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2586411 No.2586411 [Reply] [Original]

Words you don't really know how to pronounce because you've only ever seen them in books.

I didn't know how to pronounce monotony until this year, and I'm still not sure how to pronounce taciturn.

>> No.2586419


>> No.2586433

i encountered camus on wikipedia and read his books all the time thinking it was phonetic. than some i read some comment on here about how people who do that are plebs or some shit

>> No.2586435

I didn't know how to pronounce Deleuze until a few weeks ago. I also imagined it sounding similar to "deluge", but I found out it rhymes with "masseuse" (if I'm not mistaken).

I used to think masseuse rhymed with moose.

>> No.2586445

This guy here >>2586435
I did the same thing. I thought he must be Irish, because Kay-muss rhymes with Seamus.

>> No.2586451

I heard someone say inchoate the other day. It sounded less funny than I had hoped.

>> No.2586454




I don't think I've ever seen this word but once. I assumed it was a french "gn" sound like "mignon".

>> No.2586457

I used to pronounce "ennui" as "enn-oo-ee".

That was pretty embarrassing.

>> No.2586464


..h-how do you pronounce it?

>> No.2586466


oh shit.

>> No.2586467


Masseuse doesn't rhyme with moose?....

>> No.2586474



>> No.2586476


On-wee. French as fuck

>> No.2586478


I believe there are actual, legitimate professionals that still pronounce it "enn-oo-ee".

I mean, I don't even like the french language but I'll make my best effort not to butcher it, if I can.

>> No.2586492


I had a professor that pronounced Nietzsche as "Neet-chee". And I go to a pretty good school.

>> No.2586494


well fuck me, I took french for 5 years and never pronounced it that way. oh well.

>> No.2586508

Is Palliat or Paliat a word?

>> No.2586513


Said it wrong six times once during history class.

>> No.2586514


That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. Then again, I've always been a stickler for spelling and pronunciation. It comes from all of those spelling bees in grade school and being the only student in English class that the teacher could rely on to read aloud, competently.

>> No.2586515

People always pronounce forte as "for-tay." That really bugs me.

>> No.2586518


That's how it's pronounced in the musical sense...how do you say it?

>> No.2586524
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>mfw none of you pseudo-intellectual fuck-knuckles know how to pronounce synecdoche without going to wiki,

>> No.2586531


When you say "analytical writing is not my forte," it rhymes with "sport." The musical term is different.

>> No.2586539



Didn't even have to think about it, because I'm not an ignorant plebe.

>> No.2586549


No, but "palliate" is. It's the verb form of the adjective "palliative".

>> No.2586555


If you know even the slightest bit about how greek words sound, then you can figure it out. It doesn't hurt ot double check yourself. There's no shame in looking up a word you don't know how to pronounce.

>> No.2586558
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>> No.2586563
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I was watching Doomsday Preppers on TV the other day and one of the madmen kept on insisting on pronouncing "cache" the same as "cachet".

I was so embarrassed for him. It was painful.

>> No.2586569


It has a very strong "t" sound but I believe there may be a slight, breathy "eh" sound at the end; not "for-tay" but "fort-hh"

>> No.2586584



Survey says: Incorrect.


I pity the fool who pronounces it differently.

using the term "pleb" makes you sound like an even bigger cunt than you apparently are, by the way

>> No.2586594


>Didn't even have to think about it, because I'm not an ignorant plebe

Should have thought about it a little longer, because you got it wrong.

How stupid and uneducated do you feel right now?

>> No.2586595


>> No.2586599



or just sage

>> No.2586610


that site has helped me so many times

>> No.2586623


forte as used in music is italian

forte as used to mean strong point is french

different pronunciations and meanings, though really, no one except the french ever pronounce forte correctly and you'd prolly look like an ass if you did. i prefer to just avoid the word altogether.

>> No.2586626

No you don't. It's fortay unless you're speaking in French. You're a moron.

>> No.2586635

Gosh, I went forever saying "epitome" wrong. Eppa-tome (rhyming with rome).

And when I was younger, pedophile.

>> No.2586652

oh howjsay, you always come to my rescue <3


>> No.2586666

even if you're still speaking french it's for-tay.

Unless it's the feminine version of "fort" which means strength

>> No.2586674


I guess that's not bad, if you learned the correct way.

It reminds me how much I was a snob about it in school. I visibly reacted when a girl thought the word "determine" was pronounced "deh-ter-myne".

>> No.2586677


>> No.2586679

I think in this case, you look like more of a retard if you pronounce it correctly.

>> No.2586690

guess how I used to pronounce 'nonchalant'

>> No.2586691

strindberg is pronouced strindber

That one had me for a few years.

Also Kubrick is pronounced quebrick, pretentious guy he was

>> No.2586699

Strindberg is pronounced Strindber

That had me for years

Also Kubrick is pronounced Quebrick, pretentious ass he was

>> No.2586708


"fant-asia" (as in the country "asia")


"non-shall-aunt" (with a weak, slight "t" at the end)

>> No.2586752


>> No.2586758



>> No.2586766

it's pronounced ger-duh or something similar right?

>> No.2586772


>> No.2586882


In German, the "goe" makes and almost "gur" sound (as in girl), except the "r" sound is slight. It's "go" with a breathy "rh" thrown in. The second part, "th" is almost like the english "th" but with more stress on the "t" and a pronunciation similar to "dh". It stems from the original germanic pronunciation of the same syllable.



Here's a fun one for you guys to figure out. If you can't get it, I'll post the answer.


>> No.2586888


If it's german, would sound like

and about goethe.

Pronounce it göte.

>> No.2586894


just checked. It's from hebrew, and it depends, can be pronounced


>> No.2586900


That's close enough. I remember the pronunciation, because it's hewbrew, relating to the jews and the word sounds like "gets the money".

Slightly racist but helpful.

>> No.2586904

It's Greek, idiot. Hebrew is similar, but more like Gets muh name. Or nim.

>> No.2586918

The priests when I was growing up always just pronounced it "Geth-sem-uh-knee". lol

>> No.2586921

It wasn't until last year that I realized 'gaol' and 'jail' are the same word.

>> No.2586922

(also, it's Geth-see-ma-ni)

>> No.2586924


From Merriam-Webster.com:
>In forte we have a word derived from French that in its “strong point” sense has no entirely satisfactory pronunciation. Usage writers have denigrated \ˈfȯr-ˌtā\ and \ˈfȯr-tē\ because they reflect the influence of the Italian-derived 2forte. Their recommended pronunciation \ˈfȯrt\, however, does not exactly reflect French either: the French would write the word le fort and would pronounce it more similar to English for. So you can take your choice, knowing that someone somewhere will dislike whichever variant you choose. All are standard, however. In British English \ˈfȯ-ˌtā\ and \ˈfȯt\ predominate; \ˈfȯr-ˌtā\ and \fȯr-ˈtā\ are probably the most frequent pronunciations in American English.

>> No.2586928

it's na-BAW-koff
not NA-buh-kov

>> No.2586930

My daddy told me it was pronounced "fort" and by god if it's good enough for my daddy it's good enough for me.

>> No.2586931

Fucking your mother was good enough for your daddy.

>> No.2586944

Fost by Goeeth

>> No.2586947




It makes no sense but that's how we say it.

>> No.2586949


It's pronounced Foist.

>> No.2586963


>> No.2586990
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>Goethe isn't pronounced "go-eth"




>> No.2587008 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2587025

Fuck man I pronounced his name like that too.

>> No.2587029


Möchtests du mein Faust?

I'd pronounce it like inbetween fost and foist. Like an oi, but less agressive.

>> No.2587035


I've heard and read the word plenty of times but I just can't grasp my head around its pronunciation. English is my 3rd language, mind you.

>> No.2587037


Don't listen to the faggots.

It's not on-wee

more like
You guys don't have that "en" in english.
Get some audio program to say "temps" or "champ" and "nuit" if you really want to pronounce it right.

>> No.2587041

I say "on-wah"

or rather I don't say but that's how I pronounce it in my head.

>> No.2587044

No, Strindberg is pronounced Strindberg.

>> No.2587059

I haven't had a problem with pronunciation in quite some time but in high school I didn't know the correct way to say hyperbole. Even though almost everyone in the class didn't know what it meant, I still feel embarrassed about it.

lol at all the French loanwords being butchered though.

>> No.2587062


in - ev - ee - tah - bull


>> No.2587115

Music edition:
Bonus round: Ralph Vaughan Williams

>> No.2587118

just a few weeks ago I learned how Dvorak was pronounced.

Still don't know Janacek though, crazy Eastern Europeans

>> No.2587134

most of you idiots can't even pronounce proust correctly

and those of you that can are unable to do it without getting boner

>> No.2587137

/lit/ taught me the correct way to say it

Prous (the T is silent, like most French consonants)

>> No.2587146



not to be confused with ya-nay-check, the slightly later musical theorist

>> No.2587152



>> No.2587151



>> No.2587156


>> No.2587159

I used to switch the "i" and "l" in "foliage" until I got laughed out of 8th grade German class.

>> No.2587162


I always thought it was 'koy-ahn-eh-cot-si'.

>> No.2587175

My girlfriend insists I pronounce clitoris incorrectly. I can't help it though; I love the way it rolls off the tongue.

>> No.2587185


No it's pronounced "Proust", the "T" is not silent.
T is silent if it's at the end of the world with a vowel before.
In english it would sound "Prust" but the "ou" will sound strange.


You'd better use the french pronunciation of "an", like "temps, vent, quand, champs...".

on-wee sounds weird
an-wee sounds better

>> No.2587193

OMG Thank you so much!!! I've been feeling like an idiot every time I say Del-uze. How do you pronounce Guattari

>> No.2587196

I didn't know how to pronounce "queue" for the longest time. I said it something like "kweh woo."

>> No.2587253
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5 star classic post mate, ya cunt.
Felt like the biggest wanker north of the equator when I learned how to pronounce it correctly.
Feel like the king of the world now.

>> No.2587269

German here to solve all your Goethe-related issues:
Göte. You really don't have the ö sound, and if you make it your lips make a smaller oval than for the girl/churn vowel and the sound is more in the front of your mouth.

Also I have to force myself to say [n i t s sh e] and not just [n i t sh e]

>> No.2587270

Route, roof, and patronize

I think it's a regional thing. Here's how I've heard them pronounced:

Route can sound like "out" or "root"
Roof can sound like "poof" or with an almost flat U sound in the middle. Think "rough" without the O.
Patronize can sound like "pat-ronize" or "pate-ronize"

So which are correct?

>> No.2587273

I pronounced the "T" in water more often than I'd care to admit, even when people called me out on it.

>> No.2587274

They all are acceptable. Some words are just pronounced in many ways.

>> No.2587276

Weeeak. I was made fun of for pronouncing "patronize" "pate-ronize" at school in New York. Where I'm from, pate's the standard pronunciation.

>> No.2587277
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Mang-go vs. Mahn-go

>> No.2587282
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>I love the way it rolls off the tongue.

>> No.2587299


>> No.2587368

Frenchfag here, I'm sure a bunch of you already know this but please stop prononcing the "s" in albert Camus.

>> No.2587372

How else would you pronounce it?

>> No.2587380

How do you pronounce that shit

>> No.2587384

Normanfags everywhere, ruining the English language.

>> No.2587393

>sad viking.bmp

>> No.2587395

>implying you can ruin a language

>> No.2587398

said 'antiquated' as 'an-tee-kway-ted' for ages

and chabon as 'sha- bon'

>> No.2587400

It's funny you say that, because to this day I still pronounce Chabon as "TAL-ent-less."

Might be a regional thing.

>> No.2587407



>> No.2587412

this thread is boring.

i say maim instead of meem. it just sounds better

>> No.2587423

Strindberg pronounced Strindberg

What the actual fuck. Swede here.
Listen to this:

>> No.2587425

Cant pronounce deaths and breaths with any sense of speed.

Fucking sucks.
Someone please vocaroo that shit for me.

>> No.2587430

When I was about 8 years old I pronounced "genre" "juhn-ray". I laugh about it now.

>> No.2587431

i hate the word 'particularly'. To pronounce it properly I need to slow it write down so it sounds retarded (par-tic-you-lar-ly) but most people pronounce it fast so they miss out the middle of the word which still sounds retarded to me (particuly)

>> No.2587435

-ths is horrible. I'm English and even I struggle to really enunciate it at times.

if you were to just cheat and pronounce it -fs [with a really subtle f] no one would care.

>> No.2587439
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have any of you assholes considered copy/paste into google translate then clicking on the listen button!?!!!!!

i fucking love reading. i fucking hate this board. pretentious uppity cunts(i miss clicked, want to be on /fit/)!

once again fuck all of you. i won't post on this board for another two years. fuck you! and, Henry Miller!

>> No.2587442

I work teaching English to non English speakers. Makes you realise how retarded our language can be sometimes.

A somewhat common mispronunciation of an everyday word is 'probably' as pro-BAB-lee (stress on second syllable), even had one woman say it pro-bob-ub-lee, which was hard not to chuckle at.

One of my favourite mistakes was a student pronouncing cupboard as cup-board.

>> No.2587476

How the fuck can you mispronounce hyperbole? Hyperbo-lee?

>> No.2587482

My native tongue is Hebrew.
Hebrew is 100% phonetic, and we only have 5 vowels (ah, eh, eeh, uh, oh).
I'm the only person I know that even tries to learn how to pronounce words. I keep getting complemented on my English (I didn't need to take the mandatory Technical English course in my university, for example), but I still feel that I speak like a retard.

>> No.2587493

Well, most native speakers of English speak the language like retards, and they don't even have the hindrance of knowing other languages, so I'd say you're doing fine.

>> No.2587494

Most people will love that you make an honest effort to speak their language anyway. Well, maybe except English speakers, who kind of expect it. Oh well.

>> No.2587507

Every time I try to think of these I can only think of my friend I've known since grade school.





like of or related to an inventor?


>> No.2587509

eep op ork ah ah that means i love you

>> No.2587513
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Andrew Lloyd Webber called. He said he would never lie to me.

>> No.2587628

I remember this one chick pronounced
not like
but like
5 syllables. She pronounced every letter in the word as it sounds in the alphabet. She said it multiple times and we had to just put up with it as she continued her presentation.

>> No.2587656

The first time I saw the word 'masonry' as a kid I misread it as 'mansory'. For many years I kept thinking that was the correct spelling, and I even pronounced it like "man-sorry". Eventually someone bothered to correct me (after I had called someone out for pronouncing it correctly.)

English isn't my mother tongue and I rarely use it, but it was still weird how long it took to figure that one out. Makes me paranoid as to how many other rarely used words I've had wrong all this time.

>> No.2587669

I said hyper-bole for a while, instead of hyPER-bolE.

>> No.2587688

I always wondered why people smirked when I called a memo a MeeMoe.

>> No.2587697


Ja - na- check

č = that classic eastern european tsch sound

>> No.2587704

i said:

codify "code-if-eye" (correct pronunciation "cod-if-eye")

azure "ah-zoor" (correct = "ashur/a-jur".. knowing pronunciation alphabet would really help)

i almost punched a guy in the face for saying "press-position" when trying to say "presupposition"

>> No.2587707

4chan has some pretty funny meh mehs

>> No.2587717

i know meme is meem, but mem sounds better

>> No.2587719

it's really that simple? I thought it would be like YA-na-chayk or something

>> No.2587720

From which language does meme come from ?

>> No.2587724

Good. Pat-Ron-eyes. Pate is fucking annoying, and people who say it like that should be shot (unless, for some reason, it's the verb in which case my rage subsides and my more usual linguistically blasé demeanour returns).

What I never got about New Yoik was the cawfee pronounciation. Where does it come from? I honestly thought it was some kind of stereotyping until I met a real life Brooklynite at 15.

>> No.2587728

What kind of faggot are you?

>> No.2587732

It's bastardised Greek via English

>> No.2587752

what the fuck?

it comes from the noun patron. add ize. patron-ize. do you say patron, "pat-ron"?