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/lit/ - Literature

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2582093 No.2582093 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when 8-page paper due on Wednesday
>that feel when I have done just the introduction
>that feel when stuck

>> No.2582106

I understand you, OP. What is it on?

>> No.2582116

Baroque interior design and landscape architecture. If anyone has any good sources on this subject, I'd be very happy if you could share it.

>> No.2582119

>complaining about having three days to do 8 pages

Fuck the fuck off. I could do that in my spare time.

>> No.2582118
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>that feel when 12 page paper due Tuesday
>that feel when I finished the rough draft a week ago
>that feel when careful, gradual polishing and proofreading

>> No.2582121

Dude, seriously, it's only eight pages. I get that you're stuck, but come on, today's Sunday, knock that shit out.

>> No.2582122

>That feel when 5 page paper due tomorrow
>That feel when I'll do it in like 2 hours

>> No.2582127

It's 8 pages bare text. That's why I'm worried, I've done more in less time, but with formatting and sources.

>> No.2582131
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>quantifying essay length by page number instead of word count

lol, never change Americanos

>> No.2582137

>tfw you assemble almost random sentences from related sources into one document and you get an A

>> No.2582139

pastiche must your professor's favorite literary technique

>> No.2582141

word count isn't reliable either. I can bulk out a 500 word point to a thousand on stylistic changes alone.

>> No.2582146

anyone can write lots in their spare time. when it's an assignment it's hard to reach that enthusiasm where ideas are queuing up to leap effortlessly from your mind to the page to the point where you need to write notes to keep up.

>> No.2582151

Also, OP, if you need to hand it in in .pdf - page indent is your friend. You can get quite some length with unnoticeable changes.

>> No.2582153

>tfw you tell comfort yourself with this thought until the morning of your submission and find yourself struggling for ideas

>> No.2582156

this feel is alien to me yet i crave it so bad

>> No.2582158
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>mfw i keep all papers i've ever written backed up in three places and reuse old papers all the time and always get A's

>> No.2582164

I do the same, buddy. But sometimes you get assigned a theme and can't do anything about it.

Oh wait - actually, I always get a theme assigned. ;-;

>> No.2582167
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>theme, discuss Shakespeare
>next year theme on Some french faggot
>take old paper find/replace Shakespeare with gay french guy's name


or, my favorite
>liberal arts class
>do no research
>add some well written filler

A+ and female teacher wants my cock

>> No.2582168

In my three years of university I haven't begun a single paper earlier than the day before it was due. More often than not, I won't have even looked at the questions. I'm on course to graduate with a First Class degree in European History and I've been advised to apply for a Master's at Oxford by my Director of Studies. Redrafting is for the talentless.

>> No.2582172


You know that math and science are part of the liberal arts, right?

>> No.2582178

>implying people write papers about mathmatics

>> No.2582179


He's obviously in high school (or a horrifically mediocre college). He fails to understand that simply having passable grammar is likely to earn one an 'A(+)' at that level, and his confused little mind has supposed his grades to be reflective of a degree of uncommon talent - thus, arrogant to the point of ignorant.

>> No.2582182


I'm just saying. Saying you can get through a "liberal arts class" by doing that is silly. People too often confuse "the arts" with "the liberal arts".

>> No.2582184


They do, little boy. I am not the person to whom you responded, just a bystander concerned with correcting the 'know it all' attitude of a misinformed teenager.

>> No.2582190
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>angry fat female liberal arts teachers

>> No.2582192


Don't pander to him, for God's sake. Your post was perfectly valid, and people do indeed 'write papers' in mathematics. He, of course, wouldn't know that because his experience of mathematics is simply 'doing sums' and his experience of English is merely doing 'book reviews'.

>> No.2582193
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Oh, I see.

>> No.2582196


Take your nothing-future for my response. It'll be more scathing than I could ever be.

>> No.2582201
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>hurr, i'm going to eat some more toffee while rubbing a knotted stick against my twat while imagining a large black american man was sullying my lippy flippy fun parts because I'm a fat brititsh woman that got a door prize degree in 14th centurey feminist poetry

>> No.2582217
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I'm a man, my fun part is accessible only to those who studied at a good British preparatory school (buggering's institutionalised at all the best, old boy) and I specialised in Augustan poetry, actually.

I can't believe you'd imagine that I'd sully myself by touching an American (vile, vulgar creatures in all but a few cases) or that Oxford even offers any of those troublesome 'School of Resentment' courses like so many of your institutions do over the pond.

>> No.2582219
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>> No.2582223

Please stop turning my thread into a USA vs UK thread.

>> No.2582225


Why would you draw attention to the recounting of such a banal, everyday experience?

>> No.2582310
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>english lit
>requiring thought

>> No.2582342

I lol'd at that. It would make a good Monty Python skit.

>> No.2582346

I can't do that, my university considers it plagiarizing yourself, even if you change content.

>> No.2582405

Plagiarizing yourself?
Such a stupid thing. What university?

>> No.2582421
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>8 page paper
I ask this all the time but

>> No.2582426
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>that feel when this entire semester I've been writing my essays and research papers on the day they are due and still get Bs and As

I don't know if people are just shitty writers and my so-so writing impresses professors who are used to reading bad papers or if I simply write good papers.

>> No.2582432
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>mfw i wrote 25 pages this weekend, and have been out of school for years

>> No.2582436
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>mfw in uni all I did was get drunk and still came out with an upper second. Which granted isn't a first, but is still a good level to come out with.

>> No.2582439

Hahahahah 8 pages?

Earlier this semester I wrote a 10-page paper (which I had totally forgotten about until the day it was due) in 8 hours. Got a 91%. You'll be fine, pussy.

>> No.2582444
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>that feel when you hate everything you write because you are used to reading amazing prose so everything you writes is absolute shit compared to it in your eyes
>that feel when your professors still praise your work and want to share it with class but are embarrassed like hell the entire time

>> No.2582445

I can help you out, well, maybe.

Write about getting a real degree that actually helps humanity, fag.

>> No.2582452

make like Hemingway

>> No.2582483
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You must go to a really tough school...

>> No.2582514
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>that feel when I've never completed a paper less than 2 months before it was due
>that feel when I clean up my department's scholarships year after year after year
>that feel when I just received a free ride to law school at the best U in my country

>> No.2582537


What university? Or is a SECRET?

>> No.2582549


I guess it's a super big SECRET. Better to brag ambiguously--protects the ego.

>> No.2582570

U of Mumbai

>> No.2582574


LOL. Participate in the educational system in a real country, then we'll talk.