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/lit/ - Literature

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2513451 No.2513451 [Reply] [Original]

American Literature.

Which region of the United States has produced the best literature, and why?


>> No.2513457

the mid atlantic

>> No.2513456


Not sure why

>> No.2513461

uneducated people will say the south because of twain and faulkner. they're wrong

>> No.2513463
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>> No.2513464


>> No.2513466
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>People who disagree with me are uneducated

>I'm not going to answer the question myself, though.

>> No.2513470

That seems okay though
Also just maybe because for the largest part of American history, the East Coast was the most densely populated part of the States.

>> No.2513473

It depends on what you're looking for. The northeast was the best for transcendentalism, and that is my favorite american lit.

>> No.2513474

Not sure, but it's somewhere along the east coast.

>> No.2513476

melville, whitman, stevens, barth, gaddis, new york school poets, pynchon

>> No.2513483

east coast. i can't think of anything noteworthy from california . i don't know where cormac is from but the inspiration for his stories is like the central southern portion so even that beats the west side. goddamnit california sucks

>> No.2513487

>notice a tripfag in the thread
>feeling adventurous, I unfilter him to see what he has to say
> immediately regret what I did

I'll wait a few more months before I give one another chance.

>> No.2513489

Either the Northeast or the Midwest.

Since when is Twain a "Southern" writer? If I had to associate him with a region, it would be West, then Northeast, then South.

>> No.2513493

I don't know. He did fight for the Confederacy.

>> No.2513497

I disagree. While of course American lit is influenced by Europe (where the whole western canon at the time was written) all the European style lit here we attempted to copy from Europe sucked ass and was written by hack New Englanders who were too afraid to do something different. It's only when we broke away that we came into our own and started making good stuff.

>> No.2513499

Steinbeck, Jack London.

>> No.2513501

that's why I said they're uneducated lol!!!

but yeah, you're probably right

>> No.2513521
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>> No.2513548

>Twain not a Southern writer
>Most important books set in antebellum South, dialogue often entirely in Southern dialect, themes centering around Southern issues like slavery
>Started his own Confederate militia

If we're going to identify him with a particular region then how could it not be the South?

>> No.2513570


Yeah he was southern these guys are just buttpained.

It's not like Twain is even the best American writer anyways.

>> No.2513580

Twain wrote children's books. So eh..

>> No.2513591

East Coast. Is this even a question?

>> No.2513599

New York.
Because up until the internet generation only yankees were published.

>> No.2513603


Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn are definitely not for children.

>> No.2513619

Pretty sure he wrote Tom Sawyer partly for children, at least.

>> No.2513622

Cormac McCarthy is from Tennessee

I'm going to say the South.

McCarthy, Faulkner, Twain, Welty, O'Connor, Allison, Crews, Lee, Mitchell

Love that southern lit.

>> No.2513637
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when I see things like this, i think maybe there's hope for /lit/ after all

>> No.2513641


"I wrote 'Tom Sawyer' & 'Huck Finn' for adults exclusively, & it always distressed me when I find that boys and girls have been allowed access to them." - Mark Twain

>> No.2513651


Thanks. I try to bring some reason to /lit. Sometimes it feels like an uphill struggle, and other times it's just more fun to troll.

>> No.2513655

"Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account, for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in."

From the preface to Tom Sawyer. What a mystery we have here

>> No.2513660


That Mark guy just ain't right...

>> No.2513667

fave american writers are:
mark twain
flannery o'connor
eudora welty

he wasn't in for more than a few weeks. i think twain was familiar with grant and sherman after the war too. by this time he was really famous.

>> No.2513668

After looking into it, these quotes are apparently separated by 30 years, so I don't know if we can blame him. IIRC he even misremembered the name of one of his own characters from Tom Sawyer when writing her in Huck Finn

>> No.2513670



>> No.2513672

you named my three fave american writers. thus i like you.

>> No.2513673

>i have never read a book in my life

>> No.2513725


What books did he write that were set in the antebellum South? Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn are frontier books.

Not only was Twain a friend of Grant's, he edited and published Grant's autobiography. Why did these two connect with each other? They both thought of themselves as Westerners and as Americans, all-inclusive.

>> No.2513754

>Not only was Twain a friend of Grant's, he edited and published Grant's autobiography

ahhhh that's right! i forgot. i saw a documentary a while back. i think by ken burns. anyhow, i think it made twain a lot of money. and here's something cool. i'm reading grant's memoirs right now. only about 5% in around the annexation of texas. started it the other day. i'm surprised at how easy it is to read. i was expecting the kind of pretentious vernacular of the times.

>> No.2513756

If I had to pick a state and per capita, I'd go with Missouri.

Twain, Heinlein, William S Burroughs, hell even TS Eliot was born there

>> No.2513757
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>american literature thread
>hemingway isn't mentioned

>> No.2513769

I'd still go with New York.

>> No.2513774

It's because he's from the midwest

>> No.2513784

Qualification: per capita

>> No.2513908


Using "quotation marks" doesn't make your post any "less retarded".

>> No.2513921

i'm an outsider to this "discussion", but i would just like to add i "like" "quotation marks" when "used" for "comedic timing"

>> No.2513926

Twain, Hemingway, Joyce, this list could go on..

>> No.2513927

Here is the list that you all know to be true:

1. East/Northeast
2. South
3. Midwest
4. Everybody else

>> No.2513943

North East and the South.

They were more populated than the rest of US more the vast majority of it's history.

>> No.2515687

Yes, I took that into consideration. I'd still go with New York.

>> No.2517384



This is a joke... right?

>> No.2517405

Yeah, how could that guy list Joyce and forget about Jesus Christ? America's greatest writor

>> No.2517420


Or Tolstoy. He was a much better American writer than any of these people.

>> No.2517423

Maybe he meant Joyce Carol Oates.

>> No.2517433


Well he was listing last names, so I'm assuming it's the Irish Joyce.

>> No.2517450
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>Tolstoy awakens on his Texan dude ranch, the sun is low in the sky. He fries three eggs and eats them sunny-side up. Sophia comes into the screened-in porch, where her husband is silently watching the sun rise over the shrubland.
>Gonna be another hot one today, Soph.
>Gonna need ta get more rope from the shed yonder. Horses've been spooked since the heat lightning.
>Tolstoy takes a swig from the open brandy bottle kept at the side of the door and leaves as Sophia stares after him.
>The Silverton Sonata