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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2623161 No.2623161 [Reply] [Original]

does SLAF still post here

>> No.2623163

Unfortunately, yes, he does.

>> No.2623165
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Don't know.

Can't say I've ever heard of the fellow.

>> No.2623166

ye m8 not as often as before then. hope you are well.

>> No.2623168

i hate you all

>> No.2623179
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I still like you.

Not as much as I love Truman bbs, but no, you're a good guy.

>mfw my capatcha ended with tyBros.


>> No.2623192
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sorry i've neglected you bros. is litclub still going strong

is bb back yet? and how is ty doing?

>> No.2623194

BB has been lost to the passage of time afaik.

>> No.2623199



>> No.2623200


Litclub was ended

>> No.2623207

its /litx now. i met up with bb in manc last month. ty is here and there, he's taking a break from the internet right now i think.

>> No.2623211

I remember there was a monkey that apparently raped you... is that thing still going on?

Also, on very vague rumor, I heard a tripfriend committed suicide.

>> No.2623219

>stormfront anon

and i think we can call bullshit on the second rumour.

>> No.2623224

I bet you're not even really Caracalla...

>> No.2623230
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>that feel when I haven't spoken to most of the 'old yins' in months.

I think the last time I spoke with BB was on last.fm back in December.

I feel I should probably get on this. But everytime I go on everyone has their own little conversations and I feel like I don't want to butt in.

>I heard a tripfriend committed suicide.
You're thinking of Tom Harper.

He didn't though.
I had a few drinks with him last month.

>> No.2623232

Test the trip versus the archive, if you even need verification

>> No.2623239

i added u on last.fm just now. ill tell you a good time to come on litx