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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 400x400, Aestheticfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2689582 No.2689582 [Reply] [Original]

>filling out job application
>questionnaire aks "Do you feel you have control over the things that happen to you?"
>tfw I'm a determinist
>tfw I have to sacrifice my intellectual integrity and assimilate my personality in hopes of being accepted for a menial position by a mega-corporation who will gladly fire me on a whim if I don't efficiently serve to maximize profits

>> No.2689586

If it was a yes no answer you should have put a star next to no, and written a massive essay on determinism on the back.

>> No.2689587

the list of things to sacrifice is much longer

>> No.2689590

Ma nigga

>> No.2689588

>>tfw I have to sacrifice my intellectual integrity and assimilate my personality in hopes of being accepted for a menial position by a mega-corporation who will gladly fire me on a whim if I don't efficiently serve to maximize profits

i sincerely hope you're under 20 and working class

>> No.2689591
File: 341 KB, 500x375, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking his intellectual integrity is worth anything

>> No.2689592

it's all I've got

>> No.2689596
File: 47 KB, 500x333, 1327356803933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all I've got

babby's first crisis

>> No.2689600

nice try but no, I've had several "crises", and this problem is not a manifestation of that. perhaps you are the one in a crisis, attempting to resolve it by posting pictures of Tom Cruise on /lit/

>> No.2689611

I know that and other related feels.

>> No.2689620
File: 54 KB, 470x470, 1331488015556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>perhaps you are the one in a crisis, attempting to resolve it by posting pictures of
>on /lit/

>> No.2689626

>sages thread
>still lurks

anyway, I'm out.
keep feeling.

>> No.2689635

That feel when you have to read the Craigslist listings of borderline illiterates everyday.

>> No.2689647
File: 19 KB, 370x300, 13351994465512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting to keep his intellectual integrity while applying to a job
>having intellectual integrity

>> No.2689662 [DELETED] 

I hear ya.

Don't know what this has to do with literature, but I'll commiserate with ya.

Most people are working class. What are you even?

...One of Romney's sons cruises /lit/. It all makes sense now.

>> No.2689665
File: 8 KB, 400x261, Bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear ya.

Don't know what this has to do with literature, but I'll commiserate with ya.

Most people are working class. What are you even?

....One of Romney's sons cruises /lit/. It all makes sense now.

>> No.2689676


choose one

>> No.2689698

I'm gonna interview at Home Depot. To get the job, I'll have to say I love people, and then pee in a cup.

>> No.2689707
File: 57 KB, 196x171, ohman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna interview at any job. To get the job, I'll have to say I love people, and then pee in a cup.

I work at CVS. I get paid to deal with shit and hate my life.

It's okay.

>> No.2689721
File: 8 KB, 250x205, smug genie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw determinism undermines itself, because in a determinative universe there is no position from which to know if it—or anything else—is true or false.

> mfw when determinism is philosophy for lazy people who are smarter than lazy edgy kids pretending to be into existentialism or some other late continental bullshit

>> No.2689739

and what philosophy/ies to you subscribe to?

>> No.2689744


I'm a neo–Aristotelian realist.

>> No.2689756

Realism is fucking retarded in a lot of different ways. It assumes so much that it can not and should not be taken seriously. And I don't what neo-Aristotelian means.

>> No.2690040


>> No.2690060

Why does existentialism get such a bad rap on /lit/?

>> No.2690065

pleb detected

>> No.2690071


>doesn't realize humans are determined to have the capacity of free-will

>> No.2690085

Because, for the most part it's been invalidated by what's come after it. It's also considered babby-tier but that's a shit reason.

>> No.2690087

So because we have perception of free will you think we have free will?

>> No.2690117

I honestly hate those psych questions every fucking company uses these days. They are so dumb one could seriously write pages and pages of answers because nothing is simply "yes" or "no" or "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree." God, I had an interview where the guy asked how many days its acceptable to take off and/or if it's acceptable for someone to come in late for work. I began to talk about medical emergencies, car problems, etc and how you really can't just pick a fucking number out of your ass and say that's the line one can't cross. He interrupted me and asked "how many days." Honestly what the fuck? IT DEPENDS ON THE CIRCUMSTANCES. Some things are out of people's control and it can't be helped. But no, I'm told to give an actual number like "three days" or "no days." I'll bet he wanted to hear none since this was just some soul-sucking cashier job at a sports store.

You know, I've tried answering these things honestly and was told that I somehow scored a 3/50 as if I'm wrong when I'm asked whether or not I believe people are trustworthy. After numerous unsuccessful attempts I tried to answer it in a way that they would want me to answer. I'm still unemployed.

>> No.2690119

If it is, it is.

>> No.2690123


>so because we perceive pain, you think pain is real?

yes pain is real, the perception of pain is pain itself

the perception of free-will is free-will itself

our brains are determined to be choice makers, unless you have a handicap or mental deficiency.

It is quite apparent when we lose our decision making powers, when we are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or a mental disease

Or under the influence of duress and coercion forced to make decisions we wouldn't decide freely...

Lifting your arm because you decide to lift it is an obvious example of your will at work, now if you have an arm seizure or muscle spasm and your arm moves by itself, then it's also quite obvious you lost your will to move it

>> No.2690125

It's the autism, isn't it?

>> No.2690134

>First world white people problems
Jesus Christ, you people are pathetic.

>> No.2690136

there is still choice in determinism you stupid fuck. you will nev get a job

>> No.2690148

>Yeah, well, like, other people have bigger problems guys, which proves that these aren't problems

>> No.2690149

Why do people keep saying that?

>> No.2690158

>Which is your favorite ice cream, chocolate or vanilla?
>My favorite is strawberry, actually.

>> No.2690160

>Statement: People are trustworthy. Strongly disagree? Disagree? Agree? Strongly Agree?

Fucking hate that one. Say disagree, they think you have trust issues and won't work well with the all important "team." Agree, and you'll let people steal shit left and right.

Also, I can't fucking stand the capitalization of arbitrary terms ("join the Team," "our Brand," etc.). Fuck being a freight associate, I should be using my English degree to give these motherfuckers an English lesson.

>> No.2690179


>questionnaire aks "Do you feel you have control over the things that happen to you?"

you know, it's kind of mind boggling how slimy and evil it is to ask a question like that on a job application. There's just something extremely sinister lurking behind it, something having to do with boxing employees in or shifting all responsibility away from the company, although I can't put my finger on it.

I can't help thinking the world would be a better place if whoever made that question part of a job application was taken out to a back alley somewhere and shot in the head

>> No.2690180

hipster detected

>> No.2690192

guys, guys. you're putting way to much thought into it. the answer is "yes". it's just a stupid question that has no bearing on anything except getting hired. game the system. that's what it's there for.

>> No.2690197

Wrong. Free will would invalidate determinism. If we could choose the outcome of an event, then how can it be determined?

>> No.2690199

>Yeah, well, like, other people have bigger problems guys, which proves that these aren't problems
They aren't. You're just a someone who thinks that sitting on your ass and reading philosophy all day is a substitute for actually contributing to society, and how dare the world say otherwise. Anyone who expects you to contribute is just a capitalist slave/pig.

You're basically just someone with a working class environment and an upper class sensibility.

>> No.2690208

we're not too lazy to work, we're wary of the generic, personality-assimilating nature of the corporate ideologue

>> No.2690219

>we're not too lazy to work, we're wary of the generic, personality-assimilating nature of the corporate ideologue
Which is a verbose way of saying that work is beneath you and your higher pursuits. Only an intellectual child would be impressed with that argument.

>> No.2690226

There was a time when work didn't destroy the self, you know. If that's what work is, why would anyone want to work? Can you really blame anyone when a recession hits if work is infinitely more destructive to the self than unemployment?

>> No.2690233

You guys know that these tests aren't tests to measure your cleverness right?

it's just a test to make sure you're not idiots, by making sure you can answer simple fucking questions right.

You fellas should philosophize about how to marry intellectual integrity with pragmatism.

>> No.2690241

actually, they are personality assessments to ensure that you are either
1) the type of person who will maximize profits for the company
2) smart enough to lie to make yourself seem like the person described above

>> No.2690243

>There was a time when work didn't destroy the self, you know.
What the fuck are you talking about? This one of the only times in history when you can openly adhere to any religion you like and keep your job. You can openly prefer fucking men to fucking women and keep your job. You can openly be of any philosophical persuasion you so choose just as long as you carry out your job as your employer requests it to be carried out, and if you find that a line of work conflicts with your values, then just find another one like everyone else.

>> No.2690246


> Doesn't realize that every philosophy assumes realism and either accepts it or decides to put the blinders on.

I'm not Catholic, and the book isn't very theological (compared to Gilson's other work), so I think this is a babby tier primer for you all: http://amzn.com/1586173049