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2525769 No.2525769 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone post the quote, I think it was Darwin, thats basically along the lines of "negros saw the timber, but did not build structures, they saw the ocean but did not built boats" and so on?

>> No.2525793
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>> No.2525798

"Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.

His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.

A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.

In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.

With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.”

— Charles Darwin

Google is your friend.

>> No.2525800

>be Moroccan
>people always ignore us when talking about Africans
>feels sad

Bu..but we're African too, guys.

>> No.2525801
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No! You need to be black to be African, everybody knows this.

>> No.2525804

Just be glad you Berbers and Arabs (and perhaps a bunch of Jews?) aren't put in the same category as sub-saharan Africans. I think you're mostly seen as another form of Arabs in most of the West, which culturally would be pretty correct I think.

What must feel even more sad is that lots of Westeners secretly wish painful genocide on your people though.

>> No.2525806

Fuck you!

My life dream is to see a tall blonde Moroccan with Nordic features getting an American citizenship and then applying to one of them African-Amerian scholarship only to get rejected and sue their asses. The troll would be maximum.

>> No.2525809

Egyptians, Moroccans even White boers are African

>> No.2525810

Well, to be perfectly honest, most of my people do deserve a genocide.

>> No.2525811

can anyone offer some material to point out why this seems to be relatively true in subsaharan africa (other than racist material ofc)

>> No.2525812
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Not black, not African. It's just a pretend African otherwise.

>> No.2525822

Why would you say that?

>> No.2525829

if life is easy, you'll take it easy
if life is hard, you get to work

>> No.2525831

We're a bunch of uncultured, overly-religious monkeys. What's a better reason for a genocide? I can't tell you how many time I was tolled "watch out! Reading too much will get you mad" when seen reading.

However, I do believe that we are the least monkeyish in the Arabic Speaking world, so that's something.

>> No.2525834

that life doesn't sound so bad

also, really? diamonds?
being so common the black man would have assigned no value to a fucking shiny rock, which is what they are

>> No.2525837

If only they had known Minecraft...

>> No.2525836

I read something once about people living further from the equator having denser brains than those closer because people in cold climates had to think to survive the harsh climate while people in tropical weather just lazed around all year doing sweet fuck all.

>> No.2525839

>implying living in a fucking desert isnt a fairly harsh climate

>> No.2525840


Damn dog, that last sentence is fucking beautiful.

>> No.2525841


>implying the sahara wasn't a verdant plain before goats were introduced to africa

Go on, look it up.

>> No.2525842

"Google is your friend"?

I like that one too.

>> No.2525843


Why you gotta be like dat dawg :(

>> No.2525846

Well, I just read that this quote is misattributed to Darwin and is actually the work of a certain Thomas Dixon.

Still holds true for most of sub-saharan Africa though.

>> No.2525847

even so, what about the people living in fertile areas like mesopotamia, who developed civilisation before the supposedly more intelligent colder climated races

>> No.2525849

>before the supposedly more intelligent colder climated races

Because they weren't playing the game in hard mode.

>> No.2525852

I think you're onto something here. What do you think about Moroccan emigration to other (European) countries? Are this mostly peasants or also well cultured people?

I get the impression that you keep the good stuff for yourselves and send us the rabble.

>> No.2525877

/lit/, you fail tonight.

Google is indeed your friend - IF YOU USE IT CORRECTLY.

The quote in >>2525798 is mis-attributed to Darwin, it's from Thomas Dixon:

Check this out: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=nTqoheg2e98C&pg=PA216&lpg=PA216&dq=%22Since+the+dawn

Sage goes into all fields because fuck all of you.

>> No.2526289

Normally, one is referring to sub-Saharan Africans. Those in upper Africa are much smarter and also had great cultures etc.

>> No.2526298

Yes. That's the general theory. It doesn't work well for people living in the polar region as they are less smart than the Caucasians and East Asians, but the theory predicts that they are smarter (their climate is colder/more harsh). So something has to be added to make it work. I'm thinking inbreed depression due to small population size, but nobody knows AFAIK.

See e.g.: Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ: An international perspective

>> No.2526301

Read nigger, I already stated this:

>> No.2526351
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I feel that the difference between the dark skinned africans and the other races has more to to with long-term variance than any sort of major genetic inferiority. Consider lactose intolerance; naturally the number of humans capable of digesting lactase was extremely small as with other species. As certain human societies started harvesting and processing milk a genetic tolerance developed over thousands of years; Now we can see extreme lactase tolerance differentials between dairy-heavy european countries (<1% intolerance) and the milk-free african and asian communities (<95% intolerance).

Back in the days of pre-history, when humans were no more than abnormally smart animals inhabiting the African plains, Early Africans looked out and got excited at the thought of exploring and conquering the unknown mysteries of the world, just as we have ever since. These Africans migrated, and came to be the ancestors to the asians, arabs, caucasians, etc., and have a natural desire to explore,conquer, and express their interest in the natural world. What was left in Africa were the people who DIDN'T have that urge, the ones who were complacent to keep what they already had. Complacent to stagnate. A whole society of people who were happy with their huts. This society has no need for improvement, which means mental stagnation as well.

>> No.2526353
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To say that blacks are genetically inferiour however would be extremely biased, as the races weren't separated long enough for any concrete genetic differences to develop. The vast majority of mental differences between the human races come from genetic variation, and outliers always exist; Africans with qualities long believed by supremacists to be unique to other races had to have existed for those qualities to even exist as they do, and I have met many caucasians and arabics more dumb and offensive than the worst black stereotype. I can't think of a better example than William Kamkwamba, the African who built windmills for his village at 14. This doesn't change the fact that Africa is as previously stated stunted socially, and still live in a village mentality that is continuously getting ravaged due to the introduction of more complex social concepts such as countries, which are the result of thousands of years of social evolution and didn't even exist in the rest of the world until the last couple hundred years.