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/lit/ - Literature

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2707343 No.2707343 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread.

>> No.2707396

Last night, I ordered the short biography Edmund Morris wrote on Beethoven.

>> No.2707420
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I'm too cheap to buy books.

>> No.2707421
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>> No.2707428
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>That feel when your package arrives 3 days early

>> No.2707434
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>> No.2707442

Hey, same here (I'm OP). Amazon said they would only arrive on Tuesday. You in the south of England?

>> No.2707448

The Stand - Stephen King
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegaloo

>> No.2707450

Kokoro by Natsume Soseki
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man by James Weldon Johnson
From the Fallen Tree by Thomas Hallock
The Book by Alan Watts

>> No.2707451

Same with my copy of Crime and Punishment, best feel in the world

>> No.2707461
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>> No.2707497

Fuck man, new books get me so excited. Just pictures even.

>> No.2707496

OP would you suggest I start with TPK or IJ for Wallace? I have IJ but I want to read something else by him before starting his magnum opus.

>> No.2707504


Same. Also love that new book smell.

>> No.2707507

Well, I haven't yet read 'The Pale King' as it only arrived two hours ago. Use 'A supposedly fun thing...' and/or 'Oblivion' to acquaint yourself with his narrative voice, then just dive right into 'Infinite Jest'. It's really not that scary, it's just that his style is kind of love-or-hate.

>> No.2707511

Bookstore in my town had a sale yesterday. Got:
Diary of the Seducer - Kierkegaard
Moby Dick - Melville
The Master and Margherita - Bulgakov
The Illustrated Man - Bradbury
The Castle - Kafka

For 200dkkr (like 40 ameridollars, but that's still pretty cheap considering taxes'n shit). Gonna start with Kierkegaard methinks.

>> No.2707580


Great haul, OP. Just finished rereading about half of The Pale King, and 2666 is awesome.

No new books for me, though. Thinking about getting Catch-22. I dunno. I haven't bought any new books in 2 months.

>> No.2707600

Same i've got a raging stiffy going right now over these pics.

>> No.2707603
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Pretty good haul, methinks.

>> No.2707629

Cannery Row
Sweet Tuesday
Of Mice and Men
Grapes of wrath
For whom the bell tolls
The old man and the sea

I'm trying to get into literature in general. Thought I'd start with some "classics" or "modern classics". Already read Dostoyevsky, Dumas, Dickens.

>> No.2707649

>Already read Dostoyevsky, Dumas, Dickens.

Somehow I find this hard to believe.

>> No.2707881

I'm trying to get as many japanese books as possible, both German and English. I found four books by Oe Kanzaburo, LOTS of stuff by Murakami and Banana Yoshimoto, two by Taichi Yamada, four from Hideo Okuda, three by Ryu Murakami, one by Natsume Soseki, two by Mishima, one by Yasushi Inoue. Nothing from Akutagawa, and he's pretty much the master of modern japanese literature.

>> No.2707950

Do you know about the Japanese lit folder? Or are you just wanting hard copies?

>> No.2708420

Out of Africa
120 Days of Sodom
- The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
- Freud and Psychoanalyses
- Aion
- Dreams
- Synchronicity
Histories (Herodotus)
Odes and Epodes (Horace)
Epigrams (Martial)
Plato (Selected Dialogues)
The English Patient

It's going to be a good if not interesting summer.

>> No.2708441

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea

Feels good man

>> No.2708466

Just ordered the Great Gatsby, Don Quixote, Life After God, and Wuthering Heights.

>> No.2708485
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Dazai is pretty great. But also really depressing.

>> No.2708490

Every one of you needs to read more poetry, you fucking plebs.

>> No.2708523
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>> No.2708532

Do not go gently into that good butthurt. RAGE RAGE RAGE against the dawning of the troll!

>> No.2708538


I read plenty poetry.

>> No.2708542
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2666, Roberto Bolaño
The Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa

Got this two babes on wednesday, since then I've read Other Inquisitions and re-read The Trial, started reading 2666 today. I loved Bolaño's long paragraphs, like, for example, and this is not a spoiler, the one were the swabian talks about meeting Archimboldi.

>> No.2708560

>taking pictures of books

>> No.2708565
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>Buying poetry

>> No.2708720


u mean lik 2pac?

>> No.2708727


The Pessoa is fucking great. Good summer read too, but can be prette depressing...

>> No.2708737

I can actually justify buying good poetry, as it's meant to be reread a lot.

>> No.2708739
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The Count of Monte Cristo

Got the Barnes & Noble edition, doesn't seem too bad compared to what I've read about some other titles in the collection. Doesn't seem like too much was cut out either, since it's over 1k pages.

>> No.2708745

Oh god. Franz killed me.

>> No.2708749

Happy birthday, Albert...