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2549746 No.2549746 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when Huxely thought fat people were intellectually inferior to people of a normal body weight

Name one fat writer who has written a seminal or otherwise canonical piece of literature, I fucking dare you.

>> No.2549751

Oscar Wilde was a pretty fat fuck in his later years.

>> No.2549753

> Huxely

>> No.2549757


>> No.2549754

Chesterton and Zola were fatasses.

>> No.2549756


1. (of a work, event, moment, or figure) Strongly influencing later developments.
2. Of, relating to, or denoting semen.

>> No.2549763


I want sauce on this immediately.

>> No.2549761


>> No.2549764
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>> No.2549768

George R.R. Martin

>> No.2549771


>> No.2549773

The Marquis de Sade got fat, but that was mostly because he was denied exercise in prison. He was a strapping man in his younger years.

I don't feel that fat people are per definition dumb, but they have shitty genes and/or a lack of discipline, just like drunks and junkies. The latter two have more interesting addictions however and therefore might write more interesting things. There's not much glamour in eating potato chips.

>> No.2549778


Err I meant Ballsack.

>> No.2549780
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Nicole Elizabeth Polizzi.

>> No.2549802
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>Implying cannonical or seminal


>Implying de Sade was a good writer and not just famous for being lewd

>Implying this isn't a lie

Normal BMI Intellectuals: 1
Fatties: 0

>> No.2549810

I'd wager than many of the great authors of the past would be quite plump, if not outright obese, in today's world.

>> No.2549813


>> No.2549814


>> No.2549815

I was implying Sade has written a seminal or otherwise canonical piece of literature. Which he has.

>> No.2549817


>> No.2549818
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>that feel when science

>> No.2549819


>implying Chesterton isn't seminal

>> No.2549826
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No, but he is a man of colossal genius

>> No.2549831

we hate fat people

>> No.2549832

[citation needed] for Huxley even saying this in the first place.

>> No.2549833
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>(of a work, event, moment, or figure) Strongly influencing later developments.

>> No.2549834
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I wouldn't know, I can't stand heavy reading

>> No.2549835

samuel johnson.


but really i agree. as a percentage, fat people really do suck at most things.

they're usually funnier than skinny people, but that's about the only area they excel in.

>> No.2549837

Thy couldn't even afford food.

>> No.2549839
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Read Island you chucklefuck, Mrs. Rao exemplifies this.

>> No.2549846

>Kim Il Sung was a communist dictator and an obese atheist who died of a heart attack


>> No.2549851

>Mrs. Rao exemplifies this

Oh I forgot. characters must fall in line precisely to their creators opinions. there is absolutely no way that it could just be, oh you know... fictitious. Nope, none what so ever.

>> No.2549854

It was oldfatmode Hemminway that penned A Movable Feast.

>> No.2549859

Henry James

>> No.2549860
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>> No.2549874


You clearly haven't read island -- it's not so much a work of fiction as it is Huxley's philosophical treatise on utopian societies; all of the characters represents something and are used to convey Huxley's opinions on the world around him. It's kind of allegorical.


>> No.2549884
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>It was oldfatmode Hemminway that penned A Movable Feast.
>oldfatmode Hemminway

>> No.2549892


>> No.2549895

i was arguing for its own sake

>> No.2549901

I think Byron would plump up every now due to the hindrance of his bad foot and the physical inactivity it caused.

>> No.2549959
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>article about how atheists are fatter than theists
>thought this would be a typical example of silly, circuitous, nonsensical conservative logic
>actually it's backed up by research

>> No.2551511
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>> No.2551777
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Your Mother.

>> No.2551799


There's also a positive correlation between religiosity and mental health. Make of that what you will.

>> No.2551808

by positive correlation you mean mental health is better for the religious? i think health in general is better for the religious also, at least blood pressure is.

>> No.2551809

researching that involve cherry picking examples and assuming positive correlation from coincidence.

everyone knows life is hard and delusion is an effective coping strategy.

>> No.2551812

where is the delusion in religion?

>> No.2551813

thats not true at all. religious people work harder than atheists so their blood pressure and stress levels are bound to be through the roof.

>> No.2551817

Ivan Gontsjarov

>> No.2551824

Please dont start that debate. I just meant that life is a cruel incessant series of painful and pathetic tragedies. The truth of the matter is irrelevant. but faith is a strategy to deal with this. take away the faith and you might have a consistent intellect but it's one at the mercy of suffering with no consolation.

>> No.2551829

>fat writers are wealthy writers, ergo, write pop-lit
The best are starving artists.

>> No.2551847




>researching that involve cherry picking examples and assuming positive correlation from coincidence.

Have you looked into their methodology or something?

>everyone knows life is hard

Not necessarily...

>and delusion is an effective coping strategy.

Delusions aren't an "effective coping strategy" at all. They're actually related to mental illness, which is apparently more likely to afflict atheists than religious people.

>> No.2551850


Are you saying that a writer's popularity/fame are directly and inversely proportional to his skill?

>> No.2551857


The delusion argument implies religion is a delusional episode on a cultural scale. This logic ignores so many variables it's best left alone completely.

>> No.2551864


Look at Joyce,
Famous but talentless
Look at GRRM
Fat and talentless

Good writers are heroinchic and 'obscure'.

Minus Hemingway, that sexy talented bastard.

>> No.2551865

I said religion is a coping strategy, idiot.
and it's a delusion if its not true. which can't be ascertained. I'm not hear to discuss truth anyway. religion is a coping strategy


>Not necessarily...
can only come from the inexperienced or the privileged. Life is hard for the majority of people, most of which find consolation in religion. Thats why thy're healthier.

>> No.2551869


Why does it always come back to Hemingway, that magnificent asshole.

>> No.2551885


You're probably right.


>I said religion is a coping strategy, idiot.

You said that delusion was a coping strategy, implying that religious belief is delusive.

>and it's a delusion if its not true. which can't be ascertained.
>which can't be ascertained.

Then we can't call it a delusion.

>can only come from the inexperienced or the privileged.

What a silly thing to say...

>Life is hard for the majority of people,

That's a matter of perspective and opinion.

>> No.2551889

Henry James.


fuck off.

Also, Socrates.

>> No.2551895




>> No.2551908


Nor is it expressed by your misuse of the upper-case.

Good day sir.

>> No.2551912

I said religion was a coping strategy and that it may be delusory

>Then we can't call it a delusion.

it is a fantasy whether it corresponds to 'reality' or not. yes this is not a contradiction.

>That's a matter of perspective and opinion.

it's really not. Death is experience by all indirectly and at first hand.

>> No.2551923

>Death is experience by all indirectly and at first hand.
not everyone sees death in the same way.

>> No.2551949

yeah and you know the biggest thing to influence that: religion.

>> No.2551957

probably the biggest thing but not the only thing. you can have a non-miserable viewpoint of death even without an afterlife. why do you think death is inherently miserable?

>> No.2551965


>> No.2551995
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>mfw fat people are statistically less intelligent

>> No.2552004

There wasn't any french writer in the 19th century who wasn't fat as fatass.

>> No.2552012

Tolstoy? oh no wait, that's just what his surname means in russian, he wasn't actually fat.

>> No.2552027

Dunno about writers, but I'm pretty sure Buddha was a fatass and you know he's big with the elvens.

>> No.2552121
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Why hello there.

>> No.2552120


>> No.2552133

thats budai, you swine. sakyamuni buddha wasn't fat

>> No.2552138

Friedrich Dürrenmatt

>> No.2552153

trust you to respond to something on buddhism. you aren't asian. your infatuation with that tradition is superficial. if it's not in your cultural milieu, you can't appreciate it.

and the budai/buddha thing is a rudimentary distinction. you should have resisted.

>> No.2552155

>you aren't asian

>> No.2552157

pics or it isn't true. also if your indian, it doesn't count.

>> No.2552160

This, a million times over.

>> No.2552162

in fact, you might be chinese but if you grew up in the west then your fascination with eastern philosophy is still lacking substance.

goddammit hakas, you are such a poser.

>> No.2552165

none of what you said makes sense. also how is the distinction rudimentary? theres a historical figure and a character from folklore.

>> No.2552168


>> No.2552182

did you not just imply that you are asian? if yes, then i am making sense.
also it only demands a basic understanding of the philosophy, thats whats rudimentary. and its why you should be able to ignore the compulsion to correct that remark. the only reason you did is to pose

>> No.2552197
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>> No.2552199

are you american or are you just really shit at geography?
>I'm pretty sure buddha was a fatass
why would you say that? how does that correlate to a basic understanding of the philosophy? the only foundation for that is the depictions of budai.

>> No.2552205
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>> No.2552206


He looks like the type of guy who would eat his own semen.
So I guess in that sense he is seminal.
Dude could have just written a great book.

>> No.2552220

>just really shit at geography?

lolwut what has anything we're talking about got to do with geography?

>why would you say that?

I never said that. and I didn't say taht statement was a basic understanding of buddhism. I said your correction of that statement was from a basic understanding. because you are only posing with your eastern religion.

>> No.2552234

are you the same poster as >>2552157?
>I said your correction of that statement was from a basic understanding.
because more than a basic understanding isn't needed to correct a statement like that.
>because you are only posing with your eastern religion.
whatever gets you to sleep at night, man.

>> No.2552239

>are you the same poster as >>2552157?

Yes, why?

>> No.2552241

then why doesnt being indian count as being asian?

>> No.2552259

Tolkien a bit on the chubby side.

>> No.2552265

* was