement
You sure you're not butthurt?
Anywhoo, yes I did, I stopped a shitty, loud, annoying, swearing, asshole of a kid from continuing his bullshit. Who wouldn't be proud of that?

I find the tears of little children delicious. I once went to a mall with a bullhorn during christmas time, ripped off Santa's beard, yelled that he wasn't real, and the kid holding a hot dog was eating Rudolph and nobody was getting presents this year. I am that kind of person, and I love every single second.

>> No.2719668

Yeah, etc., etc. 3/10, go back to /v/.

>> No.2719677

Please leave. You are single handedly lowering the standards of this board by 50%. Theres plenty of links for you, now off you fuck.

>> No.2720411

>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?

It feels good. One or two games aside -- Bastion, Portal (and 2) -- gaming really is in "the shitter".

>Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?

No. Trolls are largely ignored or patronised.

>Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.

Yes. Both moreso and less than. Moreso, because literature has centuries of opinion and critique behind it, so there's already a framework for engaging with the work, and if you can't into the framework, then your opinion is basically worthless. Less than, because it's easy to argue different POVs of a work, provided that you're able to back these POVs sufficiently, and /lit/'s pretty good about respecting diverse opinions.

>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books? If no, do you think they will ever be? Why?

Video games are not on par with literature. Presently, they're at just about the Homer point: they consist entirely of archetypes (that's a euphemism for cliches). I've just recently given up on gaming, because I realised the medium has a long way to go before it offers anything interesting, and I'm not willing to waste my time waiting. I have better things to do.

>Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?

No. Books make you smart(er).

Captcha: thiderv Arts.

>> No.2720422
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omg get the fuck out now and never come back!

>> No.2720992
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/lit and /v/ do share a lot in common. lit already peaked with finnegans wake, your 'hobby' with pic related. hard to enjoy the decline.

>> No.2721007

How many novels have you sold?

>> No.2721327

I remember that game. Didn't play, but watched a friend have at it. It seemed dense as all hell (dense in the sense that it was hard to figure out what exactly had to be done), but fun and good-looking nonetheless.

>> No.2721333

The Philosophers ... maybe. The guys that have read all classics and the works of the great thinkers can be pretty conceited and/or pompous in some threads.

>> No.2721351

>How does it feel to know your hobby isn't in the shitter right now?
Decent, and debatable.
>Does saying something like "(widely renown as good thing here) is cancer" spark as much butthurt here as it does there?
Depends on the topic. Rand, etc.
>Is there as much controversy over personal preference? Or as we like to call it, denial.
Not to my knowledge.
>Do you think video games are on as on par as an art form as books?
It's still rather young and underdeveloped as a medium, so no.
If no, do you think they will ever be? Why?
Perhaps in a few decades. I actually hope it does.
Is everyone here as big of a retarded faggot as there?
Yes, but moreso in philosophy threads than lit threads.

>> No.2721940

So someone just made a thread on /vg/ linking to this guy's post called "/lit/ retard"
I don't get it.

>> No.2721980

Quite the opposite. Fantasy readers segregate themselves from pseudo intellectual smucks. /v/ is shit not because filthy casuals, but because of entitled, annoying, non observing idiots like OP. /lit/ is also thrash because of the people who doesn't read fucking anything except world renowned literature in a "intellectual" context. Hemingway, Nietzche, etc.

>> No.2721992

>Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace. We have no standards left.

But it is.

The largest publishing houses have deplorable business practices. They only publish books written by celebrities such as Snooki or Justin Beiber, because they know that even though they're literary poison they'll sell well. They publish shit from James Patterson, Dean Koontz, Dan Brown, Nicholas Sparks, Tom Clancy, and Stephen King, the fast food of literature which contains no valuable substance and are often formulaic. Like Snooki and Justin Beiber these authors only get published because the publishers know they'll sell. It's far easier to print out another King book that'll sell a million copies rather than take a risk and publish someone new or someone good, just like it's easier to make Madden 2013 or a 2D platformer rather than, I don't know... anything at all. Even worse: with the advent of digital self-publishing, the market is being flooded with crap by non-authors who can't be bothered to spell check their shitty Mary Sue epic fantasy saga before publishing it in the Kindle store. But all this wouldn't be so bad if real literature wasn't being usurped by children's literature, formulaic garbage devoid of thematic substance, where spoon-feeding the reader stupid bullshit is valued over all else-- which I suppose is comparable to video game developers trying to pander to the non-gamers with $0.99 iPhone games and creating the next Farmville.

Do you know how many copies of a book need to sell in order for it to be considered "successful?" Ten thousand. Ten thousand copies is all it takes. Compare that to the video game industry or the movie industry, where successful sales are estimated in the millions, or the hundreds of millions.

>> No.2722000

>I don't get it.

Probably because you browse /vg/ you uncultured swine.

>> No.2722007

Video games are better than books.

>> No.2722021

Sorry, but what?

>> No.2722033
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Pathetic troll attempt, but you still made me laugh.

>> No.2722037

We meet again 007.

>> No.2722042

Video games have a better story and you can actually be part of the story.

>> No.2722050

>you can actually be part of the story.

there are very few video games where you actually have any control over what direction the story takes. in the rest, no, I don't feel like I'm part of the story.

>> No.2722059

I'm just kidding I fucking hate video games, anything after 2004 was shit.
Recommend me some books for starters.

>> No.2722061
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>he thinks narratives are of any importance whatsoever