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/lit/ - Literature

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2540005 No.2540005 [Reply] [Original]

Hunger games, Harry Potter, Twilight.

Fight Club, American Psycho, Slaughter house-five.
Catcher in the Rye, On the road, Catch 22.

Infinite Jest, Ulysses, Atlas Shrugged.

LOTR, Game of thrones. dune.

Which are you?
Feel free to add your own three-liner.

>> No.2540010

you are a bore.

>> No.2540011

you makin mah penis sawft with these threads

>> No.2540014

>Hunger games, Harry Potter, Twilight.
Not those ones, the rest of them. And then some.

>> No.2540019

LOTR, GoT, Dune. All year every year.

>> No.2540021

What do the books in the second list have to do with eachother?

>> No.2540022

>historical fiction not listed

stay pleb, op

>> No.2540023

The Story of the Stone, The Tale of Genji, Mahabharata.

Asian classics tier.

>> No.2540028


>not having the Monkey King


>> No.2540031

Story of the Stone is the superior of the four Chinese classics, imo. I could only choose three.

>> No.2540033


You should read "The Three Emperors". It's the story of the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history. Or just watch the movie Red Cliffs. It has some god-tier battle scenes.

>> No.2540036

category 3 is an oxymoron that nobody can satisfy as long as you pair ayn rand with actual writers

>> No.2540037

I ran out of good yet still ridiculous masterpieces, I just threw atlas shruged for the heck of it

>> No.2540040

Infinite Jest, VALIS, The Things They Carried

>> No.2540042



I read the first chapter of this book then stopped. Also I giggled because his name is Horselover Fat.

>> No.2540045

Mein Kampf, Revolt Against The Modern World, The Turner Diaries

>> No.2540047


Is the Mahabharata in its entirety (as opposed to the Gita and a few other excerpts) any good? I've never tried reading it all the way through because the consensus seems to be that it's hugely tedious and digressive.

>> No.2540051
File: 66 KB, 471x600, Mars Red Sky - Mars Red Sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOTR, Game of thrones. dune.
>On the Road
I don't know where the fuck I fit. It's just like real life, I'm ostracized.

>> No.2540053

Gravity's Rainbow? The Lime Twig? If you substitute one for Rand, that's me.

>> No.2540055

Gravity's Rainbow, perfect, long enough to belong.

>> No.2540060

Digressive as fuck, but you can say the same thing of works like Journey to the West.

I actually read the Penguin version, which is abridged and still 900 pages. I would recommend it to you if you have an interest in the history of India or Hinduism, or if you love involved and extensive epics. It's not something I would recommend to everyone.

>> No.2540065


I do, so I will. Thx anon!

>> No.2540083
File: 41 KB, 500x552, 1319560151581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I was all like
>Harry Potter

Then I was all like
>Fight Club, American Psycho, Slaughter house-five, Catcher in the Rye, On the road, Catch 22.

Now I'm all like
>Infinite Jest, Ulysses, Atlas Shrugged

Plus I enjoy LOTR and the occasional Neil Gayman. I feel this is a generally correct progression of literary taste, but I'm wrong a lot, too.

pic related: I used to read Poe's stuff like it was the winning lottery number

>> No.2540095

Even as a satire, it was not originally meant as a very orderly and robust progression, but it is indeed tainted by said intentions.

>> No.2540101

i reject basically everything about this thread

fuck you

>> No.2540108

Harry Potter, Slaughter house-five, On the road, Ulysses, Game of thrones

Fuck all Y'all

>> No.2540961

Boswell's "Life of Johnson", Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. I gotta be me...

>> No.2540967

Shel Silverstein, Dr Seuss, the list can go on...

>> No.2540968
File: 46 KB, 253x300, swift1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boswell did pretty much write the greatest biography of all time.
(I know this is a pic of Swift and not Boswell, but I still feel it's appropriate.)

>> No.2541313

>Infinite Jest, Ulysses, Atlas Shrugged.

Uhh, what does Atlas Shrugged have to do with the other two? Switch it with Mason & Dixon or something and I fall into this category, I s'pose.

>> No.2541318

Waiting For Godot, No Exit, The Stranger.

pointless self-indulgent nihilism tier, word up

>> No.2541374

Tender is the Night, A Farewell to Arms, a Portrait of the Artist.

Who am I?

>> No.2541425


A prewar modernist who thinks time stopped in 1929?

>> No.2541501

catcher in the rye