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2536866 No.2536866 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bored !

Tell me one thing about you (of course you can lie).

>> No.2536885

I'm sick of atheism and want to believe in something.

>> No.2536886

I just had a bath. Before my balneal break, I played violin.

>> No.2536895
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I'm going to brew a mug of tea in fifteen minutes.

>> No.2536897

You mean 14 minutes...

>> No.2536899

I'm avoiding writing papers because I have nothing interesting to say and I am a terrible procrastinating student. Also I am reading J G Ballard and it's depressing me

>> No.2536909

i haven't really enjoyed reading for years

>> No.2536911


I dropped out of a Physics and Computer Science degree to study English, even though I was pretty much guaranteed a job out of college.

>> No.2536914

I'm socialist.

I want a revolution in my lifetime.

>> No.2536919

If you live in the USA I am sorry for you.

It must be frustrating to be a socialist, there.

>> No.2536926

UK actually.

It's more far-left friendly, relative to the US.

>> No.2536928
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Jolly good show, old bean. There's a special place in heaven for people who follow their passions. Oh, no... Hang on, that's hell. Still, commendations aplenty!

>> No.2536929

I have a constant, inexplicable habit of muttering "killed himself" under my breath. Sometimes it is meaningless, sometimes I use it to write a paragraph in my mind about my satisfying suicide, usually involving a bullet to the brain.

In all other ways and times, I try to make the best of life.

>> No.2536932



>> No.2536937


Also, I have never gotten the hang of proper linebreaks on 4chan. Haha. Someday.

>> No.2536944

I'm going to go get some espresso in twenty minutes.

>> No.2536946


Cheers. Basically it was because I realised that I wanted to teach, and I'd much rather teach English than Science. I was already strongly considering switching to an English degree, because it's something that I'd always wanted to do, but that's what sealed the deal.

>> No.2536953
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As a sympathizer of socialism, revolution in our life times is in my opinion highly unlikely. Unfortunately Orwell's idea that people dislike socialism because of it's adherents is still mostly true; socialists are deemed as hipster faggots or just annoying people who hate everything.

>> No.2536964

>wanting the government to control the means of production

>> No.2536968

This may be true in the USA, but this is definitely not the general feeling in Europe (Western).

Americans had a very good opportunity to shift the balance some months ago and did nothing.
Not realizing that when your opponent doesn't play by the rule you should not blindly and stubbornly stick to them.

Europe is not bad enough for the moment, even if it's beginning to show.

>> No.2536981
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I'm drinking some Dutch gin. It's a spirit mostly unknown outside of my country, but it's existence has led to the development of the well known dry English gin. Dutch gin however is softer and one drinks it neat, often slightly chilled.

>> No.2536983

A man who doesn't tell you 7 lies within a 100 steps of walking is worthless as a man.

>> No.2536989

Meh, I'm from Britain, and really I can't see many advancements. A lot of people claim that they dislike the current government, however rarely does anyone tar themselves with the term socialist nor could I imagine any of them partaking in some kind of revolution.

I'm beginning to lose hope if I am honest, it seems like in times of need the working classes still shift towards fascism and racist nationalism over socialism.

>> No.2536991

I wish I had friends.

>> No.2536994

i wish i had friends who "got" me

>> No.2536995

Don't some of the most wealthy countries (Scandinavia and such) have rather largely supported socialist parties?

>> No.2537002


Yes. Britain has failed socialism because they'd do anything to be American. Doesn't apply elsewhere in Europe.

>> No.2537006

Sunday I had a really great day, but saturday was way better. Now I'm a little sad because it'll take months for me to have a similar day. It's also sad because when I think about, this was the best weekend I had in maybe two years and I haven't had one that is close to be as good as this one, in fact all the days I've lived in the past year were terrible.

>> No.2537007

I'm >>2536914 and I predict that this generation, my generation, is gonna see a shift into either the far-left or the far-right.

It's worrying when my friends are talking about "sending immigrants back to their own countries" and "the BMP has some good points."

>> No.2537008

if by "be American" you mean "had Margaret Thatcher" then yes

that is to extent an accurate thing to say, but only if by "America" you mean "Ronald Reagan and the rest of the Republican bastards" and well I'm just saying that's not 'being American' as such. we also had our own rollback of socialist programs (although they were nowhere near as advanced or well-thought-through as socialist programs in Europe generally were).

>> No.2537009

All our parties (Sweden) are social-libertarian.

>> No.2537010


The working class doesn't really exist anymore, it has depleted.

It's no longer the sons of communard like Hemingway described them.
The parisian's brotherhoods of butchers and of every low class professions who spoke a slang only them understood, would slit a pig's throat to protect a comrade.

yes, it was different times no longer needed, but you respected them back then.

>> No.2537012

If by "got", you mean "has the same sense of dark, meta-subversive humor as I". Then yes.

>> No.2537024


I have got two friends like that !

What do I win ?

They're mine ! I mean ... maybe I can spare one.

>> No.2537029


Yes, neoliberal Britain's idea of Americaness is a Reaganite delusion. But that's how they think, and I'm British, I know that New Labour did not obliterate such thinking, and in many respects advanced its project.

>> No.2537031

>What do I win ?

Friendship, the "greatest good thing" as the philosophers tell us.

>> No.2537034

really? is it explicitly seen in terms of being more like America? that's kind of sad... and also makes me unhappy about the way our country is seen and emulated.

anyway, agree with you wrt New Labour, but i don't think it's novel to point out that New Labour is a reshaping of Labour along precisely those lines.

>> No.2537035


Yeah, I guess I can live with that.

>> No.2537039

>I predict that this generation, my generation, is gonna see a shift into either the far-left or the far-right.

What do you mean by far right? Conservative or fascist? I'm quite fond of both socialism/communism and fascist/nazism actually. They're not that far apart except for the whole foreigner/immigrant thing.

>> No.2537042

I'm a kissless virgin with a metal illness who hasn't yet decided whether or not dialectics is legit ro not.

>> No.2537050

USfag here, but I do keep up somewhat with UK news, why does the UK want to be America-lite?

>> No.2537051

>metal illness

That sounded cool ... Too bad you meant mental.

I've lost some friends over this disease you call dialectic.

>> No.2537058

Whats worrying about that, unless you are a non-white or a liberal traitor?

>> No.2537067


No, I have a copper deficiency, I meant metal.

>> No.2537068

the "lower classes" of England are mostly stupidly patriotic/resentful of America, fuck whatever pillock said they want to be like you

>> No.2537070


It is, indeed. No, it's not novel, but it is accurate.


Because you're where the power went after the war. That and your combination of greater wealth and a language easy to learn. Rock music helped.

>> No.2537088

I'm a femanon who isn't a slut that wants to post pictures. I actually read, have interesting conversations, and don't give a shit what 4chan thinks of me.

>> No.2537089


No, this won't do. Firstly, unlike you I talk to working-class British people on a daily basis. Secondly, you're doing the minstrelsy act that proves my point. Americans, I must break it to you that British people almost never use words like 'pillock'. They only do it when they encounter Americans, to be more like what they imagine Americans imagine the British to be like.

>> No.2537094


cool, but also i feel like discussions of class and authenticity in a british context get really old really fucking fast, so can we please, you know, not do that

>> No.2537095



Twilight doesn't count.

>> No.2537099


Why would you want to post pictures (of yourself at least, otherwise go nuts) ?

When I need attention I go outside (weird I know).

"femanon" in a post, most answered post ever on /lit/.

>> No.2537100


I wasn't doing that, the minstrel poster was.

>> No.2537102
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>> No.2537128

i am working class, my friends and family use the word pillock on a daily basis
go on

>> No.2537134

yeh he started it you are correct in that

again don't do this, no one gives a shit which of you is authentically working class

>> No.2537137

There is a fundemental difference between Nazism and Communism.

Nazism + Facism - Autocratic rule over the nation from one figure head (fuhrerprinzip for Nazism)

Communism - Stateless, classless society based on the idea of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need"

Immigration is not the only difference, and communism says nothing directly about immigration as far as I know. (Although I imagine most socialists support it.)

>> No.2537164

I love 'vannelle zware shag'.

>> No.2537165

I would kill myself if I didn't think it was ethically wrong.

>> No.2537167

>Communism - irrelevant fairy tale fantasy

>> No.2537201

The populace is quite set in their own ways, but America seems to the stuff of the current crop of UK politicians' wet dreams.