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2619770 No.2619770 [Reply] [Original]

Any good Latin American or Latin American related lit? Preferably text in Spanish or Portuguese.

>> No.2619774
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>> No.2619784

Mr. Assis
Mr. Borges

>> No.2619799

Garcia Marquez
Mario Vargas Llosa
Roa Bastos
Alejo Carpentier
Juan Rulfo

>> No.2619801

Paulo Coaelho

>> No.2619802

Jose Emilio Pachecho (does poetry mainly, but his short stories are amazing)
Emiliano Gonzalez
Juan Rulfo
Horacio Quiroga

>> No.2619805


>> No.2619831

The greatest genius of all south american writers was Guimarães Rosa, but you either read his work in portuguese or don't read it at all; the translations are hideous, and fail to maintain the genius of his work.

>> No.2619848

Elena Poniatowska, Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz, Juan Rulfo, Jose Vasconcelos, Mariano Azuela. Julio Cortazar, Jorge Borges.

>> No.2619849

Cesar Vallejo is the Baudelaire of South America, please read him if you haven't already (this is coming from someone who pathologically hates fawning, uncritical fanboys.) you won't regret it

>> No.2619873


Jorge Luis Borges, Cortázar, Onetti, Hugo Correa, Nicanor Parra ("anti-poet" just won Cervantes award)

>> No.2619875

Sabato too

>> No.2619885

everything by allan kardec
you're welcome

>> No.2619895

It's spelled Coelho and his books are like the Twilight of latinamerican literature.

>> No.2619898

Mario Vargas Llosa - The Green House and Conversation in the Cathedral are fucking godtier.

Gabo - 100 Years, Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Juan Rulfo - The Burning Plain, Pedro Paramo

Roberto Arlt - Mad Toy

>> No.2619910

Pedro Páramo is certainly a masterpiece. You have to read it again multiple times in order to understand it fully.

>> No.2619929
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"Chronos" by Nicanor Parra

In Santiago, Chile
The days are interminably long:
Several eternities in a day.

Like the vendors of seaweed
Travelling on the backs of mules:
You yawn - you yawn again.

Yet the weeks are short
The months go racing by
And the years have wings.

>this feel

>> No.2619937

Pedro Páramo is also scary. Not scary like a horror movie but it makes you feel uneasy and terrified on the inside, even if you read it at daylight in a crowded place. I love it.

>> No.2620034

Roberto Bolano! 2666 is awesome.

>> No.2620054
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Salvador Elizondo, Inés Arredondo, early José Emilio Pacheco (everything from El Principio del Placer and on is poop), Leñero, Pitol, Juan García Ponce, Arreola, Ochoa, Zaid, Glantz, Aridjis, Eraclio Zepeda, Efraín Huerta, Maples Arce, Arqueles Vela, Villaurrutia, Owen, Rulfo, Sabines, Segovia, Bellatin, early-Enrigue (Decencia is anything but decent, let alone good), Rulfo, Dávila.

Fuck Paz. Fuck Fuentes. Fuck Revolución lit (that isn't Rulfo). Fuck Christopher Domínguez Michael, Letras Libres and the other Paz' widows. tr00 lyt 5ever. Thumbs up if you agree.

>> No.2620076
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Here, listen up.

You REALLY don't want to read that "Boom" shit tier (Garcia Marquez, Vargas Llosa, Cortázar, HURR DURR).

I recommend, strongly:

Mario Levrero from Uruguay
Alan Pauls from Argentina
Martin Kohan from Argentina
Roberto Bolaño from Chile
Fogwill from Argentina
Juan Emar from Chile
Salvador Elizondo (MUST GET FARABEUPH)
Juan José Saer, Argentina
Rodrigo Fresan, Argentina i think
Diamela Eltit, (novels, mostly), from Chile
José Donoso from Chile (MUST READ "El obsceno pájaro de la noche", and he's not in the Boom group, let alone in the postone).

And for you guys who think that Nicanor Parra is godtier, well, is not. Most of his work until the mid 70's is really good, but then he lost the "anti-poet" title. All the things that he was "anti" about were erased because we was aknowledged by the academy like an "anti-poet". If you don't consider the paratext in his work after the mid 70's you only get "decent" poetry at most.

Now, if you wanna read some ubergodtier in chilean poetry you gotta read either Enrique Lihn or Rodrigo Lira (both dead).

I'm from Chile.

Excuse my plebtier english.

>> No.2620082


>Roberto Bolano

Fucking shit cunt tier bro.
The only good thing that dud ever did was die.
Srsly fuck him and fuck you.

>> No.2620083
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>> No.2620085


>> No.2620107
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My waifu. And Guadalupe Nettel.

>> No.2620411


yeah right,
Bolano is a shit cunt.
Deals with it.
The Savage Detective is he worst kind of overhyped, name dropping, go nowhere hipster shit.

Fuck all you dilettante cunts.

>> No.2620525
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>he still uses the word "hipster"

>> No.2620548



>> No.2620562

what does 'hipster' even mean anyway

>> No.2620586


Hipster: person who likes things that you don't or that you haven't heard of.

>> No.2620587

I don't know what you're looking for, but I'm reading "Las venas abiertas de latinoamerica" and it's a good book.

>> No.2620592

If I like things that I don't like and haven't heard of, can I be a hipster, too?

>> No.2620599


>> No.2620606


>mentions Arreola
>mentions Zaid

>bashing Paz


>> No.2620685


Your forgot Sabines too.
Now that is to laugh.

>> No.2620700

God, you're hipster as fuck.

>> No.2620708


Guimarães Rosa
Machado de Assis
Graciliano Ramos
Lima Barreto


>> No.2621791

Lol. Everyone so mad 'cause the wetback has some good taste and knows more of literary theory than you.

>> No.2621809

silvina ocampo
enrique anderson imbert