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/lit/ - Literature

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2713109 No.2713109 [Reply] [Original]

When the fuck is the next ASoIaF novel coming out?

>> No.2713113

When the man wants.

>> No.2713119

The man? Or "The Man"?

>> No.2713125

that guy looks like a fat Bradbury

>> No.2713133

Let me rephrase my question.

What the fuck should I read while waiting for the next ASoIaF novel to come out?

>> No.2713138

here you go bro

>> No.2713141

Some real literature.

>> No.2713142

>What the fuck should I read while waiting for the next ASoIaF novel to come out?

/tv/ had a great recommendation thread a few days ago.

I saw a great list:

Memory Sorrow and Thorn
The Lies of Locke Lamora
The Name of the Wind
Mistborn Trilogy
Codex Alera
The Way of Kings
The Dark Tower
Prince of Nothing
Wheel of Time
The Chronicles of Amber
The Malazan Book of the Fallen
Kushiel's Legacy
The Long Price Quartet
Book of the New Sun
Black Company

I can't vouch for the quality of them, but it looks like a good place to start.

>inb4 hurr durr fantas-



>> No.2713149
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>> No.2713163

Right, right, I forgot, on /lit/ nothing written in the past two hundred years is any good. I'll go ask /b/ or something instead.

>> No.2713180

By saying "Real Literature" you imply that Martin is "Fake Literature" which means you consider how to be an author of literature. You're an idiot, so please fuck off because no one wants to hear you.
To answer your question OP, I'll give you the exact same answer I gave another guy a couple days ago in the exact same thread.
>Authors and Book Series That influenced GRRM.
Robert E. Howard's original Conan stories
H.P. Lovecraft, particularly his Cthulhu Mythos (the Drowned God is a mix of Cthulhu and Poseidon)
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams planted ideas in Martin's head that would eventually become Game of Thrones. (It's nowhere as pretentiously dark as ASoIF, but it has its dark moments)
The Dying Earth Series by Jack Vance (I bought the complete series for twenty bucks) has very brief, interesting short stories.

>> No.2713182

>Authors That Were Influenced By GRRM That I Like
Joe Abercombie and his First Law Trilogy/World ('world' if you include 'the Heroes' and 'Best Served Cold' stand alone books'). It is a far darker world than ASoIF, if you're looking for that. It is also everything I wanted in ASoIF but didn't receive. Outside of the first book (The Blade Itself), he probably has the best prose in all of modern fantasy (that's not saying much, though)
The Gentlemen Bastard Sequence by Scott Lynch is basically Ocean's Eleven if Danny Ocean and his crew moved King's Landing. It has a very urban setting and all the cities are even seedier, shittier, and more dangerous that Bravos or King's Landing. Also, its concept of alchemy is a very refreshing magic system and creates a very modern, urban feel, despite having horses and magic. Instead of the traditional fantasy, its cities have very Italian-esque cultures. It is also heavily influenced by the Swashbuckling-style of movies. It is a very linear story and lacks the scope of ASoIF, but not the depth. The characters are far more fleshed out, and while the setting is not as dark as ASoIF or the First Law, it has very dark moments and it isn't some shining walk in the park.

>> No.2713188


not OP but thanks bro

>> No.2713193

Martin isn't bad when it comes to fantasy. He's not a literary author, he writes fantasy. In most cases (Kurt Vonnegut excluded) speculative fiction and literary fiction are in two separate categories. The only idiot here is you by posting that shit (I think it's Quentin's stupid troll shit) and considering fantasy and literature to be one in the same. And the quote is misquoted because Martin is good fantasy, which means you can't get enough of him.
It has its moments, but not great.
>Dante's Inferno
Christan Propaganda and wish-fulfilling written by a disgraced politician writing out the fantasies of seeing his enemies tortured for eternity.
Has it's moments.

>> No.2713196

No problem. I'm always happy to help.

>> No.2713206
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He's a roach so no one should care unless they're also roaches

>> No.2713212

Oh God, I'm so tired of this faggot. Can we do something about him?

>> No.2713229

Decent list, but avoid Name of the Wind. You might also want to avoid Wheel of Time if you didn't start reading it when you were young.
Read only the first book of Mistborn. That's when the magic is still interesting and the characters aren't ruined by teen angst and 500 pages of meaningless drama.

>> No.2715015

read the Witcher Saga, and anything else by Sapkowski.
It has a very similar "spirit" to SOIAF - dirty politics, sex, violence, ugliness of war, honor and lack of it, badassery, child protagonists in a brutal world, swordfights, monsters, incest, rape, and "enyone can die" policy towards main cast

>> No.2715024

>encouraging GRRM threads by replying to them and not following >>2713141 and >>2713149's stellar examples.
inb4 hurrr durrr literature is sub- oh, wait, never mind. Enjoy your pulp, shallow escapism, and sub-par prose you barely-literate manchildren.

>> No.2715039

implying that /lit/ knows which books are good.
implying that old books are better than new ones, and literature doesnt evolve.

>> No.2715064

Where did I imply either of those things?

>> No.2715087


Why are you replying to him?

>> No.2715092

You may also like the Solar Cycle stuff by Gene Wolfe

>> No.2715099

you are the novel

>> No.2715937

He was in the fucking 14th century what the fuck do you think Dante would write about. Many times those books are remembered for being landmarks, The Divine Comedy was one of the first books to be written in Italian (of course an ancient type of Italian).
You should look at a book, with a concern for the time it was written at, Catholicism was almost mandatory during this period of the Dark Ages, and Humanism was still on the verge of being created as was Anthropocentrism.