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/lit/ - Literature

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2645216 No.2645216 [Reply] [Original]

The list being proliferated for the battle royale has a different team than the one /lit/ chose. What do we do?

>> No.2645218

im over it

>> No.2645226

Who did we end up choosing?

>> No.2645227
File: 30 KB, 390x310, lol'd hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charles Barkley's Chaos Dunk

Also, what happened to our post-irony picks or the Holy Joyce triumvirate?

>> No.2645230

These picks are better anyway. Believe me, the other boards don't understand "post irony" or "post-postmodernism" or whatever you had going through your heads when you tried making that other list.

>> No.2645232

>implying any being ever, even God, can stop Doom Paul

>> No.2645233

if I didn't know any better, I would say that this entire list was made by one person.

>> No.2645235

The whole point was that we didn't really care.

>> No.2645249

Well, /mlp is still making their choices, so I dropped a note that we chose James Joyce three times.

>> No.2645259

Hey guys. I got the attention of the person moderating the Battle Royale.


Looks like we can have a chance to modify our choices. Last chance guys. What do you think?

>> No.2645261

>implying anybody can defeat us, /co/, or /tv/

>> No.2645264

We what do you guys think? Is the James Joyce Trinity better than our current roster?

>> No.2645267

I dunno. Charles Barkley's Chaos Dunk and Doom Paul look pretty menacing...

>> No.2645270

Which is why the Sci-fi-fantasy/Christians lits went and chose God, Cthulhu and Gandalf.

Solid team of fictional characters. I'd say we win, but I have no idea whats going on.

Who can stop Gandalf? Maybe /tv/ can summon a Balrog, but he's just come back
Cthulhu can devour Galactus, can't he?
And God is God. Only one of our own can defeat him

>> No.2645273

>Doom Paul
Oh, shit, I didn't even see him there.
And /vp/ has Gary Oak? Shit.

>> No.2645274

Yeah, but that's the problem: God was been killed before, by Nietzsche in philosophy and by the Saint of Killers in fiction. God's not as omnipotent as he used to be.

>> No.2645275

I think so. I vote for Joyce.

>> No.2645281

I think as long as no one has spawn then god is a solid choice.

>> No.2645283

Guys, I have a few suggestions. I think our roster should be:

Harold Bloom

OK, here me out. In order to win this battle, we can't just beef our way through the fight. We'll have to transcend it, draw attention to the fictionality and narrativity of the battle itself.

Anyway, that's my two cents. If you don't agree, then my vote is for the Joyce Trinity.

>> No.2645293

So, was there even a debate to pick God, Gandolf and Cthulhu? Those just seems like very un-/lit/-like choices.

>> No.2645299


>> No.2645308

Triple Joyce

>> No.2645312

JK Rowling

>> No.2645321

It's funny that /lit/ would rather be cheeky than win.

>> No.2645327

Tri Joyce

>> No.2645331

>winning a .jpg on the internet
serious business.

>> No.2645350
File: 1.38 MB, 1734x2282, 1337238520369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the updated version. Change it and post it on other boards

>> No.2645355
File: 2.77 MB, 1734x2282, Untitled435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2645360

We're fucking invincible!

>> No.2645403

This isn't the right list at all. /lit/ went with Harry Potter, Eragon, and Twilight in order to advantage of their Mary Sue status (I don't care if I'm using it wrong you know what I mean), and I know for a fact that /co/ would never pick Thanos: his primary flaw is self-sabotage. /co/ chose Saint of Killers, Superman Prime, and The One Above All, iirc.

>> No.2645404

Though I do support triple Joyce. I'm not so autistic as to try to win a jpg.

>> No.2645411

>caring about this shit

>> No.2645413

Which one of you uncultured fags used a picture of Odin to represent Gandalf.

>> No.2645418

It's ironic too because I've been checking around on the other boards and it seems like /lit/ has a good shot of winning it all, and yet nobody here really cares.

>> No.2645420


why would we? we didn't pick that shit

>> No.2645543

At least get the mary sue triumvate back in there

>> No.2645565
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And Ayn Rand, Ayn Rand so far away...

We can't lose because we've got balls of Rearden Steel.

>> No.2645584


Jup, we picked Potter, Bella and Eragon.


>> No.2645597

this is true, stop trying to sneak triple joyce in you fags

>> No.2645604

All the official rosters list God, Cthulhu and Gandalf as /lit/'s choices.

It's just as well, since the other boards seem to think that God will single-handedly give us the victory. Plus, I don't think that the other boards would understand our choices and respect the ineluctable power of plot armor.

Christians: 1
Atheists: 0

>> No.2645605
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>mfw I see /m/ have Unicron

They are our biggest threat.

>> No.2645609

my picks were shiva/pynchon/yog-sothoth... basically the same shit gandalf is like... pynchon

>> No.2645625

the saint of killers (preacher) killed God /co/

>> No.2645652

Mary Sue picks were best picks gloriously subversive to the point of absurdity

>> No.2645677


We had a good thing going but you stuck-up sons of bitches just had to fuck it up
For shame, my niggas

>> No.2645777

I know for a fact that /x/ tailored their picks to "kill" /lit/'s picks, after much debate about Slenderman. I'm sure other boards did the same.

>> No.2645795

Why does /lit/ have Gandalf with a picture of Odin?

>> No.2647184

So, we won right?