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File: 62 KB, 800x421, b192967240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2709844 No.2709844 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any mention of blacks or minorities in the novel 1984?

What was their fate? Were they fighting at the front?

>> No.2709848

Everyone in 1984 is black. Big Brother cleansed Britain of the white devils and brought in an age of racial harmony.

>> No.2709863

> thought crime exists, go to jail for literally thinking about shit
> still be concerned about race

I mean seriously who fucking cares.

>> No.2709871

where is OP's pic from?

>> No.2709872

1984 the film, fool.

>> No.2709875


This book's got titties in it. Why did no one fucking tell me.

>> No.2709878
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>> No.2709879

It's years since I read it, but I think it has two sex scenes.

>> No.2709889

Oh man, I got to check that shit out

>> No.2709894

Isn't there a sex scene between him and his wife, with her just lying there and accepting it.

Problems in translating English to some other languages got that scene in trouble, because it made it sound like he was raping her, I think.

I should give 1984 another read sometime.

>> No.2709895

1984 takes place in London. And it was written in 49 so there weren't a lot of blacks living in England at the time.

>> No.2709902
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Pic related, the average London school in 2012

>> No.2709906

Yeah. Europe was pretty pure until they decided to start giving independence away.

>> No.2709910

The English faction were fighting the Eurasians and Eastasians for Africa...so they were probably getting torn apart in a war zone.

>> No.2709915

There was probably no war at all. There was probably one world government that did the same thing to each of the areas of the world that just bombed it's people all the time. I mean, how many times does Oceania change which country it's fighting?

>> No.2709916
File: 73 KB, 460x550, A-BNP-leaflet-on-the-chan-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dum, dum, dum. Oooooh.. there aint no black on the Union Jack
be-en-pee, be-en-pee.

>> No.2709919
File: 19 KB, 400x300, Jack_Nicholson_Joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the one ugly child is the one English child

Makes sense.

>Not Arab

>> No.2709921


Even if that photo were accurate (which it isn't), what would it matter? Diversity is nice.

>> No.2709924
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>> No.2709934
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>Diversity is nice.

>> No.2709935

hasn't london been like this major cosmopolitan, internationally oriented city for centuries, what with being the capital of this worldwide empire for so long? i would think that compared to other european cities, london would have had high rates of non-whites living there.

>> No.2709939


When you wrap your legs around the world, you gotta expect some pubic lice.

I didn't mean this to be as offensive as it was.

>> No.2709944
File: 35 KB, 400x266, chimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck of racist. We have a right to move here for free healthcare and free education. If you don't like it, stop buying your fags and booze in our cornershops.

>> No.2709945
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>> No.2709949
File: 63 KB, 610x413, UK Muslims3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me bro.

>> No.2709950
File: 1003 KB, 220x220, 1283248806582.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw BNP/EDL is too stupid to know that the "English", like all ethnicities, are a mongrel group
>mfw whiteness didn't exist in Europe before the rise of modern nation-states
>mfw people still think race is anything but a class construct
>mfw working class "whites" (a historical oxymoron) people blame other "races" for their socio-economic problems, not the system that creates those problems
>mfw racists think this is communist propaganda trying to trick them because they're already brainwashed into substituting reality for their utopian-future/dystopian-present frame of mind.
>mfw we're all going to die because the White-Nationalist shit-stain will never go away

>> No.2709953

working class people are stupid otherwise they wouldn't be working class. it shouldn't be any surprise they get manipulated and exploited.

>> No.2709954
File: 21 KB, 445x638, 1337394351078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and kikes were big brother

>> No.2709959


Quite so, Sir Anon.

>> No.2709960
File: 237 KB, 998x914, islam+will+dominate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW you think the problem isn't pic related.

>> No.2709973


How's the Marxist brainwashing going comrade?
Have you even read a book about race?

>> No.2709987
File: 70 KB, 600x480, england-enjoy-your-muslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm an American.

>> No.2709991

White births are now the minority in America.

>> No.2709992

>mfw enjoy your tea party

>> No.2709995
File: 44 KB, 475x330, seinfeld crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw racists recycle these couple of pictures continuously
>mfw racists can't tell what a manufactured controversy is
>mfw racists honestly believe a handful of Muslims are the cause of nation-wide problems
>mfw racists honestly believe they are "white" when they don't know anything about their family history, never-mind the history of their ethnicity
>mfw you don't even see these fake protestors in your pic in America

>> No.2709997
File: 40 KB, 320x343, Westboro-bap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're American

>> No.2709999

I bet you are an atheist who bashes the shit of of jesus freaks though. that what always makes me laugh about the left, they hate christianity and many also hate jews (even though the most famous leftists were all jews) but they have this super deferential respect for islam. I think it's a kind of orientalism to "respect" one shit flavor of monotheism will bashing the other two branches of the same tradition. makes no sense.

>> No.2710009


Go away.

>> No.2710013
File: 51 KB, 468x349, article-2011433-0974E001000005DC-75_468x349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Westboro baptist church is a small group of people, its better than having this outside my front door.

>> No.2710019

The amount of women who wear those full head scarves are a very small group of people, it's better than having fundamentalists calling me a fag at my own funeral

>> No.2710021
File: 10 KB, 288x306, i really do hope you guys do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>MFW I'm a panentheist
>MFW I'm Baptist
>MFW I'm, indeed, Leftist
>MFW I don't have to hate the religious, the non-religious, ethnicities, nations, or anyone to make sense of the world
>MFW I'm English

>> No.2710025

yeah but see in the american culture wars the homosexual agenda is winning, sure there's some pushback but gay marriage laws are being passed in many states and culturally gay people are all over the media, even notoriously homophobic people like african-americans and rappers are supporting gays now. meanwhile in the u.k. the islamic agenda is winning. enjoy your shariah, where being gay is punishable by death.

>> No.2710027

>it's better than having fundamentalists calling me a fag at my own funeral

I couldn't care less what people say at my funeral.

>> No.2710030

>meanwhile in the u.k. the islamic agenda is winning

No it really isn't. It's nowhere near winning at all.

No, but many other people will.

>> No.2710031

> doesn't hate nations

what about israel? you claim to be a leftist and you don't have a healthy hatred of the jewish state? i think you're just a weak liberal who's scared of revolution.

>> No.2710036

the jews have taught you well

>> No.2710041

> handful of Muslims
> several millions, sometimes above 50% of population in several cities
pick one

>> No.2710042

That's not what's meant by that at all. There are a lot of them, yes. But only a very very small amount of them deliberately cause any trouble.

>> No.2710043


I'm sure you didn't make this, but how the fuck can a child's race be "Jamaican Patois."

Does anyone even know what that means?

>> No.2710044


Let me clarify: I don't hate nations, as in people of nationals. I'm strictly post-zionist (call it anti-zionism if you will), but I don't hate Israeli. The shit the Israeli government and military does is disgusting, but that is standard ethno-nationalism (much like that of the BNP; their platform is the same as Israel's, except Israel has to 'seem' diplomatic on the world-stage). Even then, I don't "hate" Israel- I'm just flabbergasted how cartoonishly evil their military activity is (also true of the US).

>> No.2710050
File: 53 KB, 480x319, shopping_dewsbury_england.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it really isn't. It's nowhere near winning at all.

Pic related is what I have to deal with when I walk out of my door. Now, I'm not a racist at all. my best friend is from zimbabwe and I have close friends from all over. I wouldn't be opposed to the Idea of a closer unification of Europe, maybe even a USE with one language. As long as everybody communicates and respects one another I am for it.

But with the muslims it's different. They create their own communities. They are like locusts feeding off of our country. They stay in their own groups, set up mosques and will not integrate into our society. Even the Poles that come over join in, drink with us and have a laugh, but this is not happening with the muslims. Their culture is too far removed from ours to have a cohesive community.

Not to mention the ones in balaclavas look ridiculous and slightly intimidating when they stand next to you in a shop. It's almost impossible to make small talk with them. I have no desire to cling on to an antiquated cultural identity, with a monarch as the head of state. But when the country gets split into two factions, I have a problem accepting it.

>> No.2710049

you know...the jews controlling america isn't all bad. there's no way islam will ever gain power here as long as the zionists are in charge. sure the downside is they let the mexicans flood across the border but think of it as an investment as all those roman catholic peasants will be more than happy to die fighting israel's next war against islam instead wasting european-american blood on it. the jews have always treated working class white well, you have to stop worrying and learn to love your jewish overlords.

>> No.2710051


>1,536,015 were living in England and Wales,where they form 3% of the population

from wiki

This anon is correct.

This is the same reactionary batshit that does on in the US. Yes, yes, the Mozlems are going to enforce "sharia"... less than 1% of the is going to "take over".

Never mind they have no idea what sharia even is.

>> No.2710056

so your argument isn't that muslims arent dictatorial proto-fascists it's that they don't have a big enough population yet to enforce their dictatorial proto-fascism? well, then it's just a matter of time isn't it?

>> No.2710057
File: 92 KB, 654x800, laughan at u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Now, I'm not a racist at all."
>Says he has to "deal" with another people
>"My best friends is Black lol"


Where is the mod? Here was here a couple days ago.

>> No.2710063

My point was that the "Islamic agenda" is not taking over. It's not.

Whether or not you think there are muslims everywhere ruining the country is your opinion, but their agenda, is not winning. Unless you class their agenda as taking over the shopping centres in Bradford and London.

>> No.2710064

> can't face the truth of islamic infiltration into our civilization
> calls for authoritarian enforcer to censor the conversation

stay classy, leftists

>> No.2710065


No, child; even IF we granted that -all-Muslims, or a -majority-, or a SIZEABLE PORTION of Muslims are the encroaching evil you try to convince yourself that they are (they aren't), there's no feasible way they could actually be a threat.

Don't project your sci-fi fantasies onto others.

>> No.2710069

Thats because they don't like the rural areas. They congregate in areas of cities.

"In England, 40 percent of Muslims live in London,

-London Borough of Tower Hamlets 36.4% Muslim
-London Borough of Newham 24.3% Muslim
-Luton 14.6% Muslim
-City of Bradford 16.1% Muslim
-London Borough of Waltham Forest 15.1% Muslim"


>> No.2710074

So would you like to live under the candidates the Muslims are electing in Egypt? Just because Muslims kill American imperialists doesn't make them good guys. Osama Bin Laden isn't Ho Chi Minh, ok.

>> No.2710076

Holy shit, get ready for an Islamic mayor, should be coming soon now.

>> No.2710077

ITT: "*gasp* someone is wrong on the internet"


>> No.2710081
File: 70 KB, 248x252, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And clearly the Chinese, the Germans, the Polish, the Lebanese, etc. are taking over the US, since they form large portions of the population. MY GOD, Germans are the largest ethnic group in the US! It's all over folks!

It's time to grow up, kiddo.

>> No.2710085


"Most large cities have one area that is a majority Muslim even if the rest of the city has a fairly small Muslims population; see, for example, Harehills in Leeds. In addition, it is possible to find areas that are almost entirely Muslim: for example, Savile Town in Dewsbury."

"The Muslim population in the UK is expected to reach 5.5million by 2030"


This is the point I was making. They don't integrate. They don't respect the natives. They move in and set up their own communities and Ignore everybody else until we complain about it. And then middle-class white kids call us racist for noticing the problem.

>> No.2710086

Except Germans are protestant like the founders of America.

>> No.2710089

The US is a child of a country, almost everybody there identifies themselves by the nationality of their immigrant ancestors.

"Oh I like drinking whiskey because I'm a quarter Irish...", "It must be my italian blood that...."

>> No.2710352

German reporting in. Only northern Germans are protestant, southern Germans are very catholic, it is that way since Luther.

>> No.2710445

i would like for people to be able to say whatever they want at my funeral. i would not want my funeral to be managed by thought-police or to employ tight message control.

it's hilarious how westboro baptist turns both liberals and conservatives alike into free-speech hating nazis.