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2664483 No.2664483 [Reply] [Original]

Any scary books that will keep my awake at night, opening my eyes every ten seconds to check there is no shadowy silhouette looming over my head?
Kind of like good creepy-pastas

>> No.2664543

Well, Lovecraft, of course.

>> No.2664546

>Kind of like good creepy-pastas

House of Leaves

>> No.2664549

Old School Stephen King

>> No.2664700

Thomas Ligotti has some good mind fucks.

check the sticky, though the horror section is sorely lacking.

>> No.2664798

Definitely lovecraft

>> No.2664801

I always hear about House of Leaves. What about it is actively unsettling or creepy?

>> No.2664806


the fact that people keep reading it instead of the many books that do the same thing much better

>> No.2664844


Lovecraft? Scary? Are you guys serious? Mind bending, sure, but not scary.

OP, I hate to say it, but I don't think there is a book out there that will actually scare you like a good horror movie will. It's just outside the capabilities of the medium. The best I can offer are seriously disturbing- but not scary- books like American Psycho
and two of Jack Ketchum's books: Off Season and The Girl Next Door.

>> No.2664892

>scare you like a good horror movie will.
implying a movie can scare you

>> No.2664935

>internet tough guy detected.

>> No.2664936


i bet he doesn't even need a nightlight anymore

>> No.2664937

your wright i cry in my sleep after watching stupid fantasy, you fucking moronic slave to pigs

>> No.2664943

>dat mad

>> No.2664952


>> No.2664956

This is completely incorrect. The Middle East is my field of study; step to me.

>> No.2665219


>> No.2665232
File: 222 KB, 600x443, scarystories_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the pictures in this series.

>> No.2665334


>> No.2665358


House of Leaves is about a house that is bigger on the inside than the outside.

It's also about hopelessness, nihilism, love, abandonment, insanity, mortality, fear, paranoia, murder, rape, literature, art, abuse, film, architecture...

It's honestly one of the best books I've ever read. I can't recommend it highly enough.

>> No.2666516

name one. I am intrigued. i do not want to argue.
Pale Fire has a very similar framing device for example but it is not as intriguing regarding the layouts and the motifs and the story are also quiet rigid compared to HoL.

I second that notion.

>> No.2666558

Christine by Stephen King gave me nightmares when I first read it. Granted, I was only fifteen but still.

>> No.2666643

this is quite ot and also off-board, but since you're on it, can anyone of you recommend a great skin-crawling horror film?

>> No.2666646


The Shining's always a good choice

>> No.2666648

House of 1000 Corpses

>> No.2666656

i really dont know why, the shining just didnt get me
i think id rather prefer something more.. subtle? thanks anyway.

>> No.2666659

>i think id rather prefer something more.. subtle? thanks anyway.
Like the Human Centipede subtle, or Texas Chainsaw Massacre subtle?