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/lit/ - Literature

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2647147 No.2647147 [Reply] [Original]

How come most of the books discussed in here are canon works for high school in America or some other western countries? Or some fantasy series.
Is it because /lit/ lacks actual literature writers?

No, I'm not a hipster. But I don't think any other board would give you a pass just because you saw the classic movies/played the classic games/whatever.

>> No.2647154

it's because 4chan attracts an immature crowd, if you want to discuss literature with grownups you're better off at reddit

>> No.2647159

What books do you like, OP? Make a thread for some of those and discuss them. Then we'll have more variety.

>> No.2647160

Because here at 4chan we pride ourselves in helping others. We are an organization of intellectuals with great reputation and young high school kids like yourself come here to ask us our opinions of the great works so that they can get A's. That's 4chan.

>> No.2647163

>go to alexa.com
>type in 4chan

>> No.2647165

oh honey. on /tv/, the canon consists of a tarantino movie, the complete run of the disney sitcom starring the underage starlet of your choice, whatever action movie is currently #1 at the box office, and for bonus credit, the b&w 60s-70s foreign film that the girl in your interdisciplinary seminar who you have rape fantasies about took a screencap from to use as her facebook photo. /mu/ is a freshman-year college radio station christmas party for people who are too dumb to go to college, too isolated and depressed to do radio, and too spergy to work a christmas party. undeservedly-haughty discussion of 12th grade ap lit is pretty much par for the course.

>> No.2647172
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Joke all you want but they do seem to talk about literature a lot.
... but then I discovered their top 200 books.
It's pretty much the same shit as in here.

>> No.2647176

and /v/ is about doubles and trolling each other regarding various topics
I always wondered if it's just 4chan that's simply shit, or every website is not doing any better.

>> No.2647185
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>> No.2647193

> 72. John Dies at the End by David Wong. (UP:59 | WS:240 | Total:299)
> in front of two Nietzsche works, H.P. Lovecraft and several Shakespeare plays
yep, sounds like reddit alright

>> No.2647198

Because the Internet is full of nerds and morons (non-exclusive of course) while the normal fans of literature or cinema actually spend their time passionately on their favorite hobby.

>> No.2647207

4chan is shit. going on here and expecting to find an intelligent discussion is like doing the same thing on stormfront or the gathering of the juggalos board. the smartest person on 4chan is probably a 26-year-old aspie shutin who would be maaaaaybe on the high end of average if he sucked it up and dragged his ass into a college course.

>> No.2647218

I promise never to shit on /lit/ again.

And OP the range of books taught to 14-18 year olds throughout the anglosphere is pretty diverse, and there's plenty of texts within it which are also studied at the higher levels. In addition consider just how large the popular canon is and you can see why a board with an average age of way under 30 is not filled with users who need to go beyond these works when looking for something to read.

>> No.2647223

I read more
>81. The Dharma Bums
>77. Atlas Shrugged
These are both fucking terrible works, even if you like the respective authors

>> No.2647233


I wonder what /lit/'s top 100 would be...

>> No.2647239


>> No.2647246

Extremely similar, I'm pretty sure.
Portal 2 and Bastion won everything in the gaming department both in /v/ and reddit.

>> No.2647267
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If you want a vision of the /lit/ top 100, imagine 'Atlas Shrugged' gyrating on a human face - forever.

>> No.2647276
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And here, over the portals of my fort, I shall cut in the stone the word which is to be my beacon and my banner.

The sacred word:

>> No.2647277


We did this before, though I think just 100. Not sure whatever happened to that.

>> No.2647285


>dat feel when you've failed college due to spending the time you should of been writing essays arguing with idiots on /lit/ and /pol/.

>dat feel when you've become an aspie shutin with a drinking problem over the past year as well.

>> No.2647294

>No, I'm not a hipster. But I don't think any other board would give you a pass just because you saw the classic movies/played the classic games/whatever.

well part of the problem is that most other boards don't have 2600 years of material for their given topic.

i dont know man, /lit/ does kind of suck (altho you are going a little too far) and yeah the ppl who only post about High School Literature and / or snootily post about DFW, Harold Bloom, and Haruki Murakami are annoying and terrible. but at the same time it is legitimately difficult to build a board culture that doesn't do that all the time, because the various things we talk about are so fractured and diverse. i dont know man whatever maybe i shouldn't think so seriously about some dumb boardshitting.

>> No.2647301

oh woah i just looked at that reddit thing and that's terrible. wow, no, we are better than that.

like, to the extent that people talk about a lot of these books, it's either ironically / because we are all terrible people (i'm not joking here: most of us on /lit/ are fucking assholes and i think it's kind of a problem for the board) or because it's some newbie just bouncing in from /b/, probably asking for homework help. i legitimately believe that there are people on /lit/ with cool taste. and even the people who don't are better than that, at least the regulars are.

>> No.2647520

Because it's obviously easier to get into a conversation about books that everyone has read. That's why I support establishing a "/lit/core", it will let us set our own canon, which doesn't necessarily have to coincide with the preexisting ones, so then we'll all have a selection of books we can mutually enjoy and discourse about. There are plenty of /lit/izens with good taste who know their shit, they just don't often get the opportunity to really talk about the books they like aside from informing us what they're currently reading and occasionally throwing out a recommendation.

Our current "/lit/core" pretty much consists of 'Ulysses', 'Gravity's Rainbow' and 'Infinite Jest', which, say what you like about them, are comparatively leagues ahead of the shite /tv/ and /mu/ and co. tend to obsess about.