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File: 2.03 MB, 1440x900, Beach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2710916 No.2710916 [Reply] [Original]

how do i pirate a book, /lit/? i dont have a kindle or anything like that, i just need the full text. can anyone help?

pic not related

>> No.2710918

buy the book, type the text out in Word, save the document, return the book.

Tadah. You've just pirated a book.

>> No.2710919

Do you know how to torrent?
Do you know how to use #bookz?
Do you have a specific book in mind?

>> No.2710922

>pirating books

get out you fucking faggot

>> No.2710926

You lie in wait for people leaving a bookstore.
Follow them when they leave.
Wait until they enter a lonely stretch of road.
Overtake their vehicle.
Steal books.

>Pirating Books 101

>> No.2710927

>not pirating books

get out you fucking faggot

>> No.2710930

What happened to stealing books? It's one of the easiest things to do, specially with pocket sized books. Go to a magazine stand, take a few books from the shelves, pick one, put in pocket and walk away.

>> No.2710931

You can only do that if you're wearing an eyepatch and a parrot.

>> No.2710934

that pic really bothers me. not that it isn't nice-looking, don't me wrong, it's beautiful. my problem is that it seems to be suggesting a type of weird eco-friendly futurism where humans can coexist without interfering with the natural world

but realistically, an endeavor like the one in that picture would be devastating to the surrounding environment. by all appearances it seems to be a city built into the mountain, shit, you don't pull off something like that without driving a few species fucking EXTINCT

>> No.2710942
File: 49 KB, 560x372, Hotel_Inside_Rock_Mountain30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2710949

wow that sure is a 100-story arcology built through a mountain!

>> No.2710956

your point being...?

>> No.2710965
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>> No.2710968
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>mfw fucking late-capitalists and their neo-pagan bullshit.

I hear ya.

>> No.2710974
File: 52 KB, 680x354, waterworld1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2710977

>that pic

I have a really strong desire to inhabit places similar to the one in OPs pic: Tropical, clear ocean surrounded, futuristic and ecologically friendly city constructed in a novel way......

>> No.2710979
File: 262 KB, 1215x400, minimalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>building into a rock
>species going extinct

Only if that particular rock contained one of those rare isolated caves in which blind albino salamanders have thrived for thousands of years. Which is unlikely at best. Rest assured, such dwellings are within possibility of being realised without too much damage to nature.

>> No.2710980



>> No.2710982

I get what you're getting at, maybe a more relevant example would be Arcosanti out in Arizona, but the thing is these are all relatively small systems that rely on natural processes for certain functions. The OP's image is an enormous city made of obviously-man made materials, and it doesn't appear to utilize the natural world in its construction at all. Hell, look at all those glass windows- the midday sun reflecting on those bastards will fuck the forest below UP. And you got to think about how this fucks with the migration patterns of animals that have been living on that rock for ten thousand years, I mean shit, you put down an underground pipeline and sometimes it'll mess up the deer so bad they forget how to fuck for a while. And all this assumes that the city itself doesn't put out a ton of waste (which okay is probably the conceit of this type of eco futurism, that we've figured out a way to solve the waste/clean energy problems)

Oh and fuck, the construction of such a thing. Assume for a minute that we're living in a future way more advanced than our own, with like construction exoskeletons or whatever- even then, they're going to be spending like a year just wrecking the forest and the mountain where they decide to build, boring into the mountain, blowing shit up, how does tha not result in toxic runoff?

>the irony of posting a pic of a hotel they're building in a Chinese QUARRY as an example of man not interfering with nature

>> No.2711018
File: 1.66 MB, 1680x1050, Snow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. i really need one specific book, and i need it today. i dont have enough money to buy it and no libraries near me have it.

pic not related

>> No.2711048

fine, what's the book faggot

>> No.2711214

ceremony by leslie marmon silko

>> No.2711251
File: 59 KB, 412x309, gaypirates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first, you need a boat. then you sail around looking for books to pirate. when you see the one you want to pirate, fire your cannons at it until it stops moving. then you board it and steal all the text.

>> No.2711274
File: 296 KB, 809x717, I got it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it. you must've just decided to ignore the advice in this thread because if you had followed it you would have found the book right away.

so I've got it. the question is... how are you gonna make it worth my while?

>> No.2711276
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>> No.2711285

shit just got real

>> No.2711310
File: 252 KB, 669x712, I got it2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose a transaction, OP. you will have your precious book, oh yes, you shall have it. but only after you have drawn for me 5 images of my choosing. you shall follow my instructions to the letter, no matter how vague or specific they are. you may draw in whatever medium you choose, including MS Paint.

If you agree, then respond with your first image: take the first paragraph in the image in my post before this one ("for a long time he had been white smoke...") and interpret it however you wish - but be warned! it must clearly relate text of that first paragraph. Any funny business, and I will delete your precious book from my hard drive and hide this thread forevermore.

So, OP. Do you take up my challange? Or will you prove yourself nothing more than a cowardly layabout? The choice is yours.

>> No.2711332
File: 227 KB, 742x554, smiling soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do go on.

>> No.2711335

I'm so happy right now.

>> No.2711494

>Do you take up my challange? Or will you prove yourself nothing more than a cowardly layabout?

question asked and answered.