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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 740 KB, 640x1098, Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2534488 No.2534488 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/. I'll come right out to clear things up: I am a /b/tard and have been one for years. I'm aware that there is a lot of very negative stigma about >>>/b/, specifically that of it being the breeding ground for trolls. Before you presume I'm a troll, however, please hear me out. Fair enough?

Whenever there was a thread about philosophy or books on >>>/b/, Ayn Rand is sometimes mentioned. Now, I have heard of her and her works (e.g. "Atlas Shrugged," 1957), but I'm admittedly ignorant as to who she is. I am very interested in philosophy and metaphysics, so I've of course been interested in who she is, as well as the books she has written. In fact, a few of her novels are on my "To-Read" list. I have heard a lot of criticisms about her on /b/ and I'm curious: Is she really all that bad? /b/ is infamous for being bigoted, misogynistic, and lying, so I wonder if their statements regarding Rand are true. Many of the criticisms I've read have been almost completely about how she is apparently "a pseudo-intellectual" and a "wannabe philosopher," along with her bigoted and spiteful nature. Is there any truth to these claims? Whatever your answer, please support your claims because I want to know the facts, not just your opinion—I do respect your opinions, though. Don't forget that.

I'm not here to start a flamewar and from what I've been told, >>>/lit/ already has a strong dislike for Ayn Rand. That said, I'd assume this is the best place to ask:

What do you think of Ayn Rand? Is she a good author and/or philosopher in your opinion?

Thanks for your time, /lit/. I'll be monitoring this thread until someone responds.

P.S. – My father says that "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand is one of his favorite novels of all time. He's pretty shitheaded, though, so I have my doubts.

>> No.2534496
File: 253 KB, 545x648, buer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious trollan but at least you have "buer" in your name so i won't sage

hail buer

>> No.2534495

Rule numbah 4


>> No.2534506
File: 197 KB, 333x500, Nelson Mandela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize, I'm not accustomed to rules on 4chan because I'm used to /b/. In fact, I don't even know any of the rules outside of the global ones.

Thanks. I'm not a troll, though, and I hate it that I'm already assumed of as being on. I understand why you would, though. I'm just curious, but I'll delete this thread if it's most recommended.

>> No.2534504
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>> No.2534508
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>> No.2534509

this thread sucks

>> No.2534511

I am SO. FUCKING. SICK. of the daily Ayn Rand threads. The fucking book ISN'T THAT FUCKING IMPORTANT. It's poorly written, has no depth, and reads like Rand wrote it while masturbating furiously in front of a mirror to the sound of her own ideas.

>> No.2534515
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>> No.2534518
File: 14 KB, 351x386, Obama Pursed Lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are daily threads? I've only been to >>>/lit/ twice before: once to get some good philosophy book suggestions a while back (I still have the list) and now.

Haha, your description sounds pretty much like what I think about Stephenie Meyer.

>> No.2534519
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>> No.2534523

We discussed Fountainhead yesterday.
hahaha I didn't even know about that one, classic to the fifth power

>> No.2534524
File: 24 KB, 350x439, thatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas Shrugged is just a longer, fantastical version of her other writing. I actually do think that reading something of hers is good, especially for young 'uns who may be stuck in the anti-intellectual wasteland of public school. My perception is that it's many peoples' first exposure to an alternate conception of morality, and whether you go on to love it or despise it, it's definitely NOT the sort of self-conflicting soft-headed morality spouted by average people, the religious, TV, and public school. Just don't bother with Atlas Shrugged, try The Fountainhead. Atlas Shrugged is only really worth it (IMO) for the hilariously realistic depiction of "think of the children!" morality that she opposes. Otherwise it mostly is just an extremely long exposition of stuff she already wrote about.

P.S. there's at least two naked/seminaked photos of her floating around the internet

Pic related, someone needs to make a dyke porn of those two together

>> No.2534532
File: 31 KB, 360x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'd smoke a fat one and watch that

>> No.2534537
File: 180 KB, 800x600, Depressed Gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard of Fountainhead and believe it or not, that was one of the books suggested to me on /lit/ last time I was here. Sorry about the redundancy, though.

Really? Well, that's very insightful, thanks. I'll take your suggestion regarding "The Fountainhead," but she's ugly as hell so I'll pass on the nudes.

By the way guys, in case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to be on my best behavior. Being accustomed to /b/, I have no idea how any of the other boards are. Just so you know.

>> No.2534541


I admire your naivete in thinking any other board on 4chan isn't just as troll-ridden and illiterate as /b/

>> No.2534547

>Haha, your description sounds pretty much like what I think about Stephenie Meyer.

Oh god, she's even worse. She's done more damage to the vampire genre than any other person in the past 1000 years. That bitch is a retard orangutang with a pen in one hand and her own shit in the other, and can't decide which to use on the paper.

>> No.2534550
File: 107 KB, 1077x1107, stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rand is babby tier egoism, OP. Go read Stirner.

>> No.2534567
File: 82 KB, 538x452, Thinking (Orangutan).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I've heard fantastic tales of the distant lands beyond the Tartarus that is /b/. I've been told that /a/ if full of happy-go-lucky anime fanatics and /k/ is full of mediocre weapon experts. /v/ is full of hilarious people who speak of Gaben and debate games all the time and /sci/ is a place where the intelligent convene. /x/ is the creepy part of 4chan where the supernatural is alive and well, while /g/ is a haven for technical geniuses. /r9k/ is the OC generator and /mlp/ is the pony heaven.

Needless to say, I have only ventured outside of my cesspool few times in my stay on 4chan and every time, I run back to /b/, as if the immorality and hatred is my sanctuary. As far as I'm concerned, 4chan is a great site, whereas /b/ is the illegitimate hunchback no one talks about and hopes that it stays locked up in its own mind.

>> No.2534578
File: 68 KB, 575x682, The Humanzee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, uh... What's the term for /lit/ people?

Will do.

>> No.2534589
File: 65 KB, 650x464, Meanwhile In Harlem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2534586


>> No.2534617
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Any other opinions or suggestions?

>> No.2534623
File: 10 KB, 199x198, sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like reading about perverted sex acts and accessible philosophy at the same time?

>> No.2534627


stop taking yourself so seriously. /b/ hasn't been edgy since 2003.

>> No.2534636
File: 176 KB, 619x640, mrtumnus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think I've ever tried that, so no.

What do you mean? Also, this isn't /b/ and I'm trying to be respectful, especially since this is a topic which is apparently very controversial on /lit/.

>> No.2534643

You should try it.

Read Sade's Philosophy of the Bedroom for libertine glory.

>> No.2534649
File: 23 KB, 282x280, 1303209119896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do.

>> No.2534651


>"I have only ventured outside of my cesspool few times in my stay on 4chan and every time, I run back to /b/, as if the immorality and hatred is my sanctuary. As far as I'm concerned, 4chan is a great site, whereas /b/ is the illegitimate hunchback no one talks about and hopes that it stays locked up in its own mind."

It's silly and juvenile to boast about how sick and immoral and edgy you are for posting on /b/. This was true even back in the day. It's doubly true now that everyone with an Internet connection and time to kill knows what 4chan is.

You're clearly a smart guy, so I'm surprised that you don't get this.

>> No.2534657

I always saw her work as the literary and philosophic equivalent of a cheap porn movie: it's poorly constructed, appeals to and attempts to satisfy base urges, and is ultimately a hollow experience. There might be a few stray paragraphs that stumble on something genuinely interesting and exciting (I won't deny that some form of Rand's Objectivism can exist as a sensible philosophic construct, even if it doesn't attract me personally), but those moments are few and far between.

Like porn, if you rely on it too much as an underpinning for dealing with reality, you either already have some serious social dysfunctions, or are about to develop them.

>> No.2534664
File: 23 KB, 385x383, Mustache Babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not trying to be edgy or cool or anything like that. You're misinterpreting my words. I know that /b/ has always been cancerous and idiotic, but I'm exaggerating for dramatic effect. Of course I know 4chan is full of retards everywhere, but /b/ is where they seem to be the most prevalent. In fact, 4chan isn't even all that immoral or horrible anymore, outside of the occasional psychopath. Most of the posts now are copypasta, roll/get threads, spam (oh God, the spam), ponies, and furries. That's seriously it.

Don't worry, I get what you're talking about. I'm just bored and I have nothing else better to do other than to fantasize 4chan.

>> No.2534667
File: 6 KB, 214x251, BRO BRO ME BRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your nicely put input. I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.2534688

Why is this guy trying to speak in such a cordial manner?

Why am I so annoyed by this?

>> No.2534700


>exaggerating for dramatic effect

Fair enough. That didn't come across to me when I first read it.

Since /lit/ is slow tonight and you seem to be posting in good faith, I'll give a serious response to your original question. I think I'm on firm ground in saying that the following is the consensus regarding Rand:

People who are serious about philosophy and literature generally consider Rand to be entry-level material for alienated high school kids. Her novels don't have much literary merit; they're transparent attempts at propagandizing for her political ideology, with one-dimensional characters who deliver tedious speeches expounding Rand's philosophy. She's woefully out of her depth when she attempts to engage the broader philosophical tradition, and rather than address good-faith criticisms, she assumes that people who disagree with her do so because they're too evil, stupid or parasitic to accept the obvious truth of her system.

>> No.2534702

>>2534700 cont'd

The important thing to remember about Rand is that she was a refugee who fled Soviet Russia as a teenager and was traumatized by the experience. Her philosophy is basically an inversion of Communism, idealizing heroic capitalists and inventors instead of heroic workers and peasants. She had no real understanding of how running a business actually works, preferring to see businessmen as Nietzchean supermen imposing their will on the lazy and stupid masses.

On the other hand, it's worth reading at least one of her major works, simply because for better or worse she IS an influential author whom a lot of people admire. As >>2534524 pointed out, for kids who are suffering through the stultifying farce that is the American educational system, Rand is often their first exposure to the idea of questioning conventional morality and taking philosophical argument seriously. For some of them, her philosophy provides all the answers they need and they never move on to more sophisticated works.

So read her, but don't stop there. If you like the idea of the heroic egoist, read Nietzsche and Stirner. If you want to understand libertarian economics, read Mises, Friedman and Rothbard, then read Marx to get an understanding of the other side. If you just want a huge doorstop of a book full of mythologized fantasy characters, read George R.R. Martin

>> No.2534710
File: 61 KB, 252x221, 1301388404972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im reading atlas shrugged right now
i actually enjoyed the story plotline while ignoring the longwinded dialogues as best as i could
but now im near the end....

pic related. its my face during john galts speech

>> No.2534721
File: 870 KB, 1660x1176, The Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're jelly? Nice dubs, btw. That almost never happens anymore on /b/ since moot disabled the ability to obtian GETs.

>more dubs
Holy hell, I want to punch her in her absolutist, Gnostic face. I hate people like her. Thanks for the warning and I'll be sure to show caution and wariness when reading her books. She seriously sounds like a horrible person, though.

By the way, I screencapped your response so that I can post it later whenever she's brought up. Your thoughtful response really helps out.

Here's a wallpaper for ya.

>> No.2534727
File: 57 KB, 1005x438, lit rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long ago, before there was a 4chan, I liked architecture so I picked up The Fountainhead. At first I was all "Roark is cool, he's an iconoclast who really knows from architecture and just doesn't give a fuck." But, in that it is a very long book, the entire plot was about how Roark was better and didn't waver from his vision, and it was tediously written prose, I stopped about 2/3rds through. The main thing is that she can't write very well.

Much later, i was made aware how her ideas influenced conservative thought and I was like "yeah, good riddance." Basically, her ideas laid the groundwork for the 2008 financial crisis. Fuck her.