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/lit/ - Literature

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2595223 No.2595223 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you have outlined your entire novel, developed your characters, written their back stories, tied all the loose ends, etc.
>tfw you've been working on this outline for months
>tfw you don't know how to actually start writing the book
>tfw your outline will probably be relegated to the filing cabinet and your book will never be written

>> No.2595225

Close Firefox -> Windows Start Menu -> OpenOffice.org Writer -> start writing, asshole.

>> No.2595228

rewrite your outline, OP.

rewrite it so that the outline of each chapter is one page long.

then rewrite it again so that the outline of each chapter is two pages long.

then rewrite it again so that the outline of each chapter is three pages long.

and so on and so on until your outline becomes the final draft.

>> No.2595239

Consider learning vim

>> No.2595241


fuck is vim

>> No.2595244


What problems keep you from starting the book?

>> No.2595247

Virgins initiate mastubation, clearly.

>> No.2595255

The fifth circle of programming hell.

>> No.2595258


Venereal ingestion modus

>> No.2595268

Getting writer's block often is one thing. Not even knowing how to start it all off even with great preparation....just give up trying to be a writer.

are you worried your work will be a failure? then you'll never get better because you can only get better if you work through your shittiness. deal with it.

>> No.2595321


I am afraid to write. I am terrified that what comes out might be shit, that I will essentially be wiping my ass on my computer screen.

>> No.2595329


Try writing a short story or two before, just to get a feel for it.

>> No.2595342


I can't even do that. I don't think you understand how fucked up this fear of mine is.

>> No.2595360
File: 96 KB, 800x600, howtowritefiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stop complaining you worthless little shitweasel. I don't give a shit if you're such a fucking pussy that you're afraid to write a short story for yourself.

>> No.2595369
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>tfw i have pages and pages of epic prose but no outline
>tfw i wish structure came as naturally to me as language.
>tfw i have the opposite of OP's problem

>> No.2595375

What the fuck is going to happen you piece of shit?
>oh no, I wrote a bad thing
Okay? That's it? Jesus fucking Christ you deserve death.