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/lit/ - Literature

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2705176 No.2705176 [Reply] [Original]

Post stories of times you had lit related talks with people you met.

>meet two girls in a bar who said they liked reading
>ask them what books they like
>they start naming required reading
>i ask if they've read anything since high school
>one of them tells me she likes russian literature
>names nabokov
>hasn't read any tolstoy or dostoyevsky
>at this point i have to hold in my laughter
>now the other tells me she also reads poetry
>she names some poems that i happen to know
>ask some questions about them
>doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about, probably hasn't even read them
>my face as i walk away from these dumb bitches, feeling superior as fuck

Thanks, /lit/.

>> No.2705182

Did you get to fuck them? You were at a bar, not a library.

>> No.2705187
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>> No.2705190


I would only rage fuck people like that.

>> No.2705201

Wow, I suspect you're a troll, OP, but if not, you'll fit right in around here being a judgmental asshole like that.

>> No.2705206


I only behave like that when I'm drunk, but honestly, when people drink, the truth comes out. Maybe I should feel bad.

>> No.2705209

You just need to keep in mind that literature isn't everything. People hold other hobbies, having only dabbled in literature does not make them less of a human being.

>> No.2705218

>Drinking with friends in my dorm
>woman next door comes over
>I'm hammered and I start talking about evolution and religion with her
>my friends go smoke weed. I stay and keep talking to her
>she brings up George Orwell
>1984 is her favorite book
>I've never read it but I know what it's about
>I tell her I liked animal farm
>my friends come back
>I go to the bathroom
>when I come out my neighbor goes to the bathroom
>my room mate tells me, "while you were in there she said, 'I totally want to fuck Anon.'"
>I hadn't even been hitting on her because I had a girlfriend.
>she comes out out the bathroom and says, "can you guys go back to your rooms so we can do this?"
>my room mates go to their room.
>we run into my room and get naked

I had sex with her all week before the spring semester ended. She still texts me when she's drunk. I got laid by talking about George Orwell. I read 1984 right afterwards. It was pretty good.

>> No.2705234


I don't think she gave a fuck about 1984 bro, she wanted your cock deep inside her.

>> No.2705290

>all hobbies are created equal
postmodern libtard detected

>> No.2705297


He has a point though, if a great mathematician or scientist or something didn't read that much, I wouldn't care. Although I still think everyone should read at least a little.

>> No.2705301

hmm good po- wait it's almost as though his post neither said nor implied that, and you just read it in to his post, and you're an idiot????

"some hobbies besides reading having validity" =/= "all hobbies have equal validity", you mental midget. unless you want to say that reading is the only legitimate hobby (which, by the way, is a really shitty word to use here), then he's perfectly right to there's nothing wrong with someone only dabbling in literature because he spends his time painting, say, or appreciating music, or what have you.

>> No.2705315

>"What books do you like?" is my universal opening line.
>"I've never read a book."
>"What do you mean, not even for school?"
>"Not a single book in your entire life?"
>It was awkward and sad.

>> No.2705426

Yes actually. Yes it does.

Literature is about understanding humans and the human condition. It is not on par with doorknob collecting.

I would argue a great doorknob collector is less human than a great writer.

>> No.2705795

Most people lead complex lives and live in diffrent worlds, I think if someone at least has insight into the basics that is significantly better than not knowing anything.

If you have this kind of eliteism about this sector of the arts I hope you're a grand master in music, dance, painting, performance and film.

Ranking on people for not reading probably isn't a good idea, they'd get the impression that most readers are fucking arseholes like you guys and they'd probably want to stop reading.

>> No.2705804

>waiting to have sex with girls who read and are critically engaged in their studies

Enjoy your virginity

>> No.2705810
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>meet girl
>knows way more about philosophy than I do
>excellent taste in literature aside from an as-of-yet unexplained hate for Joyce
>start talking
>now dating

>> No.2705814

>talking with a smart friend
>he considers himself very logical
>says that when reading fiction, he has trouble picking up themes and finding meaning, thus he doesn't enjoy and rarely reads classics
>I'm an English major
>But I definitely know his feel
>I often have trouble 'getting' works of literature
>Yet I still get a lot out of reading classics
>Have trouble explaining what, though

>> No.2705817

>>Meet two American girls in a bar in Japan, mutual friends of mine
>>They see kindle and shit gets real when I say I exclusively read pre-1950 male authored literature
>>Claim that Moby-Dick is a complete piece of shit that couldn't even get the fact right that whales are not fish
>>Women claim it's deep and shit
>>But I say, no, it is not. Symbolising white whale for your dreams or some bullshit is fucking ridiculous.
>>Stands on bar and exclaims to all that women writers can be fucked
>>Ends up becoming a great friend with the hotter of the two and they came to love my crazy Australian ways.

I have more stories.

>> No.2705819

> be over at girls house for house warming get together. Girl is maybe 6-7/10, would bang if really hammered.
> get really hammered
> notice a big books shelf with lots of good stuff
> is impressed
> hey derpina, is that your book collection?
> "no, that's my roommate's. I don't even read"
> immdiately turned off, would not bang.

th-thanks /lit/

>> No.2705833
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You made the right move, son.

>> No.2705830


Go on, cappy. I often resent your unwillingness to read joyous modern lit, but your stories are entertaining.

>> No.2705840


>>hasn't read any tolstoy or dostoyevsky
>at this point i have to hold in my laughter

why? dosto is pretty awful,

tolstoy isn't much better

>> No.2705861

explain this statement right now

>> No.2705873

>girl at work asks for book recommendations
>she lists books she likes
>hunger games and a bunch of other mainstream pulp, with a random Jane Austen book thrown in
>recommend Middlemarch because it's kinda like Austen if Austen was good
>tell her a bit about the book
>warn her it's 1000 pages so it might have one or two boring spots but say it's amazing overall
>she has an instant physical reaction to the word "boring" and is immediately put off of Middlemarch
>backpedal, explain that just by virtue of being that long it can drag in a couple parts but it really is a good book
>"some harry potter books are that long and they never bored me"
>give up
>next time i see her she's reading asoiaf

I don't think I'll try to recommend books to plebs again. Admittedly I did a poor job trying to sell the book though.

>> No.2705876


>explain this subjective opinion right now

dosto has bad prose (confirmed by Nabokov)
dosto is a religious nut (confirmed by his sentimentality and promotion of Jesus/Christianity in all his books)

Tolstoy is a bit better in prose and not so fucken insufferable as Dosto (hurr durr redemption through christ, in every book)

A good russian is Gogol, or Bulgakov, or Nabokov

>> No.2705881
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>> No.2705883


This is why Richard Dawkins needs to shut the fuck up.

>> No.2705887

Nabokov never criticized his prose, just his subjects. And, Nabokov loves Tolstoy. If you are going to cite his opinion on one author, you ought as well cite his opinion on the other.

>> No.2705888

>at a houseparty
>meet some chick
>she says she's an English major
>tell her I'm a published poet and do slams and shit (lies)
>"OMG REALLY? I wanna hear one of your poems! Recite one for me!"
>think for half a second
>perform a spoken-word version of Somewhere from West Side Story (no homo)
>she doesn't know it and thinks I'm super deep
>banged her that night

Thank you, Based Sondheim

>> No.2705889

Oh OP you poor little fellow. I bet you're still a virgin aren't you?

>> No.2705896

If you didn't feel anything reading Crime & Punishment or The Brothers Karamazov, you are a bad person.

>> No.2705913
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>having a conversion with this guy
>get on to talking about books
>says haughtily that he read Inferno when he was 12
>I say "Yea, Inferno was probably the best canto. Paradiso and Purgatorio don't really stack up."
>mfw he thinks I'm talking about something else, not by Dante
>mfw he didn't know that the Divine Comedy was divided into 3 cantos and was still inclined to brag about how well read he was

>> No.2705918


I felt bored while reading Crime & Punishment.
What is there to like?

Rashkolinkov is pathetic and he decides to kill his land-lady. Ok. And? Wheres the story, the plot, the intrigue, the philosophical implications?

Yes he committed murder, and? Grass is green. Dosto didn't explore the subject in any meaningful way, he just used it as a way to inject his religious views into the book


and yes, his prose is clunky and extremely unpoetic

>> No.2705923

let's face it.
compared to nabokov everyone has bad prose.

>> No.2705929



>> No.2705927
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>> No.2705931
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>calls Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso cantos
>calls someone else a casual

>> No.2705937

Whoops, yup. Sorry. The whole thing is 100 cantos, divided into three sections. You know what I meant.

>> No.2705940

>Wheres the story, the plot, the intrigue, the philosophical implications?

oh lawd i sure hope you is trollin, nigra

>> No.2705946

ah, who says romance is dead?

>> No.2705948


not joking, its really a superficial story

but i never finished it, got 3/4 done and just threw it away because it was a sleeping pill not a book

>> No.2705953
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>> No.2705956

Why would you throw away a book at the 3/4 mark? I just can't understand it. If you've suffered through that much of a classic, just finish it so you can put it away for the rest of your life.

>> No.2705966


>why not finish it?!

because I read for pleasure and intellectual stimulation

i wasn't getting anything positive out of the book and I hated the writing...no aesthetics to it at all

so i dumped it.

>> No.2705967


Not only all the replies that have already come, but how you can judge the prose of a Russian author unless you read it in Russian is beyond me.

>> No.2705981

Dostoevsky is more a brilliant thinker than a brilliant writer. But one simply cannot ignore how brilliant of a thinker he is.

The way I approach his novels is this: being a brilliant but religious man, he would come to a logical or moral problem that despite all his genius he simple could not square with his beliefs. So he would begin a book tackling the problem (I'm 99% sure without knowing how he would actually solve that problem yet) and through winding nonsense come to some ridiculous ending that in a weird, esoteric way allows everything to make sense and his beliefs to reign supreme again.

Essentially then, every Dostoevsky novel is brilliant throughout the "problem" section, and nonsense throughout the "solution" section.

And the problems are so good and so revolutionary that he is worth obsessing over and all should do so.

>> No.2705996
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I don't know how many times I've been turned off by the lack of intelligence in a broad, but I try to avoid talking about books with most of my acquaintances, and so I usually end up going to bed with the girls then ending our relationship as quickly, when verifying that they don't read at all. The girls I sleep with who read almost always read in a lesser volume and lesser quality, though almost always they are capable of providing me the names of authors and works whom I've never heard of. Were I to marry, the woman would have to be somewhat well-read. Not somewhat of a reader, but at least earn a fraction of the quality of reading behind the adjective 'well-read'. The girl must be cultured.

Writing a poem for a girl is a surefire way to get in her pants. It's worked every time and I intend to keep doing it when the situation calls for it. It's funnier when you use a poem written for a previous girl on a new girl and it works. Sincerity is best; no melodrama nor comedy. No sonnets. Free verse is sufficient.

>> No.2706003

I literally could not give a fuck if a girl reads or not. What is wrong with you faggots?

>> No.2706011

interesting post anon, a few questions. ive always been interested by the idea of writing a poem for a girl as I write poetry pretty adeptly. what would your advice be in regards to the topic? this has always been the awkward part for me. just a bunch of shit about how beautiful she is, or about how she "makes you feel," or what? this is the part that always stumps me.

>> No.2706017

>I had a girlfriend.
>we run into my room and get naked


>> No.2706023

>talking about people talking about reading

>> No.2706024


You've got to feel it in your gut or it'll be shit.

>> No.2706029



>> No.2706031

You can be narcissistic with it; as I said, be sincere. Talk about feelings, not brusquely but starkly, as in, no Romeo bullshit. You can talk about yourself and why having her would be important. Or you could be humourous and use surrealistic metaphors for erotic poetry. I tend to avoid metaphors, they're distracting and hard to memorize for usage when drunk. Try to write in a single metre, a dozen lines in a single stanza suffices.

Also, all the European girls I've met love Dostoyevsky. It's the bread and butter for getting into an intellectual European girl's black book.

>> No.2706044

yeah i know how to write poetry and what not. i just don't know what form a love poem takes. like subject matter. of course there's no "right" answer, im just curious as to your preference. i guess it's whatever you can pull off to a degree, personally I know that I couldn't get away with anything too sexual and make it sound good. but that's it exactly. should the poem be about her as a person, a feeling, a lover, a romancer?

>> No.2706057

Notice how I never said 'love poetry'? Don't do it, don't write love poetry. You're not an Italian court poet. You're in the 21st century. The effort alone is enough to turn a girl on sometimes, even if the poetry is awful. Some of the girls I've been with I haven't even known the names of, let alone having given them a poem. The effort is enough. Don't write love poetry to get laid.

>> No.2706061

so they can have sex.
what are your feelings on that?

>> No.2706102
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>you will never be a great doorknob collector

>> No.2706495

She is a lot more attractive and much smarter than my girlfriend. I broke up with her the next morning but we've been seeing eachother again since I came home from the summer. She's a young earth creationist who loves twilight and I'm a biology major. Also I had only had sex with two women at the time and the relationship was under stress due to long distance. I don't regret it at all, I had a great week with my neighbor. I plan on seeing her more next semester.

>> No.2706554

>be English major
>most willing to respond to professor in class, unashamed of sounding "intellectual" in analysis of poetry (focus of the freshman seminar)
>present self as a a brilliant but careless genius, always wearing collared shirts to class but with ruffled, often shaggy hair and languid walking and speaking patterns
>display confidence in opinions borderlining on condescension
>very obviously favored by professor, who often singles me out in class
>most attractive female in class swoons over how intelligent I seem
>write her a sonnet after a few nights of drinking with her
>sex on the reg, never look back

It's all worked out according to plan. I tried my best to fit a part and it all came through. I have become what I sought to be and am now reaping the sexual benefits. Soon I will be confident enough to actually write prolifically. I just need to believe I'm an expert at the art of literature and I will be.

>> No.2706558


God that made me lol so fucking hard for some reason. I had just taken a sip of water too and almost choked.

>> No.2706584

>working at B&N
>customers ask me to recommend them books
>don't want to overwhelm them with my beautiful taste
>recommend the most accessible classics I can think of
>usually Orwell and Dickens (even though I hate him) and such like that
>got one guy who says he read all those, and he's a very well-read person
>hyperdrive activated
>recommend some good ole' Russian lit, Tolstoy, Dosto, Gogol, Nabo, Chekhov
>asks me to explain and recommend specific works by a few of them for him to check out
>give him a rough outline of Anna Karenina, Brothers Karamazov, collection of Chekhov stories, Dead Souls, and and Pale Fire&Pnin by Nabo (want to avoid Lolita, don't want to get into that discussion with a random guy)
>show him to the books in the store while speaking
>freaks out at how long they are
>says he doesn't like long books
>give him a blank stare, expecting him to laugh at his joke
>he doesn't, is totally serious
>huh, okay.. well, how about.. McCarthy or Pynchon
>ended up getting the Hunger Games trilogy

>> No.2706589

Why do I not believe you at all?

>> No.2706592
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>be English major
>memorize a couple poems
>Shakespeare's sonnet 116 for example
>go to parties
>get drunk
>proceed to recite it for any girl that says she is an English major/ likes poetry when they find out I'm an English major
>proceed to have copius amounts of sex

>> No.2706595


It's either that you are having sex with girls 7/10 or under, or you're lieing.


>> No.2706606


You've worked there? How was it?

>> No.2706610

I still work there now. It's fine, customers are retarded and shitty books sell like hot cakes. It's not a demanding job in the least bit, and the employee discount of 30% off is really nice.

>> No.2706620
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>sitting next to you at the bar
>when you take a piss overhear some girls who think you're cute and look like a bookish nerd discuss how to best hit on you.
>you can clearly get laid if you play their game
>result: you are superior a literature and greentexting with a dry dick.

you are so fucking awesome and smart. you are /lit/.

>> No.2706640

I visited a laid-back party of a friend's friend quite some time ago. When it became late everything calmed down and we were ready to go to sleep. I'm wasn't talkative, but made at least some impression. Go to bed, girl shows me around the house. I then found out out she likes some rather obscure authors (Lars Christensen, e.g.). So we talked a bit about the book she had and his other works which she had read too. Everything was so calm so we went to the sea and watched the sunset under a blanket, really, a blissful evening, everyone was so laid-back and friendly. We came back from the beach and I decided to skip away.

I never went back there, and that's a great mystery, because it was probably the most human experience I ever had.

>> No.2706666

This is more of a literature-related experience than a conversation...
>On a summer Writing program between eleventh and twelfth grade.
>Meet hot Australian guy in class.
>Talk about books, we start recommending things. >He tells me to read "Notes From Underground" and I give him my copy of "Candide."
>I read it. Loved that shit.
>Not sure how to talk to him about it because he's so cool and I'm just an awkward shrimp in a floral dress.
>Month passes. I never manage to start that conversation, or get him to fuck me. He was probably gay anyway, eh.
>Camp is over, he sends me a letter about how much he liked Candide.
>I wait months before replying, and only reply when drunk. Regret it when sober, can't even remember what I wrote.
>Never hear from him again.
Well, fuck.

>> No.2706675

>in a youth hostel
>strike up a conversation with one of the guys in my dorm
>mentions that he majored in English
>start question him about his favorite authors
>he likes Kurt Vonnegut and Edgar Allan Poe
>major brofist
>later get into a long conversation about ancient greek philosophy

We shared a pizza later, guy was a bro.

>> No.2706682

>probably gay

I lol when girls actually think this when guys don't want to fuck them. He probably had his sights on a hotter girl in the class.

>wait months to reply

Game. You have none.

>> No.2706684

You're underwhelmed by your own lack of sexual prowess and refuse to believe that other people are able to use their talents in literature to bag like-minded women?

Ranking women with some ridiculous and arbitrary scale out of ten is a big problem I'm noticing right off the back. Every woman is a different conquest to be made, each beautiful in her own mystifying way. Of course there are those who are plainly unattractive, but if you've become so desensitized to the beauty of the female species that you're ranking them like the whole world is an issue of Maxim magazine you're never going to become a true rake.

My current girlfriend, who was initially interested by my ability to sound intelligent when discussing literature is very beautiful. Precious to me, and I'm not willing to dispense with her. Not for a long time. She is a particular gem and I am currently fostering our relationship.

It helps that I myself am very handsome, a distinctly Irish face, but marked with an intensity that would escape most run-of-the-mill bogtrotters.

I firmly believe anyone can impress literarily minded girls with the right approach and by performing the correct role, but perhaps physical attractiveness plays a bigger role in the process than I'm aware of.

As for the poetry, you can't go wrong. I find I'm fairly talented at it, and only write my own when I deliver it to a girl, although I do quote specific lines from other poets when building my air of romantic intellectualism.

>> No.2706686

>right off the bat

Sorry, malapropism.

>> No.2706691
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>It helps that I myself am very handsome, a distinctly Irish face

Do Gingers have soul?

>> No.2706693

OP you're a limited idiot just as the girls are.

So they based their love to Russina literature on Nabokov, and you also read Dostoyvsky and Tolsoy. But did you read Shalamov? Turgenev? Lermontov? Pasternak? Fuck, did you even read Pushkin?

Every idiot who read 200 books here thinks he's a mastermind. in a real decent group of literature discussion you'd be pissed on.

>> No.2706698

Last night I had a very drunken conversation about Nietzsche, TE Lawrence, and military service.

>> No.2706701

I don't doubt you at all. I used to run a very similar gambit, but I started to become almost resentful whenever girls would be impressed by superficial displays of intelligence.

I mean, I still run the game, but more of a show of reluctance. I won't raise my hand, but professors still call on me because they like my papers. I put on less of an act when girls approach me (and end up showing less interest). It's more true to who I am, I guess.

>> No.2706702

>At a friend's place, he has a coworker over.
>Talk to the coworker about books
>Talk about scifi/fantasy books
>He tells me every person should read game of thrones, dune, and the sword of truth series (more like sword of shit series)
>after some questioning it turns out he has only seen the dune movie and watched the first season of game of thrones, never read any of the things he thinks "everyone should read"

He was pretty much a neckbeard personified, so I wasn't terribly surprised.

>> No.2706703

Not a ginger, my friend. No, my traits are strictly Celtic, no Norwegian crossbreeding. Although I can tell you with all certainty that what they may lack in soul, ginger women make up in passion.

At least the one I slept with. Again, I don't think that physical attractiveness plays too large role as long as you are not very terribly ugly. Even that rotund, pale-skinned ginger could land a few attractive liberal arts major if only he presented that right personality and confidence.

It's really as simple as telling yourself you're going to play a part. Play it, the women will come. Eventually, you'll become it.

>> No.2706704

*but with more of a show

>> No.2706707

Just trolling you, bro, but you didn't rise to it.

Don't worry. I'm a rich handsome classic American prep kind of boy. I've got game and I agree with what you're saying. Girls have a very particular kind of ideal boyfriend in mind. You can't ask them what they want. You just have to be it.

It's not so hard when you're good looking, because they really want you to succeed in wooing them. I'm a very talkative guy when I'm with my bros, but I tend to play the brooding alpha type with girls. Fuck me if it doesn't drop panties everywhere. (Just like with you, I'm not sure if this is just my money and looks, or if it's anything I'm doing. Whatever.)

>> No.2706708

>sword of truth
I agree wholeheartedly with him. Greatest series I've ever read.
I did read the first two, and couldn't continue. They were just awful.

>> No.2706727

I read the first 4...
It gave my PTSD to the point where I couldn't start another book for 4 months for fear I would find something as bad

>> No.2706729

The thing that really got my goat about it was that I actually bought the books with the highest of hopes, because my friend/coworker praised it to high heaven as the greatest series of books ever written by mortal man. He also loved the television series they made.

>> No.2706735

>meet german girl at a giant Halloween party in an air hangar.
> talk to her about Kant, Plutarch, Caesar, and other forgotten topics
>tell her she's cute
>pull her to the dance floor
>grind up on that floor
>pull her in for make out
>great success

>> No.2706737

Same here, I had a friend recommend them to me as the best series he had ever read.

I can't look at him the same way anymore

>> No.2706763

I know it's horribly stereotypical of me to pull the "gay" thing, but I wouldn't have said it if I didn't have at least a vague reason to. He and this other guy had this constant flirting-thing going on, and they vanished during the party of the last night. Also, he showed no interest in any of the girls in class. Crap reasons, but there you have it.

And I know I have no game. If I did, I'd be having sex instead of typing this. If you're feeling helpful, would you please tell me how to get some?

>> No.2706770

What is it about gay guys? Is it how attractive they are? Or the fact that they show no interest in you at all?

Girls always ask me if I'm gay after awhile when I don't go for them. Sometimes I'll tell them yes just so I don't hurt their feelings when I don't sleep with them.

>> No.2706788

>the fact that they show no interest in you at all?
There's your answer.

>> No.2706789

I don't know for certain if he was gay, and I'm not attracted to any of the other gay guys I know. This guy in particular, though, was easily the most handsome man I've ever seen.

And it's kind of rude of them to voice assumptions about your sexual orientation simply based on the fact that you didn't want to fuck them.

>> No.2706806

This thread sounds like it's full of pretentious turds. Possibly the whole board.

>> No.2706827

It's a literature board. What more do you expect? It's all monocles and tea here, and if you don't like it, GTFO.

>> No.2706829

going to tell my story, which is your story but with a few essential parts changed
>be English major
>most willing to respond to professor in class, unashamed of sounding "intellectual" in analysis of poetry (focus of the freshman seminar)
>present self as a a brilliant but careless genius, always wearing collared shirts to class but with ruffled, often shaggy hair and languid walking and speaking patterns
>display confidence in opinions borderlining on condescension, downplay ideas and speak economically but with an air that my ideas could blow up this classroom at any moment
>very obviously favored by professor, who often singles me out in class
>most attractive female in class with a 10/10 curvy body and the only stylish dress-sense in the class flirts with ugly indian alpha male sitting next to her
>try to talk to her
>choke on my words
>other girls point out in the class that the professor is 'obsessed' with me.
>feel like teachers pet
>haven't made a relationship/friend since the beginning of university

>> No.2706834

I read a lot and I have never really been on this board. I might as well embrace it.

>> No.2706844

lol this is totally what I mean though.

>> No.2706852
File: 10 KB, 300x300, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, welcome to /lit/, good sir.
Tie on your cravat, pull on your top hat, and light your pipe. You're one of us tonight.

>> No.2706883


This suave motherfucker right here...
I laughed so hard reading your posts, man. Meeting you in real life would be a treat. Assuming you're anything like your internet personality.

>I myself am very handsome, a distinctly Irish face, but marked with an intensity that would escape most run-of-the-mill bogtrotters.

I really thought people like you only existed in movies. The knowledge that you actually slither about somewhere in this world is oddly comforting.

>> No.2706915

God damn it women, just how do you work?

>> No.2706917
File: 11 KB, 273x281, 1328034263045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having an intellectual conversation with a female

>> No.2706953
File: 138 KB, 281x281, 981289461746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading a book in class because there's nothing else to do
>girl I know asks me what I'm reading
>notices the book looks pretty old
>"But isn't it boring because it's an old book, anon?"
>mfw she thinks anything before 2000 must be boring

>> No.2706955
File: 15 KB, 444x249, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're regarding anything before 2000 as old

>> No.2706959
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1301497364524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she's the one who regards anything before 2000 as old because that's what she said

>> No.2707501
File: 74 KB, 289x328, thatfeelarya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what's the point of just fucking some girl that you don't have an intellectual or emotional connection with and whom spending more time with would probably just end up making you both sad because you have little in common?

>> No.2707508

>see a girl reading
>talk to her about the book, On the Road
>mention Emerson and Kerouac's borrowing of Emerson's view of the self, friendship, originality and banality
>she knows about it too, we have a wonderful conversation
>we fucked for awhile, eventually just mutually admitted we're bored and don't want a relationship
>still one of my closest friends 6 years later

You talk to the wrong people, or you talk to people the wrong way. I intensely disliked On The Road, but I put my dislike on hold for the sake of conversation. She's recommended me some great books and a couple shitty ones.
Friends don't have to always agree, that's part of what makes them interesting, but I'm guessing misogynists and retards itt have no basis for comparison to my statement.

>> No.2707509

i met this guy, he's a marxist/aristotelian philosophy grad, and i'm a mathematician/(neo-)platonist and we both have an interest in narratology and formalism so we usually meet and drink and have cool chats.

>> No.2707523

i hate talking to people in real life about art because it usually ends up a kind of pissing contest rather than a real analysis, going on marxist rants is usually a lot more fun because then you're both on the same side rather than trying to show each other up

>> No.2707552

It is confirmed, you bang ugos.


>> No.2707566

Here, watch this:
>I read all the time
What are you reading these days?
>50 Shades of Grey

>> No.2707572

So you guys all know you're assholes, right?

>> No.2707573

>trashes his own integrity to get laid
>insults other people for not doing so
you're pretty awesome

>> No.2707581
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 12569403008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2707610

What I find strange are the people who claim to be interested on a certain subject then when someone who is well grounded and educated in that subject comes to speak with them, they lose all interest in the conversation.

>> No.2707686

>be smitten with 2 of the cashiers at my Waterstones for a long time
>3 years: blonde with pale face and blue eyes, looks like my old best friend, about 25
>18 months: brunette with gorgeous hair, about 20
>do nothing
>still do nothing
>continue to do nothing
>at the till, they never speak to me much, I never speak to them much
>king of the betas

>> No.2707688

>implying the guys who made up these stories ever have human contact

>> No.2707703

it's because people just talk about shit like literature, music, art to impress plebs and increase their chances of stabbing a vagina with their weeners. they don't ACTUALLY want to talk about, they just want to show off.