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/lit/ - Literature

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2702146 No.2702146 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/!

My friend recommended this forum to me because I love to read so much! (Pic related it's my favorite book.)

I've read the whooooooole Twilight series and I have to say, after you get out of the boring stuff you read in English class (gotta say college English class books are even worse than high school!) books are pretty cool. Most of them have too many big words and not enough sexy guys, yanowutimean? Plus I can really relate to Bella, she's such a great character.

Anyways my friend recommended "Dracula" to me but I tried reading it and it was boooooooring compared to Twilight. I was wondering if you guys knew any books similar to Twilight.

I heard the Hunger Games was good, but I'm not so sure about reading it. My friend said there wasn't that much romance until the later books.

>> No.2702151
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Welcome to our board! I'm sure you'll like it here. Twilight is a very exciting book, and I think you will like Hunger Games also! Why don't you give me your contact info and I'll help you get the right version?

>> No.2702155

this is such an original idea you've had, this must be so fun for you.

>> No.2702157
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>> No.2702159

Welcome to /lit/! Nice post OP. Can't agree with you more. Feel free to look around and post with your fellow /lit/erati (that's how we call ourselves, LOL)!

>> No.2702160


There are multiple versions of the book? Do you mean like languages? Because I can only read English and I'm pretty sure the book is in English.

>> No.2702167


Thanks! /lit/erati, that's clever! I used to belong to a writing group on deviantart called that. I posted my poetry there.

Do any of you guys write too or is this place just for reading?

>> No.2702168

You forgot to add contact info

>> No.2702171


That's not very nice of you, I just got here! You don't even know me.

>> No.2702173
File: 43 KB, 251x240, 1338139441266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'sup OP. a/s/l?

>> No.2702174
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>> No.2702175


>> No.2702176


Well I'm not gonna post my email or something, especially on the first time I've been to a site. I'm not stupid! :P

>> No.2702180


Twilight is waaaaaay better than a 0/10. Did you even read it?? That book has everything: love, adventure, magic, danger . . . what more could you want?

>> No.2702183

thread delivered

>> No.2702184


Rude much. Why don't you go rot, if this is how you treat newcomers.

>> No.2702188

Are you willing to share some of your poetry OP? Really curious and excited to read!

>> No.2702194

Is this what /b/ is like?

>> No.2702196

Harry Potter was soooo much better than twilight. Twilights just dumb girl stuff. HP is what a real book is like.

And bella is just a slut who does naughty with a 300 man. she is disgusting. you wouldn't catch hermione doing that.

>> No.2702200

despite its reputation, /b/ isn't actually that bad. /lit/ likes to maintain this smug sense of superiority, but is really just /b/ with a book theme.

>> No.2702202


Are you sure?

Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Here's my gallery.


>> No.2702206


Pfft are you what they call a "troll"? My friend told me about people like you.

>> No.2702207


Wow, I am the person who started this forum post and that is NOT my gallery. That person can't even write English and sounds like a 12 year old. Is that your idea of a joke??

>> No.2702217

Hey now! We're very open to any kind of verbal expression here. If you feel like 'trolling' someone by criticizing their personal work, then you're in the wrong place. Consider this a warning.

>> No.2702221

Shut up, that is my gallery. Quit being so mean.

>> No.2702230

Its not my gallery. get out

>> No.2702237


I have to agree with him, a moderator will shortly give you a formal warning (we are good friends IRL [that means in real life]), so please be careful what you post here. We are not in the Wild West.

Posted from my iPad

>> No.2702253


Oh! Well I didn't know that! Sorry, I'm new here!

>> No.2702259

Troll-rating: 3/10. well laid out but too unoriginal

>> No.2702273

this is one case where it would be good to keep in mind the dichotomy between "trolling" and "joking" esp since this is clearly a joke that a number of people are running with

>> No.2702329

5/10 OP
I'm actually laughing pretty hard right now.