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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.57 MB, 3000x2000, 1330454332081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2575717 No.2575717 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/.

Images like pic related have been popular on /mu/ for a while now. I know /lit/ has a sticky but there still seems to be a proliferation of questions like "how do I get into (author)" cropping up pretty often. My suggestion would be to make images similar to pic related but for authors or genres often discussed on /lit/. Unfortunately I haven't read any author's list of work in its entirety, so I will need your help. If you post the text for the author or genre, I'll make the image.


>> No.2575735

Harper Lee: Start with 'To Kill a Mockingbird', finish with 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.

>> No.2575739
File: 65 KB, 519x849, ZZ7iC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one I found for Thomas Pynchon on Cracked but it's not very good, really. I might wanna make my own after thinking it through a little.

>> No.2575746

Actually a good idea.

What if we did just a image of Canon works like that, or /lit/'s perverted version of Canon anyway?

>> No.2575759

There's one of these for Murakami that I'd be interested in seeing again. I'm thinking about picking up a book by him some time soon.

>> No.2575760

I'd like a Shakespeare one.

>> No.2575767

But that's an awful image, as you really only need to focus on Syd's Floyd, Waters' Floyd was largely a piece of mediocre prog garbage.

>> No.2575781


Well you can just fuck right off. I was lucky enough to see Waters live last year playing The Wall in its entirety. Fucking incredible.

>> No.2575791

I'm working on one!

>> No.2575794


Okay I'm almost done the Pynchon one.

>> No.2575805
File: 712 KB, 1513x884, pynchonguide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done! Please give me your feedback.

>> No.2575809


d'oh, forgot to mention Slow Learner.

>> No.2575817

I like it

>> No.2575826

Hey bro, you got the one for Bob Dylan?

>> No.2575830
File: 885 KB, 1600x1200, bobdylan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can find them all here: http://mu-flowcharts.blogspot.ca/

>> No.2575841
File: 182 KB, 1606x1102, murakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2575846

Hm I would love to see more of these flowcharts related to literature. For example when it comes to poetry or especially epic poetry.
Or russian literature. Basically not stuff of a single author, but more of a chronological order when it comes to this stuff, to show you which writer inspired another one.

>> No.2575871


That's pretty cool. I've read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, and according to this Kafka is less weird so I may check that one out soon.

>> No.2575877

I could do one for epic poetry easily too. But I'll wait until I get the Shakespeare one done first.

>> No.2575887
File: 142 KB, 1582x1000, harperlee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

I'm happy to see there is an interest here. If you guys provide the text I will be happy to make the more images.

>> No.2575929


Thanks man! I appreciate it!

>> No.2576024
File: 2.04 MB, 3000x1600, Shakespeareguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit rough around the edges but I think it works!

>> No.2576047


I really like it, nice job!

>> No.2576052


>> No.2576070

Thanks guys! I am going to go to bed, but I will try and do one on epic poetry tomorrow.

(Tripping for posterity.)

>> No.2576082

surprisingly decent actually. just need to include some of the histories - henry v, henry iv 1-2, richard iii. also merry wives for slapstick.

>> No.2576087

Oh, the histories! I don't really know them at all so I guess it's unsurprising I left them out.

>> No.2576099

What happens when you realize that Bob Dylan sounds like a whiny 90 chain smoking grandma with a severe cold?

>> No.2576138

you stop listening to bob dylan?


try listening to this piece, it is absolutely beauitful

>> No.2576167
File: 2.52 MB, 3000x2000, Shakespeareguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you make of this then?

>> No.2576171

Check this shit out, son. That secondary V on "ev". God damn.


>> No.2576181

This isn't Bob Dylan. I thought you were going to try and send me good Bob Dylan. I already know other music in the world is good, I don't know why you gave me that.

>> No.2576190
File: 2.54 MB, 3000x2000, Shakespeareguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updating slight error

>> No.2576201

I hate this idea and encourage everyone to avoid it and scorn it.

>> No.2576387

I love this idea and encourage everyone to flock to it and praise it.

>> No.2576757

bumping this for more flowcharts

>> No.2576788
File: 29 KB, 358x353, 1322256079644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Henriad
Is that actually the "official" name of the histories?

>> No.2576988

That's what people call them! It's not an 'official' term but it has stuck.

>> No.2576994

Pink Floyd don't have THAT much albums, is it really a problem to listen them and decide for yourself which you like best?

This idea is stupid.

>> No.2577004


Hm in terms of pink floyd or a single writer I don't really like it.
I think a flowchart like that is very usefull to illustrat a certain movement of literature, like modernism and show who were the first who wrote that stuff and who got inspired by them and so on. I think this would be very usefull if someone is actually interested in seeing how a whole epoch went into existence and how it developed over time.

(sorry if I missused words, not a native English speaker)

>> No.2577006

It's not meant to be a visual representation of what influenced what - just a guide for people looking to get into a writer or band.

>> No.2577622

and why don't you just use wikipedia? :p

>> No.2579230

I think this is a splendid idea so bump.

>> No.2579241


Hm ok, I just think, that the overall idea / concept can be useful for other things than a single writer or band.


Well sure I can use wikipedia. I meant it would be a very good idea to do this for some things. For example poetry, epic poetry, maybe some russian lit or for things like modernism etc.
Maybe it could be included in the recommanded reading section or something.

>> No.2580249
File: 318 KB, 1483x2205, yukiomishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again.

I wish I could make the broad genre charts but I am not well read enough. If someone were to provide the text I would be happy to make the image.

>> No.2580279

Perfect timing, I finished "The Sailor" yesterday.

>> No.2580286

What about James Joyce? Or maybe Jose Saramago?

>> No.2580295

>interested in bodybuilding?
>Sun and Steal

Is It something like Murakami's "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running"?

>> No.2580298

imo this is much better to aspiring-to-be-/lit/izens than the way too big (and confusing) Horey Shit I Got Quints list.

>> No.2580328 [DELETED] 

>I am not well read enough

of course you aren't. sound of waves was really well written though. perhaps the only protag of his that doesn't need to be smacked back to reality?

>> No.2580612
File: 48 KB, 443x600, 1331834823682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2581910

Are you a mind reader, OP?
I saw the thread yesterday and thought I'd come by today to request him.

>> No.2581921


>> No.2581932

You don't need a picture for James Joyce, he only wrote 4 books it goes like this.

Start with Dubliners - Like it? - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Like it? - Ulysses - Like it? - read other literature for ten years - Finnegans Wake.

A chart for someone like Orwell or Kafka would be good, and maybe one for the modernist movement.

>> No.2581935

I don't know why you'd need a chart for Kafka, you could read all of his stuff in a week.
>Metamorphosis - like it? >> The Trial - like it? >> Everything else.

>> No.2581940

You should read his short stories first. They're his best works.

>> No.2581941

You can pirate Mishima you retard.

Check /lit/'s Jap lit folder.

>> No.2581942

this is pretty great

>> No.2581945

Keep it up guys, these are excellent.

>> No.2581946

Can I /r/ one for Balzac? Or Faulkner?

>> No.2581963

We definitely need one for Balzac. He just wrote so fucking much

>> No.2581970

/mu/ is ruining this board

>> No.2581972

This idea is much better than a lot of the shit on /lit/

Always the same filth

Read 1984, thoughts?

Maybe this idea will catch on and people will:
1. Be able to choose books on their own, since the retards on /lit/ always need people to tell them what to do next
2. Expand the reading materials and hopefully encourage actual discussion, between authors' books etc.

>> No.2581978
File: 11 KB, 215x235, 1334986795282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you don't like the idea, don't post. I think it's a grand one. It's all in the name of enabling discussion of literature, which is the whole point of this board.

>> No.2582008

I like this idea. Keep up the good work.

>> No.2582019

what is this called?

>> No.2582020


what is what called?

>> No.2582025

When someone on 4chan actually comes up with a good idea relevant to the board they are in.

Not the guy who originally asked btw

>> No.2582026

the picture/meme

>> No.2582027


>> No.2582035



>> No.2582074

can we do this for a genre, not just prolific authors? i.e. how to into asian literature, how to into existentialism etc.

>> No.2582111

We've already done it by many nations/languages and some genres (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, comedy, philosophy)

It's time we do it by authors.

>> No.2582143


Is there any blog, like the /mu/ one, where these are kept for posterity? I know there's a wiki for the recommended reading but I've never seen any flow charts there.

>> No.2582516

has there ever been one made about the beats?

>> No.2582810

Heck yes would love a flowchart for that.

Actually I think we need a lot more well-read people in here to contribute their recommendations.
I can make flowcharts too if needed, but am not well-read enough to write the content.
So come on /lit/! Show us your expertise.

>> No.2582828

is there a flowchart on how to get into classical music?

>> No.2582849
File: 21 KB, 634x371, classical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know too much about the Beats but I imagine it would go something like this:

Howl -> On the Road -> Naked Lunch

well, that's The Big Three's biggest works. I guess you could also throw in Junky near the beginning.

no flow-chart but Piero Scaruffi's "Classical for plebs" list is accessible and varied so you'll get a taste of all periods.

>> No.2582855

This is relevant to my interests

>> No.2582881

Why would you read the best books first?

>> No.2582893

you need to read some of their stuff or at least read a history and biography of the beat generation before reading howl or else you won't get any of the allusions

>> No.2582900

The problem with this flowchart is while one should start with Dubliners, whether or not they like it Portrait should be read anyway. Joyce's prose style largely changes before the two and from what I've seen there are quite a few people here who like/dislike Dubliners and dislike/like the rest of Joyce's works.

A short story first because it'd be more accessible, maybe The Judgement -> The Hunger Artist -> Metamorphosis... etc.

But a week? Anyone who can read the Metamorphosis, The Trial, and The Castle in a week isn't the type who'd need a flowchart for Kafka in the first place to be honest.

>> No.2582906

Agreed. If you know little about the time, you won't get it. Howl is NOTHING but allusions and references you won't get. I'd say the easiest way to get into them is to learn about them first. As such I'd actually say "And the Hippos Were Boiled In Their Tanks" to be a great book to start with concerning the Beats. Then On the Road->Junky (a better read than cut-up fuckery and it tells more needed history)-> Howl then you can kinda go where ever you want. If you liked Kerouac go into Dharma Bums, etc.

>> No.2582913

I'm guessing they're short on time?
I prefer reading the author's best work second myself, but reading the best work first might make you more tolerant when reading the author's other important works.

Doing that helped me when it came to Vonnegut's books actually

>> No.2582943
File: 19 KB, 277x400, dwayne-johnson-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to request a flowchart for PKD, and/or sci-fi in general

>> No.2582957
File: 2.75 MB, 4400x2364, 1334495026298 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this helps

>> No.2582965
File: 58 KB, 748x818, 1333444309354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contribootin for anusman

>> No.2582970
File: 58 KB, 651x441, It_s_Full_Of_Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2582973

thanks, it's nice to see my oc show up here

>> No.2583097
File: 193 KB, 1500x1348, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon /lit/, OP here again. I hope the weather is nice wherever you are, I plan on doing some outdoor reading myself before it gets dark. I'll be bumping the thread with a few more flowcharts. It would be awesome if you could also make some flowcharts with some of your favourite authors as well.

Here is one for Joyce based on your posts.

I hated Foundation and the only SF writer I like is Ursula Le Guin, so I won't be making any sci-fi charts. Although someone else is welcome to.

>> No.2583106
File: 187 KB, 1500x1348, kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2583109
File: 238 KB, 1500x1802, camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2583117

I love you lots OP. Thank you.

>> No.2583118

That flowchart's so stylish.
Thanks for the covers, Vintage.

>> No.2583128

>saging on /lit/

This thread isn't going anywhere soon.

>> No.2583130

It was a polite sage because I didn't add anything to the discourse.

>> No.2583132

Thank you very much OP, that stuff is great!

I would ask for some flowcharts on the russian writers. I enjoy Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but others would be great too! Would love to have something about them!

>> No.2583133


Sage isn't an insult, proper way to use it, etc etc

>> No.2583135

is there anything about H.P Lovecraft? Don't know where to begin.

>> No.2583150
File: 1.45 MB, 3800x2300, SFSignalNPR100Flowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow Over Innsmouth is the best place to start. It really sums up Lovecraft in a nutshell

This is a rather decent sci-fi/fantasy flowchart.

>> No.2583160

Is there a guide/template for flowcharts ? I'd like to make one for Balzac but i'm too retarded

>> No.2583166

thank you!

>> No.2583170

they're flowcharts. Really, just go into paint and make some lines to cover art. Done

>> No.2583178

Samples done by OP should be enough, otherwise head over to the /mu/ flowchart collection here for more demonstrations >>2575830

If you mean what general principle the flowchart should follow then pick a good starting book(serves as introduction to typical style, semi-good work), then follow that up with arrows pointing towards other works and a descriptor concerning individual preferences( if you prefer short books, more drama, etc.). Could also use opinion on the starting book as a descriptor(prose was delicious, story was too slow for my taste)

>> No.2583261

You can do it!

>> No.2583315

>No mention of Ulysses anywhere


>> No.2583350

>doesn't know how to read

>> No.2583358

Are you blind?

Anyway, I would appreciate one about Márquez .

>> No.2583528
File: 443 KB, 2468x1252, CalvinoFlowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one about Calvino (sorry for the slight blur).

>> No.2583569

This is amazing. I copied down the NPR list, but never got started on it.

>> No.2583573

Any reason you didn't include Italian Folktales, The Watcher, SMog/Real Estate, The Path to the Spiders' Nests, and Mr. Palomar? They're all easily connected.

>> No.2583581

>I am Legend
I'm going to murder Will Smith.
Also, no Lovecraft when asked for Sci-Fi Horror? What the hell NPR.
Also, digging most of the ones so far, though I'm not sure I'd start Shakespeare with Hamlet... Can't really come up with an alternative though.
Anybody got one for Russian Literature? I'd imagine it would start with Dostoevsky, but to be honest, I'm not even sure how to into Dostoevsky. I'm trying to read Master and Margarita, and all this biblical and Russian stuff is flying over my head, and for some reason my translation thought it would be a good idea to put footnotes in the back of the book rather than at the foot of the page.

>> No.2583584

I desperately want to read V. does anyone know where I can dl it?

>inb4 <</r/

>> No.2583585

These are by no means necessarily comprehensive lists.

You're welcome to make your own.

>> No.2583601

>/lit/'s Jap lit folder
Where's /lit/'s stuff in general?

>> No.2583636

Can someone make one for Kant?

>> No.2583648

I'm sorry, I... Kant.

>> No.2583763
File: 235 KB, 1462x1750, camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. I've included a fixed Camus image.
I'd like to make more flowcharts for Orwell, Hemingway and Dostoevsky but I have only read a handful of books by each of them. Your help would be appreciated, here is what I was thinking...

Orwell: Start with 1984 > read Animal Farm if you are interested in more anti-communist work or read Homage if you are interested in his journalistic stuff. I don't know where to go from there. I want to include his other novels and his essays since those are by far his best works.

Hemingway: Old Man and the Sea > Farewell to Arms > ...?

Dostoevsky: Notes from Underground > Crime and Punishment > The Idiot > Brothers Karamazov. I'd like to include his short stories and other novels but don't know where to fit them.

>> No.2583769

I love you, let's have sex. Polite sage.

>> No.2583780

Help OP guys

>> No.2583956

We need a place to store these online.

>> No.2584037

Thanks for the chart, it'll keep me busy for a while yet. Haven't read any of his work.
And I wish I knew any author's body of work well enough to contriboot. Keep up the great work OP!

>> No.2584100

Nah, man.
The Sun Also Rises
A Farewell to Arms
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Old Man and the Sea
Islands in the Stream
A Moveable Feast [optional]

>> No.2584202
File: 185 KB, 880x980, ChestertonFiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for Chesterton's Fiction. I'd do his religious and opinion writing too, but I doubt anyone wants to see a flowchart that big.

>> No.2584236


I too wouldn't mind one on Marquez if someone on /lit/ has the expertise. Also Jack Vance, but that's a rather tall order.

>> No.2584266

can someone plz make one for Jk Rowling? She is my favorite i am loking forward to her new book so much!

>> No.2584619

Bump for more flowcharts.

>> No.2584634



>> No.2584639
File: 108 KB, 1583x439, hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2584648

Keep it up OP!!!

>> No.2584661


>> No.2584665

Holy fuck these flowcharts are dumb. I saw some other people object to these earliery.










>> No.2584669

Actually you should read the books chronologically, generally. So you can see the author mature through his works.

>> No.2584690

Thet's deep brah.

>> No.2584701

Well it that case we should get rid of the sticky and not recommend anything, so every thread on /lit/ will be "where do I start with this author" instead of actually discussing what they've read.

>> No.2584706
File: 100 KB, 300x225, audience[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said, sir

>> No.2584760


I disagree, all this is doing is giving people a starting off point and some further suggestions based on how they enjoy it. If this helps one person find an author he grows to enjoy your little diatribe against flowcharts is as meaningless as it is loud.

Hell the first chart got me interested in Pink Floyd yesterday and now I can't put them down.

>> No.2584763

Not even. The flowcharts aren't saying that about anything, they're simply categorizing the works in suggested order of completion.
I hope everybody understands that they're just suggestions. They don't say anything about a work's "worth" or "goodness".

>> No.2584769

>I don't like Cyber Punk
>recommends Jules Verne

>I only read books with pictures
>asks about their views on pomo
Mother of God.

>> No.2584771

Could we have one for russian literature, perhaps?

>> No.2585012
File: 376 KB, 1500x2228, gaiman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I feel as though I am sort of running out of steam. I don't think I will be able to make anymore by myself. Although I will be happy to make more charts if you provide the text.

These charts are by no means definitive. They are just recommendations meant for those who are interested in new authors but do not know where to start. I also hope that they will get rid of redundant recommendation threads for authors discussed daily and make way for more literature discussion.

>> No.2585058

Joseph Heller
Start with Catch-22

>> No.2585259


Interesting one, I think Sandman is his best work and that everyone should read it, but I'd be tempted to start it out with American Gods or something else that's a bit more standard.

I've made my Calvino and Chesterton charts which unfortunately means I've run out of authors I'm comfortable with, but I encourage other people to contribute!

>> No.2585502

You could do like I did

Read Catch-22
Stumble upon Portrait of The Artist as an Old Man
Cry in the end because you realise that even he knew that he could never live up to that book.

>> No.2585982


That font is beautiful, like Mishima's death. What is it? I'll use it for the one I'm working on.

>> No.2586039

Great job OP. I would love to see one of these or Nietzsche.

>> No.2586151

You should make one for Philip K. Dick since that everyone comes here asking for suggestions on his work.

>> No.2586172


Oh Jesus, just thinking about that web of dozens of novels and short stories makes my head hurt.

>> No.2586173

Nietzsche: Chronological

>> No.2586175

Might wait with Zarathustra until you've read the rest though. After that get into the nachlass. And read a biography.

>> No.2586181

Nah, Beyond Good and Evil first.

>> No.2586194

Did Nietzche write any prose works?

>> No.2586195


I've read about 10 of his books and like twenty five of his short stories, but I could only really recommend 3 of those books and a handful of the stories. That wouldn't be a good flowchart, so I'll leave the task to someone who likes his books a bit more.

>> No.2586211

Technically, it's all prose. If you mean like a story, Zarathustra is like that. It's like an aping of a biblical/prophetic text.

>> No.2586213

If you're well read in the history of philosophy and history in general I'd still suggest starting with Birth of Tragedy. It's cool watching his thought evolve, and Birth of Tragedy was legitimately brilliant in its own right.

>> No.2586218


And to add to this I don't think a PKD flowchart would be very helpful because it would imply that you should read a selection of his stuff in a row, which you really shouldn't. PKD works read in succession suffer from diminishing returns far more so than any other author I'm familiar with.

>> No.2586547

Bump for more flowcharts.

>> No.2586577

these flowcharst are dumb

>> No.2586597

oh hey i see you already covered that, thanks

>> No.2586801
File: 112 KB, 1492x1347, template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Sabon, the sexy Garamond.
Here is a template for those interested.

>> No.2586857

Where is this?

>> No.2586885

search jap lit

>> No.2586899

i got quite a bit from this, thanks

still missing sun and steel, though.. does anyone know where i might find that online?

>> No.2586962

I kinda feel like doing one of these flowcharts, except for sexual positions.

>> No.2588735

bump for cool idea.
And not OP, but I'm willing to do charts if people provide me with the complete info. Your favorite authors maybe?

>> No.2590053

I've found it in Italian and German but I'm having trouble locating an English version.

>> No.2590461

Requesting a David Foster Wallace chart/reading order. Should be easy work for /lit/

>> No.2591434


Short stories/broom of the system --> IJ --> PK

>> No.2591506

Hm I would love some flowcharts about russian writers, like Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky or Gogol. Unfortunately I only read selected works by russian writers and don't know the others to well to make any.

>> No.2591570

Can anyone make one for Dan Brown?

>> No.2591721

so many requests for russian lit, I too would like someone better aquainted to make one!

>> No.2591890

wtf is this?
Do not listen to this poster. Broom of the System is not a very good novel unless you're a huge DFW already and some of his short fiction is way too obscure to grasp at first.
Here's how you should go:
1. Nonfiction (A supposedly fun thing... is recommended)
2. Infinite Jest
3. Short stories
4. Pale King
5. Broom of the System
6. All the other random publications

>> No.2591956

I would also like a PKD one, read quite few of his books, but not enough to be an authority on him....

>> No.2591979

you must be from /jp/

>> No.2592081

Hamlet was chosen not necessarily because it is the easiest to get into but because it perhaps covers the broadest range of themes. You've got the incredibly deep characterisation of its protagonist, yeah, and you've got high tragedy involving dynasties and kingdoms and so on, obviously, but also really interesting things about art and the play-within-a-play and everything. So I think it covers a broad range of things Shakespeare does best.

It's also the best-known play and contains lots and lots of very famous lines so it's perhaps more accessible in that respect as well.

>> No.2592756

bump, i won't have this thread die before i get home

>> No.2592765

>recommends thousand page novel to into DFW before short stories
Ishiggy Diggy

>> No.2592779

Not him, but I did it
IJ-->nonfiction-->stories, etc.

>> No.2593269

I would be very grateful for a Lovecraft one.

>> No.2593595
File: 396 KB, 846x773, ruvkrsaft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh out the oven, baked for you.

>> No.2593610

Make more, boss

>> No.2593622
File: 54 KB, 600x400, hugeDFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a huge DFW

>> No.2593625

Someone do one for authors who actually wrote a lot?

Dickens, Balzac, Zola, Tolstoy, Maupassant etc

>> No.2593637
File: 61 KB, 1024x512, orson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2593639
File: 273 KB, 1000x698, 1281069096869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2593640


no u

>> No.2593748

Can't we just forget that Dan Brown and his works exists. When The Da Vinci Code was realized it showed a classic example of the media and popular society liking complete shit.

>> No.2593872
File: 46 KB, 517x344, 1263051335719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot.

>> No.2593876

No problem, but make sure to read The Dunwich Horror as well, it slipped my mind when making it.

>> No.2594117

Much appreciated, thanks!

Would also like more advice from everyone about reading Infinite Jest before DFW's short stories. Might make a chart after.

>> No.2594419

Has anyone added the new ones to the wiki?

>> No.2596440
