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2663243 No.2663243 [Reply] [Original]

Would I be right to think that most of you are leftists, with a big proportion supporting marxism, critical-theory, post-modernism and other jewish political and cultural movements?
If that is the case, or at least to those it is, may I ask why?

>> No.2663251
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Go back to your cesspool(s)

My jimmies aren't rustled; you did not troll me. Just leave.

>> No.2663252

cause those things are popular among teens and this board is full of them. now delete this.

>> No.2663253


>> No.2663254

I'm a left-leaning anarchist. Somewhere between a mutualist and a Tucker-esque individualist.

Please delete this thread before a shitstorm occurs.

>> No.2663255
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you're in the wrong neck of the woods, boyo

>> No.2663256
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I'm neither leftist nor rightist.

I am full on American.

>> No.2663264

There's no point in being leftist now. Marxism has been dead for decades.

>> No.2663261

You don't have to necessarily assume a negative connotation, when someone uses the word "jewish".
It's a simple fact.

Aren't all boards comprised mostly by children, here?

>> No.2663268

>Aren't all boards comprised mostly by children, here?
Yes, but the conservative children tend to go to /pol/ and the liberal children tend to come to /lit/, and the grown ups who want to just calmly discuss politics or literature get to hide 2/3 of the threads, regardless of our own political beliefs.

>> No.2663269

you don't even understand the concepts you just uttered. you're probably the same guy who made the thread on critical theory a few minutes ago thinking it consists of 'LOL SCIENCE IS SHIT. COME BE A HIPPY'

>> No.2663272

>marxism is the only left leaning political philosophy

get out

>> No.2663273

Because it makes them feel special.

>> No.2663279

please delete this thread

>> No.2663282

Actually, that thread was the reason I made this thread.
That and the fact that every time I come here, it is evident in almost every book recommended and every philosophy thread, that this board leans to such things.

>> No.2663286

I like a lot of Marxist thinkers and writers but I've never been really seduced by the ideology itself

>> No.2663288


What are you guys defending then? Trotskism? Social democracy? Please don't make me laugh.

>> No.2663285
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>> No.2663290

I vote left because socialists tend to sympathise with useless bums such as myself. If I were rich I would vote for "I have enough money to pay my medical bills, therefore you, who do not, should not be helped either" type of guys.

>> No.2663293

Gee, I sure love cultural marxism, I mean who needs those fugly white european scum, right? Genocide them all I say

>> No.2663294

Please stop asking me to delete this. If people are not interested they will not respond and vice-versa.
You don't ask everyone making a thread about those things to delete them, but you ask someone who addresses that, to? Why?

>> No.2663295

>the average nuanced argument of a hipster libtard

>> No.2663298
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>tend to go to /pol/ and the liberal children tend to come to /lit/

I don't think there's any way around it. The leftists on 4chan are, by far, the most intelligent user base this site has ever seen.

>> No.2663300
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time to leave

>> No.2663301

oh great you guys made it

/pol/ is officially here

now we'll have to endure another week of "WHY ARE LIBERALS PRETENTIOUS AND DIG BIG WORDS AND MADE-UP STORIES AND USELESS PHILOSOPHY" and "a lot of threads asking us to "NAME JUST ONE GREAT BLACK WRITER I DARE YOU" before the board gets decent again

>> No.2663308

cause we all equal

>> No.2663306

>implying the whole right-wing/left-wing classification isn't retrograde as fuck

>> No.2663309

You have 10 seconds to name me one black writer who isn't just leeching on the anti-white racism cultural marxist movement

>> No.2663313


voting socialist is actually a sound economic decision for the wealth who tend to take advantage of government run services more than poor people anyway.

>> No.2663319



>> No.2663322

>anti-white racist being butthurt

>> No.2663328

Liberalism and conservatism have their similarities - once a true liberal gets his way, he becomes a conservative. Once the socialist becomes old, war weary and too fond of spaghetti, he becomes a reactionary fascist. Once the

>> No.2663331
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>A race

>> No.2663351

I'm a leftist but not a Marxist, I don't "support" postmodernism, and I despise all things Jewish.

>> No.2663358
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You may very well be an idiot.

>> No.2663394

It does, though, give a general outline, so we can have a basis for discussion.

>> No.2663421
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>Seriously believes there is a White race.
>Calls anyone else an idiot.

You are at the lowest possible level of the intelligence hierarchy. That's not even a joke. Just go back to /b/ or /pol/.

>> No.2663459
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>mfw when people think politics is relevant to anything

>> No.2663477

>Doesn't know what caucasian is.
You do this a lot, don't you?

>> No.2663486

"The white race" is an American invention because most Yanks are mutts that still want to be racist. Try telling a Western European about how he and a Polack are of the same glorious white race.

>> No.2663492

Danish power sockets are cute.

>> No.2663516
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You didn't answer faggot op's question

>> No.2663524
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Personally, I believe in Anarchism and see any form of government as potentially corruptible and faulty. i don't think it matters what political views you hold because in the end it doesn't really matter what you believe. The elites will do what elites do and you can only hope that it's beneficial to you.

>> No.2663531

isnt anarchism corruptible too?
Sooner or later, for maintenance reasons, some form of organization should be implemented, so the people can govern themselves. Even if it isn't officialy called a government, it will be a de facto one.

>> No.2663535

It's a concept created by humans, which doesn't necessarily make it real in the terms of the way things truly are, especially when those who created it were racist...

>> No.2663537

You're getting "culturally enriched" by /pol/ migrants.

Oh, the irony.

>> No.2663547

Study shows libertarians more logical than either liberals or conservatives .

From social scientist John Haidt, who had previously done research on the differences between liberals and conservatives:

"The Empathizer-Systemizer scale measures the tendency to empathize, defined as "the drive to identify another person's emotions and thoughts, and to respond to these with an appropriate emotion." and to systemize, or "the drive to analyze the variables in a system, and to derive the underlying rules that govern the behavior of the system.

Libertarians score the lowest of any group on empathizing, and the highest on systemizing. In fact, libertarians are the only group that scored higher on systemizing than on empathizing.

The Need for Cognition scale is a measure of the extent to which people engage in and enjoy effortful cognitive activities. People with high need for cognition are more likely to form their attitudes by paying close attention to relevant arguments, whereas people with low need for cognition are more likely to rely on peripheral cues, such as how attractive or credible a speaker is.

Libertarians showed a higher need for cognition than either liberals or conservatives.

Six moral dilemmas adapted from Greene(2001) were given to each participant. The dilemmas were designed to pit deontological concerns about the acceptability of a harmful action against utilitarian concerns about the consequences of inaction. Each dilemma was modified so that there was one more aversive version and one less aversive version.

Haidt: The results from these moral dilemmas, which are devoid of political content, indicate that libertarians are indeed more capable of “rational ethics” where costs and benefits are weighed according to utilitarian principles.

>> No.2663553

They are actually, the white european race divides into subgroups. Polaks being slavs and western europeans being, well there are a lot of western european subgroups, be specific.

>> No.2663556

It's too bad that most of the people who are willing to speak out against leftism are stormfags.

>> No.2663560


Untrue, just on 4chan, and I'm convinced half of them aren't even serious.

>> No.2663568

Meaningless leading questions, lack of comprehension or respectable definitions, blatant baiting, narcissism....so boring.

God just once I'd like a troll to surprise me.

>> No.2663566

Better dead than red.

>> No.2663572


I could try, What do you hold sacred?

>> No.2663575

there are criticisms but none that attack it fundamentally. the racists look foolish because they try to do that rather than just say they dont hold the same values they try to go on and on about left wing being fundamentally wrong. it makes as much sense as anyone saying the same for right wing conservatives. you can't do it. they're just values people hold. if you dont agree so be it. but your view isn't superior, it's just a different set of values.

>> No.2663580

This. I really wish the right would just say "if I have a chance at being filthy rich, it's okay for other people to suffer horribly." It's not a logically inconsistent view.

>> No.2663585
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>Implying Anti-capitalist

>> No.2663587


The modern Left is fundamentally schizophrenic, however. I don't think anyone can dispute this.

>> No.2663590

It is, but it's just the government I would prefer with several small 'countries' sharing trade and maintaining themselves. If it one country does gain too much power, the fall out would ideally break up easily into the former arrangement.

Inside our own government, I declare myself a libertarian simply seeking out as much freedom as possible within our own system. It's a futile effort, but it makes me feel better.

>> No.2663593

I don't disagree with that quote. But the free market predates the capitalist class.

I'm a mutualist.

>> No.2663603

You can be anti-capitalist and yet still be in favor of free markets.

>> No.2663609
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Labor theory of Value was disproved half a century ago, surely you know this from the new technologies.

>> No.2663621

No less than the modern right.

Any time you try to make generalizations like this fit on the level of individual detail, the movement is going to look schizophrenic, because movements are made up of different people with different beliefs and different interests and values. And when you're talking about something as large-scale as "the modern left" and "the modern right", each of which is made up of a number of individual movements none of which are themselves monolithic - it quickly appears that either they're schizophrenic, or you realize that generalizations like that can't be extended that far.

>> No.2663640
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Agreed, not that Anon.

>> No.2663650

>Studies in a Mutualist Political Economy
Read up.

>> No.2663653

>and other Jewish...
You have a fucking major complex /pol/

>> No.2663654

Critical theory means that if facts are incompatible with your political beliefs, you can simply reject those facts.

>> No.2663663

Mad Jewfag is mad.

Honestly though, a lot of people on /lit/ are Marxists and Zionists.

>> No.2663668

As in the 'not racist to the jews' definition that /new/ and it's bastard have adopted?

>> No.2663669

nah they rejected purported 'facts' that were ideologically and reductively conceived

>> No.2663678

I'm not racists to Jews, and would consider myself leaning to the left side, so I've got nothing to do with /pol/ (admittedly, I've also never been on it.)
The ones on /lit/ are self-claimed Zionists. To what extent, I wouldn't know.

>> No.2663679

the right are so delusional and stubborn. they build these straw men categories to place their opposition just so they dont have to consider the opposing viewpoint.

>> No.2663681

I'm super classical liberal/libertarian.

I ain't no Marxist, guy.

>> No.2663689
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I am the embodiment of your hate

>> No.2663713


Zionist = JIDF = anyone who disagrees with me

>> No.2663719
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but seriously, the majority of /pol/ just hates Israel.

>> No.2663724

requesting link to the left tests.
left... side of the picture, that is.

>> No.2663728
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>> No.2663732
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non-stormfag /pol/itician.

>> No.2663739

marxists are idiot children who don't read


>> No.2663749

bumps for tests

>> No.2663752

there's that straw man again! xD

>> No.2663763
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>> No.2663776

I am a leftist because I do not believe that humanity has reached anything close to a sensible economic and social arrangement, and there is a lot of work still left to do regarding political/social activism, and humanity is nowhere near its full potential.

The idea that economic and technological growth are the only measures of human progress is so ingrained in many people's minds that they literally cannot conceive of anything else.

>> No.2663809
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National Conservative here

>> No.2663817

>without god

haha good luck with that

>probably poor


>> No.2663820

whats the test you're using?

>> No.2663822

>they literally cannot conceive of anything else.

Sounds like someone is ready to read Gramsci.

>> No.2663825


There are ways to prevent corruption, two things come instantly into mind: 1) Transparent infrastructure for all governance tasks 2) Anyone assigning to do such a task can only do it for a set amount of months after which they can't anymore (until everyone else in the community have done their share in the task also which is unlikely to happen during one's life time)

Now one might ask, who makes sure no one cheats the assignment system? Best case scenario a computer with a powerful AI will. Although if the community is small enough you wouldn't need this because you would find through hearsay if someone is suspiciously much in tasks that do with administration.

>> No.2663826


>> No.2663832

Im an agnostic, i dont limit myself with religion and yet dont associate myself with atheists, however i feel that a lot of christian morals are neccessary in this world.

>> No.2663837

I've skimmed Gramsci, but found it to not be interesting enough to read in more depth (though this obviously may not have been a fair assessment). What insights does he provide?

>> No.2663840

>i dont limit myself with religion
> i feel that a lot of christian morals are neccessary in this world

so you want to be Nietzsche's overman plus a christian. you sound confused.

>> No.2663844

Hey, /lit/, give us /news/men and /pol/lacks a reading list.

>> No.2663851

I dont limit myself with religious traditions and with religion overall but as i said, a lot of the customs of christianity are neccessary, thats why i associate myself more as an agnostic than an atheist.

>> No.2663874
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I am a Left-Libertarian of the individualist/free market kind who absolutely hates Marx with passion, despises everything about post-modernism and don't give a shit about modern mass culture.

Seriously, fuck Marx. He is a cancer that killed the Left-Wing with his State-Worship and keeping alive his LTV. And half the self-proclaimed "Libertarian Socialists" these days are really Marxoids in disguise who couldn't interpret Proudhon correctly if their lives depended on it.


The version of the LTV proposed by Carson in that book is completely different from the Ricardian stuff early Socialist used and is freaking opposed to the Law of Value that Marx developed.

Carson doesn't really recreates the LTV as much as he writes a very different interpretation of Marginal Utility. Carson's views are not incompatible with Left-Rothbardianism or An-Cap in general (depending on how you define "Capitalism" of course. Carson and Hoppe for example would never get along).

>> No.2663892


'agnostic' and 'atheist' answer different questions. If you don't believe in a deity, you are an atheist, that's all there is to it.

>> No.2663913

carl schmitt, fukuyama, levi strauss, uhhh...

someone should make a chart.

>> No.2663972

>supporting marxism

I think you mean Socialism, as Bertrand Russell dreamed of. Coincidentally I'm reading "In Praise of Idleness" in which he nails all the problems with communism, lack of freedom, political+economic power in the same hands(that's a contemporary problem to a certain degree)...

>> No.2664008

Plus, if Marx was right about history, I don't see the point in delaying the proletarian revolution by electing soft-ball leftists who crutch up a deteriorating welfare state with deficit spending. Say what you will about Keynes, but a real Marxist would vote Republican in order to hasten a total collapse of the capitalist order.

>> No.2664199

So all the neo-cons really are closet Communists?

>> No.2664247


Well, knowing that Neocon warring ideology was directly inspired by Trotsky's ideas of "spreading the revolution" via military conflict and that most famous Neocons were Trotskyists in their youth, i'd say it's not unprobable.

>> No.2664247,1 [INTERNAL] 

What a hateful person.