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2669704 No.2669704 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what have you read this week?

Tacitus - The Annals
Rousseau - Reveries of the Solitary Walker

>> No.2669708

lol anals

>> No.2669711


>> No.2669730
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The original version of Hamlet, in old English. And I'm not even a native English speaker. Though read.

Now I'm debating between Moby Dick or Freedom (Franzen) also en English, but I don't know which one to choose.

>> No.2669736

lol dick

>> No.2669752

Inherent Vice-Pynchon (halfway through)

Cat's Cradle-Vonnegut

No damn cat. No damn cradle.

>> No.2669759

if there wasn't the possibility of a language barrier i'd ask you to kill yourself

>> No.2669810
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>en English

It's strangely cool to see foreign people appreciating the classics of English literature. Since I'm from the English speaking world I guess I'm used to seeing the reverse.

>> No.2669818

With hebenon?

>> No.2669832

Typo. The English word 'in' is the Spanish 'en', so I confounded them and didn't notice.

I only read books in English now. Curiously, any Penguin book is much cheaper than any other book by a Spanish publisher, which is kind of sad.

>> No.2669837

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (on the fifth chapter; shit's about to get real)

Don Quixote (halfway through part 2)

>> No.2669841

Just finished Brothers Karamazov like right now.

I think it has replaced The Count Of Monte Cristo as my favourite book.

>> No.2669846


How was Solitary Walker? i've only read his Confessions.

>> No.2669875

Tales of Moonlight and Rain
The Odyssey
The Most Dangerous Game
I, Claudius

Currently reading The Pianist. Some good 'ol Holocaust literature.

>> No.2669879

Fairly repetitive, and very self pitying. However, on the plus side it's less defensive than the confessions and I quite liked the 4th and 9th chapters.

>> No.2669886

Their Eyes Were Watching God

About finished with Walden, I like it but the closer I get to finishing it, I feel like it's dragging on and on. Just started Their Eyes, digging it so far, waiting for it get to the point though.

>> No.2669888

Finished American Psycho (ugh.)
Continuing Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Started Three Musketeers.

>> No.2669895

Note from the Underground. Shit made me bawl like a girl.

>> No.2669909

Hamilton, Madison, Jay - Federalist Papers
Saunders - History of Medieval Islam
Digenis Akritas, Byzantine epic

>> No.2669939


Why is he so relatable?

>> No.2669946

I finished The Sorrows of Young Werthur about 4 days ago. I'm trudging throw Camus's Myth of Sisyphus essay. I haven't read in the past two days and this unbearable weather just makes me want to sleep.

>> No.2669962
File: 14 KB, 220x352, Essays_in_Idleness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Amelia Gray's Museum of the Weird, Grooks 1 and Grooks 2, and read about half of Telegrams of the Soul by Peter Altenberg.

Also read several of the stories out of Life and Limb: Selected Tales of Peril, Predicament and Dire Distress by Gilbert Alter-Gilbert, the first 30 bits of Essays in Idleness by Yoshida Kenko, and ~20 more chapters on A History of the World in 100 Objects by Neil MacGregor. I have a problem with reading too many things at once.

>> No.2669963

It was partly that but the parts that really got to me were the last three chapters. As stoic as he was, he unveiled true passion whether he like it or not. But it was only those parts before he numbed everything out by rationalizing.

>> No.2669967

I'm in the middle of reading the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Considering reading all of the Harvard Classics since they're all for free as ebooks.

Also considering reading T'ess of the d'Urvervilles.

>> No.2669968

Sup Capsguy, how's it going?

>> No.2669971

Finishing the Human Stain tomorrow
planning on reading On the Road monday

>> No.2670953

I've read everything in this past month. lol

Everything from Robert Pennecock's, "The tower of Babel." To Jack Kerouac, to Thomas Kuhns Paradigms of science.

>> No.2671477

Everyone's read his confessions. Rousseau liked to be spanked by his teacher.

Everyones read Rosseau's confessions Like everyone's read James Joyces Dirty letters to his wife.