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/lit/ - Literature

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2514332 No.2514332 [Reply] [Original]

favourite book thread

>> No.2514336

Way too overrated.

>> No.2514337
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>> No.2514344

it fucked up my grammar during and a little after reading it.

>> No.2514673
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If if your favorite book isn't one of these, you're not a true /lit/izen.

>> No.2514679
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Chinaski is a great character.

>> No.2514682

I really really didn't like Post Office.

>> No.2514698
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I honestly, seriously think "V." is my favourite novel.

I'm not sure, though.

>> No.2514701
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>> No.2514702
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Read these books when I was 10. Fuck I love these books. still reading them somewhat often

>> No.2514705
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>> No.2514706
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Le procès Verbal (the interrogartion) --Le Clézio

Totally unrelated:

>> No.2514709

what's not to like about Post Office

obviously not Buk's best novel (that'd be Ham on Rye) but c'mon what's the problem

>> No.2514711

I don't know, I read Pulp first, then Ham on Rye, then Women and by the time I was on Post Office I felt it was just...I don't know I just didn't like it much man.

>> No.2514722

post office was the first thing i read by bukowski aside from a few poems i saw online and i immediately and deeply enjoyed it. my first reaction was like "holy shit someone published this and they stock it at barnes & noble? this is considered literature?"

i was at a family reunion and pretty much ignored my entire extended family while i devoured the book in one sitting

>> No.2514861
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I don't think this is my favorite, but this is the first that came to mind.

I don't do "favorites" with books the same why I do with albums.

>> No.2514878

Do you agree that Pynchon is a big tease? There are moments of greatness but usually it's not that amazing, i'm sure you would disagree on that. It's like he can write an amazing, surreal, crazy story but he chooses not to and instead goes on rambling and it's not really that interesting.

Just reading it, near the end I felt really frustrated because I knew he could of made it so awesome. Theres a part near the end where they are running around the street and I just thought this could be so damn good but it isn't and he did it on purpose.

Pic related is my favourite.

>> No.2514883
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pic didn't work

>> No.2514884

>>>holy shit someone published this and they stock it at barnes & noble? this is considered literature?"

Bukowski's target market in a nutshell.

>> No.2514890
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mm hmmmm

>> No.2514907

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ totally awe inspriring review of religion :D

>> No.2514914
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The only time travel fiction that does time travel right

>> No.2514915
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>> No.2514930
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>> No.2514943

I'd say Pynchon doesn't write to be "awesome." He does not take himself that seriously. Pynchon's entire body of work is what I'd call lofty buffoonery, or intellectual slapstick. This is a man who writes poems about nosejobs, and elegant prose about priests falling in love with a disciple rat.

He's having fun, but presenting it in a very serious and intellectually contrived way. He's inviting you to have fun with him, and not take it all so seriously.

>> No.2514954

incredibly boring, objectively.
and subjectively, most of the books posted itt are terrible and entry level (tip: is 1984 is still your favorite book, you need to graduate from adolescence)

>> No.2514977

Yes definetely, thats very obvious for anyone who reads him. But it isn't that enjoyable. There's moments of clarity that are fantastic in Gravitys Rainbow and then hundreds of pages of boring writing.

I would of thought an author would want there read to read an amazing work and totally love it, not having to be serious. I love it when it;s sought of not serious and I definitely love novels that are experimental, don't give a shit about literary rules, have lots of fantasy like Gravitys Rainbow.

That first chapter of Gravitys Rainbow blew me away, I thought Pynchon was going to be my main man.

>> No.2514987

Objectively boring? why are you even bothering trying to troll. Someone says this is my favorite book, they obviously loved it and found it enthralling and not boring. The someone tells them oh that's objectivity boring, why would they get mad if they know in themselves they loved it..

retarded troll

>> No.2514989
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>> No.2515000

Is this a real book!?

>> No.2515037

>objectively boring
>based on my subjective opinion

troll harder, faggot

>> No.2515071

>why would they get mad if they know in themselves they loved it
because they're holding their objectively incorrect opinion as a fact. Not trolling. You need to grow up.

>> No.2515080

why would i want to "grow up" i'm super happy and that sounds like I would have to lie to myself and be like you, that would suck, I wouldn't be happy anymore.

Thanks for the advise though.

>> No.2515083

That feel, I know it. (although they're not my favourite books anymore)

>> No.2515108

it is your assumption I'm not happy. stay wrong, though

>> No.2515122

How can someone trying to crush people by saying what they read objectively sucks and trying to make them grow up and be something they are not a happy person?

You sir are not happy. I hope you are one day though and actually seek out and enjoy works of art, instead of reading things to look sophisticated.

>> No.2515206


>because they're holding their objectively incorrect opinion as a fact. Not trolling. You need to grow up.

The childishness on this board is even more pathetic than others boards because most of you should've outgrown that shit.

>> No.2515215
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>> No.2515220
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I love reading the posts of people who think they're smart but say the stupidest shit I've ever read. Learn the definitions of subjective and objective, you mongoloid.

>> No.2515225


>>because they're holding their objectively incorrect opinion as a fact.

He's most likely trolling.

No one could be this fucking moronic.

>> No.2515261

I have several books all tied for my favorite.
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.2515284

Ignoring the fact that you don't know the difference between subjective and objective, who the fuck are you to judge what book is someone's favorite?
Favorite implies the book you've enjoyed the most, not the most complicated shit you've ever read.

>Mfw my favorite book is Animal Farm

Come at me bro.

>> No.2515285
File: 106 KB, 294x475, Catcher in the why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2515286

I loved Animal Farm.

>> No.2515294
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Do you love me now?

>> No.2515300
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>> No.2515302
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Yeah, I started a thread about it.

Sorry if this is considered faggotry, new to /lit/.

>> No.2515325
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