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/lit/ - Literature

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2638552 No.2638552 [Reply] [Original]

Summer reading thread!

Post what you plan to read over the next couple months.

>> No.2638559

The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula Leguin
The Grass-Cutting Sword by Cathyrnne Valente
Watt by Samuel Beckett
Maurice by E.M. Forster
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
Bloom's Modern Critical Views: Ursula K Leguin edited by Harold Bloom

That's the list so far, anyway. If I finish with those I'll get more.

>> No.2638557

The Brothers Karamazov
A Feast for Crows
All of the Wheel of Time Again
War and Peace
The Feast of the Goat

>> No.2638570

The Pale King
The Crying of Lot 49
Gravity's Rainbow
Anna Karenina
All The Pretty Horses
Outer Dark
The Recognitions

>give or take

>> No.2638581

Almost done with Brothers K what would /lit/ suggest I read next?

Song Of Roland
Kafka Complete Short Stories
Infinite Jest
Sound & The Fury
World War Z
Sophocle's The Complete Plays
Albert Camus omnibus
Thomas Paine's complete works
Don't really fancy reading anything too heavy since i'm almost done with Brothers K and I will probably just put IF on hold until later in the summer.

>> No.2638583

Confidence Man
Moby Dick
Crime and Punishment
A bunch of PKD

>> No.2638584
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These. I've read one (the Rafael Ferlosio) and bits and pieces of others so far.

>> No.2638586

>OP pic related
The Brothers Karamazov, Demons, and overdue reads of The Myth of Sisyphus and The Rebel

>> No.2638590

Robert Graves - Claudius the God and his Wife Messalina
Gustave Flaubert - Salammbo
Ivan Turgenev - Home of the Gentry
Herodotus - The Histories
John Banville - The Infinities

>> No.2638592

As my time to return to Japan approached, my focus will slowly shift back towards Jap literature. Well, whatever I can find that is.

The Most Dangerous Game - Connell
Walden - Thoreau
The Victim - Bellow
I, Claudius - Graves
Goodbye to all That - Graves
Pan - Hamsun
Molloy - Beckett
The Dunwich Horror - Lovecraft
The Prisoner of Zenda - Hope
Keep the Aspidistra Flying - Orwell
Ugetsu Monogatari - Akinari
The Face of Another - Abe
The Tales of Ise - Anonymous
The Odyssey - Homer
The Shadow Over Innsmouth - Lovecraft
Nostromo - Conrad
The Valley of Fear - Doyle
Flatland - Abbott
The Pianist - Szpilman

>> No.2638593

Leaves of Grass

probably take me the whole summer. I'm too fucking lazy to read like I should.

>> No.2638594


Any recommendations on Japanese lit? I really enjoyed No Longer Human and I was thinking about looking into Soseki.

>> No.2638596

Blood Meridian - McCarthy
Don Quixote - Cervantes
Moby Dick - Melville
Iliad - Homer
Odyssey - Homer
PotAaaYM - Joyce
Ulysses - Joyce
Maybe a few things by Shakespeare

Captcha: Excellia cause

>> No.2638601

Add Home of the Gentry to mine as well

Surprised I hadn't read it yet, considering I milked dry most of the Russians.

So you haven't read any Soseki yet?

>> No.2638603


Pretty new to Japanese /lit/.

>> No.2638604

Finish Hocus Pocus by Vonnegut
Finish Notes from the Underground
Call of the Wild- Jack London
Was thinking maybe Middlesex... thoughts, /lit/?
Count of Monte Cristo
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (i know... i like her, don't care)
Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Keasey,
and then, whatever I feel like.

Thoughts, for or against anything here?

>> No.2638617

So far I've assembled
>Green Rider - Kristen Britain
>Small Gods -Pratchett
Lords and Ladies -Pratchett
>Re-reading American gods and Anansi boys-Gaiman
>Preacher -Garth Ennis

and whatever else catches my eye. I usually don't plan ahead for reading, my preference changes with my mood.

>> No.2638622

Well let's see, I want to read:

Miss Lonely Hearts and Day of the Locust- Nathanael West
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man- Joyce
Farewell to Arms- Hemingway
and everything from Fitzgerald I can get my hands on.

>> No.2638634

Start with Botchan I guess

>> No.2638640

Make sure you get the unabridged version of The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.2638653

I want to start at the beginning.

Homer - Iliad
Homer - Odyssey
Hesiod - Theogony
Herodotus - The Histories
Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War
Xenophon - Hellenica
Xenophon - Anabasis
Virgil - Aeneid

Will undoubtably take more than summer.

>> No.2638664

Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid could easily be done in less than a summer, but the histories will take you much longer.

>> No.2638671

no fuck you my copy is entirely in French

>> No.2638678

I started Thucydides then stopped and started reading Donald Kagan's The Peloponnesian War. Great book. Will have a better understanding now of Thucydides when I get to him. I hope.

>> No.2638697
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All of these are first time reads with one exception:

Have Finished:
>Labyrinths by Borges (Loved all of the stories)
>Dubliners (Holy shit, "The Dead")

Currently Reading:
>Don Quixote (I'm about halfway through. Quickly becoming one of my favorite works of literature)

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce (This is my third attempt... Let's see if I can muster the courage to get past the fourth chapter. I actually have had to put the book down twice because it was too emotionally taxing.)
>The Odyssey (probably Robert Fagles' translation)
>Ulysses by James Joyce (gonna take a month with this. I don't expect to gain much except some general notion about the structure of the work for a future read)
>The Stranger
>Infinite Jest (sometime in July)
>Moby Dick (sometime in August)

If time allows:
>The Great Gatsby
>The Bell Jar
>Sometimes a Great Notion
>Pale Fire

All this interspersed with poetry and select short stories. I plan to break up with my girlfriend soon so that I'm not distracted. (kidding)

>> No.2638712

The Last of the Mohicans
Pride and Prejudice
A Tale of Two Cities
Oliver Twist
Huck Finn
Whatever other Dickens book I can get my slimy hands upon

>> No.2638715

>emotionally taxing

>> No.2638717

Currently reading Les Miserables. Going to start on Infinite Jest so I understand what the fuck everyone on here is talking about. After that... who knows?

>> No.2638721

The Things They Carried
Various Short stories
Will probably re-read Don Quixote and Roadside Picnic

I don't really plan out my reading, sort of just decide what to do next once I finish my current book

>> No.2638720


I don't know how else to say it other than there were just some passages (definitely more than one) that really "struck a chord" with me so much so that I was almost moved to tears a few times in public.

The last time I tried reading it was a little over a year ago.

I don't imagine very many people have had similar experiences, and I've never told anyone about it. Praise Anonymity.

>> No.2638722

Why'd you spoiler Pride and Prejudice?

>> No.2638725

Everyone here seems to hate it and Jane Austen

>> No.2638781
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I'm taking summer classes, but I have a couple more weeks before they start. I'm going to plow through a few Vonnegut books I haven't read (Bluebeard, Player Piano, Mother Night), The Crying of Lot 49, and then No Country for Old Men and The Road.

>> No.2638858

As I Lay Dying
The Great Gatsby
Franny and Zooey
The Idiot
Absolom Absolom!
Light in August
The Divine Comedy
Season of Migration to the North

>> No.2638878

I'm reading Man and His Symbols by Jung, but if I get tired of taking chunks out of nonfiction I have several Nabokov novels (The Eye, Glory, Laughter in the Dark and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight) on my downhill journey to read all of his novels, and I also plan to read the upcoming new Peter Carey novel that comes out this week... not much planned beyond that though I do have a pile.

>> No.2638907

Absalom, Absalom! is my favorite book. The prose is hard to get into at first but it's well worth it.

>> No.2638912

Ten Days that Shook the World
Tender is the Night
The Crying of Lot 49
The Tragedy of Arthur
The Sparrow
Our Mutual Friend
Cloud Atlas

>> No.2638926

Finish Crime and Punishment
Invisible Monsters
The Maltese Falcon
Ender's Game
Anything else by Dostoevsky I can get

>> No.2638999

The James Bond novels and short stories (Ian Fleming) in chronological order. I figuired why not have some fun reading, to take a rest from books I read as a form of mental masturbation. I will probably read more classics after. I have so much stacked up on my bookshelf as to read material. I'm probably set for years now.

>> No.2639018

Before anybody says anything, yes I do enjoy classics also, I just wanted something more casual. I feel about books the same way Theodore Roosevelt felt about them.

>> No.2639048

I'm going to try to read at least one book a week, though some of these will probably take longer
War and Peace
The Stranger & Sisyphus
The Brothers Karamazov
The Prince of Nothing
Norwegian Wood
Don Quixote
American Gods
King Lear
Tsutsui's short stories
some of the Lovecraft Mythos
In The Realms of the Unreal
does anyone have some recommendations?

>> No.2639060

Finish The Ethics of Ambiguity
Finish Rebellion, Resistance, and Death

The Second Sex
The Brothers Karamazov
The Trial

>> No.2639079

/lit/, you done good

>> No.2639082

Oblivion: Stories
White Noise
The Sound and the Fury
Tender is the Night
The Crossing
Cities of the Plain
Blood Meridian
East of Eden

>> No.2639097

Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained - Milton
100 years of solitude - G.G. Marquez
Planet of the apes - Pierre Boulle

>> No.2639107
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The last 3 chapters of War and Peace

my face when the whole second epilogue so far

>> No.2639109

That ending epilogue is boss

>> No.2639112

When the Legends Die
War and Peace
The Stranger
Beautiful Joe

>> No.2639134

Finishing off Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Dead Souls - Gogol
The Castle - Kafka
For Whom the Bell Tolls - (Hemmingway)
Norweigan Wood - Murakami
Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky
Infinite Jest - DFW

that will probably take all my summer reading.

>> No.2639287

The Pale King (Wallace)
Cloud Atlas (Mitchell)
Women and Men (McElroy)
J R (Gaddis)
Concrete (Bernhard)
Against the Day (Pynchon)
The Melancholy of Resistance (Krasznahorkai)
Hourglass (Kiš)
Primeval and Other Times (Tokarczuk)
The Third Reich (Bolaño)

>> No.2639290


jr is awesome, get stoked

also, since you've got some eastern europeans on there, have you read skylark by kosztolanyi? because if not, read skylark

>> No.2639296

>have you read skylark by kosztolanyi? because if not, read skylark

I have not, but it sounds right up my alley. Added to my Amazon wish list, thanks for the rec (this is why I still come to /lit/).

>> No.2639317

Please please please change your Bolaño.
Third Reich is shit, grinded with a wood stick that was previously sticked into a horse's corpse that died carrying piles of crap to dissapointment ville.


>> No.2639318


nah this is a dumb opinion that's also wrong

>> No.2639322

Mrs Dalloway
Gravity's Rainbow (reading now)
Hadji Murad
Henry IV (completed)

>> No.2639325

next to me i have w.g. sebald's austerlitz (because admittedly they didnt have rings of saturn which i wanted more) and karl poppers open society vol.2

>> No.2639332

read lolita first, and dont bother with great gatsby. honestly, there was very little about that book that i would consider to be good.

>> No.2639358

finish up arguably (hitchens) and mason&dixon, then ulysses, and hard-boiled wonderland

>> No.2639480

More William Gibson
More PKD
Some HG Wells
Some Asimov

Dune pt 2 & 3
The Road
Heart of Darkness

A load of books I got for £1 each at this awesome book shop;
The Beach
Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance
A book about terrorism & the PLO, IRA, RAF etc.
A book about NYC Cops just called "Cops"
A 700 page autobiography of Stalin written in the 50s

>> No.2639483

Moby Dick
The Betrothed
Tom Jones
Tristam Shandy

>> No.2639484

Perry Anderson, Considerations on Western Marxism
Chantal Mouffe, On The Political
Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther
Hemingway, Islands in the Stream
Hannah Arendt, What is Politics?
Henry Miller, Tropic of Capricorn
John Dewey, The Public and its Problems
Jencks, The Language of Postmodern Architecture

>> No.2639496

The Brothers Karamazov
The Tale of Genji
The Metamorphosis
some HP Lovecraft...
Crime and Punishment

>> No.2639506

I see quite a few future Moby-Dick readers in here. I'm reading it right now (almost done), and I can confirm that you guys are really in for a treat.

>> No.2639510

Hamsun - The Drifters (?)
Saramago - An Essay on Blindness
Rees- A History of Experimental Film and Video
Kundera - Laughable Loves
Soseki - Kokoro

probably given up:
von Horvath - The Eternal Philistine

will never even start:
Auerbach - Mimesis (in Serbo-Croatian)

>> No.2639516

I grabbed a bunch of ebooks when a kind anon posted a personal Calibre server sometime last Friday or so. I grabbed a good haul, I think... maybe more than I can even read. I'm hoping to do something like this:

Speaker for the Dead (already done)
The Crying of Lot 49 (almost done)
The Handmaid's Tale
The Trial
The Man in the High Castle
The Stranger
Kafka on the Shore
Oryx and Crake
Eeeee Eee Eeee
Snow Crash

If I get through all that too quickly (at this rate, maybe I will), I have lots more Stephenson, Gibson, and Murakami to read. A backlog of Nabokov's Russian-to-English translated novels, too...and, someday, Infinite Jest...

>> No.2639582

De Rerum Natura
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Myra Breckinridge
Gödel, Escher, and Bach
Wallace Stevens' shit

>eclectic as fuck

>> No.2639728

The Stranger
The Plague
Hitch 22
Dorian Gray
Snow Crash
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Electric KoolAid Acid Test
Hell's Angels
The Corrections
Catch 22
The Demon Haunted World
Brothers Karamazov(starting this tonight)
Infinite Jest

>> No.2639743

Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
The Book of Dave
The works of Edgar Allen Poe
A Tale of Two Cities
The Scarlet Letter
Despair by Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.2639750

Absalom Absalom
The Unvanquished
Great Dialogues of Plato

>> No.2639759

Battle Royale
The Hunting of the Snark
The Turner Diaries
The Once and Future King

Have a bunch of other books but these have the highest priority

>> No.2639784

The Secret History - Donna Tartt (currently reading)
Against Nature - Huysmans
The Sound & The Fury - Faulkner
The Little Friend - Tartt
The Autobiography of William Butler Yeats
Blindness - Saramago
>I want to see how bad everyone says it is
The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion
Slouching Towards Bethlehem - Didion
Metropolitan Life - Fran Lebowitz
The Paris review book of heartbreak, madness, sex, love, betrayal, outsiders, intoxication, war, whimsy, horrors, God, death, dinner, baseball, travels, the art of writing, and everything else in the world since 1953
>If I decide to scrap some of the others
Mason & Dixon - Pynchon

>> No.2640936
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Since it is summer and I don't have research papers to do, I finally have time:

Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
Locke - Wealth of Nations
Marx - Das Kapital
Doyle - Liberal Peace
Tocqueville - Democracy in America
Random Mencken
Burroughs - Naked Lunch

Sigh, most of these relate to my research...

>> No.2640943
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The theory of almost everything
The phenomenon of Man
House of leaves
South park conservatives.