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2681763 No.2681763 [Reply] [Original]

So I decided to learn Japanese after a thread here on /lit/ and I was told to visit the daily Japanese threads on /a/ to get resources and learn with them; the problem is that I'm afraid of /a/, the daily Japanese threads are full of trolling and I always hear stories of how unfriendly is /a/

tl;dr I'm studing moonspeak but I'm afraid of posting on /a/'s moonspeak threads

Can we please have Japanese language threads on /lit/? And learn together

>> No.2681768

dude think long and hard about whether you really want to learn it because you're going to be doing it for a long fucking time and it would be a waste just to give up on it after getting half the way in. we're talking years here, not months, unless you have some incredible memory or something.

>> No.2681772

Japan is an infected country at this point
Love it with all my heart
but don't waste years studying a language you won't ever use

>> No.2681794
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>> No.2681808

Don't listen to the haters OP.

I started learning weaboo by myself at ~19, went to Japan for 2 months after high-school, now at age 26 I'm pretty good, just be prepared that it will take you MUCH longer to be able to hold a valid conversation than when learning any of the European languages.

My advice: Take a course at the evening school/uni, you'll learn MUCH faster than by yourself.

The Minna no nihongo books (with accompanying grammer books) are pretty good for self-study if you're so inclined.

>> No.2681815

>Take a course at the evening school/uni
i was thinking about this

>> No.2681835


>> No.2681849

u wot mate?

>> No.2682428

>I started learning weaboo by myself at ~19
>learning weaboo
I don't think you know what weaboo means.

>> No.2682437

There have been good language threads on /trv/ before

>> No.2682439

You shouldn't be on 4chan if you're afraid of trolling and unfriendliness. /a/ isn't much worse than the board you are on now, in that aspect.

>> No.2682461

i'm sorry you're scared by us.

Just use Namasensei as a motivator, Taekim and download Genki.


>> No.2682463



>> No.2682469


I mean 幸運.

I have no idea how I mixed up observe and good luck.

>> No.2682474

頑張って would fit better in my opinion.

>> No.2682484


So you'd advise Everyone Learn Japanese? I saw them at Blackwells and I was unsure of buying it.

>> No.2682593


>> No.2682668

now that you are here, i already understand enough kana should i jump to kanji or grammar?

>> No.2682691


1.Learn the Alphabet
2. Learn Ganjou
3. Grammar

The grammar is actually pretty easy, it's the kanjis that you'll find you spend more time with.

>> No.2682736


so i should continue with kanjis? alright

>> No.2682742

漢字は大変ですから、もちろんRikai-kunやFurigana InserterのChrome extensionsを使って方がいいでしょう、ね。

>> No.2682779

>but don't waste years studying a language you won't ever use
Why do people always say this to people who want to learn Japanese specifically to use it?

>> No.2683104

Japanese is a hard one to get this kind of advice for. People tend to assume you're learning it because you're obsessed with stuff that comes from the country and not that you ever want to use it or live there.

You don't get the same kind of questions with languages such as German or Swedish. Languages which have less speakers and less economic significance. It's just because you're obviously a weaboo for wanting to learn the language as far as people on the web are concerned.

Get used to it and learn to waive it off.

>> No.2683161

Well I mean, I can understand "lol I want to learn Japanese how do I into kanjis?" getting that kind of response, but when somebody ostensibly wants to learn for a very explicit reason, saying they won't ever use it seems weird. I'm so happy I put the time in to learn Japanese, since I read something in Japanese on pretty much a daily basis.

>> No.2683643

are light novel good reading material? i'v heard most of them have ruby

>> No.2684304
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>> No.2684356

There's nothing to be afraid of on /a/, especially in the daily Japanese threads. Just go for it and don't listen to people who say it's too difficult; it really isn't.


By the way, this reminds me, how did those Latin-learning threads end up? Are they still going?

>> No.2684364



>> No.2684399

/a/ is only unfriendly when you ask them for recommendations or show any sign that you haven't been there before.

/lit/ takes itself seriously, but it doesn't take its posters seriously.

>> No.2684437

i think those latin threads ended a time ago

>> No.2684447
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>> No.2685211


>> No.2685217

The majority of them only have furignana for kanji that are a higher level than the 1000 that are taught in elementary school. Some LNs are written for elementary schoolers, and have more furigana, and some are written for adults, and include almost no furigana.

As with everything else, whether or not they're "good reading material" depends on whether you enjoy it or not. Welcome to the world of individual tastes.

>> No.2685360

still sounds interesting and useful

>> No.2686932

wtf how do you people make an Japanese thread and do not mention AJATT?

>> No.2687470

They are easy to read, definitely. Content-wise? Most of them I don't like. I read the Full Metal Panic! ones and they were a pretty good read. The Haruhi Suzumiya novels are alright, if not a bit boring.

Most of them are like the *Monogatari series, which I don't like at all.

>> No.2687630

I've been learning Japanese for a while now, but can you tell me if there's a difference between what he and you said?

Like, I hear some Japanese people say the equivalent of (gonna bastardise the language and use romaji here) "muzukashii ja nai ne" even when I was taught you should conjugate it to "muzukashiku nai ne". Is it because they're saying "isn't it difficult?" in the first one?

I know constructions like that are possible, I just can't remember how to make them.

Also stuff like "bangohan wo tabemasen ka?" people use to ask people to do something with them? Is that like "Won't you have dinner with me?" or something?

I could look this up I guess, but I've read through my grammar guides a few times now and this seems to be more of a conversational thing.

>> No.2687640

Muzukashii janai is a (usually rhetorical) question, implying that it is hard.
Muzukashikunai just plain means 'not hard'.

>> No.2687650

I don't like Taekim, what is the alternative

>> No.2687655

Genki textbooks.