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File: 18 KB, 214x317, man within.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2706680 No.2706680 [Reply] [Original]

Currently watching "A Man Within"

A documentary about William S Burroughs and the his fellow writers in the Beat movement (specifically Ginsberg and Mailer).

ITT: if you've watched it, or want to discuss Burroughs, Ginsber, Mailer and the people they inspired get in here.

>> No.2706681

Any stream online or something?

>> No.2706683

Every man has inside himself a parasitic being who is acting not at all to his advantage.

--William S. Burroughs

This is the quote that has been used in the title of the documentary.

>> No.2706688


I will look around. I'm watching it on SBS (Australian TV station)

>> No.2706689

Funny story, but I was in a bookstore with my friend and the director randomly asked us if we wanted to see his Burroughs documentary for free at a local screening.

I enjoyed it, though. Burroughs was a fuckin' bad ass, after all.

>> No.2706699


Still searching for a stream...

>> No.2706711


>> No.2706714

recently read Naked Lunch, then watched it, then went on a kick listening to recordings of him reciting his writing. I want to read more of his work, but it's certainly a hard read. It got my imagination really moving at some points, had a certain rhythm, but it really got me thinking about the mind, and what it means to write.

I'm becoming a fan, but his work is seriously jumbled and hard to follow.

>> No.2706716


did you talk to the director afterwards?

>> No.2706724

I got about three pages into Naked Lunch once before having to sit down and let the dizziness subside. I'm trying again, though.

He was pretty original. I know that much.

>> No.2706739
File: 8 KB, 193x261, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> author + gun

Everyone thinks of Hunter S Thompson .

>WS Burroughs

Used to sleep with a loaded gun in a holster under the pillow. His house was filled with guns.

>> No.2706741


That's because he was a crypto-Republican.

>> No.2706759


He was a very unwilling "supporter" of the gay rights movement.

If he was around today I doubt he'd be supporting Obama. Having said that, much of his persona seems to be about upsetting the status quo rather than genuine political affiliation.

His fascination with guns is probably one of his few well-known genuine personality traits.

>> No.2706768


I think he'd be a Ron Paulie...

>> No.2706772
File: 60 KB, 450x315, Orwell on rifle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists have their reasons for wanting gun rights too.
I like to think they are more inclined to respect and protect the pacifists in their ranks.

>> No.2706777

Do you think he got out of the whole shooting-his-wife thing a bit too easily?

>no jail time

>no public reaction

I mean, look at the backlash after Chris Brown after beating Rhianna.

Can you imagine a published author in >2012 getting any leniency on a past transgression of that significance?

>> No.2706781



leftist gun fan reporting in.

>> No.2706785

I think it has less to do with them being writers as it does that they're American. Aside from Orwell, never seen that quote before though. Eisenstein bees?

>> No.2706793
File: 32 KB, 524x720, george-orwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh.. I hope I'm not misquoting

(Heyyyyy. Now I see the stupid antenna's. Damn updates)

Yo. Be safe. //_^\ V,,

>> No.2706825


It was in Mexico.

He wasn't famous then.

It was in MEXICO

"Shoot the bitch and write a book! That's what I did."

>> No.2706869

If you, as an American, hate guns and you're left of the democratic party then you're digging your own grave.

>> No.2707169
File: 2.28 MB, 2637x1687, 1276488266858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes no sense. I don't think you understand.

See, the revolutions for democracy and freedoms etc. often times have to be forced by the people in a popular revolt. Egypt is a notable exception, but even their success may be premature at this point. Now if the Syrians had surprised the regime with a full on armed assault, they may have had a better outcome at this point. Instead of all these massacres.

>> No.2707195

It makes sense. Non-violence sounds nice on paper, but police repression plus the establishment's ability to frame the narrative can pretty much stomp that out immediately.

The political discourse is so far to the right and continuing to drift in that direction each year. The politically active democrats do nothing to stem that, either. Look at what happened with Walker in Wisconsin or the prolonged Wall Street deepthroating that is the Obama administration.

I'm not talking about insurrectionist anarchism or anything nutty like that, but you need a way to defend yourself from the rest of the armed nutbags, and at least have a way to make the creeping police state we're developing think twice.

>> No.2707257

Greetings, fellow Johnsons!

just finished the word virus collection after avoiding wsb for half a decade (lumped him into the beatfags unjustifiably. ). cringed for all 120mins of that doc thinking fucking BONO was going to be interviewed, the twat. anyways, Ive found a kindred spirit in the man

>> No.2707297

Revolver (feat, Jason staham, yes, I know, but--) is a really odd take on the gambler/prison/organized crime film, and deals with this parasitic being of interminable internal monologue; the product of the director's preoccupation with Kabbala. cult film material, esp with it's dismal box office performance.

>> No.2707302

the automatic writing type material has to read at the speed of thought, as fast a you can, no mulling over associations,. Hope this helps your enjoyment of the less straightforward stuff of his