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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 95 KB, 562x751, ecofeminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2671624 No.2671624 [Reply] [Original]

When will the superior greentext format be accepted in the literary academia?

>> No.2671830

I'm wondering

>> No.2671890

>implying implying.

>> No.2671901
File: 55 KB, 400x400, 1338141719822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OPs pic.

>> No.2672049
File: 15 KB, 250x250, Alan Grant held hostage by PS3 games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women and the holocaust

>> No.2672050


>> No.2672054

Those all sound exhausting and terrible. On the upside, no bras.

>> No.2672057

>women and the social construction of illness
>the social construction of illness

yeah, i'm sure all the fine folks in the local cancer ward would love to hear all about that!!

>> No.2672058
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>On the upside, no bras.

>> No.2672060
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>Asian-American Womans Literature and Culture

>> No.2672070

look at this retard


yeah, I'm sure the 100,000,000 people in the US on [insert depression medication here] are all depressed. Sure couldn't be any drug companies constructing illnesses that would make them billions of dollars, no sir! They only care about making you better!

>> No.2672077
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What the fuck has that got to do with feminism?

>> No.2672081

Dudes, chill. We all know about the drug companies constructing illnesses. Their lab coats give them away. All day long they're in their labs constructing illnesses. So they can unleash said constructed illnesses upon the population and then sell anti-illness drugs.

>> No.2672088

Xanax, Zoloft. Pharmaceutical companies are the fucking mafia. Goddamn they piss me off.

I wonder if they'll spend an entire semester on "mother's little helper?

>> No.2672090
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>Doesn't understand the clear link between modernization and depression
>thinks it's all a big pharma conspiracy

>> No.2672095

>Getting frazzled? Take this anti-PMS drug!
>you don't look very sunny today, here, have an antidepressant!
>A-cups? Ha, with a little surgery we could make those into DDs!
>most commonly performed surgeries are cosmetic

you've got to be shitting me

>> No.2672108
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, 1337195691432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in this thread getting mad at vidya, porn, women in academia, and pharmas

>not just exercising, studying hard, and getting a great job
>not banging solid 7s on the side and never marrying

>> No.2672105

But it is a trend affliction. Like ADD for parents who don't want to admit that their children are stupid little turds, or Burnout.

>> No.2672107

>thinking other industrialized countries outside the US have near the rates of US depression

stay retarded /lit/

>> No.2672115

>Getting frazzled? Take this anti-PMS drug!
PMS is real, this is just marketing.
>you don't look very sunny today, here, have an antidepressant!
I have never seen this advert, so can't comment.
>A-cups? Ha, with a little surgery we could make those into DDs!
>most commonly performed surgeries are cosmetic
This is female insecurity and competitive behavior, not a fabricated illness.

>> No.2672119

Whats up with the anti-marijuana propaganda?

>> No.2672129

>confusing unique American cultural stressors and American willingness to talk about mental health for a big pharma conspiracy.

C'mon SON

>> No.2672135

>PMS is real, this is just marketing.
that's why it's called the social -construction- of illness, because the illness has been -constructed-

you've never watched the television, where drug ads, especially antidepressant ads, run rampant?


as for your last claim, which is unsourced, it is nonetheless a socially -constructed- illness, even if women themselves the ones constructing it

>> No.2672142

>treating the symptom, not the cause

try harder shill

>> No.2672144
File: 67 KB, 225x342, GerardCalleHopkins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cute. He's new!

>> No.2672159

Marketing a cure isn't synonymous with fabricating an illness.

>ou've never watched the television, where drug ads, especially antidepressant ads, run rampant?
No, I live in the UK, we don't have anti-depressant ads on TV.

>> No.2672171
File: 9 KB, 200x278, laughing sean hannity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Alan Grant held hostage by PS3 games.jpg

>> No.2672194

be thankful you can avoid the commercials. They're awful.

As for fabricating an illness, it's a two-way street. The commercial asks "Have you been feeling down lately?" and some average Joe says, "hey, yeah, a little bit," and that Joe goes on to get a prescription for Paxil or whatever, regardless of whether he actually needs it. It's often a mismatch of what a person wants and what a person needs, and when you add onto that various side effects and consequences 10 years down the road, I argue that antidepressants are overprescribed.

>> No.2672208

>lesbian studies
>women and the holocaust
>women and spirituality

>> No.2672214

you jelly, silly boy

>> No.2672219

>Have you been feeling down lately?" and some average Joe says, "hey, yeah, a little bit," and that Joe goes on to get a prescription for Paxil or whatever

Ok, that is disgusting. Over here there is no advertising of prescription meds, and very low numbers of people hooked on meds compared to you guys. It might be NHS related(our free healthcare system) but our GP's don't like handing out unnecessary long term prescriptions.

We do get hayfever remedies advertised in the summer, and flu in the winter, but nothing that would be considered unscrupulous.

I'm usually very liberal, but this is one area i'm thankful for tighter regulations.

>> No.2672220

>that wikipedia article

I was going to see if I could defend it, but nope.

>> No.2672232

this one is a little old, but exemplary of the format:

>Do your symptoms persist every day for two weeks? Then take our pill and be all better!

>> No.2672337

Not really. I just want to understand.

>> No.2672353
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>> No.2672361

What about Finland?