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/lit/ - Literature

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2625866 No.2625866 [Reply] [Original]

When I choose classes I do a lot of research before picking, especially with regards to the professor.

I automatically disqualify Jews and Gays (no matter what). I also choose men over women whenever I can.

So far, 90% of the all the profs I've ever had have been stellar.


>> No.2625873

People tend to feel pretty good when they're not in situations that disrupt their prejudices, yeah, so it's not a coincidence.

>> No.2625891

Well you know what?

If I enjoy classes where the Prof talks about great accomplishments in literature more than I do about some Prof whining about persecutions and assigning sub-standard texts detailing with said issues makes me less able to "face my prejudices", then you're right.

You probably identify with a political construct, which makes you a whore in my opinion.

>> No.2625893
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my farts smell so good that i want you to smell them too

>> No.2625896

>Lame feminist troll thinks this is reality when it isn't (but should be).

>> No.2625899

That has nothing to do with the actual literature discussed in your classes.

>> No.2625902

Yet those professors always make it the subject.

>> No.2625911

How do you know that's the case if you won't let yourself experience the classes in question?

Right now you're simply blind from confirmation bias, you've created a path for yourself to follow so you don't have to experience anything you don't already know for sure. I don't think it's a political issue at all. I've been lucky to have a lot of incredibly gifted teachers without caring what they are when I'm registering for classes, so going through the extra effort just for the sake of boxing yourself in your safety zone seems silly.

Anyways, you seem like you need a nap, sport!

>> No.2625917

Filthy Dumb /pol/ Scum


>> No.2625932

I don't buy that OP has ever attended college.

>> No.2625939

You sir, have a confirmation bias (assuming I don't have experience with Jews, Women, and Gay teachers).

When I was doing community college before uni (no regrets), I had slews of different Profs.

The jewish psych teacher was brilliant, and I never knew why she only taught at a community college level. The Jewish french teacher though...Jesus christ.

I had a gay prof for a geography course, and he was the funniest prof I ever had in my life. I had a Jewish Male prof that taught lit I still love and respect him today.

But my god, I had the most horrifying of experiences....A jewish female teaching sociology, a radical femenist as co-ordinator of our program, and a general femenist prof.

Jesus christ...

Want to hear something extremely sad? In my humanities-history textbook, there is 1 entire page dedicated to the history of prostitution rights in England during the 1800s but only 1/4 of a page dedicated to neitzche....Muh Gawd.

You see, I'm not prejudice, I just exercise good judgement.

>> No.2625943


The worst and most annoying profs who dwell on subject matters of persecution complex's and victimology tend to be women and gay men.

I didn't take certain courses because one of the profs has written books (I can't believe such books are deemed legitimate in academia) on "queer theory" and is a chair in the "queer rights" board for my university. You can pretty well bet your ass that that faggity asshole will be talking about "hetero-normativity" (which would drive me insane).

I have this quality about myself...Simply by looking at me you, can tell I have a low tolerance for left-political constructs. I've often been misconstrued for being "conservative", which would be a really stupid assumption seeing as I am sort of against classicism and pro-meritocracy + Technocracy.

I have a political affiliation that is impossible to categorize.

Anyway, I certainly dress "conservative". I'm digressing.

The best Profs tend to be hetero-males and the worst tend to be women, gays, and jews: that's what my experience has told me (experience that you thought I didn't have), end of story.

>> No.2625956

Pretty much had the same experience in creative writing and journalism.

If you have a tendency to think critically, and not just the with the beliefs that oppose yours, you'll soon hate certain types of academia.

>> No.2625961

Yes, but have you even learned the basics of queer theory? It's more than, "Hurr durr yer not a complete man until you've sucked a cock". I'm not gay, but I still find it fascinating. It helps to provide an important critique of how heterosexuality helps to cement the means through which power is distributed to some and denied to others.

>> No.2625967

>I admit I experienced some of my best profs in these groups
>but I still cut myself off from them completely because I can't stand to hear about things that aren't my special snowflake political beliefs
>like caring about shitty things that happen to females and gays, seriously barf
>waaah I can't learn about how important Nee-chee is if there's only 1/4th of a page about him in one of my textbooks!

lol, typical undergrad canon-fag

>> No.2625969



>> No.2625973

>It helps to provide an important critique of how heterosexuality helps to cement the means through which power is distributed to some and denied to others.

Bro, there are much more pervasive lenses that can be adopted to understand that (such as biology).

Anyway, I have the Norton for Theory and Criticism (which contains Queer theory). I'll go over it so I'm not out of the loop, but based on the exposure I've experienced thus far on the subject, I'm not looking forward to it.

If heteronormativity is apart of it, I'll probably dry gag at least once.

>> No.2625977
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>> No.2625980

Female professors invariably fall in love with me. I know I have a guaranteed A when I step in class the first day and see the professor is a woman.

Get on my level, OP, you beta fuck.

>> No.2625981


Do stop this childish nonsense, GRRM fan.

>> No.2625982

What do you study, OP?

>> No.2625990
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>> No.2625992

I've yet to encounter a problem with a Jewish male professor. Say what you like about Jews, but they are smart as fuck. I've only had one gay prof and he was a bro and didn't behave like a faggot at all. My worst experiences have all been with women profs.

>> No.2626000

Post pic of you with timestamp to legitimize claim babby.

>> No.2626008

My only qualifications for classes involve making sure at least three of them fit into two days (usually tuesday and thursday), I get Fridays off, and I don't have to wake up early on Mondays.

Those qualifications guarantee my success, though I can't say I've been able to avoid bad professors.

>> No.2626010

I wish they would tell you the professor's ethnicity when signing up for classes. I tend to avoid Indians and Asians in fear of accent issues, but I still end up with blacks everyone once in a while because I can't distinguish their last names.

>> No.2626015


>> No.2626020

I pity anyone who goes to a University where you're not guaranteed academics at the top of their respective fields teaching you no matter the subject. I'd hate having to avoid classes I wanted to take due to the issues raised ITT.

>> No.2626021

Well, biology and queer theory really address two very different realms of inquiry. Biology might tell us why a creature might be attracted to a member of the same sex instead of a member of the opposite sex (Is it to keep the population down? Is it to ensure that competition for mating partners doesn't reach a critical mass? etc) but queer theory will tell us how this phenomena is represented and expressed within the social realms of economics, politics, cultural productions, etc.

Indeed, if you read enough queer, feminist and Marxist (developed by that rascally Jew, Karl Marx) theory seriously and earnestly, they would pick apart such facile concepts like meritocracy and technocracy, the political beliefs you hold dear.

>> No.2626029
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>tawny-white with black hair
>thinks he's part of the master race

>> No.2626028


Uh, those at the 'top' are often the most politically correct. Because the tenure process is highly politicized.

In the humanities, that is. In the hard sciences it's probably less so.

>> No.2626027

Listen, your small town is not indicative of the situation of affairs for the rest of the world. *sigh*

>> No.2626035

Wait till you get to your junior year, forget about having Fridays off.

>> No.2626036

Haha what the fuck are you talking about? I can honestly say that you know nothing about marx or biology for that matter.

>> No.2626039

This post should be stapled to the top of the board.

>> No.2626041

if i were a mod i would delete idiotic threads like this and give op a 3 day ban every time.

>> No.2626046

Listen, the biggest fools I know preoccupy themselves with understanding the world through political constructs.

I understand world as an interaction of matter with itself. I concentrate on the processes that govern the movements and actions of matter. Then I apply it to humanity. Humans often create perspectives that are inherently flawed and paradoxical, where as the views that I subscribe to are based on the scientific method.

You can claim queer, femenist, and Marx (of who I'm well-read on, since I read the manifesto) disqualified my political beliefs, but it doesn't make it true.

I base my political ideology on the interaction of matter. It's pretty much materialism but bloated with modern findings.

>> No.2626062


Jesus, scientism has to be the most obnoxious belief in vogue these days.

And it's not even what they believe, it's that they believe with such zealotry.

>> No.2626063

You would be worse than Hitler.

>> No.2626069
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>> No.2626070

Try me. I'm an old hand at these sort of parlor tricks.

>> No.2626071
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>> No.2626077
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>> No.2626082


So you're the correct answer is Communism?

>> No.2626088
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Hey OP, just thought I'd drop by and tell you that your convictions are fine. It's not a crime to acknowledge superiority.

Oh yeah, fuck the Jews:

"I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made... But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth." —Me, I said this man.

>> No.2626089

hitler was a murderer. how can you compare strict modding to that?

global rule #3
>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies...

what does this thread have to do with literature?
jack shit, jackass.

>> No.2626091
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*you're saying

>> No.2626093
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Hence the pity. No but seriously: the fact my whole post is predicated on it being different elsewhere should really have stopped you from even making your comment.
Granted, but in my experience the standards of professionalism expected from them have significantly outweighed any inherent biases.

I was only joking anyway chaps, calm down.

>> No.2626094

The joke completely over your head bro.

Also, I think discrimination is important to the discourse of literature. Most of us are zealous against it, which is understandable.

But have you ever tried, honestly, ever tried to understand it from the other point of view? To understand and even posit arguments for it?

You might be surprised by how much of it makes sense sometimes*.

>> No.2626176

>But have you ever tried, honestly, ever tried to understand it from the other point of view? To understand and even posit arguments for it?

i love mark twain and flannery o'connor. you can find the word "nigger" plenty in their works. that's different than op starting a thread on why he avoids gays, jews, and women professors.

my viewpoint is purely intellectual. i don't need information to know i need to take people on an individual level. it's 2012. you should try understanding that sometime.

>> No.2626338

I mean, you don't even need a lot of theory to see that your positivistic ideals are pure bunko. Think about it. Since the Enlightenment, thinkers have dreamed of some sort of unmediated discourse through which society could be engineered, either through principles of science, sociology or psychology. The problem is that institutions of violence and coercion are totally ignored. Marx fell into this trap as well. I mean, take your faith in "technocrats". I love Paul Jay's critique of the term, "technocrat" as it is being used to justify pushing out duly elected officials within EU member states:

"Yeah. I love this term, technocrat, because it gives this sense that there's this objective problem with an objective set of policies, and the whole society needs to take its medicine, but politicians are too vulnerable to public opinion, so you need some technocrats that are just going to pragmatically do what needs to be done, as if all of this is above interest and has nothing to do with the financial sector. I mean, you're right. It's pure Orwell."


Common sense and the basic ability to reason will help you avoid not getting caught up in some idealistic scheme that doesn't recognize politics and power at play.

>> No.2626370

Just as a really quick follow up, I hope you see what I did thar. I used a very common critique leveled against Marxism against your belief in positivism. Do you now see why it helps to be literate in theory? If you were, you would either discard or modify your naive belief in the possibility of using scientific principles in the service of social policy.

>> No.2626549
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>> No.2626589
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>I automatically disqualify Jews and Gays (no matter what)

>(no matter what)

>no matter what


>> No.2626591

The only time I've had any experiences like this were both history teachers, one was an Afrikaaner with an anti-English chip on her shoulder and otherwise had a bit of a bug in her arse
The other was a Jewish guy who was a bit tsundere for the Germans (he was teaching 19th century European history) but aside from that he was one of the best history professors I've yet had.

Contrarily I once had a Polish professor for a politics class who loathed Marxism and Marxists lol.

>> No.2626593
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I don't get it.

>> No.2626998

what's with all the bug pics, this isn't /an/

>> No.2627026

>of who I'm well read on
you have got to be kidding

>> No.2627053

>here is 1 entire page dedicated to the history of prostitution rights in England during the 1800s but only 1/4 of a page dedicated to neitzche

That speaks far more about the overall shittiness of the textbook and the teacher than the bias of feminism. Not saying that that bias doesn't exist (it does), but good god.