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File: 798 KB, 1280x720, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2518609 No.2518609 [Reply] [Original]

Because /lit/ is the most intelligent board on 4chan, I decided to post this here.

Can anyone explain to me why are so many sick fucks attracted to anime?

>Tsutomu Miyazaki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsutomu_Miyazaki
But most recently:
>Thaddeus McMichael http://www.freep.com/article/20120229/NEWS03/120229035/southfield-child-pornography-FBI-Facebook
>"Mr. Anime" (great name) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2118209/Online-anime-reviewer-22-shot-dead-parents-brother-h

And don't give me some logical fallacies bullshit like "he also breathed oxygen, breathing oxygen makes you a killer!", etc, because that simply doesn't work here. How come every anime fan I know is some filthy creep who doesn't even shower. In the local anime club, there's not a single person without something wrong with them. There's a brain damage victim, a clusterfuck of autistic people, two suicidally depressed people and so forth. I personally know a guy who watches anime and he jerks off to cartoons and he is on meds (various antidepressants) and all that shit. Not a single fucking person in their right mind. Why?

Picture is from some sick show that tons of pedophiles and incest lovers are attracted to, etc.

>> No.2518626

in b4 that .gif of
u u

>> No.2518627

why would the literature board know the answer to this

>> No.2518628

>warns against using logical fallacies
>employs generalizations and anecdotal evidence


>> No.2518629

anime is inherently escapistic, always aestheticaly pleasing and likes to deal with themes that those special little cases love

that is everything that comes to my mind

now please take a seat and read a real book

>> No.2518630

look at the pic in the op, it's from one of the most popular animes among these weirdos. just saying

>> No.2518633
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those are some great sentences. soem of them aer green. intidasludurrrrrrrrlllgggllhlghllllglghlglghflrrrrrrlhgllrrhlhlggglrgdd
stupid fucking dickless hedge trimming mexican faggot

>> No.2518634


adding to this is it's also somewhat of a niche market for westerners, so obviously people of a certain caste will be drawn to it; namely white, lonely nerds that play WoW and such and such.

also, not /lit/

>> No.2518638

>Tsutomu Miyazaki
>aka Dracula

Yo man you don't just get to be Dracula what the hell is this.

>> No.2518639

seconding this

because /lit/ is the most intelligent board on 4chan.

>> No.2518640
File: 326 KB, 1400x788, disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the sickest thing ever, I mean seriously are there really people that get turned on by this?

>> No.2518645

at least it's teaching them hygiene

>> No.2518649

I don't know about sick fucks, but I'd imagine it has something to do with the fact that their emotions are over the top and easily readable, allowing people who may not be socially proficient to understand what they're feeling, along with the stories which are easy escapism.

That's what I think at least regarding anime fans, seeing how they act online and off.

>> No.2518652
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OP might be generalizing, but anyone who extensively watches anime past Miyazaki usually has some sort of mental defect.

>> No.2518653

The first article barely mentions anime and does mentions some of the sickest fucking live-action horror ever made. The middle one doesn't mention anime at all. The third article (and indeed all 3 articles) heavily notes other, more obviously predictive risk factors, of which the most prominent is social isolation.

This is not an argument that correlation does not imply causation. Though that argument is quite valid, the correlation in this situation would be highly suspect and availability bias is patently obvious in the OP. Even if anime WERE a major factor in all of these people's lives, which is not in evidence as yet, it would still be an obvious case of intervening variables. Assuming that anime is causal to sick fuck-ness because they co-occur is like assuming that taking insulin shots causes diabetes. In all likelihood they are co-occurring symptoms of a deeper cause.

I know a lot of people who enjoy anime casually who possess more than adequate social skills, and a few who obsess over it and lack them. That people obsessed with anime are frequently creepy may indicate that poor social skills lead to obsession, that the same factors which lead to poor social skills also lead to obsession, or (least supported) that something about anime attracts people with poor social skills.

>> No.2518655

I think most people who liek anime are just drawn to the large community built around it, whether they're mentally ill or not.

>> No.2518656
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Wait, my nigga Thad got v&?

>> No.2518657

now you know that he was completely for real

>> No.2518658

tripfriends gonna tripfriend.

i'd love to know if you have any rational basis for distinguishing Miyazaki from other anime, but i suspect that you don't.

>> No.2518659
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This should have been the first response. You go to an anime club you moron. Also /tg/ is the most intelligent board. Man OP, you are really fucking up today.

>> No.2518660

I know at least two people for sure who regularly watch anime and, while a little different to most people, are perfectly fine, sociable, friendly and sane people.

>> No.2518664
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>Also /tg/ is the most intelligent board.

>> No.2518669

because he's popular

>> No.2518670

RIP ;_;

>> No.2518674

Actually I'm from /a/ and this is the reason we hide our powerlevels. Retarted fans, cancer, call them whatever you want, we fucking hate them and you shouldn't generalize.

>> No.2518678
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Is Op still here?

>> No.2518683

I know the answer to this, OP, as I am an anime viewer myself.

From encountering me, you wouldn't even know I watch anime. This is because all of the mentally stable people who watch anime are rightfully ashamed to be associated with people who identify themselves as anime fans, so we take steps to conceal our hobby, also known as "hiding your powerlevel."

This is why many open anime viewers are also mentally unstable. It's the mental instability that causes you to think other people will care about it, not a simple correlation, a la "all anime viewers -> sick fucks."

And it's not the anime that makes people degenerates, it's their already degenerate nature that attracts them to the highly fetishized and sex-obsessed culture that you see in Japanese media. That much should be obvious to you though.

>> No.2518689

Oh, so you're not the kind of people who claim that bakamonogatari is high art? Just making sure

>> No.2518692

Visually Anime caters to various gender stereotypes that allow easy access to the "characters". This goes both ways (ever realized that most male characters look like androgynous douchebags? that makes them non-threatening to female audiences).

Visually and plotwise, Anime deals with a pretty clear set of characters, making it easy to recognize their motives and "feelings". The plots themselves are often simple, or don't make any sense at all. What people want from it mostly is empathize. Because characters are so simple, its easy to do so. Anime does not challenge the viewers preconceptions or explores social issues critically. The viewer can forget the pressures society puts on him (or her) and get immersed with the easily understandable ensemble of characters.

From this it would be very easy to understand why people who have problems with social behaviour are able to deeply empathize with Anime and might develop unhealthy obsessions. Similar stuff goes with fantasy, sci-fi or even police procedurals and crime novels.

>> No.2518699
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>it´s the sickest thing ever

>> No.2518703

I"m sure that poster is perfectly aware of shittingdicknipples and the like

>> No.2518709

No, you can't really find art in modern anime and only few titles could be labelled as such from the older ones. This medium isn't about art it's about entertainment. Like the american movie industry, production studios want to make money and the best method is to appeal to the otaku community because they are the ones who buy things. Now manga is entirely different because it's more underground and not so much about money. There are intelligent anime fans as well, it's just that we don't go around shouting KAWAII DESU NE so it's harder to see the "better" fans.

>> No.2518710

Guy who wrote >>2518683

And meh. I watched Bakemonogatari. It was kind of funny, in a very niche way. Is it "art?" Sure, rather bland art. It doesn't really make much of a social commentary, or push the boundaries of the genre. But is it entertaining? Yes, just in a very dystopian, self-deprecating way.

>> No.2518712
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>> No.2518719

Yeah, I'm back.

Yes, and people thought that he was "trolling".

He had real child pornography on his hard drive, not some 2D shit.

He was also dumb enough to announce it to everyone in order to be funny on the internet. Now his entire life is ruined and he deserved it.

Bakemonogatari is one of the few shows that I watched. Are there really people who claim that Bakemonogatari is art?

Unrelated but there is no anime on the level of for example Bergman, Kieslowski, etc.
(Yes, mediums are superior to other mediums.)

>> No.2518720

I don't think it's that sick fucks are attracted to anime. It's that sick fucks just happen to be sick fucks, regardless of what they like. Look at what happens when there are school shootings. OMG ITS VIDEOGAEMZ BAN THEM THEY ARE BAD.

Before video games, it was Dungeons and Dragons.

>> No.2518722

>I know a lot of people who enjoy anime casually who possess more than adequate social skills...

I watch anime casually: the same way as I work my way through semi-recent classic western serials, I'll work my way through classic animes that passed me by, since I wasn't part of that culture until recently. So for example I've been working through both The Wire and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, both very slowly, which I think would class me as a casual viewer.

A bit like this comedian Dara O'Brian states about a hobby of playing videogames http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKIiUsbOO24 you adapt to knowing not to mention the past-time when among people who are not also enthusiasts of it. There are (as this thread demonstrates) a lot of stereotypes about anime viewers, and seeing as I'm not really interested in changing people's minds about that or worse, acclimate them to anime I just don't advertise my anime viewership.

None of my friends watches anime, to my knowledge, though I've gotten signals from one of them that they may be another closeted fan. I've always thought that it would be nice to find some friends who are also into anime so we can do e.g. Saturday night marathon-viewings. I'm not sure how to meet people on this basis, though, especially if I'm looking for someone else who is low-key about it.

>> No.2518724

>still attracted to 3DPD women

>> No.2518725
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so what does OP have to say about our arguments?

>> No.2518726

>he thinks all art isn't financially motivated and isn't produced by an industrial model of commodity production

Sorry bro, but the idea that there exists some sort of art that's pure art for consumption and not monetary gain is an outmoded concept. Art is about the frantic production of fresh waves of commodities.

>> No.2518728

I say this humbly, because I can't into anime, but it seems to me that there are multiple visual styles which have been adopted by anime and that which is chosen heavily effects characterization. Not that characters aren't often static and archetypal, just that there isn't a consistently characteristic visual style or a particularly small body of character archetypes that it draws from.

Likewise, anime seems to have various shows targeted at various age levels, which demonstrate varying degrees of metaphorical sophistication and character complexity. I fear that your argument overreaches.

I can agree, however, that anime are traditionally highly idealistic, not in the sense that they are good-intentioned, but in the sense that they present strong, fairly uncomplicated moral imperatives. Among those are certain alien cultural norms (i.e. stoic attitudes and rigid facial expressions) which appeal to people who are at odds with normal western social behavior. Likewise, a small subset of anime expresses some pretty horrifying moral positions, particularly in regards to the role of women and sex and the place of violence in society, which is attractive to people who are at odds with normal mores and ethics.

>> No.2518729

more of a niche, really
a lot of weirdos like it already, and weirdos join other weirdos and adapt their hobbies

nonetheless a lot of your arguments are only relative to your life
in my city all the people who listen to scene music like shitty post-hardcore and metalcore tend to be the biggest drug abusers

and apparently the HxC scene is the biggest anti-drug scene out there
so can't generalize with solely your encounters

>> No.2518730

>Unrelated but there is no anime on the level of for example Bergman, Kieslowski, etc.

Takahata is the only one I can think of (Grave of the Fireflies). There are probably like 10 or so other directors that are creative or talented in some way, but you're right for the most part

>> No.2518734

ahahahahaha thad got arrested that's funny as hell

anyway anime attracts weirdos for most of the same reasons science fiction and its derivatives do (in every sense, and of course it goes without saying that this is a condemnation neither of anime nor of science fiction - and its worth pointing out also that anime fandom is totally a descendant of science fiction fandom), with the added benefit that it's from a foreign culture and thus has the allure of being exotic, along with different tropes and cues which are interesting by virtue of being different (one wonders how much of the popularity of anime with nerds in america has to do with the simple fact that villains tend to dress in black, and heroes in white, in anime, a reversal of western color schemes).

so yeah, it's imaginative, it's welcoming to outcasts, and a lot of it is really quite weird on its own terms. and then a community forms around it that's intrinsically welcoming to weirdos and well that's pretty much it

>> No.2518738

I heard that LoGH is the only anime worth watching, is this true?

>> No.2518741


>> No.2518743

Not the only but I have to say it is one the best series ever made. It deals with a lot serious topics, like democrary, dictatorship, social questions, diplomacy, history etc and actually it isn't your tipical mainstream anime.

>> No.2518750

It is quite long. Bad at times, awesome at others.

>> No.2518751

If we are only talking about movies there are very talented directors in the anime industry. People like Miyazaki, Satoshi Kon, Katsuhiro Otomo aren't worse than any other top-notch director in the world.

>> No.2518755

Yeah, those guys too, and there are some others I like such as Mamoru Hosoda and Masaaki Yuasa. But it's a pretty slim list, you have to admit

>> No.2518756

>(Yes, mediums are superior to other mediums.)
It's "media," you little shit.

>> No.2518759
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>anime club

>> No.2518761

You forgot Hideaki Anno.

>> No.2518765
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is just like in one of my japanese animes

>> No.2518767


>> No.2518770

he's a sellout

>> No.2518772

lol i was just about to post this


>> No.2518775
File: 20 KB, 240x230, 1281573790814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks meaningless religious iconography and simple, outdated freudian psychology should ever be considered an equal to any great cinema
>thinks it's even near the top of the already lowly regarded anime spectrum of media

>> No.2518777

actually, if any one person ruined anime for good, it's probably anno. he's still a talented director

>> No.2518781

Well it may be slim but I'm not sure it's so bad compared to other industries if we are talking about percentages.

And this is why I don't admit in public that I'm an anime fan. Too many of these retards have given a bad name for all of us.

>> No.2518783
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Apart from that, EVA was very well made.

>> No.2518784

Anno is a total sellout, he's the Japanese George Lucas.
He used things in his anime just because it'd make him seem smart. He's admitted to this as well. One example is how he titles an episode based on Kierkegaard, but the episode has NOTHING to do with his concepts.

>> No.2518786
File: 24 KB, 300x225, every evangelion thread ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red vs Blue?

>> No.2518793

I won't argue with this.

>> No.2518796
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>> No.2518799
File: 88 KB, 636x471, evangelionisdeep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't read all the posts now, I'll reply later.

But I'm posting this now, seeing how you guys mentioned Evangelion.

It's a deep show indeed.

>> No.2518800

Please not another eva flamewar, have seen enough on /a/.

>> No.2518801

that quote reminds me that most japaneses think that black people does not exist and is an invention of america

>> No.2518804

I hope you are not serious.

>> No.2518805

yeah, there's no need for one, because as evident through every post so far, eva is shit

>> No.2518807
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Copy pasta from an /a/ on the matter:

>Because the sexualization of females which exists in many animes is awwwright. Especially if said females are portrayed as school children, or when they're given unbelievable traits of submissiveness especially during situations normal, mentally healthy people would consider to be assault / rape in real life.

>Oh, and did you know that "moe" is a pun on the word "budding" in Japanese? a clear reference to the physical appearance of preadolescences / those with bodies of preadolescences? Nothing wrong with ugly, adult men on an imageboard admiring "budding" female anime characters. Completely normal, actually

>> No.2518810

>*a poster on an /a/ thread

>> No.2518811
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How about a Bake/Nise one?

>> No.2518815

/a/, in my /lit/?

>> No.2518821

You know I don't think are any problems with fethises as long as it only exists in the mind and people know it's not real.

I come here frequently actually, it's just that why would I talk about /a/ related stuff if there are no threads about it.

>> No.2518825

Hitagi > Kanbaru > Tsukihi > Nadeko > Shinobu > Hanekawa >Mayoi

Fuck, every girl except the loli one in this show is fucking hot.

>> No.2518831
File: 366 KB, 680x1091, 1331527438933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ararararararargi

>> No.2518839

This guy is perfectly normal, right?

>> No.2518840


Is she having a seizure?

>> No.2518841

all of the characters are terrible

>> No.2518846

i wish i was

>> No.2518848

Liking anime is a lot like being gay. Some people in society are against it, so the people that like it do it in secret. This group knows how to hide their power level. You would never be able to tell them apart from anyone else, so they never get counted.

Then there's the flaming fans. They gather in groups, and act like complete social retards + wapanese in public. This is what everyone sees as an anime fan, because they are the visible fans. You'll run into them even when you're not out cruising for an anime bro.

I liked monotagari. But I'm not gonna tell my parents I did.

>> No.2518853

most people think of me as a pretty regular guy
but i actually love anime and have a passion for medieval monkish chant music, and am studying Old English and Romanian in my spare time

>> No.2518854

>Being a pedophile is like being gay.

>> No.2518855

No, but it's the same as saying video games are the cause of the agressive act of people. These men are not right in the head and yes, maybe anime or video game was the final cause to do something but if these things were non-existent something else woud have done it. It's just not right to label anime as a thing that makes people killers.

>> No.2518860
File: 586 KB, 2048x1150, logh 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like some series which requires your attention and interested in history , politics etc and remember vast array of characters then watch LoGH , otherwise don't touch it because LoGH is not for everyone , specially for those who like action and code geass fanboys who cannot accept the facts that Reinhard is the main inspiration behind Lelouch , and climax of LoGH was way better and real than fairy tale climax of Code geass

Legend Of The Galactic heroes is NOT an anime for everyone. It is a highly dialogue driven and is highly intellectual, deep and thought-provoking and unlike most of the space operas it does not any highly advanced artificial intelligence through which the main protagonist can do something over the top and marvelous and also it does not have any Intelligent extraterrestrial life forms other than human beings, which are a few reasons which makes legend of the galactic heroes really stand out from rest of the animes. Even after more than 20 years there hasn’t been a show which could mimic the likes of Legend of the galactic heroes and is the epitome of amazing and intellectual story telling the likes of which will never be surpassed by any anime or a movie. Also Shouen and die-hard action fans will be gravely disappointed as there are no attractive CG or highly exaggerated explosions or some high-tech mecha destroying everything in its path with the use of eye catchy laser beams, missiles, etc... So if you are interested in space operas and are interested in politics or military strategics, please give legend of the galactic heroes a try and when you do, there will be many emotional, engrossing moments awaiting you.

>> No.2518862

>You know I don't think are any problems with fethises as long as it only exists in the mind and people know it's not real.

Their erections and masturbation over said "fetishes" are real. What's possibly stopping them from fulfilling their "fetishes" in real life?

>> No.2518866
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No, just engoiyng oral higene.

>> No.2518869

>Highly intellectual and thought provoking.
Most of the politics in it is shit you'd learn in high school. It's good but not nearly as good as people make it out to be.

>> No.2518870


>> No.2518873

I don't think that there are typical shounen fags in this board.

Reason? I would never do anything like that in real life even though I've already fapped to rape scenes.

>> No.2518874

I'm now trying to picture the super out and flaming pedophile. He's all "Why hello there, babies". Rattle in each hand and candy necklaces and a propeller beany at a jaunty angle.

>> No.2518876

What this guy said. Normalfags love Miyazaki.

>> No.2518879


>> No.2518880

i still read one piece and hunter x hunter ^__^"""

>> No.2518881
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What bout priests?

>> No.2518885

seto no hanayome sucked

>> No.2518886

probably but that video is still fucking hilarious

>> No.2518887

This thread has turned to shit.

>> No.2518889

By the way if I link here a youtube video about a teenage girls raving about their favorite books then it means everybody here is the same? Why would you only look at the surface and post the worse things you can fins instead of trying to look behind things?

>> No.2518890
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>implying it wasn't since the OP

>> No.2518891

>Reinhard is the main inspiration behind Lelouch
Welp, guess I gotta watch this now. Thanks, /lit?

>> No.2518893

only in the sense that things continually become the things they are

>> No.2518895

>By the way if I link here a youtube video about a teenage girls raving about their favorite books then it means everybody here is the same

uhhhh yes, we're all tween girls, i assumed everyone knew that? this is a forum for tween girls to discuss literature and their lives and the problems that affect them sooooooo

>Why would you only look at the surface and post the worse things you can fins instead of trying to look behind things?

because it's funny as hell

>> No.2518904

I don't blame the anime, I blame the sick fuck otaku/weeaboos who were arguably already sociopaths before they used anime as a way to "ventilate" their frustrations. The fact that there are many animes with content (strong hebe-pedophile/borderline hebe-pedophile overtones, highly exaggerated sexual submissiveness of women, etc) marketed towards these type of people doesn't have that good of an influence on them either.There's also many stories of Japanese otaku commiting violent crimes.

>> No.2518908

I wish I'd watch Code Geass but there's just so many sequels/prequels I dunno where to start and asking /a/ would only result in "start with Boku no Pico".

>> No.2518926

I found it rather ironic that people supossed to be more intelectually developed come to call others "weirdos" or "sick fucks", you're falling under the same stereotypes we claim to hate. Haven't we learned that all people have their motivations? Is it really that bad that people get turned on by a toothbrushing scene (personally, I found it hilarious)? Some people like to masturbate to drawings, are we forgeting that big boobs are also a fetish?

And if this is just my media > your media then it's way more pathetic than I thought. Generalizations, unjustified hate, that childish "I can't understand it so it's wrong" way of think, don't be like that /lit/.

>> No.2518930

I can't understand this. There is the first and the second and that's all.

That's all. There are specials etc but they are just summaries or side stories.

>> No.2518931

Do you know how difficult it is for a bunch of manchildren with already unstable minds to suppress arousal from their deviancy?

that's as big a joke as atheism

>> No.2518933

i said weirdos, yeah, but i didn't mean it as a pejorative, i'd apply the same brush to myself

>> No.2518934
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I understand.

I understand you're a sick fuck.

>> No.2518939


>> No.2518941

"unstable minds" lol what are you trying to be a psychologist or smth

>> No.2518942

i see your autistic too

>> No.2518952

you always kind of expect people who slag anime to come out and say; well, i like this one... and you expect to be something genuinely good in a humble way... and then they give you some ambiguous vague shit and you realise that alot of these people are really really narrow minded and they use these experimental bullshit pieces of "art" to make up for that.

>> No.2518956

I actually think your discrimination and narrow mind are way more dangerous than people masturbating to anime characters.

>> No.2518962

I got just one question for everyon on this board: >Why would anyone masturbate to cartoons?

>> No.2518965

it probably is kind of the same reason people masturbate to oranges being crushed

>> No.2518967

Why would anybody got aroused from getting beat up? Actually I think if you like anything other than missionary position you are a sick fuck. It's a fetish you can't explain it.

>> No.2518972
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>> No.2518975
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Well excuse me if I find adult men being entertained by provocative cartoon portrayals of little girls a wee bit unusual.

Picture related, this is the type of shit many otaku actually have the nerve to defend and justify to society.

>> No.2518980
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>missionary position

>> No.2518982

just take it easy, dude

the world is a beautiful place...

>> No.2518984

I don't think you can find anybody who is willing to defend the loli genre. On the other hand if you look at this actually if phedophil people can get satisfaction from this and then it's not need to do it in real life it's not such a bad thing. And here I am defendind this...oh well.

This isn't /a/, chill

>> No.2518987

Unfortunately there are those types that think that anything the slightest bit different from the norm is groundbreaking and artistic. The powerpoint that was the show had pretty slides, and a few thought out quips.
Not bad, not art though.

>> No.2518989

man, ive always hated these literature nerds,
you guys are seriously the most narrow minded-

>> No.2518991

Look at it this way*

>> No.2518992
File: 184 KB, 400x566, thom yorke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you just ignore these blaring faults it's still very good.

>> No.2518995

id say pretty much everybody i know secretly watched anime

>> No.2518997
File: 26 KB, 540x306, nhk-540x306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest, we've all jacked it to a cartoon at some point in our fapping career.

>> No.2518998

Faults? The only fault there is that EVA is not DEEP enough for you.

>> No.2519000

And that it is shit.

>> No.2519003

>a wee bit unusual

Posting on 4chan is a little bit unusual, it's not about the recurrence of the fact, you have already stablished that by calling them sick fucks and implying that eventually they could rape someone.

You can disagree with them, but you can't say they're sick and are a danger to society just because of that, the correlations between media and psychopathic acting are almost always wrong, don't need to keep forcing them.

>> No.2519006
File: 39 KB, 365x361, 1331230399837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever man.

>> No.2519014

someone offered that anno was a competitor for one of the top artistic minds in the anime field, another challenged it, someone then said that besides the criticism it was good, and then someone agreed with the criticism

what exactly though are you arguing here? if you mean to say, really, that the reason anyone dislikes it is because it's not deep enough is fallacious. the reason most dislike it is because it tries so hard to be too deep, and falls flat on its face in the attempt

though you're welcome to reply with another whatever if you please

>> No.2519016
File: 48 KB, 400x205, Mii-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think you can find anybody who is willing to defend the loli genre

Besides, there is no such thing as a "loli" genre. That scene is from a "Seinen" anime. They're any type of anime directed towards adult male audiences, specifically those 18-30 years of age. These are the type of anime most otaku prefer. Go on /a/ and make a thread about Pokemon (Shonen) and you'll get nothing but flame responses.

Here's another scene from a "Seinen" anime. That upskirt would've been arguably harmless if it weren't for the additionally visible camel toe. Only a complete tool wouldn't noticed these type of animes are geared towards sick fucks.

>> No.2519021
File: 92 KB, 1033x513, 1239586767897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is from an NTR rape doujin. But hey, it's better than the average person on /lit/, who thinks Harry Potter is high literature and that Sartre is the only philosopher that has ever existed. Actually having having unique interests that lead to some original insight is only capable for people who are extremely anti-social. Even if it's in pedophile cartoons, at least otaku have expertise in something, rather than being bandwagon jumping morons.

>> No.2519022

I'm from /a/ actually and throwing shit at somebody is not equal to defending things. If you go to /a/ you are not going to get any real arguments.By the way seinen isn't a genre either and I was mainly talking about hentai featuring loli characters. So for example there is this film called " The Serbian Film" and based on this or other gore/grotesque movies I can say that all movies are aimed at sick fucks? I'm still saying it's harmless as long as it is not practiced in real life. Studies show that men who watch porn are less likely to think about raping woman in real life so if phedophiles can get pleasures from this and won't do that to real children I'm okay with it.

>> No.2519026

>Actually having having unique interests that lead to some original insight is only capable for people who are extremely anti-social.

So true!

>> No.2519032

>Studies show that men who watch porn are less likely to think about raping woman in real life

So wrong, Ted Bundy committed many wrongful deeds only because of pornography. He admitted that even.

>> No.2519033
File: 213 KB, 480x360, 1332301861350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because /lit/ is the most intelligent board on 4chan

/sci/ here, thank you for not shitting up our board with this drivel.

My condolences to the /lit/bros and a polite sage.

>> No.2519037


Your trip exhibits depravity better than any other I have ever seen.

>> No.2519038

Ted Bundy was awesome

>> No.2519039

Cool story bro, but weeaboos should learn people connect sociopath behaviors with anime for a reason.

Nobody does that for no fucking reason.

>> No.2519044


Why can't I hold all these fallacies.

>> No.2519046

Never intended to argue. And the tripfag agreed it's not DEEP enough for him.
I enjoy it for what it is.

>> No.2519047

You're an idiot if you think Bundy was being dead serious and regretful when he blamed pornography. Dude was a completely cold and manipulative sociopath.

>> No.2519048


>> No.2519051

I don't really care. As long they know they're sick fucks by the end of day and that their annie mays do indeed play a role in it,

>> No.2519068

You have to be the most close-minded person I've ever come across to on 4chan.

>> No.2519077

PROTIP: People associate those same traits with philosophers. Doesn't keep them from being superior human beings who influence society in ways that are totally alien to you, even as they don't give a shit about what it thinks or even its existence.

>> No.2519080


>Implying you can actually give particular logical fallacies because none exists.

Besides, isn't weeaboos using annie may's non-fiction as crunch logically fallacious to begin with?

>> No.2519086

2 bad animes odn't do that

>> No.2519087

Do you really believe that anime and a Japan is awesome mentality are either unique or original? I don't even agree with the trip arguing, but man is that some horrible reasoning you're using there.

>> No.2519091

You people just keep changing the subject of discussion.

>> No.2519099
File: 6 KB, 195x251, 1332608075389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People associate those same traits with philosophers. Doesn't keep them from being superior human beings who influence society in ways that are totally alien to you,

>implying one can't choose to disagree with a philosophy or not.

If the Greeks didn't philosophize about it, it's wrong.

>> No.2519110

What I don't understand is how people in their late teens and early adulthood can watch anime. It seems like most anime is targeted at little children with all those high-school-aged, cutesy characters with high-pitched voices and "kawaii" bullshit. I hate that shit.

>> No.2519116

What part of "sick fucks" do you not understand?

>> No.2519120

Yes, that's why after a while you turn to manga and/or 70's 80's 90's anime which had more complex stories. And that kawaii bullshit is what keeping the industry alive, sad but true.

>> No.2519127

You really are annoying.

>> No.2519128

Well I can't understand adults playing videogames, or watching sports, or even reading epic fantasy sagas.

But I don't hate them.

>> No.2519129


I am not that person, but are you saying that it cannot be either of those things? If that is true, your reasoning is a lot worse than his.

>> No.2519132

KyoAni and Anno killed the anime industry.

>> No.2519137

Except that video games give you quality entertainment and let's you be the main character plus they can be very profound and intellectual unlike of any anime. When I say video games, that doesn't apply to VNs, they are shit as well.

>> No.2519138


If a person likes only anime that have no sex or sexual implications in them, is he still a sick fuck?

>> No.2519140

So here's my media > your media again, which wasn't even the topic of discussion to begin with.

Also I like videogames and I strongly disagree with you.

>> No.2519141

Anime can't be profound and intellectual? I think you are the typical "haven't seen anything only heard about it but I know it's shit" person. Maybe try Ghost in the Shell, Perfect Blue, Memories, Mushishi and I could name a lot more. Just because you don't know the titles doesn't make them non-existent.

>> No.2519149

Ghost in the Shell is shit, Perfect Blue is shit, I never watched Mushishi and Memories. There's only one good anime and that is Bebop

>> No.2519150


>> No.2519155

Bebop is so profound and intellectual?Right, i think I'm talking to a troll so I won't argue further.

>> No.2519164

Yeah, go watch your Keions and Milky Holmes.

>> No.2519171

I want /v/ to leave.

>> No.2519174

You're trying way too hard by comparing all of those broad terms with even broader enthusiasts to something as direct as Seinen anime.

Just stop, you retarded weeaboos.

>> No.2519178

Guess what? It isn't happening.
I want /a/ to leave.
We hate you, also stop talking about us all the time on your board, we know that you secretly love us.

>> No.2519185
File: 141 KB, 800x810, white hot analpocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay delusional.

>> No.2519192

And here comes the /a/ vs /v/ with their entry level shows shitposting. I'm out I won't pollute this board.

>> No.2519248

anime characters have big expressive eyes and easily read facial expressions which makes them a good analog for troublesome "real" human interaction. I'm not going to pass judgment on the thematic, philosophical and ideological content of the stories these characters act in but like in most cartoons the characters are one-dimensional, exaggerated and predictable, these are also preferable traits to those of the more subtle kind in real human beings.

>> No.2519373

Are there any books like Legend of Galactic Heroes?

>> No.2519438

The medium was always fueled by titillation and pandering. But, ever since anno this characteristic is now wrapped with pretentious pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.2519442

Saged and reported for off-topic tripfag bullshit

>> No.2519449

>The medium was always fueled by titillation and pandering.
to some degree, but after eva there was a huge explosion in it..

>> No.2519491


This is what makes it all so funny. Despite anno admitting that all the symbolism was bullshit. People still cling to belief that there is more meaning to it.

>> No.2519492

Wait, what's so good about LOGH in the first place? It's basically like a telenovela in space.

>> No.2519494
File: 187 KB, 1418x817, evangelion is deep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. People like picture related.

>> No.2519517
File: 59 KB, 400x616, whatdoesreilike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't like Evangelion on this board?
Wow, /lit/ is smarter than /a/.

>> No.2519519


It's really far reaching too, the influence that is. The popular trend now is to play with traditional genre's by inserting more "artsy" and "deep" elements. Magical girl anime that have "deep" or "dark" ideas [Madoka], artsy Harems [Monogatari] and combat shonens that try to be artsy and deep: Bleach's HEART or when the author writes meaningless poetry at the beginning of each graphic novel or Naruto's DARKNESS and BONDS. It's one of the reasons why I don't watch much anime anymore.

>> No.2519532


>appealing to authorial intent

Really now? What year is this again?

>> No.2519537

That's not a popular trend, I mean yes you have some pretentious shit but most of it, now, before and most likley in the future is moemoe SOL or power level shit.

>> No.2519544


That's Freudian shit though....

>> No.2519549

author of the story of this picture is woman

>> No.2519550

I doubt that Anno had any of that shit in mind when he was making Eva.

>> No.2519551

>Because /lit/ is the most intelligent board on 4chan, I decided to post this here.

I think /sci/ may be smarter. Does anyone actually have any data? It should be relatively easy to set up a system to measure IQ and ask users to select a primary board.

>> No.2519555

who has succeeded at making money off old perverted men

>> No.2519558

why should we care about your opinion, you're lang reform guy

>> No.2519562


IQ is only a sufficient means to measure intelligence if one abides by the definition of the word that the advocates of the theory originally suggested; it is thus impoverished, and, most probably, the only reason why anybody would even consider /lit/ to be of equal intelligence to /sci/. Let's leave things the way they are.

>> No.2519566

knowledge in maths ≠ intelligent

now we got that thing straight.

>> No.2519567


That's just anime fans being anime fans. They seem to have little experience with other mediums and the writing in their medium is generally godawful. Which makes them easily impressed with anything that isn't written for someone in high school.

>> No.2519585

it's a pretty good and exciting show though

>> No.2519599

I second OP's view. In anime cons, the majority of people are smelly retarded fucks. When almost everyone in there are like that, people can't simply dismiss it as worthless anecdotal evidence and correlation =/= causation.

The likely reason why anime appeals to those weird people is not just because anime is escapism but also because the characters and their actions don't conform to the norms of the society. For example, the characters in most anime NEVER change their clothes. Think about it.

>> No.2519600

Great answer, that actually makes so much of sense. They have little experience with other mediums and thus they're easily impressed with their animu shit.

>> No.2519622


>> No.2519634

No idea what this post means.

No one said they were identical. But they correlate pretty well.

Because I am right and it is interesting. The data from previous studies on IQ per major are interesting.

>> No.2519645

Just gonna drop this here


>> No.2519650
File: 196 KB, 1600x900, The-best-top-desktop-south-park-wallpapers-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEVER change their clothes

>> No.2519657

I like anime because it is cheesy, dumb, and hilarious. It also blends weird, dark themes with goofy humor in much the same manner as a Ralph Bakshi film. And if you are the kind of person that has enough appreciation for silly, random humor and trippy as fuck stories, you will like anime for the same reasons.

Watch something like Dominion Tank Police or Outlaw Star if you want to get a sense for why people actually like anime. There is a good reason the video store in my hometown has kept these on the shelf for over a decade

>> No.2519668
File: 388 KB, 498x460, Angel Beats!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is pretty much an Anime General thread, I'll use this opportunity to ask this:

Is Angel Beats! good?

>> No.2519671


Anime fans are typically Young and the Restless fans in the making

>> No.2519676


. . .jesus. . .

>> No.2519677


>> No.2519683


It's okay.

>> No.2519685

Typical anime with a retarded male getting special powers and being bullied by dominant girls with a dash of fan service. The male also never gets laid.

>> No.2519688

So it's pretty much like Haruhi and Bakemonogatari. Thanks.

>> No.2519693

You've got your stereotypes way wrong. Anime fans are typically either twenty something hipster/stoner/goth types, or teenagers that think of themselves as homosexual.

Also, /a/ has an logo hardon because it's one of only 3-5 anime series that actually has a mature-acting adult main character. It's the first time many /a/fags have encountered a character who is actually a positive role model for them.

>> No.2519696


The main female is a haruhi rip off and so is the whole club.

>> No.2519706


Actually, anime fans are real young these days. The 20 something hipster crowd has moved away from anime, the demo graph is now teenage/ college aspies.


>> No.2519719

>claims /lit/ to be the smartest board
>everyone is STILL posting in a troll thread

>> No.2519732

Yeah, including you.

>> No.2519736

yeah i used to watch tons of anime when i was like 14-16 but I don't any more because most of it is terrible

>> No.2519829

This is why anime fans are pathetic.

>> No.2519851

in the bus in seventh grade i got into a fight with this socially-inept weaboo girl and told her that the reason she idealized anime was because anime girls were thin and feminine and she was neither.

later we told our teacher about it after we'd made up and she told us that "just because you can analyze something doesn't mean you should say your results outloud."

>> No.2519855

lol i clicked on /a/ like an hour ago because of this thread and that was literally the first thread I saw

>> No.2519871
File: 87 KB, 314x388, 1325098296595 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching anything even remotely moe

>> No.2519874

>mfw Tripfag wants someone to psychoanalyze him and why he likes manga


>> No.2519927


Well,let's see, Dune, the Foundation trilogy, and the Honor Harrington series all come to mind. You may also enjoy Starship Troopers.

>> No.2519962

I just downloaded LOGH thanks to this thread, I'm hoping for something amazing, it better be as good as everyone says it is.

>> No.2519973

>it better be as good as everyone says it is
It's as entertaining as reading a history book. Most of the 100+ episode show is filled with copypasta battle scenes.

>> No.2519994

I watched TTGL once. It was good. I tried watching a few other animes. They were terrible and I couldn't stand them.

>> No.2520002

>reading Free Republic

I know it's far too late for this to do anything but please go away we don't want your kind here

>> No.2520009

Funny how many other people in this thread confess to being in-the-closet amongst their IRL friends, about being casual anime fans.

I think that this is due to the fact that anime has ...that reputation... and moreover, to introduce anime to somebody new, would require the patience and fervor of an LDS missionary. It's a new & foreign medium to them, on top of which, any self-respecting exemplar of it will require dozens of hours of viewing, lest it be said that the newcomer "just didn't give it a chance."

>> No.2520083

whats wrong with free republic you faggot leftist.

>> No.2520097

whoah I didn't even notice that. and the freaking daily mail too? please..

>> No.2520140

Anime clubs have that clique thing that "sick fucks" don't otherwise get to experience since they have a hard time relating to other people. It's a safe place that's somewhat removed from the rest of the world, so they don't have to be afraid of being criticized for their weirdness because it's taken as a given.

>> No.2520165

Every other medium produces weird groups.
Anime just isn't mainstream, so it takes particular individuals (weeaboos, sick fucks, immature, or open minded) to discover it.
You could argue literature isn't as mainstream anymore, and it also takes a particular individuals (escapists, hipsters, intellectuals, or romantics) to discover it.

>> No.2520205

I don't think the issue is wierd fans so much as dysfunctional fandom.

>> No.2520209

>implying there aren't several times more actual pedophiles on /tv/

>> No.2520249

I say we go outside and burn some weeaboos with all of their cartoons and child pornography. We do not more scum in OUR world.

>> No.2520289

Except normals are sheepish morons who are totally incapable of criticizing people directly and the worst reproach they have to someone they dislike is that they are "weird" "awkward" or in the most egregious cases "creepy". Only the most socially retarded otaku are visible to you because that's the only level you work at. The rest of us laugh as we use you to get hook-ups for drugs or work to fuel our hobbies. I guarantee you, if you highly value your "social life", you probably aren't self-aware or misanthropic enough to be proper intellectual.

>> No.2520296

that's a very interesting way of looking at the world, i'm glad you've shared it with us

>> No.2520308
File: 54 KB, 600x450, 1326593388926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon.

>> No.2520313

ugh, if only I could have as much fun as it looks like those guys are having

>> No.2520318

But what kind of fun? What kind of fun are those monkey having?

>> No.2520327


Well, Mr. Butthurt, you're obviously lashing out inscriminately at the "normies" because the comments of a few of them are directed at the unhygenic and socially dysfunctional subgroup of anime fans that you identify yourself with.

>> No.2520329

I fap to things that turn me on.
If you can't comprehend it, fuck off.

>> No.2520333

good fun, and a lot of it

>> No.2520336

Good? What would you consider good?

>> No.2520338


Normal people typically don't like anime, because it's often for losers, but normal people can like other nerdy things and being accepted now. Really, the difference between normal people and...dorks (?) is that the former is just socially competant. Your hobbies don't really make the difference. It's how socially aware or able you are. When you're socially aware, you stop doing stupid shit that only dorks do, like wear video game shirts or larp. You stop watching anime as much because you realize it's not popular with most people, and you learn to like other things. When you're not as aware, you keep on doing those things, and write off the differences between yourself and others as a matter of taste and occasionally feel like shit for being at the bottom of the social ladder.

And I use the word "normal" completely facetiously here, because it doesn't really exist.

>> No.2520342

something one enjoys

>> No.2520412

What a perfect example of being a normal. You rationalize the fact that you're totally beholden to the gaze of the other, and then play it off as being ironic.

>> No.2520417

>not liking bakeshit

>> No.2520523

i'm not going to read the thread because i'm tired
but this is the thing, i think going an "anime club" is fucking weird
i know that if i liked anime i would keep it quiet as fuck
as it is i never watch it on purpose, for the same reason i don't watch certain kinds of pornography
i might end up liking it, and become some sort of deviant

>> No.2520549

People who generally watch anime has some sort of mental defect.

>> No.2520563
File: 223 KB, 604x500, 1333010868123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, OP, next let's talk about how healthy and lovable all authors are. I dare you to find me an author of literary fiction who wasn't a self loathing, self defeating, autoeroticizing sonofabitch.

Also, this:

>> No.2520576

Because anime is funny you dolt.

>> No.2520589

>And don't give me some logical fallacies bullshit like "he also breathed oxygen, breathing oxygen makes you a killer!", etc, because that simply doesn't work here. How come every anime fan I know is some filthy creep who doesn't even shower. In the local anime club, there's not a single person without something wrong with them.
That's not quite the same thing. Maybe if there was a "breathing oxygen club" to compare it to. Many people watch anime, but only a small subset of those obsess over anime and make little clubs and don't do anything else. Those people tend to have a screw less to begin with.

>> No.2520647

hurrr durr stereotypes, two anime fans i know are fucked up therefore all anime fans are bad! generalizations and stereotypes