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/lit/ - Literature

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2675115 No.2675115 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start:

Rei: Most Saged
Butterfly: Most Annoying

>> No.2675124

D&E: Most Nights Out with the Lads
Benny Profane: Most Nonoffensive but Nonetheless Needlessly Tripping
Count Brass: Most One-Hit Wonder
satan: Most Unexamined Self
Quentin: Most Nostalgia for a Simpler Time
Stradlater: Most Christlike

>> No.2675144
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Slaf: Most cutest
Brownbear/Tom Harper: Most dead
Onionring: Most 'female'
Tybrax: Most tsundere for me
Truman Capote: Most Pizza mad
isabelle huppert: Most serious
Deep and Edgy: Most 'educated'
Caracalla: Most likely to get beat up by a monkey.
Stagolee: Most ironically bad poster.
Quents: Most not allowed on 4chan by his mum.
Fabulous: Most fabulous

Every other tripfag: Irrelevant.

>> No.2675146

satan: Most Unexamined Self

So painfully true

>> No.2675150

Sunhawk: most adorable

>> No.2675151

*Every tripfag: Irrelevant.

>> No.2675156
File: 33 KB, 856x202, Every_Sunhawk_Thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Sunhawk

>> No.2675163

>tfw I'm from a different era and only know some of those.

>tfw I remember all of these

>> No.2675174

Meta Thread? come on guys, what a shame.....

>> No.2675193

Most funny tripfag: brownbear.

His ridiculous threads in Winter and Spring of 2010 always cheered me up. Someone should post one of his greentext stories. Thought I preferred the more down-to-earth, believable ones, rather than the stupid ones towards the end. I guess he jumped the shark.

Thank God Quentin is gone.

>> No.2675196

This topic of tripfags has come up before. I still have the same question; why does anyone care?

>> No.2675200


>> No.2675204

>why does anyone care?
Because /lit/'s a community of anonymous posters and tripcode users, buddy, and some people stand out in communities, sometimes it helps to know where those people stand.

inb4 this is an AMONYMOOSE IMAGEBAOROAD for passive-agressive people who like to say stupid shit online and not have to take responsibility for it

>> No.2675209


Which tripfag are you, OP?

>> No.2675210

Almost all /lit/ trips and names are either insufferable / terrible, completely unnoticeable and insignificant, or basically never post anymore (at least under trip/name).

Fuck all yall. Trips on /lit/ blow (not because this is ANONYMOUS ONLY CLUB) (just because you're all fucking terrible at posting)

>> No.2675211


>> No.2675215

Hey Benny. Just want to say hi.

>> No.2675222 [DELETED] 


Hi there.

>> No.2675226


I'm applying next year. I'm a young British fella you see.

>> No.2675229

We'll have coffee someday.

>> No.2675232


someday, perhaps.

>> No.2675235

Nobody ever remembers me - does that mean I am a 'good' tripfriend?

>> No.2675238


>> No.2675249

I feel bad, I only remember you when you post.

At this stage though, most of the tripfags are forgotten because most left and /lit/ these days is made up of newer users who weren't around during the trip hay day.

>> No.2675252


I'd settle for most forgettable

>> No.2675266

I think you are the "most gents."

>> No.2675270

Well thanks gent.
Might nice of ya.

Man....oh well

>> No.2675271

Yeah, I don't remember you.

>> No.2675293

Funny thing.

>> No.2675294

I just haven;t tried hard enough I guess

>> No.2675295

Most unwarranted reputation: D&E. I don't know why you make exceptions for him. the few times I've spoken to him, he's been a real dick

>> No.2675296

no hakas ;_;

>> No.2675297

I'm calling D&E out, I don't think he's all that (from what I've seen).

>> No.2675301


the only one worth mentioning and you guys don't have a clue who he is. You don't even register tripfags unless they're obnoxious.

>> No.2675302

>Stagolee: Most ironically bad poster.
>Quents: Most not allowed on 4chan by his mum.


He needs us now more than ever. ;_;7

>> No.2675303

I remember hakas...I remember

>> No.2675308

You remember?
But this is your first day.

>> No.2675312

>Most unwarranted reputation
you seem to be under the impression my reputation comes from being nice or something

>> No.2675324


Been here since /lit/ started gent.
Just not good at promoting or posting anything worthwhile.

>> No.2675327


Not that poster but at least you substantiate any claims or statements you may make. You're one of the better tripfaggots I've seen on 4chan.

>> No.2675328

lol im not a tripjerk. i just hate them and want to share the hate.


all my rage.exe

>> No.2675333
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I honestly thought I put him on.

Hakas: Most down to earth. Seriously the bro seems to be chill with everyone.

>> No.2675345
File: 78 KB, 484x368, ladysovsad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That video, god damn that video.

He was just a kid trying to make it in this crazy world. Just a kid trying to be happy.

>> No.2675358

What the fuck is Quentin doing in that video?

Was he really as straight edge as his wonderful comics suggested or was he just a troll?

>> No.2675373

No one really knows.

I want to believe he was. I want to think quents was just fighting for a better society in his own way.

I quit drinking in honour of quents.

>> No.2675381


you can't explain a sunset, man

>> No.2675434

did quentin die?

>> No.2675447

After spending a few minutes here I can easily say that all of are lacking of any wit or intelligence whatsoever. You all believe yourselves to be better than everyone else, and I can tell you right now, that that is not the case in the slightest, you pseudo-intellectuals. I am much better than all of you. Clearly I am because I am neither pretentious, long-winded, asinine, discourteous, nor are my tastes quite as bland as yours. No, I am quite concise, and I would never stretch beyond that of my means or what I am designated to.
I'd have to say that this board is full of anonymous lurkers, attackers, and trolls, who have nothing better to do than throw their elitist opinions around in an attempt at misguided show-boating with people they'd never ever meet.
None of you build any persona or stand by anything remotely attached that I can feel some sort of personal connection to. You lack any sort of direction and I can't have that. You're analogies are far too complicated, linear, and they're rather contradictory. Why, there's never even any variety here!
I give this image board, masquerading as a message board, a 1/10.

>> No.2675453


a troll

>> No.2675470


>it's not gay i'm a knight

oh god my sides

>> No.2676196


I thought I read that he got arrested. Good riddance, I suppose.

>> No.2676204


saging was a nice touch, but the hypocrisy made it too obvious.

>> No.2676218

>not identifying onionring

They're all cunts

>> No.2676220
File: 289 KB, 783x1119, 4118227-1.0db1c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fabulous: Most fabulous
Fabulous spotted.

>Nobody ever remembers me
You need to capitalize that first letter in order to make it a proper name.

Last time posting ITT
Enjoy unrelated link

>> No.2676228

to be honest i don't think anyone has any real idea wtf quentin was really up to. i mean, what % of his thing was trolling and what % was just him being legitimately crazy.

no one fucking knows. he's just a beautiful fucking mystery like the fucking sunset. shine on you crazy bastard. you crazy bastard troll.

>> No.2676232

Behemoth- most bro
Capsguy- most brodude

>> No.2676233

>implying Quentin wasn't Stagolee

>> No.2676241

we'll never know. who was that masked man, anyway

>> No.2676267

>liking tripfags


>> No.2676285

Standard Toaster: Most forgettable

>> No.2676290

>he thinks he is relevant

yeah, keep working on it. actually dont. get out faggot.

>> No.2676291


>> No.2676293


Standard Toaster, posting anonymously and criticizing himself as irrelevant to help build his rep as a forgettable trip.

>> No.2676295

samefag detected

>> No.2676298

You two: most incapable of checking for samefaggotry

>> No.2676299

Standard Toaster, posting anonymously and criticizing his critics to help build his rep as a relevant trip.

>> No.2676301

>Standard Toaster, posting non-anonymously and criticizing his critics to help build his rep as a relevant trip.

>> No.2676302


Standard Toaster, posting as Standard Toaster and calling out the improbably samefaggotry (thus an irrelevant topic) of two other posters, hoping to create a diversion that would distract posters from the current subject of his own samefaggotry, thus preserving his rep as a poster with integrity.

>> No.2676307

When last we left our hero Standard Toaster, he was posting as Standard Toaster and calling out the improbable samefaggotry (thus an irrelevant topic) of two other posters, hoping to create a diversion that would distract posters from the current subject of his own samefaggotry, thus heroically preserving his rep as a poster with integrity.

And now... the thrilling conclusion!

>> No.2676310

I'd say that this story could end with the tragic death of our hero, but that would take too much trouble to actually follow through with it.

>> No.2676313


Standard Toaster, clearly just samefagging it up in a one-two punch.

>> No.2676318

Will Standard Toaster be able to deflect the accusations of samefaggotry from the cowardly curs of /lit/? Or will our hero fall beneath the tremendous strain? Find out... after this!

>> No.2676319

C'mon son.

>> No.2676322
File: 49 KB, 600x512, 1335262855321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My God...


full of meta!

>> No.2676506

The fuck? Where were you during my weekly Proust threads?

Also Benny's OK.

>> No.2676513

Capsguy: Most widely read, but also most stupid at times

>> No.2676524

Capsguy or Benny are the two lads you'd go down to the pub and have a pint with.