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/lit/ - Literature

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2665328 No.2665328 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/. My 21st birthday just ended, and I'm drunk as shit. Here's the rub: I bought myself a fuckton of books for a present, and I am at a loss for what to read once I finish Catch-22 and Player Piano.

Here are the books I got and have not read already. What read?:
Julius Caesar by Shakey
Dubliners and Portrait by Joyce
Absalom, Absalom by Faulkner
Complete Short Stories by Hemingway
Hard-Boiled Wonderland & the End of the World by Murakami
The Second Sex by de Beauvoir
The Portable Nietzsche
Speak, Memory by Nabokov
Pale Fire by Nabokov
Dialectic of Enlightenment by Adorno & Horkheimer
Philosophical Investigations by Wittgenstein
Infinite Jest by DFW
The History of Western Philosophy by Russell
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Adams
Origin of Species by Darwin
Endgame and Act without Words

Plus I have more coming in the mail...

>> No.2665332

Read them in written order, chronologically, up until 1950

>> No.2665333

Oh jesus. If I were you i'd read catch 22 again.

>> No.2665355
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BUT what do I do at 1950?!

>> No.2665360

I have more than 200 books to read and soon I'll be 22 y.o.

>> No.2665369

Hemingway stories
Dialectic of Enlightenment
Speak, Memory
Philosophical Investigations
Pale Fire
Origin of Species
The Second Sex

God tier order.

Toss the Russell History, Portable Nietzsche, and Hitchhiker's. Read whatever's left in your spare time.

>> No.2665377

Merci, ami! I've read In Our Time and A Moveable Feast before, plus a few other stories, but there are plenty I haven't in there. The fucking book is huge.

Also, are these captcha pictures from google street view or something? I just keep typing "penis" because it's sketchy as fuck.

>> No.2665388

Read Wittgenstein first. It will make your jimmies tremble.

>> No.2665389

>The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Adams
Read that 'cuz it's awesome and it'll keep your reading momentum up.

>> No.2665392
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I pulled up the list of books I ordered that haven't arrived:
Bhagavad Gita
Les Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire
Brothers Karamazov by Dostory (V&P trans.)
Journey to the End of the Night and Death on the Installment Plan by Celine
The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov

I didn't realize how many books I was getting myself into. Does this change things?