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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 236x367, 170865800-03131551..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2508878 No.2508878 [Reply] [Original]

About twenty pages in so far, hasn't really sparked any interest in continuing it.

Is this book as good as a lot of literature enthusiasts say it is? And is it worth trying to finish?

>> No.2508891

>About twenty pages in so far, hasn't really sparked any interest in continuing it.
That's normal.
>Is this book as good as a lot of literature enthusiasts say it is?
Do you really like postmodernism? Dark humor? Absurdism? Cynicism?
>And is it worth trying to finish?
Do you want to read a really long postmodern novel? It's considered a classic, but a classic of a certain class of literature that doesn't appeal to everyone. There's a solid chance that you won't get very much out of it if this is your first experience with this sort of novel. It isn't very friendly to less experienced readers.

>> No.2508897

what exactly does 'postmodernism' embody and what kind of other literature is there out there that would be a friendly start to it?

>> No.2508899

No, it's not good.

If DFW was so "aware," why wasn't he aware that characters are all supposed to think, speak, and act differently from each other?

>> No.2508902

not OP but will experience with other post-modern literature help with comprehension of IJ, or just a fair ground in literature all together?

>> No.2508907

Postmodernism is a bit complicated. It's a reaction to the modernist movement, so it's more a rejection of their ideas than anything else. It's abstract, usually surreal, and usually involves a rejection of absolute truths. Take a look at the wiki article for a better idea. It's pretty diverse.

My introduction was The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon, which I think is a good place to start. It's not too "out there" for your average reader to understand, but it's still a very postmodern novel. /lit/ loves postmodernism, so I'm sure you'll get better advice from other people here. I can't promise they'll all be super-nice about it, though.

>> No.2508909

Yes to both.

>> No.2508916
File: 42 KB, 600x450, wtf face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why wasn't he aware that characters are all supposed to think, speak, and act differently from each other?
>Mfw I imagine a film version where ALL the actors have a DFW CGed in face

>> No.2508917

That's actually a pretty neat idea.

>> No.2508926

is that really your face :) you look like you might be 14 honestly

>> No.2508936

lol the butterfly was a 14 year old girl the entire time

this is the best twist ending ever on 4chan

>> No.2508939

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.2508949




>> No.2508953

i took a creative writing course with dfw the semester before the one he hung himself...
ask me anything

>> No.2508957
File: 193 KB, 1024x768, 1317705854615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's not me. That's from my reactions folder. She does look 14-ish.

You haven't been watching closely enough.

>> No.2508978

alright no one cares. forget it. im going to do something else

>> No.2508982

wait so is that picture you??? you would be a lot more interesting as a 14 yr. old weirdo than a good looking hipster-type

>> No.2508984

wow you're as touchy as DFW don't go killin yourself man

>> No.2508995

What diameter anal plugs do you prefer to train on before a big date?

>> No.2509001

>took a creative writing course
>tell me what to write

>> No.2509005
File: 961 KB, 1215x911, Wistful doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, don't go killing yourself man.

What kind of 14 year old holds down a job and has 200+ book to their credit?
And there's no such thing as hipsters.

>> No.2509023

hipster denial ain't just a river in Egypt, honey...anyway i am just saying what if it was you, everything about you, but instead you were a weird looking 14 year old girl..that would really be humorous

>> No.2509033

Mr Butterfly do you actually live in the forest

are you actually a doll

>> No.2509038

Truly the truth is stranger than fiction.

>> No.2509042

Shhh I want that to be true so badly that I don't want to hear that it isn't true.

>> No.2509045
File: 63 KB, 500x331, cherron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually looking for a picture of these guys dressed in pink knitted outfits, one had hung himself. But I losted it.

Me on the left.

>> No.2509057

for some reason that picture seems surreal..like there is a spider's body on the bottom half