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/lit/ - Literature

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2637308 No.2637308 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I study English Literature rather than Physics with Philosophy at degree level?

>> No.2637317

You shouldn't.

>> No.2637328
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Why not?

>> No.2637338

Are you planning to make a living as an author?

>> No.2637342

why would you do that?
physics/phil you'll be with genuises constantly
english you'll be with retards
guess which one will make you a better writer?

>> No.2637345
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to be honest, probably not. However I thought English to be one of those general degrees that's applicable in numerous different working environments? I'm just struggling as I really enjoy both. I'm probably better at English, I spend most of my time reading, though I'm predicted the same result for both subjects. And physics is fascinating.

>> No.2637348

A physics degree will get you a decent job; an English degree won't. If you're not planning to be a writer, reading will forever remain a hobby for you - which is nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.2637354
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Do board like /sci/ have troll threads like this? People asking why should they study science and not humanities?

>> No.2637364
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i'm not trolling. I know science has better prospects, I am just in a difficult situation of whether to 'follow my heart or my head'. It changes on a daily basis.

>> No.2637370

It's a pretty easy decision if you ask me. If you go with science you can get into a field that will have practical benefits while still keeping English as a hobby. If you go into English your hobby will become your profession and you will get no benefits for it.

>> No.2637371

listen if it was engineering or english, i'd tell you english
but physics and philosophy are so mind expanding in a way beyond english
i'm a philfag, so am biased... but i don't see how it's a compromise at all, you can still read all you want you just won't be forced to analyze bullshit

>> No.2637373
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The thing is though that if I decide on English, I'll be applying to the top universities (not assuming i'd get in, just giving you an idea of my situation), yet if I decide on science I'd probably lower my sights a little. Will this alter the job prospects thing? I've just always been a slight perfectionist, and if i take science I know in comparison to many I'll be decidedly average, maybe this will help me get over my fears of rejection though. Though philosophy is one of my passions, so maybe I won't be such an underdog. What degree did you take?

>> No.2637381
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Thanks for your advice. Do you find straight philosophy to be mentally challenging?

>> No.2637422

Double major maths/CompSci reporting.

I advise OP to go with physics & phil. Truly getting the best out of both intellectual spheres is rewarding.
Science and maths open the human mind to wonders of the world, it's way better than reading vulgarization. Having a mixed background will give you much more "food for thoughts" than doing a simple degree (science or english). You'll be more interesting as a writer.

I'm reading a lot and speak fluently 2 languages, play an instrument and draw.

The renaissance spirit is almost dead nowadays, only a few of us try and keep it alive.

>> No.2637426

I doubt an English degree from a top university will net you more job opportunities than a physics degree from a merely good one.

>> No.2637444


>> No.2637482

an english degree from the best school will net you no jobs.

>> No.2637500


Simply untrue. Just having a degree at all will open doors for you.


>Science and maths open the human mind to wonders of the world, it's way better than reading vulgarization.

Oh look, it's another fucking asshole that thinks science is the One True Arbiter of Truth and anything else is just a dumbing down of science.

>> No.2637503

richard feynmann is that you? did you lose your trip? go get fucked.

>> No.2637504


>Just having a degree at all will open doors for you.

True story.

>> No.2637510


Ad hom.

You Church of Science morons sure are bad at logical thinking when you're not being spoon-fed it by your demagogues.

>> No.2637518

so, yes, it is feynmann. go get fucked.

>Ad hom.

there's a difference between ad hominem and just being insulted, but what the fuck would you know about anything.

>> No.2637521

Way to prove his point.

>> No.2637524

Do you not know the difference between ad hominem and insults either?

Feynmann deserves no rational replies, like stormfags or sunhawk.

>> No.2637527

I don't even know who Feynmann is.

>> No.2637537


"You shouldn't argue with him because he's X" where X is anything but "wrong and here's why"

Is pretty classic ad hom.

>> No.2637543

Whatever you do OP, get internships, do articles on the side for free or for money and build a portfolio. Having a great GPA won't hurt.

Ah man, I came from /y/. Where is the train continuing?

>> No.2637552


What a fucking failure,

>> No.2637556

If you knew feynmann you'd understand he was wrong and why without me needing to explain it.

>> No.2637567

duckroll fails on trips.. dont know what to say.

>> No.2637580


>> No.2637590

OP I went with my head and studied finance. I hated it and would have killed myself if I had to make a career out of it. So I am transferring into studying English next semester.

Go with your heart or else your future will pay for it. You won't be happy with your job and therefore you won't be happy with life

>> No.2637611


Most reasoning on the subject says you won't be happy with life anyway. That's not what life is.

>> No.2637666

IMO it really depends on how important money is to you. Many on here are saying a science-based degree will net you more money (I don't know how true this is), but you say you prefer English. If money isn't that important to you, which, although the world revolves around it nowadays, you should try to make the case, then go with English. In my mind, I'd rather be doing something I truly enjoy for less money. I kinda had the same experience. Could have chosen English lit or classics, applying to top unis, and even tho I had twice the chance to get in with classics, I applied for English because I enjoyed it more. Rejected by my two main choices, but I'm reapplying this year, and yes, for english lit again. Maybe it's foolish, but it's what I truly want to do, money is not that important to me as long as I can continue to live, so in the end there was never really that much of a choice for me. I only live once, so I'd want to spend it doing something I have the utmost passion for.

>> No.2637673

Yeah, you'd really want to avoid a situation like this. Id say go with your heart, but it's ultimately your choice.

>> No.2637680

listen, you faggot americans who just woke up:
op "thought English to be one of those general degrees that's applicable in numerous different working environments"
the reason he wants to take english is: "I'm probably better at English, I spend most of my time reading"
he thinks "physics is fascinating"
so he confirms himself to not know shit about having an english degree, has a bullshit "it's my hobby" reason for wanting to do it, and likes physics anyway

>> No.2637686

all the people I know who followed their head rather than their heart got unhappy pretty soon after.

so I'd advise you to always follow your heart.

>> No.2637688

OP compared English to his heart and physics/phil to his head. So yeah, I'm going off that info. Btw not American.

>> No.2638710

wtf man. I can't believe you ruined it. I came here from hc

>> No.2638723

Everyone here is either in college or in their first few years of college. I'd bet that only 5% of all /lit/ users are English majors. I doubt very many here have ever held a full-time job, let alone went looking for one. /lit/ is full of college-aged kids who are convinced they have the world figured out.

Why the hell would they know what they're talking about.

Do whatever the hell you want. There will always be an opportunity to do something else.

>> No.2639089

I come all the way from /int/ for this?
China will never take the Phillipines, Pinoy Strong!