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File: 318 KB, 1603x1200, 1311961535432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2704815 No.2704815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I have a question.

How fucked up are you?

>> No.2704821

you need to be more specific, or just >>>/r9k/

>> No.2704824

More than most people less than others. I love drugs and hookers and get a mild pleasure in the discomfort of others, but I don't have any urge to rape or kill.

>> No.2704827
File: 198 KB, 800x682, pretty_by_keaton_stoos-d4psi4g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I view myself as fairly normal actually - and I plan to keep it like that.

Of course, I have no point of view, so for all I know I can be on the far side of crazy.

>> No.2704830

Son, I regularly get off to roleplaying as a futanari centaur who rapes other futanari centaurs and then gets raped herself. I have shamed my family for three generations either way.

I'm fucked up.

>> No.2704831

point of reference*

>> No.2704833

I would fuck that shit out of her in plain view, for starters.

>> No.2704835

I'm a decent, normal guy. None of that NTJ bullshit

>> No.2704837

Son, this is 4chan.

That said, I'm not a racist, sexist shit looking to circle-jerk with like-minded twits that need excuses to convince themselves that other people are the reason why he's so worthless, so I'm in the lesser-tier of fucked up.

AH, but you got me to respond, so there's that too. Have a 5/10.

>> No.2704847

I appear normal in public, but in my own company I'm fucked up. I'd imagine this is true of most people.

I talk to myself loudly when I'm alone in the house. I masturbate over morally and biologically questionable mental scenarios (this does not mean I would ever carry them out). I eat my own semen every time I ejaculate, simply out of habit. I once watched the music video for Say Say Say by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson and was brought close to tears imagining myself in their position travelling around together in a bromance based on fame, talent and good looks. I enjoy drugs on a recreational basis and will never turn them down if offered, but they do not control my life.

>> No.2704848

I don't really gel with others well.
And have no real intention too.
And have few real interests or pastimes.
And am not very happy.

Apparently this is a personality disorder

>> No.2704849

Thanks. That`s the answer I was looking for.

>> No.2704850

>I would fuck that shit out of her in plain view, for starters.
C'mon, you can do better than that. I'd shit into my cupped hand, and slam it into her face as I rolled her over and forced my unlubed cock up her asshole.

>> No.2704853

only child?

>> No.2704859

I forgot to say I have also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and suffer from the expected violent mood swings. However I attempt to keep a tight rein on these around other people at all times. Consequently, the largely cheerful and friendly person that I aim to be in company disappears when I am (too) drunk because I cannot button down these emotions, and I become unpredictable and often very nasty. My girlfriend has described it as a Jekyll and Hyde situation.

Whether these things constitute fucked-up I don't know, but if anyone knew me only sober they'd consider me normal.

>> No.2704867

>I eat my own semen every time I ejaculate, simply out of habit.
I used to do this every time. Now I have discovered a magical point between my balls and arse(you can feel the spunk tube, whatever its called) and press in when I cum. This painlessly diverts the cum into my bladder and it comes out the next time I piss.

I wish I had discovered this a few years ago. It doesn't damage the body at all and leaves you with a perfectly clean "working area"

>> No.2704869


Sounds perfectly normal to me. You go to /d/?

>> No.2704874


>Now I have discovered a magical point between my balls and arse(you can feel the spunk tube, whatever its called) and press in when I cum. This painlessly diverts the cum into my bladder and it comes out the next time I piss.

This sounds perfectly normal and healthy in every way,

>> No.2704872

No shit?

>> No.2704877

Yes, what pointed you to that conclusion?

>> No.2704884

Yep. I was thinking it was abnormal in a more general sense, not in comparison to the things that go on here.

>> No.2704887



>> No.2704891

"Taoist Alchemists thousands of years ago believed if you press the spot just behind the balls the sperm doesn't leave the body and if the sperm didn't leave the body then it would slow down the aging process as you would be containing all the energy of the orgasm within you. so they did this while masturbating. It does work and can higten the orgasm but the sperm actually diverts to the uninary tract and then leaves the body anyway on the next piss. "

Its perfectly fine, the testicles are connected to the urethra same as the bladder. It just diverts the path of semen. It won't stop you aging though.

>> No.2704899

I'm off to fap now... Naturally just for scientific purposes.. I will report my findings in 5-10 minutes.

>> No.2704901

>I will report my findings in 5-10 minutes.

We've got us some sort of superhuman stud here.

>> No.2704905

My girlfriend did it to me once out of curiosity but I found it very unpleasant, the orgasm was decreased significantly and it was unnerving that nothing came out.

>> No.2704917
File: 299 KB, 750x600, Castiel__The_Advice__by_DSH90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to know? Do you really?
>Borderline, Depression, ADHD
I like it when people are terrified. It gets me off.
Since childhood and into adulthood I've had a variety of fetishes for which I would have been stoned to death a hundred years ago.
I come to 4chan. I am angry, lonely and stupid.
Sometimes I can't tell which language I'm reading or hearing.
Sometimes when I see a small child, I want to kick it in the face.
I have no motivation, I'm too enthusiastic.
Nothing I do will ever be enough and I am so depriciating, I want more than anything for somebody to beat me to death.
I want to get better, but I don't because it's all I have to define myself by.
I am a miserable goddamn person trying my hardest not to be.
>I am so self conscious, I can't have a trip.
This is only half of how fucked up I am, and the worst part is, I'm most parts normal.

>> No.2704920

I think I laughed at that more than anything on chan in a while. Strange thing is, I could write somewhat similar things about myself!

>> No.2704924


True. But I feel like a lot of people have a rather repressed sexuality and have an immediate reaction of disgust to anything with a hit of 'kinky' in it. If they were a bit more open-minded, we might have a lot more futanari centaurs.

>> No.2704927

But are you going to?

>> No.2704933
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I'm scared of dying, and growing old. It's a kind of fear that follows me everywhere I go. I'm also terrified that I'll never amount to anything. I get bouts of depression every now and then, although I'm too much of a pussy to actually kill myself.

Other than that I'm pretty well adjusted.

>> No.2704936

I know you gentlemen have been waiting with baited breath... and I can confirm that it does work, although it felt very weird to not actually ejaculate.

I pressed in just behind my balls and it felt just like i was spurting. I then waited for my boner to subside, went for a piss and out it came, like a milky booger in a golden stream. I think I will be giving this a few more tries before I decide if I'm going to adopt this into my masturbatory antics. But for the time being I'll have a few less socks to wash.

>> No.2704937

You are fairly normal.

Fuck off.

>> No.2704941

Very interesting.

>> No.2704946

I have a need. the need
for speed!


and sometimes I chase my dog and hit him in the ass and legs with pieces of styrofoam

>> No.2704953

i'm afraid i'm like the rest of the pleb scumb that post here. i'm also afraid of success because i have a hard time dealing with too much attention. that's why i hold myself back i think. because i would be too famous. i'm also worried about reading the other posts itt because i might realize the other anons here are worse than the pleb scum i initially knew they were. more than anything concerning this board i'm afraid that 95% of this board really is in high school or younger. it would explain other problems i have so it might not be terribly bad.

>> No.2704959

What constitutes being fucked up? I'd like to think I'm a pretty good person but we all have our quirks.

>> No.2704961

i eat my own farts

>> No.2704971

Not getting what constitutes being fucked up is being fucked up.

>> No.2704974



>> No.2704975

It's kind of vague. Some people think that certain sexual fetishes are fucked up, even the most vanilla fetishes. But compared to other shit, like people who would torture or mutilate someone's body if given the chance, it's not really that fucked up at all.

>> No.2704978
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I have very wide sexual inclinations (for one, I fucked a 13yo when I was 19, mostly because she was 13 ) in sexual matters. I'm submissive by nature but don't really enjoy it sexually. Pic related is how I go about my life. I enjoy and constantly indulge in a variety of drugs, opiates and alcohol during the week and psychedelics during the weekends. I dislike uppers, except for mdma. My anxiety is paralyzing, I mean, sometimes I have to come back home from the street because I feel too conspicuous to walk in the streets and I feel everyone notices me, which may or may not have anything to do with my body image issues. I also can't deal with things like waiting for a decision from an institution, like waiting for a letter of acceptance/rejection. Whenever I'm with anyone else in a social setting I feel like everything I'm doing and saying is a lie and that the entirety of my social persona is fabricated (stiched together from the obscene amounts of media I consume, actually) and that I'm unable to have 'genuine' reactions when I'm not alone. I am dissociated from the source of my feelings to the point that I become irritated whenever someone asks me why I'm doing or why I want to do something, since I have no clue "why". My will is very weak-- youcould probably talk me into suicide within two hours of meeting me. I barely even 'exist'. Did I mention I voraciously consume media? 4-5 books, eight or nine seasons of 20~ episodes-a-season series, 10-20 or so movies a week. I'm a mathematician.

>> No.2704979

>has never eaten a fart
lol don't tell him how guys

>> No.2704980

Well, if we're talking about drugs here, I'm currently high as balls off dxm and weed. I've been under the influence more or less constantly for the past two weeks. I probably won't stop until I die.

>> No.2704983

you must be some kind of cool guy

>> No.2704986
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Well, let's see...I look up prostitution ads knowing I'll never have the balls to sleep with one, I've looked at porn secretively with my 4 year old in the same room, I've eaten my own ejaculate on several occasions, I like to show gore videos on Omegle and see if I can get guys to lose their boner and laugh at it, I'm an asshole to friends and family on Facebook, I haven't had a job to support my family for 2 months with the prospect of losing my home looming over me and I just bullshit on 4chan most of the day or dl porn, I flirt with older ladies and masturbate thinking about them, and am obsessed with seeing and reading about suicide and homosexuality. Also, I am a Baptist and believe in Jesus, however I have a real love for the chan/ reddit/ anon/ digg/ youTube/ HuffPost culture who seem largely atheist and detest anything that smacks of religion or theism. Anyways, that's some of my weirdness.

>> No.2705003
File: 31 KB, 500x461, 1727-i-know-that-feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some of that.

>> No.2705009
File: 11 KB, 278x253, true story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a true king among men, thou art.

>> No.2705020

> I look up prostitution ads knowing I'll never have the balls to sleep with one,

Man the Fuck up you pussy. Its their job, they are experienced with firsttimers. If you cum too quickly or embarrass yourself, it doesn't matter. They're just hookers who you will probably never see again.

Just do it faggot. You obviously want too.

>> No.2705032


Wow!! who knew...

>> No.2705040

there's my man. I hear you, bro. Not really worried about that. Just too much of a pussy to do it to my wifey when I know it would destroy her to ever find out. I have some shame issues. I need to get her to read 50 shades of grey. I've heard it turns moms into sex slaves or something...

>> No.2705044


Nigga have you even read the Bible?

>> No.2705046

I got herpes from a prostitute then gave it to my bitch wife before she left me. I did it on purpose. I'm fuckin' hard.

>> No.2705048

I know many of those feels, bro. Almost all of them, in fact, except for the joys/ pains of home ownership and fatherhood.

For me, it's more the fantasy of what might be rather than actually wanting to go through with it. Might be the same for that other bro.

>> No.2705050

You have a wife? Don't do it, for god's sake. It may seem appealing but if you go through with it then you know that the act has been committed and that can't be reversed, and if she finds out then you're fucked. After you cheat, the entire relationship is cursed with the undercurrent of hoping she doesn't find out and nothing can change that.

The answer is stay faithful in my book, unless it's a complete stranger who you meet on a train in another country, fuck once and never talk to again (likelihood of being discovered is very slim).

>> No.2705055

lolz, yeah, most if not all. Some parts I've read multiple times, multiple translations...
Damn, you are hard, bro. Nice work.

>> No.2705057


I'm just curious, since you seem to not give a fuck about hardly anything that's written in it, given that you're a Christian.

>> No.2705059
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>> No.2705095


You know, I give a lot of fucks about it in my mind. I suppose that, like Paul, I want to act one way, and yet I do the opposite... anyway, I believe that a Christian (myself included) is by definition a hypocrite - we say one thing, yet we admit that we sin and fall short. I'm cool with that

>> No.2705100


Fair enough. I've no problem with that. I'm an atheist but I dig a lot of Christian philosophy, and you seem a cut above most of your fellow believers. Godspeed.

>> No.2705103

Sweet Jesus, acceptance of another's personal philosophy on /lit/? God has truly blessed this day.

>> No.2705105

Paul might have been cool with you.

Elijah wouldn't.

Elisha either.

>> No.2705110
File: 2.05 MB, 480x271, giorgiopossible.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An atheist with your attitude!?

Are you aliums?

>> No.2705119

>After you cheat, the entire relationship is cursed
>The answer is stay faithful in my book

Congratulations you insufferable faggot, you just made me throw up.
There is nothing wrong with fucking around, especially with hookers. It's natural. Humans aren't monogamous creatures, it's just our society that frowns upon it. It doesn't mean what you feel for your partner has changed, just that you enjoy a little extra pussy.

>> No.2705124

Whatever you say, bro.

>> No.2705131

It's better if you catch AIDS and spread the love.

>> No.2705133

Yeah, but I doubt your wife will think that way. And that was what he was trying to say. Not that there is anything morally wrong with it nessecarily, but that you'll spend the rest of your days hoping she won't find out.

>> No.2705135
File: 73 KB, 550x413, daddyimtrolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Congratulations you insufferable faggot, you just made me throw up.
>There is nothing wrong with fucking around, especially with hookers. It's natural. Humans aren't monogamous creatures, it's just our society that frowns upon it. It doesn't mean what you feel for your partner has changed, just that you enjoy a little extra pussy.

>> No.2705162

>It's better if you catch AIDS and spread the love.
>Implying you eat a hooker out and fuck her with no rubber.

>> No.2705174


Meh, bullshit. Affairs are what keep marriages together - the idea of never having sex with another woman would be unbearable. Besides, they're like peanuts, you tell yourself you're only going to have one, but before you know it the bag's empty.

The same is probably true for whores - I've never used a professional's services because I'm genuinely concerned that I'd go at them like pringles the first time I popped.

These days I'm pretty jaded, and I reckon the only thing that would really spice my life up would be to let a guy fuck me with his big cock, but I'm not gay, and I don't know any shemales. ;_;

poor me.

>> No.2705178

I think you got a little bit too mad over my comment.

>> No.2705186


PROTIP: If your parents are still together, and they've been married around twenty years, at least one of them has cheated. At least once.

>> No.2705189
File: 114 KB, 336x459, hahatimeforthatfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I don't know any shemales

>> No.2705195


What? How many do you know? Do you live in Rio or something?

>> No.2705198

Sorry buddy, I didn't actually throw up.

I just don't like people promoting the idea of monogamous relationships like they are something to be worshiped. Fucking different people is normal and healthy, and fairly easy to do without getting caught.

>> No.2705202

>acting as if I said "don't cheat it's morally wrong and against human nature" when in fact I was just giving him advice in terms of not feeling morally corrupted or getting caught.

I even fucking said "always stay faithful in my book... unless it's with a complete stranger in another country." I would have thought people posting on /lit/ would have picked up on a simple bit of joking irony but evidently not.

>> No.2705207
File: 145 KB, 320x240, insidemyhead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't not ANY. If I did, rest assured you would not be talking to me as I would be in a desert bunker plowing the everliving shit out of them with my angry inch and making them regret the decisions that led them to this point in their lives.

>> No.2705213

>take a vow against infidelity
>go on to cheat

I mean, if you're in an open relationship or some kind of open marriage then that's fine, but going against your own promise is a stain on your character

>I promise never to hurt you
>punch woman in the face because she just made you so angry one time
It's the exact same thing.

>> No.2705225

I'd be horribly upset if my girlfriend cheated on me, and I'd like to think that she feels the same. Regardless of whether I get found out or not, once it's done it's there and I don't think it's worth the grief that would come about if I was discovered. See >>2705050

>> No.2705226


Where the fuck do you live? 1934?

Stain on your character my fucking arse. Oooooh, no, I better worry that God's going to get me as well.

>> No.2705230
File: 12 KB, 250x250, cantstandya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt see how betraying the promise you made to your wife might be damaging to your character
>also, referencing the year like that
>pic related

>> No.2705233

I get off on some weird shit that would definitely make me a social outcast if anyone ever knew of them, but aside from that I live a pretty normal life. I definitely consider myself to be a bit more 'out there' than the average person

>> No.2705238

ethics, how do they work?

>> No.2705239
File: 68 KB, 177x228, comm_o_rly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never actually promised my wife anything of the sort. Nor did she swear to honour and obey me.

Because it's not 1934. Wanker.

>> No.2705240

holy shit dude you are me. Except for the semen eating thing, I find that repulsive.

>> No.2705244

It would specifically need to be a desert bunker (isolated) because my tranny slaves would never be allowed to leave. Lets face it, trannies are strictly urban creatures who only know asphalt and apartments, a desert around them would be as good or better than any wall.

>> No.2705245

I have an ethical and intelligent mind but I do suffer from depression and panic disorder which hinder me from living properly sometimes. I have family members with schizophrenia and OCD so it could have been worse I guess. I often have the fear that I'll go too far over the deep end one day because the combination of depression and anxiety can fuck me up bad sometimes, but I'm still fighting the good fight I guess.

Relationship wise, I've yet to feel romantic love for anyone and I'm 27. I don't know if something is wrong with me or not. I feel more of a kinship to many long and dead writers, even with all their flaws, than to the people around me. Have more than enough friends, but have never been "in love" or even liked someone enough to go beyond a couple of dates. Intuitively just feel that it would never work.

Speaking of which, my empathy and tendency to be intuitively focused sort of encourages my mental problems. Good times.

>> No.2705246


>> No.2705247

so for what reason did you get married, exactly?

Just pretty much the tax benefits?

>> No.2705249
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I was shagging this girl for a bit last year (despite the stain to my character and the eternal damnation I've no doubt justly earned), and she told me that every guy she'd been with said he'd eaten his own manfat at least once "out of curiosity". She thought it was a bit weird that I never had. Then again, she was a fair bit younger than me, and dutch, so maybe that's what you kids get up to these days.

tl;dr - probably not as weird as you think it is.

>> No.2705250

>getting married and fucking around instead of staying single

>> No.2705255

Wow you really are a badass because you don't love or respect your wife enough to stay faithful to her. Very big and clever.

>> No.2705257

Damn, that's the feel I know. (poster >>2705003) Just want to have fun and let some pressure loose, but I take my vows seriously. I'm not sure I'd be leaving them behind my "visiting" a hooker b/c I'm not doing it for any of the reasons I got married...I mean, plain fun sex is included in marriage...but women can go to the spa and do the thigns they like that lets off pressure, but since for guys that fun can be sex...it's verboten.

Damn, I just want to fuck the brains out of someone I have no emotional bond to and don't also discuss the household budget with. It's really got nothing to do with my wife.

Unless I get Herpes. That's the main thing slowing me down.

>> No.2705258
File: 375 KB, 1212x1792, 1401289_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not into traps myself, but just searched that adult website from another thread and found Pic related, 2 miles from my house for £145 an hour.

"Hi my name is Angel I was born in Spain, I’m a 24y super sexy, passable classy. I have a beautiful face and Smile.Long black hair, 5'9, inches fully functional
I am very easy going so don’t be afraid to call me and say what you would like to do to me"


>> No.2705260


There aren't any tax benefits any more, not in the country I got married in anyway.

I married her because her dad's a fucking millionaire with a big house in Essex and another in Florida. Why else would I marry? Romance? Fucking grow up you cunt.

>> No.2705261

I expected the music video thing to be the one people wouldn't identify with, rather than the semen eating. Have you wept over Say Say Say as well? If so, you are my spiritual brother.

>> No.2705265
File: 14 KB, 326x249, Trollaproaches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you cute.

>> No.2705267


Think what you like, cockhead - I'm off out for a beer.

>> No.2705271

I'd say do it, bro. Not done it myself, but the thought of fucking someone who is probably messed up in the head is quite hot.

>> No.2705272

>because you don't love or respect your wife enough to stay faithful to her.
tha fuck you talking about, cocksucker?

You still "love" your partner the same amount regardless of who your cocks in. And if you respect her and want to maintain the relationship, you will try to make sure she doesn't find out.

There is nothing inherently evil about wanting to fuck somebody else. If you have the urge you might as well do it. Just expect your partner to go fucking batshit crazy if they find out.

>> No.2705273
File: 37 KB, 500x492, laughingoldman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2705274

Any more photos of who OP posted?

>> No.2705275


How is that trolling?
Marrying for economic or political gain is the only way to go and has been since time immemorial.

>marrying for romance
Sure is summer in here...

>> No.2705276

confirmed for human shit

>> No.2705281

I don't think I could ever bring myself to fuck a man.. No matter how pretty she looks.

However, I have found some girls on the site that will be receiving a call shortly.

>> No.2705283

the mental backflips required for justifying unfaithfulness in this thread are amazing

>> No.2705285
File: 14 KB, 400x300, 1334345909356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see here....besides getting fucked by two shemale prostitutes in the same night, id say there's a good deal of correctitude in my noggin. i have a wonderous inability to link up to conversational wavelengths. i bounce between sheer terror and absolute confidence when i step outside, finding that fair middle ground is awfully difficult. i tell everyone im a writer in the hopes that they'll call me out on my bullshit and i'll be forced to actually write something of value rather than a smattering of strange phrases. (which i think have value, but, meh) I drink, i smoke, ive done every drug except for crack. i cant sit still, meaning im constantly moving from one place to the other. take advantage of women, in return, warts and herpes. suicidally joyful and angry. hate you and your friends and that god damn waitress with the fat tits. would bang though.
im sure there's more but that seems like enough for now.

>> No.2705286

and people used to shit in the street, because that just seemed like the best thing to do

>> No.2705289

>get home
>how fucked up are you thread
>102 posts omitted

Fuck. Yes.

>> No.2705291

People have been marrying for love for just as long. Deal with it.

>> No.2705296

>if you respect her and try to maintain the relationship you'll make sure she doesn't find out
I think you meant
>if you respect her and try to maintain the relationship you won't be an asshole and cheat on her

Honestly, are you retarded? It's pretty obvious logic that the moment you cheat, you've jeopardised the relationship far more than you ever would if you stayed faithful. "Making sure she doesn't find out" is immaterial and further proof of your shredded moral fibre.

>> No.2705300


If all you want is passion or romance that is what infidelity is for.
You can have it both ways doing it the right way or you can be weak poor and misrable with the woman you love doing it your way.

>> No.2705304

This. The best marriages COMBINE romance with economic stability, and apply both in equal measures so that both sides remain happy practically AND emotionally. Marrying for just love may be foolish but it's a damn sight better than marrying simply for political reasons.

>> No.2705307
File: 29 KB, 276x276, idontthinksotim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, those are the only two ways.

All I have ever known is a lie.

>> No.2705321

>weak poor and misrable

you just can't make this stuff up

there must be some good books about a serial womanizer who justifies his infidelity like this

>> No.2705324

>weak poor and misrable

If you feel like that with the woman you love then there's clearly a relationship issue and you should break up with her. Then you can fuck other women as much as you want.

>> No.2705332

Married middle aged man with a wife and daughter and an elderly father. Wife lost her job, kid and dad are expensive, I get NO fun....seriously, it's all work these days, and that's ok because it's for important reasons...and I work hard all day long. Basically there is not now, hasn't been for years, and isn't likely to be for the next few years, anything anyone does for me. Aside from the amazingly warm and wonderful feeling of having a family and providing for them, I have no fun (except for /lit/, erp). I love my wife, but she comes from a family where the idea of support and kind words equate to soft laziness, so I get nothing from her in that area.

That makes me grumpy! Tension builds up and I get close to being that "Falling Down" guy. So for fun, I just want to boink a little hottie for a few hours. If I don't get some stress relief I'm going to have a fucking heart attack. What else? Video games? Please. Reading is fun but it isn't exactly a stress relief. Well, not like sex.

tl;dr is it more irresponsible to be a stressed out mess around my family than to pay a professional for some fun?

>> No.2705336

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, sir. Just take precautions with the lady of the night and shower before you go home.

I hope you enjoy yourself.

>> No.2705340

Can you faggots stop using the word "love" as if it's an actual thing?

>> No.2705348

Sounds like getting a vasectomy might be worth it. Not that I give a shit about the fact that you have a kid, I have this fear that I'll end up married with kids and no freedom. I don't mind marriage, but kids sound like life-drainers.

>> No.2705350

Thanks. I think I may offer to buy a professional a nice lunch and ask some questions first. Really can't come home with a new pimple on my lip and can't resolve that dilemma. I know a rubber will help in one activity...but I love to eat pussy, so....?

>> No.2705357

>puffing yourself up because someone has corroborated your views rather than responding to those who are arguing with you

>> No.2705358

I'd probably abstain from eating the pussy of a whore, myself.

>> No.2705364

>but I love to eat pussy, so....?
I know that feel. But do not eat her out. No matter how pretty she is, or how "new to the game" she claims to be. Eating a hooker out is almost a ticket to getting an STD.

>> No.2705369

>>life drainers

No way. You know how people say you cna't describe an acid trip unless you've done it...or people who don't smoke cigarettes telling people who smkoe how easy it is to quit? Well, having a kid is one of those things. I'm no globetrotting action hero, but I've done some things and being a Dad is the best thing ever ever.

We agreed to only have one. That's all we can support well and all we really want. It's good, it's very good. You should have seen the other day when she came home from graduating third grade...fucking amazing warm wonderful shit, it's what they write about...that feel. But still sometimes go the fuck to sleep.

>> No.2705374


Yeah...I don't really think I'll be doing that. Only rimming.

Gag no!

>> No.2705375
File: 107 KB, 500x651, theevilthatmendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch professional wrestling.

>> No.2705383

>puffing yourself up because someone has corroborated your views rather than responding to those who are arguing with you

aww, getting upset at the lack of attention.

Try, avoiding pointless arguments with emotional faggots who believe love to be something other than a chemical attraction based on primitive mating behavior. You obviously believe that antiquated views on faithful monogamous relationships are to be held sacred. Why do you want me to waste my time schooling you?

>> No.2705387

I hate you. Not as much as cheaters, but still. A little.

>> No.2705393

It isn't the views on marriage itself. Consider that they are vows to other people. How do you deal with promises? Do you keep them? How do you feel when a vow to you has been broken? Not judging I don't care I hoe my own garden but I'd like to hear how you feel about vows themselves, not in the context of marriage.

>> No.2705396

No no, I only want to learn. Why do you stay married if you intend to cheat? If it's for money then you're taking advantage of your partner and her family. If it's for something else, I'd be interested to know what.

How would you feel if your wife were the one cheating? And why do you insist on outlining whether love exists or not when that's obviously unrelated to your own experience? You really do come off as emotionally immature when you shift the issue off of yourself to others.

>> No.2705403

it's like there are two of me in this thread

get out of here doppleganger!

>> No.2705407


Why dost thou hate me so? Why can't a man enjoy watching other fully-grown men with rippling muscles pretend to fight each other?

>> No.2705409


Why hate cheaters? I mean, think about it. Shouldn't you instead renegotiate the ideal that these "cheaters" are abandoning? Maybe you're insecure about the legitimacy of this ideal ("true" love, that is)?

>> No.2705410
File: 26 KB, 291x283, 1334517489529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know any of these prostitute feels. Girls approach me for casual sex because of the way I look and things I own. Feels good, but honestly, who gives a fuck after a certain point? The guys who get it a lot get it too much, the guys who get it not at all post on 4chan about being faithful and so on.

Sex is a funny thing. It'll save you and it'll ruin you at the same time. It gives you children, it gives you a companion, and then you lose those things and wonder what you were slaving for. I work for myself. I don't intend to get married. Lawyer, here.

>> No.2705412

I was more disappointed that you couldn't think of a well-reasoned enough response to the argument, but I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything more.

Anyway, I don't consider faithfulness in the institution of marriage to be "sacred" or inherently right, as you assume again and again. But I DO believe in the value of human feelings, particularly the feelings of those close to me. Cheating heightens the likelihood of my partner's feelings be hurt and therefore is a wrongful action to undertake.

>> No.2705416

'Cuz wrestling sucks now.

Pro wrestling in the 90s/early '00s is definitely responsible for some of the oddest moments ever captured on film, though.

>tfw when you've modeled your tulpa after early mankind.

>> No.2705419

People who are considering getting married should have a look at this video:


>> No.2705421

Fuckin' nailed it.

>> No.2705422

Ha! I know! Well, I've got to leave work now and take the subway home to wonderful family. Then later in the bathroom I'll cruise eros or datecheck and leer and wonder sadly. I've got 300 bucks hidden in a jacket pocket...

>> No.2705425

I didn't intend to get married until I met my wife.

>> No.2705427

Why hate white nationalists? I mean, think about it. Shouldn't you instead renegotiate the ideal that these "white nationalists" are abandoning? Maybe you're insecure about the legitimacy of this ideal (the Golden Rule, that is)?

>> No.2705435


>implying I don't own many boxsets/dvds of events from that era and torrent the shit out of the Attitude era as well.

CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are the only good ones now.

>> No.2705436


Good thing I saw what you were responding to, I thought this was a serious statement. I'm so suck of /pol/ shit in /lit/.

>> No.2705441
File: 19 KB, 212x202, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't enjoy beauty in nature or pretty much anywhere anymore because every time my spirit starts going up my mind gets invaded by the thought of "it's just subatomic particles reacting with each other" and when that image of machinery happening without purpose is in my head nothing looks beautiful. I sabotage myself every time I feel the least bit happy and there's no stopping it because one can't not think about something.

>> No.2705443

Go get some pot. Get high. Shut your brain off.

>> No.2705448

Ok I'll bite.
First of all these vows. What are they? I need a clearer definition, especially if they are outside the context of marriage.

Humans are by nature selfish. Your own priorities come first an then those of others follow. The amount to which you exercise this however, is variable. YOU believe it is wrong to have sex outside of a relationship because of the feelings of the other party, but won't extent the same emotion to someone you don't know as well. Why is this? Because of your own vested interest in the relationship. You like to congratulate yourself on being this moral person who is "faithful" but ultimately it is through fear of the consequences. I know you disagree though. I can smell it.

You honestly believe that you are by nature this moral being who genuinely wont have sex with someone else because you are a good person, right? Then why do you only extend this morality to the person sharing your house? Why are you on 4chan and not volunteering at the homeless shelter? Is there something more moral about trying to benefit the emotions of this one person? No. You just don't want to jeopardize your own happiness.

I on the other hand know I am a selfish bastard. This doesn’t mean my concern for the other party is less than yours. But I am willing to gamble having pleasure on the hope that the other party doesn’t find out. If this is achieved successfully then no damage is done, and I come away with having greater reward.

>> No.2705449

The Golden Rule isn't an ideal. And white nationalism only affirms the consequential notions of the Golden Rule.

You hate cheating because it violates some kind of pact that is possibly a dumb pact to have made in the first place.

>> No.2705452

Appeals to nature everwhuur

>> No.2705454

I know that feel. Teach yourself to believe that the subatomic particles reacting with each other is, in itself, beauty. A brute happening with no apparent cause, working together to create infinite possibilities, feelings, images and ideas.

>> No.2705457

What a fantastic rebuke, sir. Thank you for participating.

>> No.2705460


Last time I smoked pot I thought I was hallucinating the whole world in front of me. Also thought I was going to die or kill someone. Pass.

>> No.2705463

Get friends.

>> No.2705474


What I just described happened with friends that I trust. I thought they were figments of my imagination.

>> No.2705483

What do you think of the advice given in >>2705454 ?

I've always found comfort in the fact that something as mechanistic as you describe and something that seems to the eye to be so free, flowing and infinite in possibilities are intrinsically linked. Like the camera equipment behind the scenes of a beautiful film that you play a part in.

>> No.2705484

Do I need to explain to you why that's not a good thing? Would it be better that I adopt a trip and write three paragraphs about it? I'm not a good teacher, go ask your professor about it.

>> No.2705501


I can sometimes feel that.. but only if I don't have an understanding of how it happens. Like seeing a snow flake form in slow motion doesn't do much because it's looks straight-forward. But something like an animal using ingenious ways to do various things like hunting prey can still amaze me, because I can't comprehend what exactly is happening inside their brains.

>> No.2705505

I have a fear of responsibility and I really dislike being a burden to people, which is probably one of the worst combos ever.
I get mad over minor things, sometimes to the point of thinking of killing someone, while some actually serious shit doesn't phase me one bit.
I talk to myself a lot, mostly singing, quoting something I liked or acting out my own scenarios.
I'm a hopeless manchild who adores the Rule of Cool.
I prefer physical solitude.
I fap to stuff that would get me jailed.
I learned Japanese just to read their porn games.
I always have some sort of apocalypse scenario floating in my head.
I sometimes mood swing from one side of the spectrum to the other.
I have a minor fear of onions.

>> No.2705507 [DELETED] 

I'd shoot all of you execution style and not even feel a thing.

fuck i hate the kind of people that come on this chan
too bad information addiction

>> No.2705510

Nice poem.

>> No.2705513

Your understanding of how things happen only relates to a tiny degree of how they happen. All things, regardless of whether they appear simple or less simple, are related to an infinite web of complexity which nonetheless is governed by scientific laws. Those laws may control aspects of life, like a machine, but that doesn't change the fact that the beautiful complexity is still there.

>> No.2705515
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Well, sexually speaking, I don't know. I like women my age and I'm generally attracted to normal girls, and I date regularly, but I'd like to fool around with older (40~50) women, shemales and twinky boys my age once in a while. Another side of me I have to feed occasionally.

Other than that, I'm pretty normal. Even kind of boring. I hate gore, I'm disgusted by scat, never tasted my own cum, I'm a pretty clean person, never went through depression etc.

I don't even know if I'm weird enough to be normal for 4chan's standards: I'm not shy, I have friends, I'm a moderate left-wing liberal, I don't play a lot of videogames, lost my virginty at an acceptable age.

>> No.2705516

I wear corduroy in the summer.

>> No.2705519 [DELETED] 

I want to hunt down anyone who posts an opinion/belief that I do not like

>> No.2705533
File: 64 KB, 720x480, ROXAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel slightly infatuated with Roxas from Kingdom Hearts, and I'm 18 and male. I'm not sure if this is wrong.

So this is why /lit/ gets trolled so much.

>> No.2705540
File: 27 KB, 350x304, 1332712834809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm in high places I'm afraid I'll lose control of my body and propel myself over the railing (even though I'm not suicidal).

Also happens in buses when I sit next to women or children, I'm afraid I'll lose control of my body and so something horrible.

>> No.2705545


Normalfag pls go.

>> No.2705550

I know that feel, bro. I stopped going to the edge of rooftops for that very reason. It's just that "what if.." in the back of your mind.

After viewing all those subway mutilation gifs on 4chan, I don't even get close to the platform edge anymore. I stay far far back.

>> No.2705554

>when I sit next to women

society sure programmed you good
misogynist and misandrist

>> No.2705565


u wot m8?

Oh and to specify, it only happens with attractive young women, not with grandmas.

>> No.2705568

That was brilliant.

>> No.2705573


I despise you even more now.

>> No.2705575 [DELETED] 

do you look at such things?

>> No.2705581


Are you a crazy person? Despise me for what? Having irrational fears?

>> No.2705704

ITT: A lot of kids from broken homes argue with people who had affairs.

Pretty good thread by /lit/ standards. And when you consider how much great literature has been based on motivations of infidelity, it's actually on-topic.

Oh, and I'm back from my
beers, >>2705267 so any of you manbabies who want to give me a load of aggro for my foul and wanton ways, go for it. However, the missus is giving me earache at the minute so you'll have to wait. Apparently the dog's got fucking gutrot or a headache or something. How she can tell, I have no fucking clue, but there you are.

Can dogs even get a headache? How the fuck would you know? Can you give them like a shaving of paracetemol? Are humans the only animals to get a headache?

>> No.2705707


>When I'm in high places I'm afraid I'll lose control of my body and propel myself over the railing (even though I'm not suicidal).

I think that's incredibly normal, probably like 80% of people know that feel.

>> No.2705713


>> No.2705718

And how do you feel about your wife today? Not supporting you? Lazy? Entitled? Not keeping up her beauty?

Marriage 2.0

shiggy diggy

>> No.2705721


There's even a name for it. Vertigo.

>> No.2705723

Congratulations. You are the first person in my life I've ever heard that shares my fear.

I'm not afraid I'll fall, I'm afraid I'll JUMP.

>> No.2705734


When I'm driving down the highway at night I fear I might swerve on purpose into oncoming traffic.

>> No.2705747


Not what we're talking about.

>> No.2705749

15 years later? We been through some shit, man. Some tough crap, and things aren't a party now either. We have found some very deep differences between us but we're slowly learning to accept the differences, because only a fool would think we'd not have differences.
As much of a total bitch as she is sometimes, when I look at her I feel a deep love for her, and couldn't imagine living without her. True story.
Also, I was smart enough to marry someone who I knew would continue to be a hottie, so no problems there. She's also a business cat and can bring in steady cash.

>> No.2705751

Oh dear god that feel. sometimes I'm even gripping the steering wheel thinking to myself "Why the fuck are you even thinking about this?".

Another one is falling asleep when driving. I catch myself letting my eyelids grow heavy because I'm terrified of falling asleep.

>> No.2705754

I actually really like heights and find them thrilling. I used to work hanging lighting units in theatres and way high in the rigging, and even went parachuting as a way to try to live it out. Wasn't the same, though, has to be that one step over the edge. I've always thought about what it would be like for that cartoon instant where you are just a foot away from where you were standing safely, same things in your pockets and all, but beyond any return.

>> No.2705757


You mean you've never closed your eyes doing 70mph on the motorway/highway and dared yourself to see how long you could keep them closed.

Do you even DeLillo?

>> No.2705760

I have a similar thing with the TV. I know one day i'm going to smash it for no reason. This is very bad when i'm drunk, I actually have to suppress the urge to smash the TV.

>> No.2705768


That's not weird - that's just a child who can't stand losing at CoD when he's pissed up on alcopops.

>> No.2705766

Its bad enough lighting a joint at that speed. I have to take my eyes off the road and watch the flame as it catches.

>> No.2705774

>smoking weed while driving, and not before you get into the car

alfalfa as fuck

What state do you live in so I can look out for your obituary in the paper

>> No.2705775

I barely watch TV and never play video games. I just have an urge to smash it. other things too, but the TV has the strongest lure.

>> No.2705780


I do this all the time

>> No.2705781

I live in the UK, and I almost exclusively smoke weed when diving.

>> No.2705784

Must be hard to light underwater.

>> No.2705785

Doesn't it get wet?

>> No.2705786

What a waste of good pot

>> No.2705789

har har. *Driving.

>> No.2705793

I was hoping for moar MILF fotos.

>> No.2705800

Thats disgusting. Reported

>> No.2705809

I've watched two people die, one a homeless man hit by a car, the other my best friend from cancer. i think about suicide all the time but i'll never do it. I feel a sort of O'Connor-esque heavy madness every day i spend here in the south away from my family. also i normally browse /b/

>> No.2705920

But seriously, name of pretty lady in OP's pic?

>> No.2706047

When I was in the army, I shot a kid. And I laughed about it. I still don't even feel guilty.

>> No.2706056
File: 444 KB, 1280x782, 103E0712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, left this thread to meet some friends for Promethius after I posted >>2705095 and just now got around to reading recent posts. So many great thoughts in this thread, not just the ones I called out above. Interesting point on old testament prophets >>2705105. Regarding infidelity, I can kind of rectify/ rectal-fy both views - I actually don't view open marriages as immoral. However, I've made a promise to the wifey and unless it is altered in writing in front of witnesses (that ain't happenin') I'll hopefully keep the promise that to have her as my partner (emotional, spiritual, sexual, etc.) that I give up all other pussy. But, we'll see if I last another 10 years...

>> No.2706059

also, I've looked at the original gilf image at the top like 3 times in detail now and want to fuck that lady like a dog

>> No.2706141


I'd rather watch her fuck a dog while she's sucking my cock and weeping at the choices she made to bring her to this point.

>> No.2706396

name for lady in op's pic?

>> No.2706524
File: 274 KB, 1335x1025, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems she's known as Lady Barbara!

>> No.2706527
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ITT: It's 1934

Brother, can you spare a dime?

>> No.2706532
File: 37 KB, 500x375, 1330935353456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets see here....besides getting fucked by two shemale prostitutes in the same night,

You sir, have lived my dream.

>> No.2706823
File: 43 KB, 200x207, 1335817039482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to suck on those firm nipples while fucking her asshole raw.

>> No.2706875

Are you sure about not doing crack?

>> No.2706876

>That said, I'm not a racist, sexist shit looking to circle-jerk with like-minded twits that need excuses to convince themselves that other people are the reason why he's so worthless, so I'm in the lesser-tier of fucked up.

That's most white American males, especially in flyover country and over the age of 35.

>> No.2706880

>Describing self with psychiatric diagnoses
>fucked up

Yeah, no.

>> No.2706896

Wait, people actually think monogamy is still a thing? The divorce rate is nearly 50%.

>> No.2706901

there are a fuckton of relationshipfags in this thread who believe their souls are entwined with the sack of flesh they stick their cock into, and the notion of infidelity is abhorrent and immoral.

>> No.2706903

What, this thread is still around? You're not fucked-up, you're just losers.

>> No.2706907

Yeah, I'm not sure why. There's no reason to judge other people for choosing their own lifestyle. Monogamy is not practical for a lot of people, in spite of the norms of the nuclear family and other BS society teaches you.

There's no reason to judge someone for cheating as long as they're willing to accept the consequences of that.

I thought a board about literature would have a more open mind.

>> No.2706930

>I cut myself and then put salt in them so it hurts more.
> More than once I've yelled at a bug in my house ( legitimately lecture for more than five minutes ' Now look we can do this the easy way or the hard way you fucking faggot spider bitch') until they went somewhere that didn't bother me as much. like a corner.
> I've casted a spell to change my eye color and it worked
> sometimes in the middle of the night I go outside and climb a tree until I can sleep again.
> I get uncontrollable spasms throughout the day. Like i'll flail my limbs and twitch for 2 seconds and then I'll be fine like nothing happened.
> I'll go into states where I'm incapable of responding to anyone and I'll just stare at the wall for sometimes hours at a time thinking of absolutely nothing except all the ways I can kill myself.
> bulimic
> there's a bottle filled with a special kind of poison in my drawer just in case I need to die.

mfw I've never been diagnosed with anything ever besides a cold.

>> No.2706936
File: 108 KB, 5000x5000, 1334650034129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I've casted a spell to change my eye color and it worked

>> No.2706939

>I form intricate rape scenarios in my head. Often involving a whole family in a joseph fritzl-style dungeon
>I had a high school job in a food processing factory and put a tab of lsd into every 6,000th sausage roll
>I have masturbated with my sisters underwear
>I have forced anal on the last two one night stands I have had
>I once spent a whole night superglueing pennies over the keyholes of so many cars it made the front page of newspapers
>I no longer feel normal emotions

>> No.2706941

>I had a high school job in a food processing factory and put a tab of lsd into every 6,000th sausage roll

How long until that factory got shut down?

>> No.2706945

As far as I know it's still running. I could only endure that job for a couple of months, and spiked maybe 7 sausage rolls. Nobody complained while I was there.

>> No.2706946


>shit that never happened

tell me more

>> No.2706950
File: 7 KB, 202x180, smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw you think i'm making any of that shit up.

>> No.2706957

When I'm out in public I start to get an irrational hate for anyone who does something that I don't want them to, to the point that I build up this almost uncontrollable rage until I get inside and sit quietly. It could be some single mum shouting at her children for no reason, or someone pressing the 'Stop' button on the bus after I already pressed it and they clearly heard the sound, I start to get this dull round pain in my stomach like a knot and I want to burst out screaming at them telling them what a fucking waste of air they are and how they shouldn't leave the house if they can't stop being a fucking irritating, mindless and senseless cyst on humanity.

Sometimes when I see a cute girl walking down the road I get an urge to follow her, wait until she goes down a back street and grab her head, wrap one arm around her neck to hold her and choke and smash her head against a wall until her skull collapses and just leave her dying in a puddle. It's not even sexually appealing I just have this urge to be violent.

I have this problem as well, when I'm walking along a bridge I get thoughts of jumping off, or when I'm standing on the road side waiting to cross I think about leaping under a car. It used to happen with knives and I'd think of stabbing self in the chest. I don't want to do it but I can't stop thinking about it, it's almost Kafkaesque.
The strangest thing is that I'm a really content person, I love my life I have great passions, good hopes for the future and romantic partner who I care deeply about, but I have these dark thoughts.

Am I fucked up?

>> No.2706961

>threw a hard rock at some random bitch outside of a shopping center after she laughed at my acne and called me 'pizzaface'.
>followed an abusive customer I served to see where her car was, where I waited until she left and smashed her back window in.
>have severe misogynistic tendencies on the whole.
>masturbate 3-4 times day despite healthy sex life w/ girlfriend.
>people seem to think I'm a nice, charming guy.

I can't fucking stand myself either because it makes me think I'm some insufferable 'edgy tryhard' fuckwit

>> No.2706962

>It could be some single mum shouting at her children for no reason.

gawd, this.

About two years ago I was in a supermarket with a couple of friends. It was about three in the afternoon and we had been in a pub since 11am playing pool, so obviously had a few beers. In the supermarket was this woman screaming at her child. She had one hand gripping it's wrist and had it yanked up on tiptoes so she could smack it and shout at it better. My friend just lost it. We had just walked into the store so were still at the grocery section. He picked up an apple and gave a perfect pitch. If flew across the store and hit the woman in the side of her face making her fall to the floor. We just turned around and ran back to the pub.

>> No.2706965

This guy here. Can totally relate to this >>2706957

>> No.2706997

I see that shit all the time, yesterday there was a woman running through the bus station with her children following her and she shouted to her daughter (who must've been about 8 years old) who was carrying 2 bags full of shopping "Shut up crying and run for this bus!", that kind of shit really gets my blood boiling.
The problem is that it can be far more minor things, like someone's trousers, or the way they sit on a chair or their voice, I seem to hate almost anyone I come into contact with.

Unfortunately it's made me feel incredibly narcissistic because I'm convinced that I'm better than everyone else, I sometimes feel like the only sane person going.

I've don't have too much probably in thinking that I'm edgy and try-hard, I'm comfortable in the fact that I am a genuine "hipster" because I honestly don't try to be one, which is something a lot of my friend's have told me, it works because I'm semi-good looking, moderately talented and intellectual, I don't really have a need to share these internal feelings with anyone other than anonymous people on the internet. It's kind of a dirty little secret.

However, and this does feel pretty cliche, ever since I read American Psycho, I really resonated with being emotionally hollow and unsympathetic to other people, the only difference is that I'm not accomplished enough to live a life without any challenge, when that happens I fear for my own sanity.

>> No.2707037

For the past couple years I've had, in growing frequency and surges, fantasies about ending my life in my 40's.

I live pretty much solely to chase base pleasures. My life consists of me going out drinking 5-6 nights a week, often well into the morning. I will wake up, try my best to remove all the shit from the night before, then run to the gym, in time to start pre-drinks with whoever is home in the afternoon.

Maintaining my alright looks are essential to continuing this life. Without them I believe I cannot enjoy it, as I love socialising and casual sex. Over the past few years my recreational use of drugs has continually been on the increase, although I feel no addiction to anything I take.

I love escapism, one of the reasons I spend as much time as I can abroad.

This choice is one of the main drivers to why I read pretty much solely pre-1950. As I only have so much time in life, I'd love to learn what I can of the world, across many ages in the past and of all different regions, and I think that the mode in which I do it is a good idea, as the books as products of their times. I have little to no interest in modern literature, solely because I am living this life now, and experience it daily, especially with the diverse people I meet.

I will end my life when I grow bored of this. I believe it was reading about Yukio Mishima and his books that was one of the pivotal drivers of these urges I feel. I am not depressed, I love my life, but only for these pleasures.

>> No.2707042

I threw away any chance at a wealthy and wholesome future to live in the slums as a low life drunk. Which is an odd career move for most people. Other than that I'm a pretty cool guy.

High tech low life niggers.

>> No.2707049

>I threw away any chance at a wealthy and wholesome future to live in the slums as a low life drunk.

I suspect that you sir, are the most intelligent person on /lit/

>> No.2707050

I have had countless opportunities to get a 'good' job, and still do since I graduate with an accounting degree in July. Nonetheless, the money and assets my parents have, especially after the death of my grandmother and my mother's inheritance of her investments act as a nice safety net.

Although I do not sponge off of my parents that much.

>> No.2707061
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I went from neet to full time manual labourer. Feels weird man. Also feels sort of good, but that's probably because I'm still enough of a sheltered middle class faggot who has read enough books to be able to romanticize it. Which is a pretty nice coping mechanism in a sort of Kerouac way.

>> No.2707062
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>the money and assets my parents have... act as a nice safety net.

I know that feel bro. Knowing my luck my parents will live to be 110. I need to encourage them to take up meth and skydiving.

>> No.2707193

You alright Caps? I do recall on a couple occasions you dipping below the level of happiness, reflected in some of your drunken ramblings.

>> No.2707198

>ITT boring people trying to be interesting


Yeah the plight of people with inheritances really piques my interest.

>> No.2707203

Cry me a fucking river poorfag.

>> No.2707217

Yeah I'm good.

I recall the time I came back, after puking on a train in Osaka and D&E told me that I'm eventually going to burn out from this lifestyle. That was nearly two years ago, and it has only intensified.

Good news for all you Mishima lover fucks, I'm probably just going to up and buy a copy of Sun, Steel, and Sword or whatever essay he wrote and add it to our Jap /lit/ folder.

>> No.2707221
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>> No.2707224

Congratulations on expressing with a pic what you couldn't manage to say with words. You must be very articulate.

Now I am going to sit back and drink my kopi luwak. Do you know what that tastes like, prole?

>> No.2707230

So everyone in this thread is like 16 right?

>> No.2707237

Implying you read the 200+ posts to form your conclusion, instead of making an invalid statement based on a few select posts.

>> No.2707242
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>he honestly thinks that inhereting money makes you classy in the year 2012

>> No.2707260
File: 128 KB, 1055x959, fuck ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will once more compensate for my lack of eloquence with a picture, my kind sir. You may enjoy your kor asjawa (can't be bothered to scroll down to check the spelling)

>> No.2707261

You also ever fantasise about death growing up, Cappie?

>> No.2707262

Who said anything about "classy"? Stop trying to insert strawmen you useless fuck. Inheriting money from dead parents will make you slightly more wealthy. Why do you disagree?

>> No.2707269

Yes, I did. But I had no reason why, I thought it was just grandeur. I never had these fascinations thinking I was to die an old man though, but in the prime of my youth doing some drastic deed or some bs.

It wasn't erotic in the sense of Mishima though.

>> No.2707278

You implied that you consider yourself to be high class by using the derisive term "prole" in reference to the purportedly poor person you are arguing with.

You see, a person with shitloads of money can be as low-brow and classless as a homeless man, which you are demonstrating wonderfully.

>> No.2707281

We disagree with the fact that you think it makes you superior as was stated here >>2707203

>> No.2707308

How did you manage to infer that I believe that makes me superior?
The discourse was as follows:
>Yeah the plight of people with inheritances really piques my interest.
>Cry me a fucking river poorfag.

I don't see any claim of superiority in that posts. I am also kind enough to extend that post to you too.

>> No.2707317

prole |prōl| informal derogatory
a member of the working class; a worker.

It's pretty easy to infer an air of superiority about you when you call someone else a prole.

>> No.2707329

That post didn't call him a prole.

When I did call him a prole, the derogatory nature of the term was obviously used against his first sarcastic post and the picture implying being rich is akin to being able to eat more shit, not to imply an air of superiority.

As it happens yes I am wealthy, and yes I am financially superior, and in most cases I am superior in education too. Problem, prole?

>> No.2707330
File: 26 KB, 181x181, Zombatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently I'm fucked up enough to check on this thread the next day and read even more crap when I ought to be writing that great novel or at least an eloquent email or cleaning some of the dusty debris of this house but it's my first day of a semi vacation and I'm having more fun reading the ahem dialogue ITT, though now I'm at the end and I'll go do something productive like check to see if the coffee pot is still there

>> No.2707338

I never referenced your earlier post, so do not start lumping in my positions with his.

However you use prole, it implies an air of superiority. He called you a money-wasting rich person, and so you defended yourself by calling him working class. That still implies that you consider yourself superior.

>As it happens yes I am wealthy, and yes I am financially superior, and in most cases I am superior in education too. Problem, prole?

Here we go again. Do you somehow deny that you are claiming to be superior here, even when you EXPLICITLY state it?

>> No.2707348

>He called you a money-wasting rich person, and so you defended yourself by calling him working class. That still implies that you consider yourself superior.
No, that means I am saying his working-class...er..ness is the reason for his complaining. Not that I am better than him.

>Do you somehow deny that you are claiming to be superior here, even when you EXPLICITLY state it?
I am now admitting that I am in fact superior, but reject the claim that I was insinuating this earlier.

>> No.2707362

By implying that his being a member of the working class causes him to complain, you are insinuating that you are not working class. And now you explicitly claim superiority. What does that mean you think you are? You think you're high class.

>> No.2707373
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>> No.2707382
File: 24 KB, 640x389, chav23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are insinuating that you are not working class.
Yes, but that doesn't explicitly imply any inferiority on his part.

>And now you explicitly claim superiority. What does that mean you think you are? You think you're high class.
I am upper-middle I guess. My parents are wealthy, and I am reasonably well educated. To be perfectly honest, when I look at pic related I do consider myself to be superior in many ways. That in itself is not derogatory though, just a basic class observation.

>> No.2707393

>but that doesn't explicitly imply any inferiority on his part.
The insinuation does imply inferiority when coupled with a derogatory term.

>I am upper-middle I guess
Good for you. The point I was making about class was that everyone with money isn't necessarily classy, because they might have terrible taste or not know how to handle money.

>> No.2707418

>The point I was making about class was that everyone with money isn't necessarily classy, because they might have terrible taste or not know how to handle money.

Here we go again with "classy" which was actually your original objection here:
>he honestly thinks that inhereting money makes you classy in the year 2012

Classy is a subjective term. Even if I solely listened to Kesha and Justin Beiber and the proles in the previous pic only listened to Bach. On whose definition of what constitutes classy are we going by?

>> No.2707430

Hello OP. I found you >>>/s/13279971

>> No.2707449

i fly off the handle when people use the term 'subjective' without qualifying extremely carefully

>> No.2707453

oh! an impostor!

>> No.2707465

Are you saying the term subjective is subjective?

>> No.2708034
File: 38 KB, 363x380, klan_twat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I thought a board about literature would have a more open mind.

Welcome to /lit/ - it's staggeringly reactionary in here. When you consider most posters are in their teens/early twenties, it's absolutely baffling.

It's like the Young Republicans convention.

>> No.2708055


>Now I am going to sit back and drink my kopi luwak. Do you know what that tastes like, prole?

Not as good as it should do for the price.

I agree though, the poor are most irritating with their irrational envy.

And I can't be bothered to list all the ways I'm fucked up.

>> No.2708071

I've always made joking references to me being crazy, but never assumed I was actually mentally ill.

But now I've gotten some information on me from unbiased source, which led to me examining and comparing my character and...

Well, apparently I really don't work like the norm. In no way. I never realised this, and when confronted with it this directly, it really hurt.

>> No.2708072


Haha, not all of us are terrible. Just most of us


haha, no, but thanks

>> No.2708078


>confirmed for human shit

There are nice parts of Florida - mostly where the wealthy hang out, although I'll agree that the majority of the state would have been better served if it had stayed a swamp.

Some of the people who live in the swamp are awesome though. Zooming around on an airboat, drunk off your gourd and whizzing on prescription meds while firing shotguns indiscriminately into the woodlands can be hella fun.