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2641885 No.2641885[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You meet someone with a PhD in philosophy.

You ask him "Could you explain to me, in a few sentences, something you've learned that the rest of the world doesn't know?"

What does he answer? /sci/ told me to ask you guys.

>> No.2641886

define "rest of world"

>> No.2641888

I assume he would tell you something about himself.

>> No.2641889

Is there a single person alive who knows something that the entire rest of the world does not?

>> No.2641890


And y'know, as soon as he answers he falsifies is statement, because now I know too.

>> No.2641891

That you're a faggy. About that, only you and me know.

>> No.2641892
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>> No.2641894

"Rest of the world" means "most other people". It's not necessary to define "most" or "other" or "people" because we use these terms every day and we all generally agree on what they mean.

>> No.2641896


>"Rest of the world" means "most other people".

Then maybe next time you should say "most other people". Because in the language I speak "rest of the world" means "rest of the world".

>> No.2641897

"Epistemology, phenomenology, and ontology are all highly formative despite two and a half millennia since the inquiry began, and any discourse on ethics has so far failed to overcome the is-ought problem, so first premises are heavily theoretical"

"Want to see a cool math problem with letters"

>> No.2641899

>You meet someone with a PhD in philosophy.

stopped reading there.

nigga please

>> No.2641907


everyone in the world knows at least one thing the rest of the world does not.

think about it. shit's deep like your mom's throat when i'm wigglan my penis in there.

>> No.2641962
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in california, french fries give you cancer

>> No.2642014

Philosophy is a useless degree.

Actually, everyone knows that.

>> No.2642025

>implying it pretends to be "useful"

>> No.2642028

I never implied anything of the kind.

>> No.2642029

He'll answer that he has learned how not to deceive himself, if he is a glorious philosopher.

But as an academic, he is probably useless.

>> No.2642044


look up what phd means.

>> No.2642055

this is the most horrible thread on this board right now.
op, get the fuck out of here, you antiintellectual scum. you people are but ignorant plebeians dismissing what they can not understand. you will never accomplish anything of value in your miserable lifes.
thats why you get this furious when you see other people working on elegant proofs, building rigorous sytems, unveiling the fallacies of the commoners as what they are and engaging in thought so deep you could never even hope to dream about what it might lay bare.
i understand fully how you feel that philosophy or mathematics has no effect on your daily life and thus get enraged when thinkers in universities are funded while your low-paying job is boring as hell. of course it makes you mad.
but please, fucking get over it. noone demands of you to accomplish anything in any serious field of academics, but please just leave those alone who have the motivation and abilities for doing so.
>inb4 butthurt phil/mathfag
yes i am.
>inb4 hurr durr math and phil so useless
fuck you.

>> No.2642062
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>> No.2642064

I don't think you realize philosophers are 100% useless to anything in this day and age. Mathematicians are another story.

>> No.2642068

learn to differ. and dont try to lecture me on my own field, i know how many impostors and idiots are running around in philosophy these days. i was obviously speaking of the serious theoretical fields of philosophy.

>> No.2642069

>i was obviously speaking of the serious theoretical fields of philosophy.
Who accomplish what, exactly?

>> No.2642074

yes, just go ahead and talk shit without having any idea what kind of research is going on.
fuck you people, this is why i dont come to lit ahha.

>> No.2642077

>yes, just go ahead and talk shit without having any idea what kind of research is going on.
I guess I should have expected some aggressive response avoiding the question. Even philosophers realize that it's ultimately nothing but a circlejerk.

>> No.2642079

Who said anything about math?

protip: you could give an example of something philosophers research.

>> No.2642080

He could, but he couldn't give an example of anything useful philosophers "research".

>> No.2642081

i really shouldnt even bother answering.
as i said, your opinion is entirely invalid as long as you have no idea what is being researched and what debates are going on.
name the field or topic you think is a useless circlejerk and ill be happy to agree or try and defend it.

>> No.2642083

Something of value would have to be useful, else it's useless.

>> No.2642082

where exactly did i claim it was "useful"?

>> No.2642085

>else it's useless
Else it's useless and of no value.*

>> No.2642088

Clearly you shouldn't because you just keep dodging the question. But you could go ahead and explain how philosophers thinking about the implications of an actual AI are doing anything with any purpose whatsoever.

>> No.2642090

if troll 3/10
if not LOL

>> No.2642092

is that one of the issues you discussed in your 10th class phil course?

>> No.2642093

Yep, you can't provide any answer because you know you're as useless as any NEET retard out there. Your "intellect" is getting you absolutely nowhere in life.
Either that or you're just trolling.

>> No.2642095

>name the field or topic you think is a useless circlejerk and ill be happy to agree or try and defend it.

>> No.2642103

i never claimed the work i do is in any way benefitting society, which is seemingly what you imply when talking about it being "useless".
the term "value" i used is completely subjective, of course im okay with you assigning it to laying bricks or driving a bus rather than to proving complex theorems and exploring the realms of logic.

>> No.2642106

You're not benefitting society and not benefitting yourself (unless you honestly believe your logic circlejerks are good for anything), yes I'd argue that's far more useless than laying bricks or cleaning toilets.
At least pure mathematicians may help physicists, philosophers are pure mathematicians without the maths.

>> No.2642108

to shorten it up ill name the things i am interested in and assign value to: phil of language, phil of mathematics, logic, ontology
one could argue ethics and pol phil is important but its got a bullshit-density too high for me to be comfortable working with so i do not even bother. i did however read into metaethics for about half a year or so but i eventually got tired of it.

>> No.2642109
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>Metaphysics useless
>Use language for everything

>> No.2642113

what i do is actually solidifying the ground for the mathematicians to work on.

>> No.2642114

That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

>> No.2642116
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You do realise those logic circlejerks create the foundations of math right?

>> No.2642124

>"Could you explain to me, in a few sentences, something you've learned that the rest of the world doesn't know?"
"Don't eat that burger. Don't ask why."

>> No.2642139

In contemporary philosophy, when we talk about metaphysics we're NOT talking about Plato. Just saying.

>> No.2642162

"Rest of the world"? Well... I don't know.
"Someone who doesn't know shit about philosophy"?

>Our representations of the world are a construct of a reality that does exist but probably without those qualities by itself.
>Our moral system can be explained biologically and most of our political problems could be solved using scientific knowledge.
>Irrationality's weight over our ability to make decisions, trust information about the world, etc, is crucial.
>Science is holistic, and there's no clear separation between it and philosophy.

For example.

>> No.2642166

> Philosophy
> not bull shit like psychology for pseudo intellectuals

pick one and only one.

>> No.2642185

>Our moral system can be explained biologically and most of our political problems could be solved using scientific knowledge.
Evolutive psychology.
>Irrationality's weight over our ability to make decisions, trust information about the world, etc, is crucial.
Cognitive science.

>> No.2642235


>Science is holistic, and there's no clear separation between it and philosophy

and do the math.

>> No.2642520

How to understand complex ideas.
How to think critically.

Good things to know how to do.

>> No.2642524

well you are an idiot. those are thing one finds out on his own, simply because one would not understand them even if one hears them

>> No.2642584

Studying philosophy is a VERY good way to develope these abilities.

I would say these are the only reasons to study philosophy.

>> No.2642604


Secrets about yourself that you've kept from all others.

>> No.2642750

That knowledge is subjective.

>> No.2642761

Niggaz why you keep postin?

>> No.2642768

That it's all one big fucking joke.

>> No.2642795
File: 69 KB, 468x600, tumblr_luv0s3GDvm1r6f0d9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just retarded.

By your logic you could ask an astrophysicist what he knows that the rest of the world knows.
"Well I know how to measure the size of a planet based on it's emisions."
"Hah! I know that too now, since you just told me. How does it feels that your education was wasted?"