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/lit/ - Literature

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2653836 No.2653836 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw authors frequently and pedantically refer to literature, philosophy, religion, and psychology.
>mfw authors almost never show that they have an understanding of physics, mathematics, technology, and mechanics.
Why is the intellectual background of so many writers so predictable?

>> No.2653845

Science and mathematics were a key part of the classical education tho

>mfw STEM majors have the cultural, literary, historical and philosophical knowledge of a 4th grader but still think they're an intellectual elite

>> No.2653846

Because increasing specialization due to late capitalism.

>> No.2653850

>writers of fiction reading fiction

>> No.2653851

>reading steppenwolf

>> No.2653853
File: 23 KB, 515x515, 1326628905731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw liberal arts majors have the scientific background of a 3th grade but still think they're an intellectual elite
>four times seven? Uhh..wait..uhh..uhhh...twenty-nine?

>> No.2653855
File: 18 KB, 200x147, 1336209423083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I don't even know what you mean by mechanics

>> No.2653859

>3th grade

I know you're trolling, but fuck you're stupid.

>> No.2653860

>four times seven? Uhh..wait..uhh..uhhh...twenty-nine?

hehehe dumpasses

>> No.2653862
File: 198 KB, 1028x1513, 1326534565238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're a pseudo-intellectual but fuck you're stupid.

>> No.2653868

I've noticed that, too, OP, whereas a shitton of science writing references literature/poetry/etc.

>> No.2653876

I love how this image is only posted by people who were actually trolling.

You deliberately posted an inflammatory statement about liberal arts majors. You might not realise it, but you're trolling, son.

>> No.2653873

Seriously with is with all the trolls today?

Is it just one really bored motherfucker, or did someone link /lit/ on /b/ or something?

Jesus christ it's been awful today.

>> No.2653880

It's the same quality as usual since the Scots left.

>> No.2653885

>cultural epochs of civilizations with strong traditions of "liberal arts" study but rudimentary mathematics
Han golden age
Ming golden age
Maurya golden age
Greek golden age
Greek cultural revolution
Pax Romana
Islamic golden age

>achievements of said civilizations
Practicable, sturdy, elegantly engineered machinery
Efficient organization
Constitutional government
Kaloi k'agathoi
Master morality

>cultural epochs of scientific revolution
American consumerism
Fracturing illusion of cosmopolitanism

>achievements of scientific revolution
Mass media
Bernaysian propaganda
Orwellian realpolitik
Slave morality
The Jews have hundreds of nukes
Exportation of industrial labour to non-whites
Destruction of planet
The Jews have hundreds of nukes

>> No.2653888

This post reeks of [citation needed]. Typical liberal arts reasoning.

>> No.2653891

That's just how it's been recently. /lit/ is dead. Come back in the Fall.

>> No.2653892

It wouldn't require citation if you had an education equivalent to a British 5th grader in 1905, currently finishing up his tour in the Classics.

>> No.2653893

I agree with the intent of your post, but that's some crazy biased cherry-picking you've got going on there. Just ignore all of modern medicine, why don't you?

>> No.2653896


great writers deal with universal issues, those tend to fall into the categories of philosophy

if you want to read about plumbing or engineering or whatever, just read a text book, nothing in the sciences is interesting in itself, only if it has philosophical implications

>> No.2653900

>Greek golden age
>Rudimentary mathematics

>> No.2653897

Oh, it's there:

>Slave morality
>Mass media
>Destruction of planet

>> No.2653898

>That feel when I'm a physicist

>> No.2653905

>nothing in the sciences is interesting in itself, only if it has philosophical implications

I highly disagree with that, specially considering that not everyone is interested in the same things.

>> No.2653910

I'd say mass agriculture, industrial manufacturing and urbanisation has more to do with overpopulation than modern medicine.

I'm all for downsizing humanity through peaceful means, however. I think the perfect social model for human political, philosophical and scientific advancement was the city state.

In that form, democracy is so much more direct and real knowledge, art and other learning isn't lost in the sea of mass media.

>> No.2653911

Thomas Pynchon
David Foster Wallace
Vladimir Nabokov
Aldous Huxley
Jorge Luis Borges
>inb4 complaining about postmodernism

>> No.2653916

Cool opinion bro. Meanwhile, in the real world, science cures your mom's hemorrhoids.

>> No.2653919

>confirmation bias

>> No.2653923

>pretentious pseudo-intellectual stance
>no actual citation
Is that the typical first defense mechanism they taught you in your "philosophy" courses?

>> No.2653947

He's somewhat or entirely fucking wrong about the Renaissance period (see: Quadrivium) depending on your definition of 'rudimentary'.

And the Greek golden age had rudimentary mathematics? So Pythagoras of Samos just didn't come about? Thales? Anaxagoras?

>> No.2653948

If there's one thing this thread has proven, it's that /lit/ can't debate for shit and instead descends into a maelstrom of ad hominem and worthless bickering.

Good job, /lit/izens.

>> No.2653953

fuck you faggot

>> No.2653960
File: 124 KB, 1020x374, 1324260738933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed on the polis thing. Wish we could try shit like that out.

To be fair, there is plenty to confirm the bias.

If you people are going to take issue with the idea of calling pre-industrial science and mathematics "rudimentary," I don't know why you aren't taking issue with the fact that LITERALLY EVERY ONE OF THOSE SOCIETIES HAD FAIRLY SOPHISTICATED MATHEMATICS. Why pick random fucking ones?! In any event, the point is that their math knowledge was *relatively* rudimentary. How can someone with a science degree not understand this? RELATIVE to modern physicists, the Greeks not having a discrete concept for higher numbers other than "a bunch" is pretty rudimentary.

Also the quadrivium is way older than the Renaissance and Thales can't be attested historically.

What do you want citations for, that a handful of imperial civilizations existed before the industrial revolution, that their most salient and discussed cultural features did, that modern mass media is unprecedented, or that the Jews have nukes?

>> No.2653970
File: 57 KB, 475x338, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw scientists frequently and pedantically refer to physics, mathematics, technology, and mechanics.
>mfw scientists almost never show that they have an understanding of literature, philosophy, religion, and psychology.

>> No.2653972

check out the scrub who hasn't read gravity's rainbow

>> No.2653973

Two sides of the brain dude, makes it hard for people to be an artist and a mathematician

>> No.2653974

Science has only just caught up to Nabokov's theories in lepidoptery.

Pynchon studied engineering before switching to english "Hurr durr it was too hard for him", but he went on to work for Boeing whilst writing V.

Arthur Conan Doyle and Michael Crichton were trained doctors.

>> No.2653976

Because you can be a writer and/or intellectual without any studies, but to be a scientist you need to study it for almost 10 years including the PhD.

>> No.2653981

>mfw scientists frequently and pedantically refer to physics, mathematics, technology, and mechanics
How about because it's their fucking job, moron?

>> No.2653983
File: 2 KB, 256x256, missingthepoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're starting to catch on!

>> No.2653985

Because you can't "study" creativity and most writers aren't motivated enough to earn a PhD, most of em' aren't even motivated enough to start writing, or to fix their petty writers block.

>> No.2653987

You don't need to study literature, philosophy, religion or psychology to be a writer.

>> No.2653989
File: 133 KB, 400x307, OP is a fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please /lit/ stop conversing with the pretentious swine threads.

>> No.2653992
File: 173 KB, 298x675, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
