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File: 42 KB, 540x720, hipstergirlbigboobspic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2704081 No.2704081 [Reply] [Original]

The French Lietenant's Woman - John Fowles
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
O: A Presidential Story - Anonymous (hey, that's us!)

I was looking at them all today, but not sure if I'm gonna buy them.

>> No.2704085

stop posting her. ou upset me with her cuteness and her giant tits

>> No.2704095

Dammit, OP, I don't come here for boners. Anyway, definitely read Fowles - he's wonderful.

>> No.2704097

That girl is not a hipster and she's absolutely ugly. Please Sunhawk don't post her again. Dat fucking face, Jesus. This pseudo-modest smug smile that tries to give an explanation for having big tits is truly horrible.

Oh, S. have you read any Malcolm Lowry? You should give him a shot if you haven't.

>> No.2704105

quotin' this

exactly the kind of girl that teenagers think of as really cute and attractive and cool for no apparent reason

>> No.2704111

fuck you girl. fuck you and your huge set of tits

>> No.2704138


I agree, The Magus is good (although too romance-orientated).


She's amazing looking. Only problem is the snotty look on her face, which indicates she wouldn't talk to the betas on this board, including myself.

>> No.2704155

>Sunhawk reading 'Under the Volcano'

Haha, oh wow.

Can't go wrong with 'Catch-22', Sunhawk.

>> No.2704160

She looks like a pig. A pig with tits. Girls like that are a diamond dozen here in the north of England.

>> No.2704171

Catch-22's definitely worth a read.

As for the chick - would not bang

>> No.2704177
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>Sunhawk !M9PhF5nIzs
>Anonymous (hey, that's us!)

>> No.2704271

You won't go wrong with Catch-22. GREAT book.

>> No.2704331


Really? For the first time in my life, I wish I lived oop North.

She's probably American though. There's something about her.

>> No.2704336

you'll like catch-22 because it's postmodern without being difficult.

>> No.2704338

I thought that was cute. Made me really feel like I got to know a bit of his personality. he seems like a stand up fellow, timid but friendly

>> No.2704345


Is Catch-22 postmodern? This is very good. I thought it was just absurdist.


I'm Anonymoose on other boards.

>> No.2704351

>you'll never know if she's fat

>> No.2704364

her neck and underarms are slim so we can guess rather accurately.

>> No.2704369

still, there are girls like that with a disgusting belly.

>> No.2704377

She looks pretty chubby. Ant that face doesn't help her cause.

>> No.2704388

>implying that amount of chubby isn't cute
obviously you've never been with a real woman

>> No.2704404


The chubby'd be acceptable with a decent looking face, something this girl's lacking

>> No.2704408
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>obviously you've never been with a real woman
what is this nonsense, nigga?
>implying a real women stuffs her face with chocolate instead of exercising to become the perfect bedroom gymnast

Pic related has the perfect amount of fat for a woman.

>> No.2704412

>Implying chubby women can't be flexibal as all fuck and ride you twice as hard.
Aha Aha Aha.

>> No.2704420

get a loada this guy
i said real, not perfect

>> No.2704426
File: 155 KB, 669x1000, aHR0cDovL2hvc3RlZC5mZW1qb3kuY29tL2dhbGxlcmllcy8xMTE1NzNfeGZxODc0X3hkcTU4NC9waWNzLzAxNi5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying chubby girls wont get tired, start wheezing, then roll over on to their back so they can eat cheerios straight from the box.

I bet either you are a landwhale or your girlfriend is.

>> No.2704433
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>> No.2704434
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you're trying so hard

>> No.2704436


To each his own

>> No.2704442

Apparently people are keen on mistaking "chubby" for "fat as fuck". There is a difference, you know.

>> No.2704444



I don't think 'fat' boobs are a bad thing.

I think it is a great thing. C and D cup are heaven. Not to denounce A, B and E cups, though.

>> No.2704443



>> No.2704449


Why did you even type that? Are you competing for "most asinine trip" or something? Or can you just not leave the keyboard alone for more than 10 minutes?

>> No.2704452


Hey, that's my title!

>> No.2704455

i know. it was a joke mocking that guy.

you dont think i was capable of putting those two comments together?

>> No.2704459


I'm bored. That's why I'm here.

>> No.2704460

the generational divide between the 80s and the early 90s is most visible in boob preferences. Generation Z prefers waifish, androgynous women with smaller breasts.

true story.

>> No.2704462

You must be bored a lot.

>> No.2704464



>> No.2704463

If it makes you feel better, I actually thought you'd changed trips to benny.

>> No.2704480

>I don't think 'fat' boobs are a bad thing.

That's because the last boob you came into contact with was squirting milk down your scrawny little throat while you shat your diaper.

>> No.2704496

Sounds kinky.

>> No.2704498
File: 9 KB, 215x184, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I pay a woman 120 euros every friday night for that experience.

>mfw I now actually want to pay a lactating prostitute to let me drink her milk

>> No.2704502

new fetish acquired. porn is downloading as we speak.

>> No.2704504

Where do you live? I guarantee I can find a hooker into that in your area in ten minutes.

>> No.2704506

two weeks ago

>> No.2704507


I live in Amsterdam, so I think I'll be OK without your help, thanks though.

>> No.2704508
File: 20 KB, 406x536, dog_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>doesn't deny shitting in a diaper though.

>> No.2704513

No worries. I'm kinda going through a hooker phase at the moment. I have found all the dark seedy corners of the internet whey they advertise, and I seem to be going through them one by one. I actually had one delivered to my office last saturday when no one else was working, just so I could fuck her on my desk.

>> No.2704515

how did that go

>> No.2704519


How delightfully sleazy. You should have got her to do a shit in one of your colleagues' desk drawer though. I wonder how much extra she'd have charged?

>> No.2704530


>delivered to my office

If they don't come in 30 minutes do you get it free?

(or maybe that should be if you don't come in 30 minutes)

>> No.2704549
File: 17 KB, 360x480, 2794805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did that go
Brilliant. I can't let my self get a taste for office sex though. I seem to really get off on the idea of getting caught. I have taken to fucking in my car too which is never a good sign, but I don't like doing in-calls because the walls of spank paddles, whips, and strap-ons make me feel uneasy

Probably not that much extra. Quite a few offer "watersports" free of charge so I'm sure a couple would be willing to shit for me. They really are filthy little skanks.

I wish. I usually arrange to meet them the day before. But most are available within the hour. Pic related is one of the eastern Europeans I'm debating buying for tomorrow. She's £100 for an hour and willing to let me cum in her mouth. There's something about hookers that turns me on so much more than a regular one night stand.

>> No.2704585

holy shit that's cheaper than most of my one night stands
do they tend to be relatively unintelligent?

>> No.2704594

European hookers are so much hotter (and, apparently, cheaper) than American ones. God damn your never-ending supply of young, supple Eastern Europeans.

Also I love the direction this thread took... ilu /lit/

>> No.2704622


If she's charging a ton an hour then I fucking hope she's fit. The slags in Holland usually charge about 100 euros, and they're generally well saucy. They won't let you come in their mouths though. So I'm told, ahem.

>> No.2704633

you can get a good quality polish/ukrainian slag for £40 in london if you know where to look.

>> No.2704642


Yeah, maybe, but there's such a thing as too cheap. Imagine how many tricks she has to turn a night at that price. If you catch her late on, it would be like dipping your wick in custard.

>> No.2704660
File: 16 KB, 360x480, 2859137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Usually, but not always. But lets be honest, I'm not buying them to discuss Nabokov. I actually quite like the lack of intellect they have anyway. There's this look that they tend to have in their eyes, is a cross between totally vacant and pure filth, and I fucking love it. You can see the child abuse and bad decisions and this pure dirty streak that you can't get from a normal girl.

This is what your typical UK hooker looks like. They are not really worth buying, are more expensive, and don't really compare to the Eastern Europeans. But can usually manage to hold down a conversation about reality TV or cocaine. The Euros are sometimes colder but normally have the same father issues, are much better looking and are real nasty little bitches when they get going.

£40 is very good. Is that for a streetwalker though? I usually prefer to call them and have them either meet me somewhere or come to mine.

>> No.2704686
File: 65 KB, 716x518, borges_mong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You can see the child abuse and bad decisions and this pure dirty streak that you can't get from a normal girl.

I like it when they start crying when you nut on their face.


>> No.2704693

ITT: Feminists.

>> No.2704707


>here's this look that they tend to have in their eyes, is a cross between totally vacant and pure filth, and I fucking love it. You can see the child abuse and bad decisions and this pure dirty streak that you can't get from a normal girl

Seriously, watch. The whole clip is good, but if you want to skip to the specific part, jump to the 1:00 minute mark

>> No.2704717


A woman's right to sell her body is a feminist imperative.

>> No.2704725

Welllll, not really. I mean, to the extent that sexuality is going to be commodified and turned into something for the market, yes, but I think a lot of feminists would sign on to critiques of that kind of liberal capitalist market ideology as well. So, I mean, insofar as anyone should be selling their body, women should have the right to do so - BUT the commodification of sex in the sex trade is still rl problematic.

fo course not to mention that actually-existing prostitution is a horrendous institution that takes advantage of human trafficking and abused women, like, for real, even a feminist intellectually committed to legalizing prostitution would find things said itt problematic

>> No.2704741
File: 32 KB, 600x448, sash_feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's all well and good, but it leads to a further question:

How much do these polish slags charge for anal? Or is that included in the £40?

>> No.2704745

A bit off-topic, but where can you actually find that video? When I google "sasha grey toilet" I get something else.

>> No.2704749
File: 494 KB, 500x375, sasha_brayed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I think we passed that phase ages ago. I've never seen the video myself either though. I've often wondered if it's piss or jitler she's licking off the bog. I assume it's spunk, but you never know.

>> No.2704764

Wow, that was singularly awful.

>> No.2704773
File: 90 KB, 711x900, 1527728_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Jim Jefferies, have you seen his bit about taking the paraplegic to the brothel?

>that actually-existing prostitution is a horrendous institution that takes advantage of human trafficking and abused women,
No. I'm the hooker buying guy. and can tell you this is absolute bollocks. The existing prostitution industry is now a really wonderful place of entrepreneurship. 90% of the girls work for themselves and the rest pack together. I agree that prostitution was legal the situation would be much better though. The human trafficking has nothing to do with the prostitution industry, that is private rich people commissioning the smuggling of children for themselves. Its like equating 1guy1icepick with porn. You're thinking of an industry that hasn't existed for years.

I actually had a girl a few months ago who was a feminist. At least she told me so. I was initially shocked at first, I really didn't expect to hear that from a hookers mouth. But she is self-employed, can set her own prices, pick her clients and she genuinely loved having sex. In her own words "I would rather get paid to fuck than sell myself to McDonnalds".

On a different note this stunning Eastern European is the slut I have settled on for tomorrow(I have no idea if she is a feminist or not) she wants £150 for the hour, but I think that's money well spent.

>> No.2704779


Human trafficking is actually still quite wide-spread

>> No.2704791


>I've made loads of women come. It's not my fault. Your cunt's broken.

Lost it.

>> No.2704794


Not in places where it's legal. The brothels and hooker streets in my town all have big signs saying that slags are OK, but human traficking is shit. They've got their own charity to help out mishandled womens.

Illegal prostitution = organised crime = pimps = some poor albanian skank getting raped constantly for a week to desensitise her before getting booted out to King's Cross.

>> No.2704806

Yeah, I've got both his specials downloaded. I do like his ending stories (the vibrator egg and the friend's paraplegic brother) but they tend to drag on after the first viewing.

>> No.2704841

He also did a two hour podcast with Joe Rogan which is quite funny. No rehearsed material just shooting the shit. It's worth checking out if you like his stuff.

>> No.2704904
File: 42 KB, 634x631, 1eliztaylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark seedy corners
Which would be...?

Are all albanians criminals? I know that sounds ridiculous, but -quite literally- every single mention of an Albanian person I've ever heard in print and in conversation has been connected to crime.

>> No.2704918


>Are all albanians criminals?

They can't all be. But I've never met one in Western Europe who wasn't at least a bit dodgy.

Italians and Greeks have an even more negative opinion - they consider them subhuman.

>> No.2704923

Check the pictures:

>> No.2704938

lol at all the people ITT saying they wouldnt bang the girl in OP's pic. the fuck is wrong with your neckbeards

>> No.2704947



>> No.2704951


> never get laid
> have standards anyway

>> No.2704952

A lot of people ITT have demonstrated that they can get a much better looking hooker, who wouldn't come with any of the baggage that the chubby girl in OPs pic might.

>> No.2704956



>> No.2704993

I think this topic has drifted a bit. Quite a lot, actually.

>> No.2705006

I'll occasionally say things like "Eh, Turks aren't all that bad" around some Armenian friends, and they just fucking blankface it. I'm convinced they would have a fucking year-long parade if Turkey were wiped from the map tomorrow.

And to that, I say "Pfff, yuropoors."

>> No.2705014

Where do you lot get £100 or whatever to bang hookers regularly, anyway? It's all I can do to scrap together £15 to buy new boxer shorts. Jesus.

Although, paying for sex.


>> No.2705021

Do you have a job sunhawk? You're 28 years old like.

>> No.2705027


I used to have a 40 hour a week job, and even then I couldn't have afforded a whore. Unless you count Quentin.

>> No.2705034

I earn about 4k a month after tax. This leaves me with plenty to spent on hookers and drugs. Occasionally at the same time.

>Also, still being hung up about using hookers
I shiggy dog

>> No.2705125


>I'm convinced they would have a fucking year-long parade if Turkey were wiped from the map tomorrow.

Yeah, it's amazing how people can hold a judge after an attempted genocide against their people.


Only fucking just - turkey is only partially in Europe, geographically, and not at all politically (because of all the genociding and human rights abuses).

We should chuck the fucking greeks out as well, bunch of hairy, sweaty no-money motherfuckers.

>> No.2705137
File: 53 KB, 490x327, judge_korean_form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hold a judge

I meant grudge, of course. Shit, this weed is fucking strong.

>> No.2705149
File: 41 KB, 600x357, cyprus-problem6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Turkey is too culturally removed to be part of Europe. Istanbul is a lovely city, but shares nothing in common with the predominantly Christian Europe.

However we could really benefit from having Cyprus though (and not just for Ayia Napa). The Turks own the north and the Greeks own the south, and they just fucking hate each other And it's a gorgeous little island too.

I went there last year and stood at the fence around Famagusta (pic related). Its such a strange feeling to see a ghost city, all of those houses and hotels just completely empty and covered with bullet holes.

>> No.2705172


>> No.2705180


If you haven't got at least £100 in your pocket, right no, in cash then you have probably fucked up your life.

Unless you're a child, or a foreigner or something, like an African or whatever.

>> No.2705216


I've got this Turkish bird sniffing around me at the minute and I'm a bit conflicted: on the one hand she strikes me that she could get a bit clingy and whatnot, but on the other hand she does yoga five times a week so she's wicked flexible and she's got a flat in Istanbul so that could be fun.

She's not european though - she'd be pretty offended if someone thought she was.

Maybe I'll save myself the knobache and get a slag off the internet. My local brothel is having a -25% sale for duration of the European Cup.

Not really on-topic, but I don't know what would be really.