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2517406 No.2517406 [Reply] [Original]

Books you stole in High School:
>Pic related
>Things Fall Apart
>Fighting Ruben Wolfe
>Catch Me if You Can

Gentleman Thieves general.

>> No.2517415

Paradise Lost
My Last Sigh
nothing else, really. My library was pretty poorly stocked.

>> No.2517425

I always thought of it as a kind of Robin Hood-ing, better it sits on my shelf and gets read than either A) Collect dust on a shelf or B) Is beaten daily by being jostled around in backpacks by kids assigned to read them.

>> No.2517428

The Great Gatsby, The Castle, Amerika I have stolen countless books in my time, mostly from Barnes and Noble.

>> No.2517435

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.2517455

Two copies of Les Miserables, unabridged.

>> No.2517461

Did you have trouble reaching the cookie jar?

>> No.2517499

Animal Farm
Coming up for the Air
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (No Joke, this was the first time it had been removed from the library since it was acquired)
Grapes of Wrath
Of Mice and Men
Time Machine/Invisible Man
Paradise Lost
Fear and Loathing
Teacher's Editions of 2 year old versions of Textbooks in AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP European History, AP Literature, AP Grammer

Funny story, the school was moving and half the shit they were either donating or throwing away.

>> No.2517505


I stole a total of 8 dictionaries during my senior year. It was kind of a challenge to see how many I could collect my last semester. That's about it though

>> No.2517511

I stole most of the textbooks this year so I'm not liable if I lose them.

Also, pirated ebooks. That kinda counts.

>> No.2517527

i stole a physics textbook

>> No.2517533

"Thieves," and "Gentleman," are antonymous.

>> No.2517570

from the ages of 12-14 i stole these, last year i got a kindle so my irl criminal days are over

kipps, war of the worlds, the time machine
julius caesar, macbeth, othello, king lear, the rape of lucrece, henry IV, henry V
hard times, oliver twist, pickwick papers
the raven, metamorphosis
kidnapped, 39 steps, coral island, call of the wild, robinson crusoe, king solomon's mines, the three musketeers, little women
paradise lost, canterbury tales, tess of the durbevilles
3 books from the redwall series
the first harry potter and artemis fowl which i gave back

>> No.2517572

lolita, thus spoke zarathustra, the birth of tragedy, the namesake, two copies of the kite runner, more philosophy, some virginia woolf, the great gatsby

>> No.2517576

I was about to say you have no taste, but I saw Henry V and King Lear.
So I'm going to say you have good taste in plays. A shame that more people don't read Henry V.

>> No.2517578

Sophomore year my English teacher lent me a copy of The Fountainhead because she had won an Objectivist contest thing-y and a trillion copies were sent to her.

Read it, never gave it back, and I've been an asshole ever since.

>> No.2517604

I stole Nine Stories. Still never bothered to read it given how unpleasant Catcher in the Rye was.

>> No.2517612

I stole Fever 1793 and one of the His Dark Materials books in middle school, that's about it.

>> No.2517630

Johnny Got his Gun
I, Judas

>> No.2517634


Read it dude, 6 of dem stories are phenomenal.

>> No.2517647

i had no guidance :(..... and i was afraid of the adult section
henry v is great, i played the duke of Gloucester in a one man performance of it at a working men's club open mic comedy night
greatest 10 minutes of my life

>> No.2517654

>Things Fall Apart

Your highschool library had all those?

>> No.2517901

lord of the flies

>> No.2517918

Holy shit, I've been feeling very bad for stealing book. I thought I was the only one. I stole Huckleberry Finn and A literature Textbook. This thread made me feel better.

>> No.2517925
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I regret nothing.

>> No.2517927

Am I the only one who thought this book was unreadable waffle?

>> No.2517931

The Catcher in the Rye (we were assigned it and I just found it in a pile a few weeks ago)

>> No.2517940

>mfw so many of you are still in highschool.

>> No.2517953

surprise surprise
it's a pretentious forum on the internet, brother.

>> No.2517955

admit it you just watched apocalypse now and assumed it was the same story.

>this guy did not consider it waffle

>> No.2517956

>library had those?
not any more

>> No.2517957

>stealing Kafka books
Wasting time AND effort, bravo!

>> No.2517979

Accidentally kidnapped Heart of Darkness, L'Etranger ((In French)), The Myth of Sisyphus, Candide,1984. and received a free copy of The Mayor of Casterbridge that they were just throwing out.

>> No.2517987

>the catcher in the rye
>To kill a mockingbird
>the hobbit
>the name of the rose
>animal farm

>> No.2518060

>the Golden Compass
> 4 copies of 1984
> A Brave New World
> Fahrenheit 451
> 2 copies of each book of Lord of the Rings
> Slaughterhouse 5

Books I inserted into the library, ninja like?

>3 Copies Kama Sutra
>Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
> Jitterbug Perfume
> Galapagos
> 4 copies of Lamb
> Fluke
>The Good Earth
> Animorphs
> Boxcar series

I had a weird relationship with that tiny, outdated library. I stole a bunch of books, but I also gave them a lot of books by just plugging them in after writing "Secret donation to NCHS library".

I doubt, with the fanatically conservative librarian (she gave me several bibles throughout the years to make sure I read it, god save my soul, I guess)... but some may be.

>> No.2518076

I never stole any books, because I am not a thief.

>> No.2518079

>>2518076 here again.
On second thought, I actually did. But it was accidental... :( Fuck

>> No.2518101

"A calendar of events in Australian History", published 1932

Fucking best book ever

>> No.2518117

Of Mice and Men
A Christmas Carol

>> No.2518120

You are also not a logician, I reckon.

>> No.2518122
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Only from the teachers that I hated, which was all of my middle school English teachers but only one of my high school teachers. Needless to say, I got a lot of books from those schools-

>All of the Harry Potter books except the last one
>two math, one English, one bio, one physical sciences textbook
>probably five of the Redwall books
>The Odyssey
>at least 20 more that I don't have anymore.

I made out pretty good. The textbooks were half to spite the teachers and half because I didn't pay enough attention and I knew they'd come in handy later on.

>> No.2518126

I steal in real life like I steal in Elder Scrolls games: Only money so it won't be a hassle to get rid of it.

>> No.2518148
File: 67 KB, 500x500, book thief..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole this book.

>> No.2518171

Le Morte d'Arthur
Catcher in the Rye
A book about the history of Vigilantism
Another book about television's impact on the mind

>> No.2518225
File: 73 KB, 550x600, 1tatamigalaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All Quiet On The Western Front
>Cat's Cradle
>The American
>European History textbook
>3 Plays of Anton Chekov

That's it really, my school's actual library was a bit small. The township's library was just next door though. I quit stealing stuff when the security guard (we only had one) was looking into student's cars in the parking lot throughout the day for stolen books (?) Yeah, I'm still confused by that one.

I still haven't worked up the nerve to take books from Barnes & Nobles. I'm afraid there's going to be a sensor I miss.

>> No.2518929

great gatsby

>> No.2519639

i bumpity dumpity

>> No.2519772

So has anyone actually stolen Steal This Book?

>> No.2519791

A textbook on Ancient Civilizations. I liked my English teachers too much to piss 'em off.