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2588915 No.2588915 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2588932

bump for RIncewind

>> No.2590207

Is Nation in the same universe? It's my favourite by Pratchett.

>> No.2590553

favourite series?

>> No.2590555


nope, its an alternative earth, not discworld

>> No.2590557

Isn't Roundworld our earth? The world the unseen university made? Wouldnt that sort of make it in Discworld, then?

>> No.2590558


its neither round- nor diskworld- its just an alternative earth, end of story

>> No.2590559


PS roundworld IS our earth

>> No.2590560

mad for no reason

>> No.2590562

Tried reading Color of Magic, am stalled. It's amusing, but something about it... bores me. I don't know why.

>> No.2590563

once you read the first two the reast of the universe sort of clicks into place

>> No.2590567


It's because Prachett's a shit writer.

>> No.2590568
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also you don't have to read them in publication order, depends what floats your boat

>> No.2590569
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Superior picture.

>> No.2590572


>> No.2590586

This is pure fagotry and you guys should be ashamed

>> No.2591105

Suck on it, Nazi scum.

>> No.2591110


>Stop liking things I don't like!

>> No.2591111

sage for douglas adams with wizards and unicorns

>> No.2591263

There's no real plot in Colour of Magic, it's just a collection of things happening. Finish it, and read The Light Fantastic (a direct sequel to CoM). That's a proper Discworld novel, with proper plot and so on.

If you still don't like it after that, Discworld might not be for you. The Light Fantastic is waaaay better than Colour of Magic though, which in my opinion is the worst Discworld book by far (though it being the first excuses it really).

>> No.2591301
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Try reading the series of books involving Death. Find out which ones from >>2590569
Despite how dark and edgy XD! I may sound, the Death books are my favourite, closely followed by the Watch books.

Of the main series' it goes, imo:
Death > Watch > Rincewind > Industrial > the various misc books >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Witches.