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File: 59 KB, 446x516, frabz-Not-Sure-If-Serious-899491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2557650 No.2557650 [Reply] [Original]

> see poster for student activism conference on entrance to dorm
> one of the topics is "Queering Reproductive Rights"
What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.2557656

Oh lord. All the fucking time.

Who even goes to those fucking conferences?

If I had a dollar for every "How is God Important in Science?" colloquium posters is see.

>> No.2557670

"God" is probably a curse word on my campus, seeing as how it symbolizes heteronormative patriarchal Eurocentric capitalist views and all that

(my school is basically the leftist answer to Bob Jones University)

>> No.2557673

You should pull a columbine and make sure the bombs explode this time.

fucking leftists deserve to be shot, goddamn traitors.

>> No.2557676
File: 110 KB, 400x321, Che cigar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those aren't leftists, they are just creepy little liberals.
Pic related, it's an actual leftist.

>> No.2557682

Oh believe me, there are posters promoting the socialist revolution too

>> No.2557684

Yeah, but I bet they don't advocate actually getting together and shooting people, because that's what Che & crew did.

>> No.2557685

I should shoot you.

fucking conservatards deserve to be shot, goddamn traitors.

>> No.2557686


>> No.2557688

Of course not, the violent takeover of the government by angry throngs will somehow not involve anything that might make sheltered self-righteous white kids uncomfortable

>> No.2557692
File: 506 KB, 1188x1515, queer socialist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when people take postmodernism seriously.

>> No.2557698


>> No.2557699

Queers can't bear children, that's what makes their "lifestyle" decadent.
Sex without the possibility of pregnancy is an inferior kind of sex. It's impotent, it's less erotic, and ultimately less useful.

>> No.2557700
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Another recent conference, btw

>> No.2557702

>implying that's worse than the expanding wealth and inequality gap

>> No.2557706

Not sure why that picture turned out sideways

>> No.2557708

utilitarian arguments are weak. What is 'use'?

>> No.2557711

Guys, guys, guys. The real question here is: what IS "Queering Reproductive Rights"??

>> No.2557712
File: 19 KB, 300x300, charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>queer theory
>the patriarchy
>reproductive rights

>mfw I hear any of these terms

>> No.2557714

So I suppose using contraceptives including condoms and birth control are decadent?
It's no more impotent than a man with a very low sperm count, it's less erotic *for you (ftfy) and since when does sex have to be 'useful'?
go read your bible you conservative functionalist hippy

>> No.2557715

wasn't a utilitarian argument really. I'm just saying that having kids is good, and sex without the possibility of kids is less good than that with.

>> No.2557716

Notice how the poster displays two cocks. Clever.

>> No.2557724

Recently I've decided that the exact point at which I hear/read someone use the word "heteronormative" should be the exact point at which I cease to take them seriously

>> No.2557726

aesthetic arguments are even weaker.

>> No.2557728

>So I suppose using contraceptives including condoms and birth control are decadent?

It sure is.

>It's no more impotent than a man with a very low sperm count

Yes, having sex with a man with a low sperm count would be less erotic because he's less masculine and his sterility takes out some of the power in sex. A lot of the enjoyment in sex comes from using and yielding to power. There's a thousand times more power in a fertile man's sperm than any of those ballgags, whips and chains that bdsm weirdos use.

>> No.2557732

Fine. I will give you an ethical argument.

It is ethical to have children. Therefore, sex with the possibility of producing a children tends more towards the ethical than that without such possibility.

Fuck you.

>> No.2557733

extreme troll logic... almost replied

>> No.2557735


Oh, God. Don't know how I forgot that one.

>> No.2557736

>It is ethical to have children
says who? ancient morality based on human biology and evolution? pathetic you subscribe to this when you have free will and intellect

good lord christ almighty, I mad at the possibility you are serious. no further responses shall come of me

>> No.2557737
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What the fuck am I even reading?

8/10 I'm laughing pretty hard

>> No.2557738

Be sure to tune in next week for the Transgender Filipino Catholic Minstrel Rights Seminar (they're in favor of revolution)

>> No.2557739


The world is overpopulated. It is not ethical to have children.

>> No.2557741

You justify why sex between a sterile man and a barren woman is as erotic as sex between an Adonis and an Aphrodite.
As far as sex is concerned infertility is shameful.

>> No.2557743

Why you freely obstruct your own learning like that?

It ethical to have children.

First premise. there are multiple circumstance in which someone might be born.

yeah all that porn that all over the internet is no way nearly as erotic as missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation. yeah there's no way anyone is fapping to that.

>> No.2557744

I still haven't gotten an answer to my question

>> No.2557745
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>sex quality = sperm count
>two fertile gay men fucking = best sex in universe

>> No.2557753

>says who? ancient morality based on human biology and evolution?

No, based on the common sense knowledge that giving birth is vital to the preservation of the species.

The guy that mentions overpopulation has a point, but even if it's not ethical in that case, I would still go to the aesthetic argument that sex with children is more beautiful/erotic than without. After all, don't people who enjoy casual/protected and homosexual sex enjoy it for pleasure/aesthetic reasons?
What I'm saying is that even on these grounds they are beaten. These people who have sex for the sake of pleasure alone have sex of a form which is less pleasurable than sex done for the sake of impregnation.

>> No.2557754

Because everything I have seen and heard in my life leads me to believe that the theories engendered (lolgetit?) by these buzzwords are full of shit.

>> No.2557758

>common sense knowledge
stopped reading there

>> No.2557760

>These people who have sex for the sake of pleasure alone have sex of a form which is less pleasurable than sex done for the sake of impregnation.
>outrageous claim
>nothing whatsoever to back it up back "hurrr more opinions" and "yup I'm right"
>its common sense knowledge GUISE

>> No.2557762

Liberals don't believe in ethics or in continuing our race. Mostly they hate their own race and kind and want to see us all genocided out of delusional eurocentric fantasy that we have done everything bad in the world.

Look at how they talk about "genociding the native americans" while ignoring how the injuns fought amongst each other and ignoring no genocide went on anyways.

Or how they talk about the negro slave trade while ignoring the black slave trade of other blacks, or the arab slave trade.

>> No.2557770

>Liberals don't believe in ethics or in continuing our race.
maybe slightly less so than conservatives
>Mostly they hate their own race
citation needed. pro-diversity is not hating their own race, it is acceptance of others unlike themselves because they're more open minded than conservatives
>and kind and want to see us all genocided out of delusional eurocentric fantasy that we have done everything bad in the world.
citation needed

>> No.2557773

I want to agree with your criticisms of white guilt but the fact that you are two steps away form Stormfront hate speech makes it so difficult

>> No.2557775


Don't even bother.
You seriously think he'll be swayed by reason?

>> No.2557777

shutting off completely is just ignorant. I know people who are in their old age growing more and more conservative and not in a classy or intellectual way but in a following bill o'reilly on twitter kind of way but i have to actually listen and consider them before i can dismiss or argue a point

>> No.2557781

A lot of ethics does rely on common sense. You have to be able to say "yes, this is good" to some things and not others. I appeal to your common sense when I say that preserving the species is "good".

That human extinction is bad I would say is an axiom in the realm of ethics.

I have given a reason. Sex for the sake of impregnation is not ALWAYS more pleasurable than that without. But if you consider the ideal cases, of the most pleasurable sex that results in pregnancy and the most pleasurable sex wherein pregnancy is totally impossible, then I would think the former would be the more pleasurable, because not you gain pleasure from knowing that your sex serves a greater cause, more pleasure from knowing that you are potent man and fertile woman (erotic ideals), and more pleasure because there's more power involved -- the man is doing something to the woman that will leave her vulnerable for the next 10 months of her life, and the woman is submitting to a power that will have such an influence on her.

>> No.2557782


Wow /lit/ is full of fucking retards.
I really can't be bothered arguing, but grow up all of you.

>> No.2557788

>Why you freely obstruct your own learning like that?

Not taking today's silly perspectives on gender and sexuality seriously != completely ignoring them.


Population growth patterns vary enormously by region. People in overpopulated places like the Indian subcontinent would probably benefit from having fewer children. Plenty of other regions have stagnating or negative population growth rates, or aren't very densely populated at all and have the resources to support a larger population.

>> No.2557789

I've been reading up on these theories a lot lately, and understanding them better doesn't make me believe they are any less full of shit.

Moreover, I am deeply distrustful of anyone who throws buzzwords into their rhetoric, whether they are an advertiser, a politician, a cultist, or an academic. Using words you made up in place of common language is a clear sign that you are trying to manipulate people.

>> No.2557790

it's not more ethical to continue the human race. Continuing the species is just something that happens. Ethics comes into play once we've brought the people in. It's ethical to provide for the people. there is no ethical argument about bringing them in, neither positive nor negative. it's just a fact.

>> No.2557791

Whats wrong with "hate speech" ?

If a criminal busts into your home at 2 in the morning, do you engage him in debate? No, you shoot him.

When the non-white shoves himself into our communities and neighborhoods, are we supposed to be endlessly "tolerant" and permissive? That's the way of suicide.

Your "reason" is nothing more then emotional appeals, "hurr you have to be nice because not being nice is mean :("

>> No.2557792


Implying the human race is even slightly at risk of going extinct. If the birthrate was low then it would factor in to the ethics, but it isn't, so it's irrelevant. Also your personal genetics down fucking matter, don't say they do.

You're saying that the more pleasurable sex is, the more ethical it is? I don't see how these are related. Just because something feels good, doesn't mean it is good.,=

>> No.2557795

>You're saying that the more pleasurable sex is, the more ethical it is?

No I'm not, the ethical and the pleasurable are two separate ways in which potent sex is better than impotent sex.

>> No.2557796

It's about particular human races, noone cares about "species"

Are bears in danger of being extinct? No, doesn't stop people from crying "SAVE THE POLAR BEARS"

>> No.2557797

>Not realizing all intellectuals and people with IQs above 100 in general are 'leftists'
>Denying the hundreds of studies that unanimously confirm this fact
>Not killing yourself since your genetics preclude your overcoming a pleb, worthless existence
>Preventing us, your intellectual overlords, from realizing our socialist utopia
Come on, you guys.

>> No.2557798

> people don't agree with my perspectives
> Man, what retards!
Another thing I hate about left-wing academic culture.

>> No.2557800
File: 10 KB, 158x200, ohjeez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my campus cinema is screening PHONY2012 all next week

>> No.2557808


>shoves himself in to communities
You mean they move in down the street because they are free to buy the house if they want?

BAHAHAHAH stormfag detected.
You are so subhuman it isn't even funny. Wait it is a little.

Enjoy your pathetic life bahahah.

>> No.2557810

> all
> in general
Pick one.

>> No.2557812

sure sure sure, i too invite wolves to play with my children, after all, tolerance is a good thing.

>> No.2557813

No, it's not that, it's that most of them are presenting ignorant opinions as fact without any evidence or sane logic to back it up (generally because there isn't any).

>> No.2557815

This is how the liberals try to trick you, they use strange standards of "liberal vs conservative", so that most republicans fall under "liberal".

in democrat vs republican you can clearly see the republicans are much more educated, wealthy, and intelligent. The only "intelligent" leftists are brainwashed idiots still in college.

>> No.2557818

>a species


>> No.2557819



dipshit dont u kno its all part of the conspiracy the nigger is too dumb to do that but the commie bolshevist jews TELL him were to go so he disrupts the Thule-like white communities and sours them with his very odor

lol leftfag l2 not b dum

>> No.2557820

>Displaying either a lack of basic reading comprehension skills, reasoning ability, or both
>Simultaneously proving my point

>> No.2557821

I do not understand why it would be difficult for you guys to realize that "casual sex" is less significant than dangerous sex, that is, sex that might have actual long term consequences (children).

>> No.2557822


But.. but but but we'll have to socialize with brown people!?!!?11

Haven't you heard! They're different from us!!! What if we learn something!!??

>> No.2557823

Even the term "casual sex" trivializes sex. We live in a time where sex is trivialized.
Dangerous sex is the antidote to this.

>> No.2557825

You are innately inferior, primitive trash. Shut the fuck up and come to terms with it, conservative scum.

>> No.2557826

I know a lot of smart people. The one who live in their own sheltered little bubbles of abstract ideas looking down upon "the common people" are liberals. The ones who have common sense and don't think they're better than anybody else are conservatives.

>> No.2557827

You are aware that the NAACP was founded by jews, and that this isn't a "conspiracy theory" but a fact?

>> No.2557829

>having children
>a danger

this is how liberals actually think. Hurr children would get in the way of our partying, we can't have them until we are 40!

>> No.2557831

>The ones who have common sense and don't think they're better than anybody else

they're not the same thing, thank God, or else we'd have a bunch of geniuses being ostracized for refusing to associate with mouthbreathers such as yourself

>> No.2557833

Note this is not counting dumb people like our Stormfront buddy in this thread.

>> No.2557836


>common sense

So what you're saying is the conservatives are less intelligent?

>> No.2557838
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 1334205615263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Implying that Liberals have some sort of disdain for the common man. While Conservatives are the common man.

Yet Liberal policies focus on helping the middle class and poor, and Conservative policies mainly help the rich get richer.

>mfw you never thought about this

>> No.2557839

Sorry, I should have used the term "safe sex". The only reason I used "dangerous sex" is to contrast it with "safe sex".
By dangerous sex I just mean sex which your future may rest on.

>> No.2557842

just watched Wizard of Oz

my favorite character was the strawman

>> No.2557844

>Studies on the Dunning–Kruger effect tend to focus on American test subjects. Similar studies on European subjects show marked muting of the effect; studies on some East Asian subjects suggest that something like the opposite of the Dunning–Kruger effect operates on self-assessment and motivation to improve.

>destroying community/society through "diversity"

studies have shown heterogenous communities are worse off in every single possible social metric.

Not to mention that blacks in particular, and mexicans/hispanics, are criminal subhumans.

You'll notice that none of these non-whites would ever promote immigration into their home countries, shows quite a bit about how stupid mass immigration actually is.

>Yet Liberal policies focus on helping the middle class and poor
lol, common liberal delusion. I don't even think its necessary to go into how negative the welfare state is for the poor.

>> No.2557845

luckily the term 'casual sex' in trivialising itself, actually revived or esteems long term commitment.

Polyamory is always going to exist. You're either open and honest about in a way that trivialises it as you say and allows people to yearn for something more substantial, or you try to obscure it in a manner that damaged relationships with extra marital affairs (damaging not only to each partner but to children and relatives too)

>> No.2557849

It's a good thing you "superior" leftist intellectuals will always be a marginalized, powerless minority no matter how many books you write, or else we would be seeing oppression against "the common people" a hundred times worse than anything you rail against!!

>> No.2557852

'Common sense', as it is used by conservatives, refers to beliefs for which they have no evidence whatsoever, and have no intent to support. It's fitting, since the statement you're making also has no supporting evidence, and, truth be told, you'll never be able to find it. It's just an anti-intellectual cliche referenced whenever someone wants to believe in something without giving it any thought.

>> No.2557856

The problem with engaging in casual sex, is that it makes achieving something "more substantial" much harder, or in the case of the woman, basically impossible.

heh, just look at how leftist intellectuals act when they get power.

>> No.2557859

Love how you guys piss your pants over the suggestion that not every conservative is a drooling retard

>> No.2557860

ever noticed that the most popular threads on any internet channel are always moral or god related? These are elementary 'entry tier' subjects. They bore intellectuals and they're for lazy people who can't follow interesting more topics.

>> No.2557863

>heterogenous communities are worse off in every single possible social metric.

To become heterogeneous, a community has to have immigrants. Immigrants are generally poorer than those who already live in an area since they have fewer social ties and less capital invested in the area. They only do worse on "social metrics" because they're generally poorer, not because of inherent, unchangeable statuses.

And holy fucking shit, how is someone supposed to move up in the world when a bigot like you is trying to sabotage them in whatever they do?

>> No.2557864
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>> No.2557866
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Please explain why welfare is so terrible without using the word nigger.

Hint: you're going to end up using the word nigger because you're motivated by primitive racism and not logic.

>> No.2557868

the only thing preventing the mass slaughter and/or enslavement of conservatives is the Bill of Rights

>> No.2557869

>he used the nigger word


>> No.2557870

Please explain to me how "All [x] in general" is not a self-contradicting statement.

>> No.2557871

>They only do worse on "social metrics" because they're generally poorer
Wrong, a poor white community in WV or kentucky is better off on every single social metric then a rich heterogenous community.

>And holy fucking shit, how is someone supposed to move up in the world when a bigot like you is trying to sabotage them in whatever they do?
They don't have to come to our countries, our neighborhoods, or whatever. All they do is leech off our society anyways, look at how much money they send home.

Cry me a fucking river, babby, care for your kin and race, not for others who would rob/kill you if they could get away with it.

>> No.2557874

give a list of, say, 10 conservatives who are well-respected members of society

>> No.2557876

We're "marginalized" because only a small portion of the population is intelligent. Our modus operandi, fortunately, doesn't require us to change the status quo immediately. Think of the past couple hundred years and you'll see how us marginalized leftists gradually make our ideals the norm for you people of lesser intelligence. People will look at your views with the same contempt they look at slavery, feudalism, and other primitive ideas implemented by primitive peoples. Sucks, faggot.

>> No.2557880

welfare is fucking terrible because

a: it's based on mass theft

b: destroys family structure/community/parish/church/etc all things set up to help, when you can just rely on the state you don't need to participate in such things.

c: It encourages the poor to not work or save or produce for the future

d: pisses away endless money on the elderly.

e: creates an underclass of dependents who rely on the state to survive and will always vote socialist/for more handouts.

f: Creates this whole political atmosphere of "voting in your interest" aka in more handouts/redistribution, rather voting for good government/honest politicians/whatever.

>> No.2557881

Well, this discussion certainly has taken a turn for the atrocious.

Any chance we could go back to laughing at doofy activism and political correctness gone mad? No?

>> No.2557884

By "well-respected" you mean, not viciously slandered and hated by the liberal media?

>> No.2557885

What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Fucking white people and your crazy ideas.
Get over yourselves.

>> No.2557887

fuck off, you racist bigot.

>> No.2557889


"a: it's based on mass theft"

Fucking lol. Libertard detected. Stopped reading there.

>doesn't believe in organized society

>> No.2557890

>Wrong, a poor white community in WV or kentucky is better off on every single social metric then a rich heterogenous community.

all aboard the no-source train, choo choo

>They don't have to come to our countries, our neighborhoods, or whatever.

good thing we have a Constitution that allows anyone to do just this

>> No.2557891

>not theft

retarded liberal spotted

>> No.2557893

man all you nignogs need to read the history of sexuality vol. 1

>> No.2557895

I'm sure he means someone who contributes to society through science, philosophy, art, literature, etc. -- all the forms of culture stormfags value, yet will never be responsible for. Hell, I'd be impressed if you could find a conservative author who can write works that don't read like children's books. It's pretty embarrassing, really.

>> No.2557896


>not a social concept

Well, whoop-de-doo.

>> No.2557899

Listen Stormfag:
You (and I know its just one guy with no life) have been fagging up /lit/ threads for weeks now.
Get. The. Fuck. Out.

>> No.2557900

So your idea of "good literature" is post modern meaningless trash?

>> No.2557904


>telling trolls to get out of foums
ISH etc

>> No.2557907
File: 50 KB, 785x514, American_Human_Development_Index_by_State.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HDI of US states

[ ] Bacon and eggs with a side of Texas told
[ ] Blueberry toldcakes
[ x ] Waffles with real maple told

>> No.2557908

Oh man, you really are not making yourselves look any better. If that is what you took from what I said, I really do feel sorry for you -- you know, me being a leftist and all, and caring for people despite their apparent deficits.

>> No.2557910

>caring for people

hah, you can't fool me, leftists are tyrants who get a kick out of pretending to care.

>> No.2557911

Go to 1900. Go to 1800. Earlier. You won't find many renowned conservatives because conservatism by its very nature is backward. Sorry.

>> No.2557913

Prove it. OH. WAIT.

>> No.2557919

ayn rand, the second most popular author after Jesus, was a conservative.

>> No.2557921


>> No.2557923

>Implying im not a white person
Assholes like you are why I am not proud to be of european ancestry.

>> No.2557930
File: 24 KB, 335x352, fgsfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a conservative author who can write works that don't read like children's books

How about:

Edmund Burke
Carl Schmitt
Arnold Gehlen
Leo Strauss
Harvey Mansfield
or even Nietzsche on certain unorthodox readings.

You´re welcome.

>> No.2557931

Love of your own isn't hate, anti-white liberal traitor.

>> No.2557927

Welp, this thread sure has decimated my short-lived faith that /lit/ was the one board on 4chan capable of intelligent discussion. Stay hateful, guys.

>> No.2557932

haha, holy shit, I'm dying here

>A listing of Rand also appears in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, featuring the assessment "The influence of Rand's ideas was strongest among college students in the USA but attracted little attention from academic philosophers. Her outspoken defense of capitalism in works like Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1967), and her characterization of her position as a defence of the 'virtue of selfishness' in her essay collection of the same title published in 1964, also brought notoriety, but kept her out of the intellectual mainstream."[94]

>According to one Rand biographer, most people first read Rand's works in their "formative years."[123] Rand's former protégé Nathaniel Branden referred to Rand's "especially powerful appeal to the young,"[124] while Onkar Ghate of the Ayn Rand Institute said Rand "appeals to the idealism of youth."[125] This appeal has alarmed a number of critics of the philosophy.[126] Many of these young people later abandon their positive view of Rand and are often said to have "outgrown" her ideas.[127]

>Atlas Shrugged
>not a children's book


>> No.2557935

Oh look at that, "intellectuals" are commies who think they know better then everyone and favor a tyranny with them in charge.

Never seen that before!

And then they whine about "anti-intellectualism"

>> No.2557937

I think we've been fairly tolerant of the Paulfags and stormfags wandering onto this board. It was time to call a spade a spade, since they obviously don't read literature, and, worse, every discussion they interject in immediately devolves.

>> No.2557938

Technically that's true, but it is no coincidence that 'pro-white' people are primarily interested in their hostility towards others. It's a mindset that is driven by paranoia.

>> No.2557952

>cite an encyclopedia and a biographer

and yet it's still better than no citation at all!

>> No.2557955

hey conservatives, here's an olive branch: convince me that a conservative society is better than a liberal one. Point to past examples. Enlighten me.

>> No.2557957

I read lots of sci-fi and fantasy. The best literature.

ok? Let me ask again, if a stranger intrudes on your property, would you "tolerate" him and offer him tea? What is the country, but the property of the nation?

>> No.2557960

I sort of agree with you (in that he's an asshole) but I've never got the concept of being proud or even ashamed of any ancestry. Why should I give a fuck what some dead guy I've never met did, just because I have a fraction of his genes? It's stupid and illogical.

>> No.2557963

Paulfags and Stormfags could probably benefit from reading:


>> No.2557966

>Implying your beloved ancestors didn't do the exact same except probably with more genocide, especially if you are American (which you probably are)

>> No.2557967

Jesus fucking Christ you guys, do you not realize that everyone in here is either a troll or a moron? You're not going to have a worthwhile political debate on the internet, and even if you wanted to, that's fucking /pol/ ground. We're supposed to talk about literature here. That's why this is /lit/. It's shit like this that ruins what could be a perfectly good board. Report off-topic threads, don't post in them. And get the fuck out.

>> No.2557969

>propaganda from a jewish communist
>worth reading

This is one of the places where liberals get their delusions, they view the world through nonsensical marxist lenses.

America is a conservative society, at least somewhat, and its the best country in the world. Pretty fucking self-explanatory.

Also there is no "liberal society" because liberalism is literally the death of the society/country.

That's the way of the world. There was aggression on both sides, you are just suffering from white guilt from having successful ancestors. There wasn't any "genocide" as we term the word, you still find injuns on reservations today.

So you cite that the leftist intellectuals didn't like ayn rand, and therefore she wrote shitty books? Are you retarded?

>> No.2557993

I didn't want to post this in /pol/ specifically because I wanted to avoid assholes like our stormfag friend. Also because I thought this was the board for intelligent, mature discussion. Did not expect to encounter not only skinhead trash, but their equally appalling left-wing opposites.

So far, I count one, maybe two or three temperate, civil responses in this thread. So, I've learned my lesson I guess.

>> No.2558001

>intelligent people never leave their cozy fences!

>> No.2558031


liberalism is the death of society... Wow... Are you that dense?

Let's say we live in traditionalist society like all conservatives want. Do you really think we would have liberties such as private property or universal suffrage?

Fuck no, we would still be living in some feudalistic shithole where some hoity toity king compels you to obey him just because he said so or some fairy tale story "justifies" his rule.

liberalism advances society, it doesn't hinder it.
Traditionalism aka conservatism hinders society.

I'm tired of these paultards and stormfags using liberalism and conservatism in terms of American politics.

>> No.2558035

/lit/ - Catty Slapfights Only Fuck Books

>> No.2558045

universal suffrage is not a good thing, nor is it a liberty.

They had private property in feudalist times, it was the "liberals" who produced vicious murderous tyrannies like the french revolution.
Look at every single "leftist" society like the anarchist spain, mass theft/looting, mass killings of political opponents, etc. Of course you have leftists like george orwell who view those things as good.

>> No.2558062

oh 4chan, you're full of reactionary, hateful, scared little boys.

>> No.2558065

enjoy your stay

>> No.2558066

Actually traditionalist monarchies are the cause of violent revolutions it's the fucking reason why people revolt. is that not obvious?

>> No.2558070

>They had private property in feudalist times,

wtf am I reading?

>> No.2558079

uh no, they revolt because they want power. Sometimes people revolt because they are oppressed too, the only reason we have less revolts in this modern times(thought of course riots are a daily occurrence) is that we have a surplus of food and wealth.

Famine being one of the biggest causes of revolts, not their form of government.

You really should not mistake technological progress and capitalist economic growth as being caused by democracy or by what liberals call "progress".

>> No.2558117

It's nice to see the ideologies that supported both of the greatest mass slaughters of the 20th century so well represented here.

>> No.2558120

The slaughters of the nazi's are mostly fantasy and lies.

Notice how they all supposedly took place behind soviet lines where no western researcher had any access?

>> No.2558122
File: 89 KB, 796x574, 1332896572694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make daily thread about how "lol liberal students r stupid"
>samefag it all the fucking day
Can't you just go to /pol/ instead, they'll all agree with you there

>> No.2558123

they want power and traditional monarchies deprive them of power. ergo they riot. ergo traditionalism is the cause of violence. not the perpetraitor but the cause. thanks for agreeing with me

and dnt bother deviating. i nev said anying about progress.

>> No.2558136

I'm not sure what you are saying then. It's not "monarchies cause revolutions" but "revolutions will always happen because some people will always be ambitious"

>> No.2558151


Hey Socrates. Can you please go back to ancient greece? Please...

>> No.2558156

I'm not striving for progress here. I'm merely trying to figure out how we should facilitate all these people living on the same planet and in the same cities. It sure isn't locking them away from their desires. They will break out. We might as well confront that now than postpone it with authoritarian or conservative regimes.

>> No.2558179

First of all: They don't have to be in our cities in the first place. Mass immigration is promoted by traitors, not by liberals who care about anything.

Secondly, these infinitely permissible governments/societies just collapse on themselves because they are weak and degenerate.

Thirdly: human desire is infinite, you can't just encourage faggot marriage, race mixing, and other degeneracies and magically end all conflict.

>> No.2558185

Oh also: The saying goes "Good fences make good neighbors"

The liberal technique is to destroy the fences, remove the freedoms of the white, and demand everyone is nice. Naturally this doesn't and cannot work.

>> No.2558204

How do you respond to America being both most permissible to immigrants throughout history and also the most powerful, most technologically advanced, and most wealthy of any country in history?

America has always been a nation of immigrants.

>> No.2558208

Big difference between the non-white immigrants of the last 60 years, and the immigration of european peoples.

>> No.2558212

this is the diffrec

>> No.2558215

what exactly is that difference?

Hard mode: don't make up stuff
Extra hard mode: don't blame it on racial differences that don't exist

>> No.2558216

ah, non-whites immigrants giving all our secrets to the their home countries, what a glorious thing.
The only reason the american education system seems to be bad, is because shitskins bring the average way down.

>don't blame it on racial differences that don't exist
hurr blurr we're all da same

>> No.2558220

Look man, these people are stupid and immune to logic. Ignore them and they'll stop coming back.

>> No.2558226

honey, there are no secrets to america, we all know your asses are owned by mcdonalds and the corporations that run your government.

>> No.2558229

then i guess all those chinese being arrested for espionage are just victims of racism and bigotry huh?

>> No.2558246

they' were probably arrested for encroaching upon mcdonalds' profitmaking by opening too many chinese restaurants.

>> No.2558250

actually technology permits mass immigration and cultural diffusion, which all happens regardless of border control.

Probably the most successful country in the world is built on migration (so you know people have to be able to live together) and liberty (so you know those people have to be given rights)

liberalism isn't 'infinitely permissible'. thats just the slippery slope argument.

>> No.2558277

In their analyses of all freshman students enrolled in the eight University of California campuses in 1984, Sue and Abe (1988) reported on both the high school GPAs and SAT scores of different subethnic groups of Asian Americans. With high school GPA, they found East Indians/Pakistanis had the highest GPAs (3.8) followed by Japanese (3.75) and Chinese (3.73), and Filipinos the lowest (3.56). All subethnic groups had higher mean GPAs than whites (3.59) with the exception of Filipinos (3.56). With SAT verbal and math scores, East Indians/Pakistanis had the highest verbal scores (520.0), followed by the Japanese (510.8) and Chinese (473.4), and Koreans the lowest (417.8), whereas the Chinese had the highest math scores (611.8) followed by East Indians/Pakistanis (605.8), Japanese (603.8), and Koreans (594.0). Only the East Indians/Pakistanis had higher verbal SAT scores than whites (512.4), whereas all the subethnic groups had higher math SAT scores than whites (576.9) with the exception of Filipinos (519.5) and Other Asian Americans (555.9).

So much for whites being superior to "shitskins"

>> No.2558279

Mass immigration will happen regardless of border control?
You really think this?

>> No.2558284

Ah, asians are so much smarter then us, better to forfeit our countries to them, good thinking you have there.
I'm sure nothing could be wrong with becoming a minority in our own countries.

Strange how liberals go on and on about how minorities are oppressed and then want to turn themselves into a minority.

>> No.2558308

lyl @ flips

>> No.2558309

What did you expect. You made the claim that immigrants are bringing down the education system. Unbeknownst to you, they're responsible for the computer you're typing on and keeping American companies afloat. They're directly contributing to your quality of life. Why not find something else to bitch about online? Maybe something that you'd be able to defend with facts.

>> No.2558315

are you retarded? It benefits them and hurts us.

>> No.2558340

Well it clearly does. So yes. Are you blind? And even given heightened security, it would continue. Have you even seen how desperate they are and the limits they are willing to go to? it's like drugs, if there's a demand, there will be someone there to facilitate it.

>> No.2558448

Don't die now, bloated abomination of a thread - you finally have an audience!!

>> No.2558534

>Are you blind?
are you?

You don't see any mass immigration going on in any other country, they come because the government wants them here and gives them huge handouts. For various reasons the elites don't want a homogenous strong country.

>> No.2558588

Fuck all of you to death.

>> No.2558675

The world is one big place, and everyones property, and having multiple rulers over one big place starts wars and causes crime. We should have one ruler. One religion. One gigantic mixture of races, genders, sexualities etc.

Suck my dick.

>> No.2558689

liberal logic

>> No.2558698


Fascist/Conservative logic

>> No.2558730

If you give a pig a pancake...

>> No.2558738

People living separately therefore there is no conflict and problem. I thought you liberals wanted peace?

>> No.2558745

For the record, the stormfront douche is not the guy who started the thread, I am. (I gave up on it a few dozen posts ago.)

>> No.2558755

You read my post, right?

Who do wars happen against? Oh yeah, countries.

Why? Because of different beliefs, or morals, or wanting land.

If everyone was held under one ruler, religion, and moral system, there wouldn't even be a civil war, we could throw away our weapons, divide it all up, and live in harmony, as one huge unit. The advances in humanity, science, philosophy and art etc would be tremendous.

But, we're already divided and it isn't going to change, because people like you still have a superiority complex and still follow the instincts that should have evolved out of your neanderthal brains before the 21st century.

>> No.2558771

>If everyone was held under one ruler, religion, and moral system, there wouldn't even be a civil war, we could throw away our weapons, divide it all up, and live in harmony, as one huge unit. The advances in humanity, science, philosophy and art etc would be tremendous.

lol this is how liberals really think

>> No.2558781

This is interesting, but the thing is white people were successful at genocide while other races generally were not.

Look at Japan. Japan fought with China for years and years because it wanted to distinguish itself as an imperial power on an equal footing with China. So, what happens when Japan gets in a war with the US? We firebomb and atom bomb the shit out of them and suddenly Japan no longer thinks of itself as the center of the universe. That China, being fucking huge and powerful, could not beat Japan into submission however hard it tried, but within fifteen or so years the US actually got the Emperor to resign his status as a direct result of genocide might be worth looking at.

>> No.2558782

That post tells me that you've given up. Instead of proving me wrong, or even saying "That's just your opinion, hippy." all you do is say "lol liberals arent the same as me therefore i am best."

You've either been trolling all along, or your tiny brain has finally submitted to defeat. Quoting my posts and saying "lol liberal" isn't debating, it isn't an argument, it's worthless, it's a white flag. Or to put it in a way your little bigoted head may understand it, you are now equal to the French.

>> No.2558790

You are just the typical liberal who thinks that given unlimited power and authority, you could make a magical utopia.

Of course we've seen the results of this countless times, it doesn't need rehashing.

>> No.2558792

Why /pol/ conservartards insist in coming here if they get told everytime? Go preach on /tv/ or /v/ instead.

>> No.2558795
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"lol dis is how liberulz think"
"lol typical liberal"
"lol haha liberal faggot"
For fuck sake why are you people even feeding this.

>> No.2558797

I seriously hope you don't associate /pol/ scum with all conservatives.

>> No.2558809

This board is on life support supplied by other boards. And you are all an easy troll.

>> No.2558810

I don't think that I could, I think a joint unit of people could, just like a government, but a world government, because unlike you, I understand that a ruler is never just one man. You're on /lit/ so learn some words.

And we've never seen the results because it's never happened, because when someone does try, you fuck it up by killing everyone to "restore the power".

Give me one good reason why if Hitler did conquer the world, it would have been a bad place? Other than the killings he had to do to get everyone equal, there would be no problem, actually he killed people to weed out the weak, much like a farmer may drown a retard puppy, or your mother should have drowned you. And after all of that, the world would eventually be full of strong, powerful, equal, healthier men.

But then some faggot like you would kill someone like that, because HURRDURR I WANT LAND AND MORE WARS and that then results in more killings (over a long period of time) than there would have been if he'd got on with it.

But that's just an analogy that your small mind may wrap around, I don't think Hitler did it right, because otherwise he would have killed your ancestors to stop your existence.

>> No.2558864
































>> No.2558890

Oh fuck it, I'm archiving this thread.

>> No.2559106

>leaving my mark for all honkeys

>> No.2559114
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i'm from /tv/ and what is this

>> No.2559118

oops my bad

>> No.2559121
File: 621 KB, 3000x2400, 1333826682935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow fa/tv/irgin here. Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.2559125

ok calling
name and address?

>> No.2559155

It's official: /tv/ considers /lit/ the most idiotic board on 4chan.

>> No.2559175

With Hollywood's kike problem, we have tons of white nationalist and anti-semitic threads on /tv/, but they're way more intelligent than the conversations ITT on both sides.

This thread is like fucking ERROR-tier posting.

>> No.2559189

tl;dr ?

>> No.2559200

> With Hollywood's kike problem, we have tons of white nationalist and anti-semitic threads on /tv/
One almost gets the impression that you're proud of this

>> No.2559208

Of the kike problem? No, it pains me to see a once great nation brought to its knees by the International Jews, but I am very proud to see folks on /tv/ becoming aware of and fighting against it.

>> No.2559210

This thread, like most threads about gender or race, is a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.2559214

Yeah, because everybody in it doesn't agree with you. Typical butthurt egalitarian.

>> No.2559221
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It's amusing to see that no matter how heavily leftists are stereotyped as the intellectual elite there tends to be nothing intellectual about them.

You ought to admit that you would argue in favor of Lysenko's "science" if only to be contrary to those awful, awful hetero-normative, cisgender, racist conservatives.

>> No.2559225

I knew there was some kind of bigotry this thread didn't have enough of! Thanks for filling in the gap.

>> No.2559228

The really sad part is that it wasn't originally about either of those things, just lolworthy political correctness and student activism in general.

>> No.2559237
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>the second most popular author after Jesus
>implying Jesus knew how to write

>> No.2559248
File: 58 KB, 311x311, 1283080404106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is a conservative society, at least somewhat, and its the best country in the world. Pretty fucking self-explanatory.

>Income inequality is more severe in the U.S. than it is in nearly all of West Africa, North Africa, Europe, and Asia.

U.S. Last in Health Care Among 7 Industrialized Countries

>> No.2559255

What does this have to do with America not being the greatest country in the world? We have less healthcare because we don't rob Peter to pay Paul.

We have higher income disparity because, again, we aren't socialist fucks who steal from the rich and give to the poor. Robin Hood is a fantasy tale for a reason.

>> No.2559257
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>> No.2559262

>theft of property
>not stealing
Pick one.

>> No.2559268


good one

>> No.2559269

I... errr.... is this literature...?

>> No.2559274

Glad you are capable of detecting humor

>> No.2559278

This is probably the greatest thread I've ever had the pleasure to experience on 4chan.

>> No.2559283

And STILL no one has answered the question in the first goddamn post.

>> No.2559293

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.2559312

Only two of those were mine, but nice try

>> No.2559319

Consider it a postmodern novella of sorts.

>> No.2559321
File: 56 KB, 1052x788, 1332636618698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw vegans, queer theory, and women's studies


>> No.2559326

comedy geld

>> No.2559347

authority and power and conservative ideals. its the right who want to control everything.

>> No.2559351

yeah because illegal immigration is totally non existant. idiot.

>> No.2559418

Not necessarily. And the Left has its share of authoritarian statists (Lenin, et al.).

Don't get me wrong - I'm a democratic-socialist-leaning pinko - but it's unfair and inaccurate to imply the Left does not have its share of totalitarians.

Of course, a lot of this depends on how we're defining right-wing and left-wing.

>> No.2559433
File: 10 KB, 126x126, 1282047541461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remove the freedoms of the white
I genuinely hope you are trolling, because it strikes me as delusional and paranoid.

>> No.2559985

Surprises in RI, MN, and VT

>> No.2560009

>>Best country in the world

Oh my god thats awful.
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Iceland, (scotland soon), new zealand, costa rica, chile.

Thats not counting Hong Kong, Dubai, Abu Dhabi

>> No.2560131

"illegal" immigration exists because the traitors in government like it and want it.

>> No.2560282

Clearly you are not familiar with the white supremacist rhetoric.

>> No.2560314

Free speech - gone
private property? - gone
Freedom of association? - gone

Not to mention how the liberals want to ever expand the government and force mandatory integration through it.

>> No.2560346

sure is /pol/ in here.

>Free speech - gone...
those are white-only freedoms?

"liberal" means
individual liberty and open markets.
look it up.

dont let the right-wing smears confuse you.

>> No.2560381


Do you think this nigger was kicked out of school or arrested for hate speech? The point is whites no longer have those freedoms.

>look it up.
Language changes, the dictionary definitions are meaningless.

>> No.2560404

she was arrested for causing a disturbance.

>> No.2560428


>The point is whites no longer have those freedoms.
the restriction of any freedom being called "anti-white"
implies that it is a white-only right.
otherwise all groups are equally effected.

you can be racist. i dont care.
but your arguments are contradictory and fallacious.
go back to stormfront and cherry-pick your drivel.

>> No.2560436


Dat shit cray

>> No.2560483

>otherwise all groups are equally effected.

They are not equally effected because the law is not at all applied equally. Plus there ARE many directly anti-white laws, such as affirmative action.

When the north laid tariffs on cotton exports, they were directly attacking the south.
Same situation nowadays.

Looks like she was charged for attacking someone, the FAU had asserted she would not be, sure is "equality" mirite.

>> No.2560544
File: 994 KB, 3596x2102, 1318846540362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there a gender difference in strength of sex drive?

Sexual Economics: Sex as a Female Resource for Social Exchange in Heterosexual Interactions

Cultural Suppression of Female Sexuality
http://www.femininebeauty info/suppression.pdf

Female polygyny/hypergamy

In the history of mankind as a species, some hundreds of thousands of years, 40% of men have successfully passed their genes to future generations, whereas 80% of women did. Today's human population is descended from twice as many women as men. This is statistical, scientific, genetic proof that women function as sexual selectors, and men evolved risk-taking and ambition behaviours to compete for mating rights. The study was conducted by Michael F. Hammer. A lecture on the implications:

Esther Vilar's seminal work on the concept that women enjoy a parasitic relationship with men.
http://www.naturalthinker.net/trl/texts/Vilar,Esther/ManipulatedMan.html The text itself.
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Esther_Vilar&oldid=442296393 Synopsis.
http://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/vilar.html A preview.

Female characters are defined more by their passive attributes and their emotional responses; male characters more by their actions. This is why male protagonists are preferred in fiction, by both women and men.

>> No.2560547
File: 95 KB, 649x758, wmdrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culture sees men as expendable blank slates, whose self-sufficiency is their own responsibility, and who must prove themselves worthy of accolade or interest. Conversely, women are inherently valuable, but typically function as inert commodities or motivation for male actors. The TVtropes links serve as quantitative evidence that this basic dichotomy proliferates the culture, to the point that it can be casually and humorously catalogued.

"Without the higher powers of the imagination and reason, no eminent success can be gained in many subjects. These latter faculties, as well as the former, will have been developed in man, partly through sexual selection,- that is, through the contest of rival males, and partly through natural selection,- from success in the general struggle for life; and as in both cases the struggle will have been during maturity, the characters gained will have been transmitted more fully to the male than to the female offspring. It accords in a striking manner with this view of the modification and re-inforcement of many of our mental faculties by sexual selection, that, firstly, they notoriously undergo a considerable change at puberty, and, secondly, that eunuchs remain throughout life inferior in these same qualities. Thus man has ultimately become superior to woman. It is, indeed, fortunate that the law of the equal transmission of characters to both sexes prevails with mammals; otherwise it is probable that man would have become as superior in mental endowment to woman, as the peacock is in ornamental plumage to the peahen."
Charles Darwin

>> No.2560561

>presents evidence
>evidence from TVTropes


>> No.2560662

>They are not equally effected because the law is not at all applied equally. Plus there ARE many directly anti-white laws, such as affirmative action.

so whites are targeted by the largely white state and serve
longer prison terms than minorities for similar crimes?

give me more than one. aff. act. works.
but can you give me a plurality?

>south tarrifs
the poor south and it always being the target of discrimination
and never the source. jk.
i understood that that was part of a compromise.
that the south got blacks as part votes
(and therefore more representation in the house)
in exchange for the tarifffs. could be wrong, here.

>Same situation nowadays.
with respect to what?
what point are you trying to make?
that the south is underrepresented in politics?
recently more presidents have been southerners than not.

>Looks like she was charged for attacking someone, the FAU had asserted she would not be, sure is "equality" mirite.
i dont know what youre getting at here. i cant watch youtube videos.

>> No.2560686

>so whites are targeted by the largely white state and serve longer prison terms than minorities for similar crimes?

Correct, whites get the book thrown at them, while non-whites get second third fourth fifth chances.

>but can you give me a plurality?
Look at how written testing for government jobs has gone the way of the dodo, because of course actual testing shows that people aren't "equal".

As far as i understand, all government contracts require your business to be suitably "diverse". This of course has resulted in the destruction of entire industries, as they can't competitively have negroids sitting around being incompetent.

>i dont know what youre getting at here.

If i stood up in a classroom and yelled about how i wanted to kill niggers and threatened to kill the black professor, do you think the school would refuse to do anything against me?

She was charged for physically attacking the people who went to remove her, not for any of her outbursts.

>with respect to what?
With respect to laws which are allegedly for everyone yet apply only to whites.
You'll never see blacks arrested for running whites out of their neighborhood, meanwhile the government sues cities for being too white!

>> No.2560703

you gotta lot of "just so" stories there bro.

>culture tells women to pursue "womenly" goals
>they do as their told generally
>omg guys, its totally biological

notions of womanly has changed over time.
thats incompatible with notions of womaness
as biology.

what explains the variation we see today?
why do women do better in some countries and not others?

>> No.2560707

Generally the purpose of summaries is to introduce and vaguely outline the things you're supposed to read.

>> No.2560738


i was refering to:

i was speaking to the image.
i looked at some of the links

everything i looked at was a just-so story
could you respond to the question about variability?

>Correct, whites get the book thrown at them, while non-whites
statistics says otherwise bro

>written testing for government jobs has gone the way of the dodo
plainly false bro.
i interviewed with post office. written test precedes any interview.

>She was charged for physically attacking the people who went to remove her, not for any of her outbursts.
so, you want hate-speech criminalized?

> yet apply only to whites.
like what?
>sues cities..too white
what are you talking about?

>> No.2560774

>statistics says otherwise bro
lol that whole article ignores the fact blacks commit more crime.

>what are you talking about?

Also there is constant talk about organizations or whatever being "too white", never the reverse.

Will you ever hear a liberal complain about NBA being too black? Or the NFL?

>> No.2561158
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>what explains the variation we see today?
>why do women do better in some countries and not others?

Interesting question bro. Here, take a look at this map and see if you can figure out what the countries where women are oppressed have in common.

>> No.2561183

Homosexual "married" couples should only be allowed to adopt.
Male couples cannot procreate

Until every orphanage is emptied and kept that way, female homosexuals are obligated to adopt the same as male homosexual couples. The sperm bank is primarily for people with fertility issues, not for lesbians to cheat nature. Children should be spared the two-fold ambiguity of lacking a same-sex roll model as a parent, and having questions about paternity; this can only be avoided by insisting that: 1.) homosexuals adopt 2.) they adopt a child of their own sex 3.) make a certain large percentage of their worth inheritable to that child upon death.

>> No.2561201

Why don't we just stop promoting faggotry as something acceptable.
"equality" is not automatically accepting every "alternative lifestyle".

>> No.2561224
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ITT: the overtroll rally of 4chan. Nice.