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/lit/ - Literature

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2495792 No.2495792 [Reply] [Original]

What is your writing schedule, /lit/? Do you have one?

I try to write from 7 a.m. to 12 every day. Sometimes I sleep through the alarm, and sometimes I give up at 10 or 11, but I try hard to keep that routine going. That's the important thing.

>> No.2495794


wtf do you write for 5 hours?

how does this help at all?

>> No.2495804

Whenever I can be arsed to clean the roaches, needles, baggies, empty bottles, and burnt spoons off of my desk and boot the old Apple II up- provided I'm decently
sober and not seeing four foot wide tarantulas crawl out of my toilet.

>> No.2495806


what do you mean? 5 hours everyday is not enough? How many hours do YOU write a day, Anthony Trollope?

>> No.2495863


ahahahah, who do you think you are, Stephen King?

>> No.2495871

>burnt spoons
are you or have you ever been a heroine addict

>> No.2495878
File: 120 KB, 508x768, Joan_of_arc_miniature_graded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just can't kick the fuckin' habit.

>> No.2495911

I have a job, so the best I can do is to get up at 5 and write till 7. Not great, but I'm too drained after work to do anything other than sit on the couch and drink.

>> No.2497155

I rarely write fiction. It intimidates me.

>> No.2497157

I don't create, I only consume

>> No.2497165

Tell us your story of addiction.

>> No.2497166

>What is your writing schedule, /lit/?

haha, another one

I swear this board is saturated with amateurs writers (read: hipsters that think they're the next shakespear because they had an original thought once)

print the words YOU'RE NOT A REAL WRITER and make a bigass poster of it kiddo, and stop making writing threads, there are only 10 pages of them constantly

>> No.2497168


I am a famous author. Chances are, you've at least read one of my books...or seen the movie adaptation.

>> No.2497169

You sound like fun to hang out with.

>> No.2497171


>> No.2497173

Must be nice to have mommy and daddy to leech off of

>> No.2497175


Well this is the literature board; would it not be logical to assume that amateur writers would flock here? And what's wrong with that? Hell, the sticky encourages
people to post excerpts from their writing for critique.

Every professional writer, no matter how successful or brilliant, was an amateur at one point in time. Would you tell a 17 year old Stephen King to print the same poster?

>> No.2497179


>> No.2497182

b..but I thought you were dead?

>> No.2497185


>> No.2497186

do you have problem comprehending english faggot?

there is always, and I mean ALWAYS an amateur writing thread, but you fags are so self-entitled you make a thread just for yourselves

the board is saturated, another word you don't understand the meaning of, with fags like you

fuck off and let me talk about a real writer, something you'll never become since you talk about writing and ask questions like it's a hard science

get a real job

>> No.2497190

This thread is actually interesting, I've been struggling for a while in the quest of ameliorating my writing. A question constantly eludes me: Is it better to force yourself to write in a regular basis with specific hours OR just write whenever your feel like it?
I've tried both and ended up either giving up the schedule or never sited down and actually writing; the only thing I can commit is writing in a notebook ideas, some rough emotions or stuff like that.
What do you guys do?

>> No.2497191

>Apple II
Fuck you're alive!

>> No.2497198


why are you so MAD? There's only 1 writing thread on the front page (mine.) Is that too much for you? If it bothers you so much, just ignore it and focus on your thread
about "real" writers.

>> No.2497199
File: 107 KB, 550x367, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board is too small and fast to have anything but discussion of classics
>everything else shouldn't be here

Relax, /lit/ is such a slow board as it is, we can easily handle threads like this. Also, minimising is very easily done.

>> No.2497205


You need a schedule if you want to succeed. That way writing becomes natural, and you don't even have to force yourself to do it after a while; it's just something that you do without questioning it, and then the transition of ideas from your mind to paper will be much smoother.

>> No.2497230

Thanks, I was doing impro at the beginning of the year then it bored me. Would you recommend me to replace those 3 hours a week by writing or maybe a split (bi-weekly). What do you guys think/do?

>> No.2497247


The first thing you should do, right, is you should stop using words like "ameliorate" when you don't know what they mean, innit. Makes you look like a mong, that does mate.

>> No.2497260

5 hours, three days a week or when inspiration strikes (not too often.)

I write for a living (non-fiction) and you do learn that you need to take it seriously. 5 hours is nothing when you consider how much re-drafting and editing is required.

>> No.2497370

thanks a lot, I'll try static hours then and force myself to ink some paper!

ameliorate: improve, make more tolerable
This is my natural way of talking, being French I spontaneously use words that have the same meaning in both languages. I can come off a bit pretentious if you don't know I'm French. In this case "ameliorate" is EXACTLY what I had in mind, deal with it.

>> No.2497523
File: 217 KB, 1239x828, Dana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first started writing, I took Ray Bradbury's advice by writing a short story ever day. As you can imagine, those stories sucked major ass and ended up either being archived for ever or certain parts being amalgamated with better stories.

I changed the whole writing daily bit by just giving myself a weekly quota. My minimum weekly quota is 8,000 words. On average I write 15k. It gives me some breathing room since I work really long hours and sometimes have no energy to do anything but browse 4chan and fap.

Pic related. It's what I use to write my first drafts.

>> No.2498039

Is that a digital typewriter? I have seen everything!

>> No.2498053

man you sure are French

>> No.2498055

I heard about Steven King writing 2k words a day, so I'm trying to do that. I fail basically every day, but I'm starting to write more freely. Do the math on 2k words a day, 365 a year. (King claims he writes on holidays etc) Assume 20 years of this, and divide by average novel length. Yeeaaaahh.

>> No.2498058

>being French i am a faggot and have arab blood in me


>> No.2498408

start off at 1000. When that gets easy, bump it to 1500. Easy? Bump to 2000 and coast.

I write 2000 words a day, five days a week.

>> No.2498517

What is that and where do I obtain one?