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/lit/ - Literature

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2648977 No.2648977 [Reply] [Original]

Question /lit/
what was the most poorly written novel you've ever read?

I mean shitty characters, stupid as fuck plot, grammar mistakes galore. Etc..

>> No.2648985

Battlefield Earth by L.Ron Hubbard.

>> No.2648997

inb4 books /lit/ likes: ulysses, gravity's ringpiece, catcher of the aids etc.

>> No.2648999

Judging only prose style? Ubik, maybe. Dick had nice ideas, but maybe he should have asked someone to write them for him.

Overall, Interview with the Vampire. Well, to be honest, I couldn't even finish the thing.

>> No.2649008

Probably something by Stephen King

>> No.2649017

I'm surprised the cover wasn't purple cuz the rest of the book sure was.

>> No.2649018

>I'm surprised the cover wasn't purple cuz the rest of the book sure was.

>> No.2649026
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I've never read it, but, errm, the cover is purple...

>> No.2649043


>> No.2649048

MockingJay - Suzanne Collins
Utter, Utter Shit.

>> No.2649058


>> No.2649061
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>> No.2649062


I love his Dark Tower series. But only 1/3 of his work is actually decent.

>> No.2649063

Even though every hipster and their dog worships it, House of Leaves by Danielewski. Sorry folks, but the sister got all the talent in that family.

>> No.2649085


I'm a hipster, and my dog has asked me to tell you that she thought House of Leaves was shit.

>> No.2649100

Harry Potter.

>> No.2649106

Dan Brown - Digital Fortress
That shit is dumb.

I dumped Eragon in a garbage bin after page 110 so I haven't exactly read it.

>> No.2649108

A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.2649112

I'll second Interview.

I myself am partially gay, and even I found Louis to be too gay in the end.

>> No.2649114

Dan Brown. Hands down.

>> No.2649117


Infinitely seconded

>> No.2649118

I bought Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol because I had a really long flight and nothing to read (it was literally the only long book in the airport shop).

Anyway, it is the worst thing I've ever read all the way through, without a doubt. That ending made me want to fucking kill someone.

>> No.2649124

Pushing ice by Alastair Reynolds.
There isn't a single likeable character in this book, no seriously the only thin that got me through it was the hope that someone, just anyone, would suffer a horrible death.

>> No.2649129

Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. Does anyone actually read this shit?

>> No.2649136


I actually really enjoyed that. It kind of reminded me of old submarine movies crossed with old-skool Heinlein. Not Reynolds' best book, but then he's written some bloody good books.

>> No.2649141


Of course the tripfag would troll, the book was MEANT to be fucked up and almost unreadable

>> No.2649144

Necroscope by Brian Lumley. Holy shit was that bad.

>> No.2649145 [DELETED] 


i'm aware of that. still one of the worst books of all time, imo

>> No.2649148


lol tripfags cannot into defamiliarisation.

This Profane anus is shaping up to be one of /lit/'s worst trippers. Which is quite an aceivement when you consider the competition.

>> No.2649150


i know you guys secretly love me. i'm everything you hope to never be.

>> No.2649155

Their Eyes Were Watching God

>> No.2649160

Things Fall Apart.

>> No.2649164

Feminist literature.

>> No.2649184

so samefag it hurts

>> No.2649192

You obviously weren't here for Brownbear or Quentin

>> No.2649195

Tie between Jurassic Park and The Da Vinci Code.

Re-read them awhile ago, and was really disappointed in the depth of the characters and writing compared to the big ideas they presumably set out to explore.

I shouldn't have expected much, I know. But even popcorn books should have a touch of depth to them.

>> No.2649198


I second that emotion.

>> No.2649203

Anything by Tom Clancy.

also, this. So much this. >>2649106

>> No.2649206

I tried to read the first Honor Harrington novel a few years ago but just put it down after only like 10 pages. It read like some blind high schooler writing his first assignment.

>> No.2649208


the gimmick just didn't do it for me, is all

>> No.2649211

I've never read a really bad book, so probably The Road. It's really not engaging at all to me and the ending sucked.

>> No.2649212

There was some book about a zombie apocalypse that I started once...apparently some guy had self published it as a compilation of his zombie-survivor blog. I shudder just to think about it; sometimes the tenses didn't match in the same sentence.

>> No.2649220

The Left Behind series. Easily the worst books I've ever read in my life, and I've read most of the ones already mentioned.

>> No.2649221

The Tin Drum, translated into English. Had to read it for a class, and it was agony. I hate unreliable narrators that are full of themselves and holy shit Oskar could deplete the world's supply of ink writing about himself.

>> No.2649225

Atlas Shrugged or Mein Kampf, they are both poorly constructed books that focus around hammering home a single point.
In Search of Lost Time has terrible prose but it also has lots of redeeming qualities so it gets a pass

>> No.2649227

The Da Vinci Code made me want to vomit. Absolute trash.

>> No.2649229

Ethan Fucking Frome. 11 chapters and she spends one whole chapter discussing a broken dish, how it was broken, what the dish meant to the character, and how to fix it before that fake ass bitch Zeena gets home. I call bullshit.

>> No.2649231


Dan Brown is indeed bad. Almost ingeniously so.

>> No.2649233

The Turn of the Screw. the prose is really convoluted

>> No.2649235
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Everyone here needs to read my immortal

>> No.2649238

THIS! Somebody recommended this shit to me, and I started reading the first book. It was horrifyingly bad.