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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 400x300, 75487783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2687711 No.2687711 [Reply] [Original]

Sup e/lit/tists,

I've got something to share with ya.

I mentioned it in past threads, and I finally found time to do it. I scanned Ningen Shikkaku cause that photo-version that is usually shared here is really sad.

So, here's a clean scan of the book! well, not so clean actually, cause I bought it second hand and it was full of notes written in pen. Sorry for that... I guess I should have payed the extra 1.5€ for a new one :/

Anyway, voilà the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?3v0ninf6i8jj32z

Enjoy it and share it!

also, depression/dazai/kafka/etc general.

>> No.2687713

Also, I didnt check it, so if theres a missing or blurry page just say it and I'll fix that.

>> No.2687722
File: 44 KB, 350x475, Mitch-baywatch-5065210-350-475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it in Czech or some shit

>> No.2687730

Thank you OP.

>> No.2687729

nah, just ignore the filename.

>> No.2687733

Has anyone here seen Aoi Bungaku? It has an adaption of No Loner Human and another Dazai's work from what I recall.

>> No.2687738

haven't seen it, i'm keeping it for after-the-book.
there's a live-action movie as well.

>> No.2687746


I know about the 3DPD movie. But it is really hard to track down.

Also been reading some SNZ lately you can tell Dazai was a major inspiration for Nozumi Itoshiki.

>> No.2687760

nah, here's the movie http://www.mediafire.com/?tf4pbg2mafjtv

and i dont really know much japanese lit... i'll check that Itoshiki. thanks for that info.

>> No.2687764

Thnak you OP. This is very useful,


How about we all type this out? Or OCR it? If a few people do just a few pages and then upload the text to pastebin, we can have the entire thing typed up in no time! Maybe we could take 5 to 10 pages each, and then post our work in pastebin and post the link here. Compile all of the work once done. Maybe we could take 5 to 10 pages each, and then post our work in pastebin and post the link here. Compile all of the work once done, then, at last, this book will be on the internet for people to read.

Is anyone up for that? Maybe we could take 5 to 10 pages each, and then post our work in pastebin and post the link here. Compile all of the work once done.

>> No.2687773

This is clean enough where it can be OCR'd fairly easy, but someone will have to clean off all those notes that person wrote on the pages first.

>> No.2687778
File: 108 KB, 600x400, img_7a0799bae051e2f83192c4438e6b91e642c0a72a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was very cool. Thanks, man.

Anyone remember last summer when an anon shared WG Sebald's The Rings of Saturn with us?


Anon downloaded articles from JSTOR for us?

That was me

>> No.2687782

OP here. i support the clean thing.

>> No.2687783


Free OCR.


I'm doing the introduction right now, pages 1 to 10.

>> No.2687791


It's actually a manga called Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.It has loads of references to works like Dazai, Kafka, etc.

Why is it that Dazai's works are so hard to find in the UK? I only own NLH but that's because I bought mine on Ebay.

>> No.2687794

Aw, nice! I didn't know that was the same person. I used to gift a ton of books in the wishlist threads way back, but I suppose that's less useful than ebooks. I did a few of the ones in the Japanese lit folder though (Tanizaki's Naomi and The Key, Soseki's Zen Haiku, etc).

>> No.2687805


One thing about this site is that it destroys paragraph breaks. At the moment I'm just putting the paragraph breaks in manually. There are also a few odd hyphens that make their way in there, but they are easy to spot.

Is anyone else going to chip in and OCR some pages? It's really easy. We can have a kindle ready ebook in an hour if a few people help.

I am OCRing pages 1 to 10. If you are OCR anything post what pages you are doing so there is no overlap.

>> No.2687812

I'll work on pages 41-55, the first few from the second chapter.

>> No.2687814


Okay, Introduction has been OCR'd.


>> No.2687847

Count me in.
I starting on the epilogue and will work backwards.

>> No.2687848




>> No.2687881

Here are pages 41 through 55, beginning of the second notebook. I'll work from 55 and on when an hour has passed and I can use the OCR thing again.


>> No.2687901

Are you not removing the hyphen and proofreading?

>> No.2687909

thanks for the effort, op. mighty kind of you. i loved the setting sun and i haven't read this one.

>> No.2687934


Pages 21 to 26 done.


I can't OCR anything now for an hour. I hope some more people come in and do a few pages.


I am, yes. If I've missed anything though it can be sorted when it's all compiled at the end.

>> No.2687932

Here is the Epilogue.
Now Im getting flashbacks of all the feels
T-Thanks /lit/...


>> No.2687958


How are you OCRing the pictures? Because -- and I don't mean to be ungrateful -- but that looks terrible. Look at these OCrs


and then look at yours


If you use this site, the text comes out really very clean and then all you have to do is remove a few hyphens and add in the paragraph breaks.

>> No.2687977

I have an actual OCR software. I'll do it for you guys.

Just let me download the file and get it working. I'll post updates as I make progress.

>> No.2687979

I'll do 27-31

my thanks to the OP

>> No.2687990


All of it? Wow, awesome, thanks. Some of it has already been done, about 40 pages maybe. Links in the thread.

>> No.2688009


Well, doing all of it would be faster because I'd just automatize the process and let it run. Picking which pages to scan would only slow me down. So even if the epilogue and first pages aren't used, I'll scan them anyways.

I can also put the whole thing together in an odt file, which makes it very easy to run through caliber and produce properly formatted pdf, epub or mobi versions.

>> No.2688014


I don't recall saying I would proof the bitch.

>> No.2688020


What software are you using?

>> No.2688031


Sweet, thanks. I've been wanting to read this for so long now, I'll read it as soon as you post it.

>> No.2688035


Abby FineReader 8.0

Here's a sample of ocr'd text straight out of the program, page 61 Little to no typos:

>fine guide to Tokyo. To tell the truth, when I first came to the city, I was afraid to board a streetcar because of the conductor; I was afraid to enter the Kabuki Theatre for fear of the usherettes standing along the sides of the red-carpeted staircase at the main entrance; I was afraid to go into a restaurant because I was intimidated by the waiters furtively hovering behind me waiting for my plate to be emptied. Most of all I dreaded paying a bill—my awkwardness when I handed over the money after buying something did not arise from any stinginess, but from excessive tension, excessive embarrassment, excessive uneasiness and apprehension. My eyes would swim in my head, and the whole world grow dark before me, so that I felt half out of my mind. There was no question of bargaining—not only did I often forget to pick up my change, but I quite frequently forgot to take home the things I had purchased. It was quite impossible for me to make my way around Tokyo by myself. I had no choice but to spend whole days at a time lolling about the house.
>So I turned my money over to Horiki and the two of us went out together. He was a great bargainer and—this perhaps earned him the ranking of expert in pleasure-seeking—he displayed unusual proficiency in spending minimal sums of money with maximum effect. His talents extended to getting wherever he

>> No.2688046


Looks perfect. I imagine that some of the handwritten notes on a few of the pages will fuck it up a little but that can be easily found and fixed.


>> No.2688052

Props to OP for his scan. It's highly legible and makes things much, much easier.

Loading all pages into the program right now. Then it'll probably take a few minutes to do the reading on all pages.


The handwritten notes I'll have to type out, I'm already figuring. And the pictures will have to be added manually to the final document. But yeah, this looks very promising already.

>> No.2688054

haven't finished downloading yet, but my suggestion is to reduce the image quality and overlay the images over the OCR'd text. Otherwise, the finished product will look like shit

>> No.2688058

if you're using FineReader, just select the option to put the text under the images..

>> No.2688064

here is 27-32 since I already did it before checking the thread


>> No.2688075
File: 2 KB, 247x86, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They see me readin'...

But this is the easy part. Proofreading is what makes or breaks an ocr'd text.

>> No.2688100

Hm, do you want the eventual ebook to look like the print book (e.g. same page size, margins, roughly the same ammount of words per page, etc)? Or would you prefer a more natural, liberal edit?

>> No.2688104

I would prefer it like the original if that isn't too much trouble

>> No.2688106


I usually go for accuracy but in this case the margins are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.2688125


>Except for brief passages quoted in a newspaper, magazine, radio, or television review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher.


>> No.2688127


>> No.2688128

the margins are part of the story's aesthetic

>> No.2688130

fuck the police

>> No.2688131


also this.

>> No.2688155


Thats just New Directions having retard tier formatting.
I was reading it the other day and some broad thought I was reading poetry.

>> No.2688164

no it's supposed to be that way; the japanese edition has the same poetic spacing and plays even more with typography (has some characters written upsidedown or jumbled on top of one another etc)

>> No.2688171
File: 45 KB, 540x671, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2688186
File: 38 KB, 427x739, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK, respecting the layout of the text while increasing the margins, this is the closest I can get before the entire text has to be formattted entirely (the ocr saved the text with line breaks all over the place.)

>> No.2688187


Looks fine. It will probably get changed when I convert it to mobi anyway so I wouldn't pay too much attention to margins and shit.

>> No.2688193


Will I have to take out the page numbers myself manually?

>> No.2688198


Nah, I'll take care of those while I browse the text for typos.

>> No.2688201

I like this format.

>> No.2688231
File: 5 KB, 403x75, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rigth now I'm going through the text fixing things like these, of which there are too many to count.

>> No.2688238

why are you so fucking retarded: overlay the images and you won't have to worry about it.

>> No.2688257

Also don't forget to include the cover.

>> No.2688255



Ok, I'm taking a break from the document to look into this overlay thing.

>> No.2688286


Motherfucker Im going to get the original tomorrow and if your claims are false I am going to hunt you down, I will legit end your life and then I am going to shit on the whore that bore you.

>> No.2688297
File: 33 KB, 600x800, Osamu Dazai - No Longer Human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The cover (sized for kindle screens)

>> No.2688312

ah, summertime

come over to my house, I have a copy
(and popsicles in the freezer)

>> No.2688322


Please don't use that gay-ass cover.

>> No.2688325

yes, I'd prefer OP's

>> No.2688326


Well, I'm using it. Looks good in greyscale too.

>> No.2688329
File: 17 KB, 409x301, 43647839043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry run:

Here's a working PDF, with images and handwriting and everything. Looks almost the same as the scan (ie: shitty), but the text is searchable and copy-able. And maybe the quality isn't that big a deal anyways. But I don't make any guarantees for anyone looking to turn this into a mobi or epub...

This is an incomplete version, just for you guys to peruse and tell me if this is acceptable.

If it is, the final PDF will be something like 14mb in size.


>view online

>> No.2688330

thanks for your hard work!

>> No.2688333


Yeah sure, looks fine. If I can't turn that into a good mobi file ( I think I can) then I'll just read it as a pdf.

Thanks a lot, man.

>> No.2688347


Very well. Compiling the pdf, then uploading.

>> No.2688345

patience guy

>> No.2688360

see whether there's a way to make the page size uniform. your goal should be a pdf that's like <10MB

>> No.2688373


Admittedly, this is the first time I even try an overlay OCR. So if there's something I'm doing horribly wrong here, I'd like to hear it from, well, anyone. Like the anon who said I was retarded for not doing it this way.

But yeah. I'm trying different setting for the output, see which one delivers the best quality and smallest quality.

>> No.2688377


And smallest size, I mean.

>> No.2688444

14MB isn't too bad. I rather like the look of a scanned book.

>> No.2688460


Almost there.

>> No.2688506


>> No.2688525

14.64 mb, that's the best I could do.

Uploading right now.

>> No.2688578

Well, here it is.

Sorry for the delays and the bumps in the road. This time I was learning as I went with it.



>> No.2688584


many thanks!

>> No.2688588


>> No.2688660

gotta keep this shit on the frontpage

>> No.2688677

Very nice work.

>> No.2688781

Good job; thanks. I'll submit it to en.bookfi.org

>> No.2688814

Unfortunately, en.bookfi.org keeps giving me an error when i try to upload, but it's in russian..

>> No.2688858


Thank you. Both of you. Seriously, thank you.

>> No.2689270
File: 25 KB, 448x500, 324-son-i-am-proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice nice... I like how this finished.
Hope to see shit like this happening again.

>> No.2689295

So wait, is the book in OP an actual book, or story, or what?

In Goodreads they all like have one review

>> No.2689319


>> No.2689341 [DELETED] 

its a story op wrote when he was younger.
he recently got published so he wanted to share it with us.

>> No.2689342

Its a story op wrote when he was younger.
He recently got published so he wanted to share it with us.

>> No.2689347

How about no, you shit troll?

>> No.2689392

how about stop asking questions with evident answers?