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/lit/ - Literature

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2689672 No.2689672 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

>19 yo
>basically don't know how to act as an adult

I need some recommendations. I want to read books which motivate me in various ways.
I want to know how I'm acting adult and wise. I want to know general information, things which make a man seem mysteriously wise. General knowledge concerning working out, fighting (especially defence), cooking, sports, how to get women and how to treat them in several situations, nature, fashion, how to handle lost relationships, advice for social life in general.

By reading this you probably noticed that I'm not really into books yet, but I want to get into them. I like direct advice over fictional stories, I'm looking for a book that delivers straight facts and motivates at the same time.

>tl;dr: I want a book that teaches me to man up and changes my lazy way of living / Lifehacks + Motivation book

Pic kinda related

Also, book recommendations for someone who is interested to get into books.

>> No.2689681


/r9k/ bait. Move along.

>> No.2689718


Are you fucking retarded? Someone who's confused and doesn't know how to act as a man is asking for guidance and all you're saying it's "/r9k/ bait" as if people aren't allowed to act like men?
Go fucking kill yourself.

>> No.2689727

bump out of interest

>> No.2689728

did you mean

>> No.2689729

Wake up productive. It's /not/ a book, but a video course you can easily pirate somewhere.

If you can make your way through it, you'll be at least happier with yourself and life in general. It's not easy, but builds discipline. WUP is full with the usual self-help bullshit, but it's different from other 'motivation' systems as it provides a solid 'what to do' approach to self-improvement.

>> No.2689730


OP if you're at ease with the typical male attitudes towards life then you should check out this list:
I know, it's fiction but understanding of characters and chains of events is sometimes more direct than you'd think. There really isn't so much of advice in the 21st century regarding how a proper XY should act, so unfortunately ther's no easy way in and out, you have to learn it yourself and that is the freedom (and confusion) of our times.
Good luck.

>> No.2689768


>> No.2689775


Just read something like The Game or something. That will spoonfeed you the misogynist nonsense you're looking for.

>> No.2689785

>Asks for advice on how to be an adult
Just get the fuck out.
As for OP, I'd suggest you read some Yukio Mishima. He's pretty good if you want to feel like throwing yourself into something beautiful. He has a collection of essays about body building as well, so you might like that.
Start with Patriotism, you can find a copy online somewhere so it should be free.

>> No.2689832


>> No.2689837


He doesn't want to be an adult, he wants to be a Man.

>> No.2690128

Goddamit, you guys are dicks.

Hey OP, if you're still here, try The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida.

>> No.2690144

There are no books that will give you the experience you need, as the idea of a man will alaways be built upon different grounds.

You already have your ground, get out and start building.

>> No.2690163


You must go into the forest, kill the first wild animal you see, and live off of it alone for three cycles of the great night-sky pearl. That is the way one becomes a man.

>> No.2690210

You're a 19 year old...

Try to think about things you do, why you do them, what happens, why that happened, and how all that shit works together.

Then when you're about 28 or so people will start thinking of you as an adult, maybe.

Getting married also helps, it takes your mind off of a lot of bullshit that single people have to deal with and you can focus on being wise.

>> No.2690232

there are many articles at artofmanliness.com that will be a good guide for you op.

i liked the how to be a gentleman books by john bridges

>> No.2690240

>Getting married also helps

The single worst piece of advice I have ever read on 4chan.

>> No.2690244

The OP's pic is aspie and totally wrong.

>> No.2690251

>How can I be an adult?
>4chan must know the answer!

>> No.2690259

There is no such thing as an adult, fool. Grown ups are just old children, they still don't have a fucking clue about anything. You don't reach an age when you suddenly start thinking differently. You remain the same and slowly accumulate more knowledge (Or not, if you happen to be a murrican who claps at the TV). I ten years time you will still be pretty much the same, just with a few more facts memorized.

>> No.2690296

i dunno, i think raising children (IE: being responsible for the life of another human being) is a relevant distinction between being a child and being an adult

otherwise i agree with you. many authors who are frequently quoted (e.g. nietzsche, emerson) say that we should be as children, or have the humility to admit we already are basically children.

>> No.2690311
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>many authors who are frequently quoted (e.g. nietzsche, emerson) say that we should be as children
> i think raising children is a relevant distinction between being a child and being an adult

>> No.2690320

Lots of authors say that we should set aside childish things. What's your point?

>> No.2690332

>the penis has on average 4000 nerve endings
The foreskin of the penis has on average between 10,000 and 20,000 nerve endings, so we apparently feel somewhere between 2.5 and 5 times less sexual pleasure than we are meant to when we're born.

>> No.2690334
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>than we are meant to when we're born.
>than we are meant to

>> No.2690336


Not me, buddy. You can have your mutilated cock, I'll gladly take my weekly visit from Mr. and Mrs. Smegma.

>> No.2690337

And that's assuming sexual pleasure operates on a linear scale as opposed to an exponential one.

>> No.2690339

It's a way of phrasing it - "than what evolution over time selected for in the human male" sounds a little ostentatious, does it not?

>> No.2690358

Well sure, skipper - but 'we' didn't all have it removed

>> No.2690361

i'm not contradicting myself, i'm just presenting the different views that are out there. i also am not endorsing their view, merely reporting it.

they don't say we should set aside childish things, they actually say we should be like children, or value the way they perceive things, or that we are basically really large children. my point was that i agree with the guy i was quoting in my OP

Nietzsche: "I like to lie here where the children play, beside the ruined wall, among thistles and red poppies. A scholar am I still to the children, and also to the thistles and red poppies. Innocent are they, even in their wickedness."

>> No.2690369

If you didn't have it removed, then what are you whinging about? Go enjoy your sex life.

>> No.2690376

Hey, manchild. Most adults are not wise. Wisdom comes with age and experience, and if you try to affect it you only end up looking like an absolute tool. Humans learn best from experience, not idiotic self-help books.

Just go do shit. The rest follows.

>> No.2690380

>my sexlife

haha, the j-joke's on y-you, I don't even ha-...


>> No.2690444

OP, you can check The Well Cultured Anonymous, by off course, Anonymous. Check stickies on the other boards, like /fit/ and remeber that just reading isn't enough, you gotta go out there and get shit done.

>> No.2690451

lurking on /fa/ will help too. there's a bunch of dicks there ofc and a bunch of groupthink but guides are posted and there is some useful advice.

>> No.2690485

That list of protips on women is interesting, but a little flawed. All you need to do is let them come after you. In order to attract women, you can be tall, goodlooking, well-dressed, intelligent, wealthy, and funny. I've never needed "game." I just sleep with women after talking with them for awhile. But I do recommend ignoring them. It seems to work wonders. I'm nice to my male friends, and a dick to my female ones. Men respond better to honor and friendliness I guess.

>> No.2690494

> Getting married also helps...

>I ten years time you will still be pretty much the same, just with a few more facts memorized.
>facts memorized

What the fuck am I reading?
the fuck am I reading
the fuck

>> No.2690512

some people can't understand there's such a thing as emotional maturity

>> No.2690687
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>I like direct advice over fictional stories, I'm looking for a book that delivers straight facts and motivates at the same time.

Interesting dichotomy to use with regrd to lit. What you're looking for is called self-help lit, erica, not lit.
>not /lit/

>> No.2691748

do you mean emotional intelligence ?

>> No.2691752

>emotional intelligence
just a bullshit buzzword

>> No.2691761

Read more sociology and anthropology to know that you're acting like a real tool.