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/lit/ - Literature

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2690918 No.2690918 [Reply] [Original]

So, what are those things that are out of question in todays society?

those things that you can't even mention cause you will be disqualified before you finish the phrase?

I have some: Infanticide, pedophilia, cannibalism, excision, incest.

got more?

>> No.2690921

I see nothing in this post that relates to literature. Try another board.

>> No.2690931
File: 10 KB, 266x400, The-Elementary-Structures-of-Kinship-9780807046692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this board discusses only literature.

pic related for ya. happy?

>> No.2690935


>Implying the name of the board is something other than LITERATURE

>> No.2690946

>implying a board discusses what is on its name

newfag detected. stfu if you dont know the board.

>> No.2690951


I understand the state of this board, and why it's shit.

>> No.2690952
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"Maybe ending capitalism" can't be said
"End the apartheid in Israel" can't be said

I recently heard Fran Liebowitz point out how the US doesn't see rich people are elites at all, its only the intelligent people. I blame Bernays.

>> No.2690953

>Infanticide, pedophilia, cannibalism, excision, incest.

None of those things are out of the question in today's society. Game of Thrones uses incest to great effect and portrays it quite carefully and meaningfully.

Pedophilia is marketed on the Disney channel.

Cannibalism is at the very root of our zombie craze: see L4D, Walking Dead, Resident Evil, Game of Thrones White Walkers, etc

Infanticide is at the very root of western culture: oedipus rex, odyssey, and so on

There is nothing that is truly taboo anymore.

>> No.2690954
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op here, another one:

sacrifice. pic related.

>> No.2690959

Not him, but /lit/ is for literature. This isn't /mu/ or /tv/ where people go off on tangents about unrelated things. /lit/ is probably one of the best boards, and i'm sure everyone would like to keep it that way.

>> No.2690964


if you truly believe that then you need to read a little. all those are non-direct censures, ways of accepting them just to condemn them right away as pathological in order to reinforce its "opposites" according to the western canons.

>> No.2690967

Nope. None of those things are condemned.

>> No.2690969

You can absolutely badmouth Israel
You can absolutely talk about ending capitalism
We've spent the last 130 years talking about Socialism
Anarchism can be talked about, but nobody takes them too seriously.

>> No.2690974

ok, they are accepted but in a ritualized way in order to prevent people from doing them freely out of this ritualized and socially controlled way.

>> No.2690978

Hmm, yes, OK I accept that. There are many many pedophiles, but they just have to pursue their pleasures on the sly. You can't be open about your pedophilia or your predilections for cannibalism or whatever, but people still manage in many cases to achieve their desires. The Internet is removing these taboos by connecting likeminded folk. See cannibal communities where people link up to be eaten/to eat others. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.2690988

internet removing them? nah, thats just a more intense way of what i said in >>2690974. it is far more effective that it makes people think that "taboos are being removed" while they are actually being more controlled.

>> No.2691002
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Where, a coffee shop? the internet? It may not be as bad as old Venice (citizens rated each other out all the time in the interest of the state) You cannot express any disrespect to Israel or you are fired. Especially in television and journalism. This is an effective gag on a healthy discourse.

Very few people know what socialism, communism, anarchism and fascism are, and if you try to explain any of them you are shouted down with preconceived notions.

Perhaps OP didn't make himself clear enough.

>> No.2691005
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Yeah, man, we're all being controlled by the New World Order.

>> No.2691009

The process by which money is created in our credit-based monetary system, and the parties that benefit from that process.

>> No.2691010

Who cares about television or paper journalism in 2012? Honestly. We have the internet now because it removes all of these gags. If moot gets into bed with the FBI and the CIA, people will just move onto another anonymous system.

>> No.2691014

man, it is incredible how in america people only take into count what they see and hear inside their society ignoring everything else, starting by the fact that all the concepts with which they think their reality have been constructed across the Atlantic. Keep enjoying your freedom without even knowing what this word means.

>> No.2691023

Well this is part of why I have such optimism for the future. But the taboos are still there and the American rightwing are making a big dirty move on buying this election. All they need is a Bush 2000 minority win. Boom. Privatized internet.

>> No.2691024


Plenty of people are sort-of okay with aborting foetuses that have Down's etc., but NEVER use the e-word.

>> No.2691025

Whats really incredible is how Americans clap at the TV.

>> No.2691031
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>europoors trying to lecture USA on freedom

Hold on, let me fetch /sp/

>> No.2691032
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If you believe in genetic differences between races and you say so publicly, your career is over.

>> No.2691051

I saw James Watson today. Old dude just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.2691064

White/male/straight rights.

Mention any and your credibility flies right out the window.

>> No.2691076
File: 41 KB, 620x387, Alexis Tsiprasreu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First. -> >>2691031
Second. There is an educational problem here in the US and a close mindedness, all bought and paid for by the wealthy who profit from us caged in livestock. Rural areas are most susceptible, but the the rest of the poorer urban areas also remain ignorant because they have other things to think about other than the plight of other parts of the world, or how to obtain news about them. So pardon us while only a sizable minority know and care about the whats going on with the IMF, World Bank, Eurozone, NATO etc.

>> No.2691080

If by credibility you mean mandhood.

>> No.2691083
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What would you like, first in line at the petting zoo?
Oh I kid. I know you want the right to hold secret, all white male meetings, and the right to go around in public with masks, and concealed weapons.

>> No.2691097

How about the right to have the dick we were born with, for a start? I know feminists hate when we bring circumcision up and everything because it means women don't get to 100% win the oppression olympics, but that doesn't mean I'm ok with my sensitivity being dulled for the rest of my life.

>> No.2691101

that's a jew problem. You guys can sort out your traditions in the free legitimate and legal state of Israel.

>> No.2691106

wait are you serious? every time circumcision comes up around me it becomes pretty much unanimously agreed that circumcised is better.

It's simple: you last longer.

>> No.2691108
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>You guys can sort out your traditions in the free legitimate and legal state of Israel.

my sides are moving on their own

>> No.2691121

I don't know any women who insist on this... Though mothers have to get this jive from somewhere... Since when do women control the medical establishment?

What? Seriously? I thought you were going to defend it with the health issue argument. But "lasts longer"? That can't be a major enough issue. Too many variables...

Do all uncut men have problems with premature ejaculations?

>> No.2691158

Point in case: it is such a taboo that merely pointing out how taboo it is to talk about such BS has painted me up as a white trash prick with entitlement issues. It's obvious that talking about the rights of a majority is ridiculous, but it's interesting that merely mentioning that it's considered ridiculous has already destroyed my credibility.

>> No.2691197

>talking about the rights of a majority is ridiculous

Blacks in apartheid South Africa?

>> No.2691200


"majority" in sociology doesn't mean a mathematical majority, homie

>> No.2691206
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>> No.2691209

But then identifying the majority becomes a subjective matter.

>> No.2691216


/sci/fag in /lit/

>> No.2691217

Uhhh, that's not an MP, that's a JP.

>> No.2691218

Dueling is basically done in the western world. Faggots fight still but dueling is gone. Non-retarded countries are getting rid of the death penalty. Prearranged marriage is gone in some areas. Languages dies every week or so. Mass starvation is gone in industrialized countries. I don't have to grow crops or animals for food. Homosex is unimportant issue. People don't play light the cat on fire as much anymore. People still shove gerbils up their asses. Monogamy is more popular than fucking a harem sadly. Bitches have some more power.

>> No.2691221

What's the sociological definition of majority? Just "whoever's in charge"?

Does sociology often take words and confusingly redefine them?

>> No.2691234

Good point. I would backpedal, had I any pedals left to backpedal with.

>> No.2691235


you could look this up super ultra easy if you actually wanted to know

>> No.2691244

I tried Googling, but couldn't find anything of use.

>> No.2691245


overview linked in the first line of the first result


>> No.2691262

Thanks for the laugh.

>In South Africa under apartheid, Caucasian-South Africans were a majority even though there were many more black South Africans.
Then why is the apartheid government always referred to as a "white-minority government", that oppressed the "black majority"?

>> No.2691328
File: 273 KB, 497x655, 1330535588889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, anonymous message boards don't come anywhere close to equating to "paper journalism." In fact, the long-form polemic is pretty much the only place where you can have a healthy discourse about Israel, as long as it doesn't read like the fucking Unibomber Manifesto.

>> No.2692201
File: 1 KB, 240x240, 1338295109924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i meant that here in europe there IS freedom.

that was exactly my point. the fact that you think it is about "being free". i dont care who is more free or not. you can take that one if you want. im talking about the fact that you actually believe in freedom. thats a stupid idea that was born here and that, if used today, it is never in such a naive way like you use it. i repeat, keep enjoying your freedom.


>> No.2692221

I don't know about 'taboo', but the idea that people in the global south are willing to risk their lives or to die for a cause fills your average Western liberal with terror.

>> No.2692269


>> No.2692275

>I don't know any women who insist on this... Though mothers have to get this jive from somewhere... Since when do women control the medical establishment?
Who implied women did? Whether they do or not is irrelevant to an act of violent discrimination against men.

>> No.2692287

I've thought for a long time that polygamy is not really dealt with openly. Meaning nothing about it is well publicised.

>> No.2692511

>violent discrimination against men.
You've went full retard.

>> No.2694092

>you've gone
>you went

>> No.2694099

Poor choice of words.
Beg pardon.