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/lit/ - Literature

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2662380 No.2662380 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a good site to read a book-analysis? Where they'd have speculation about metaphors, themes, character discussion and the like?

No, this isn't for some kind of school assignment. That kind of stuff just interests me.

>> No.2662402
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Reputable reviewers and literary criticisms. I'm not able to give any recommendations, but you could poke around looking for a good journal

>> No.2662424

From what collection are the books she is holding?

>> No.2662425

Yeah it's called "the human brain". Find some deep intellectual shit to read and have fun! No seriously, if you're not getting an english degree you are free to interpret a novel however you want.

>> No.2662430

it's a collection of dark and edgy novels that are fun to read and open to interpretation on an intellectual/academic level.

>> No.2662437


Thank you so much, that was exactly what I wanted to know. You must read a lot of long, interesting books with big, difficult words.

>> No.2662457

I get it, you're being sarcastic, but what kind of answer are you looking for. Those books are very loosely related, except that they tend to be controversial and shake people up. I doubt they are sold in an actual collection, but you can always try google.

>> No.2662532
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>No seriously, if you're not getting an english degree you are free to interpret a novel however you want.

OP here. That's fine and I agree, but I like to read other people's opinions too.

>> No.2662536

>I doubt they are sold in an actual collection
I forget the name but it's a collection not sold in America. It's from Denmark or something. It's some kind of essentials/controversial collection or something. Sorry, I only vaguely remember the details.

>> No.2662546
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Man I wish I had a nerdy daughter like that one in the OP

I always fear my children will be braindead morons who read less than a book a year and say things like "hip hop is just a contemporany way of doing poetry" or "video games have now better writing than movies"

>> No.2662548
File: 22 KB, 493x315, MaraLulz_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nerdy daughter like that one in the OP
You can't actually think a girl that young intends to read those books. She's posing. That's Mara

>> No.2662549

If you go to college somewhere, your university should have access to lots of Academic Databases. Poke around there a bit an look for literary criticisms. I'm pretty sure the JSTOR database is a good place to search for them.

>> No.2662558

I know she doesn't plan to read the books because she is like 7, I don't need to know who she is to get to this conclusion.

Still, the impression the image leaves almost makes me wish I had children to maybe experience anything like that. Then it reminds me that children suck and people are usually dumb and my children will probably grow to me shitty like everyone else and disappoint me.

>> No.2662560

It's "De verboden boeken" (forbidden books) distributed by the newspaper "Het Parool".


>> No.2662566


There are sites online which appeal to specific fields (Romantic Circles, RaVoN, etc.) if you don't have access to databases through a university. It depends what you're interested in.

If you want very simple analysis, I think Sparknotes has those things for major texts.

>> No.2662567

do you really think like that?

>> No.2662581

is mara is a sexual abuse victim?

>> No.2662591


No, her dad is a photographer. Though many a pedo has fawned over her.

>> No.2662600

>do you really think like that?
What's wrong with that way of thinking?

>> No.2662629

Yeah I guess. Sort of. I'm aware this is a very childish outlook on people but it's a legitimate concern of mine.

>> No.2662639

photographer with a young daughter. You honestly believe that's an innocent relationship?

>> No.2662642

its juvenile

>> No.2662643

fair enough

>> No.2662646

if you have any expectation for your kids, don't have kids.

>> No.2662650
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No and I don't want to believe it

>> No.2662656

I would never have kids. I just couldn't deal with see a daughter grow from such an innocent angel into the world of Lolita and Catcher in the Rye

>> No.2662657

ITT: the pedantic teens of /lit/ give their take on being a parent (something they also understand EVERYTHING about)

>> No.2662658
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>the world of Lolita and Catcher in the Rye

painfully sheltered book nerd detected

>> No.2662659

i dont like other people's children so i dont want to have my own in case i like them and become a hypocrite

>> No.2662664

>something they also understand EVERYTHING about
What exactly do you have to know about parenting to be allowed to say "I hope my children don't turn out to be dickheads" ?

>> No.2662663

Would you bang her, /lit/?

>> No.2662667
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>> No.2662668

I don't like other people's children but biological imperative makes it vastly likely that I will love my own.

>> No.2662669

how can you seriously not have any expectations

there has to be one or two things you like about yourself that you'd want your children to learn from you

>> No.2662685

yeah but dont expect them to and dont try to teach them. you should just provide the sort of environment, communicate with them and treat them in a way that provides opportunity. specifically doing things like getting them to show enthusiasm for the books you like, or the philosophy you live by won't work. it has to be meaningful to them and not just imposed by you. the best way to do that is just to leave the door open, not to push them through.
child rearing should be done almost casually. treat them like separate people, not an extension of yourself.
if you're a good person, well educated and informed humble and harbour a lot of these kind of valuable characteristics, it will rub off obliquely or incidentally anyway. trying to actively teach them to be any of those things will more often than not be counter productive, in the same way required reading in schools often means the kids grow to resent the book. just getting them to talk and write about it isn't cultivating a meaningful engagement.

>> No.2662687
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>thinking people from /lit/ will be able to procreate through consensual sex

>> No.2662690

I like how we went from having expectations to the proper way of manipulating your children to be what you want.

But yeah, in that subject, you're right. You can't force people to be like you etc. That will only alienate them. That's an important lesson. Like dis if you cry every tiem.

>> No.2662691

it's better to just ensure you can provide all sorts of avenues for your kid and, without any workable communist regime, that means having plenty of capital. So don't have kids without the money to provide the options which they can then choose from.
You can manipulate these options if you like, inevitably they will be determined by your place in society (if you're a doctor then you'll have better associations with medical schools than business or marketing) but the options need to be varied enough for it to feel like you don't have the governing hand, otherwise children rebel.
of course, you never know what you're going to get and you might end up with the most timid taciturn child for whom it is virtually impossible to recognise his preferences. in that scenario you can't help take control but as long he says he's happy.

>> No.2662697

i suspect if you must have expectations, they should be general. probably something like expecting your kid to go to college is too specific.

basically parents aren't god. only jesus is in a position to treat people like a flock or his crops. maybe being religious helps because fills that role instead of putting the parent in that position

also why didn't jesus make more references to woodwork? he goes on and on about farming but thats not even his area of expertise.

okay Im babbling

>> No.2662701
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I should have said also babbling is good for raising children. it shows you have good expressive skills, good for their own communication, imagination and openmindedness, and it doesn't lock in to any particular subject that a kid would get bored or fight against. if there's any one trait I'd want to pass on it would be curiosity. Not because it gives us answers but because it breeds an inventiveness and will to know yourself and fulfil your own contentedness