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2491755 No.2491755 [Reply] [Original]

I think Western Society values the ability to weave great falsehoods.

Take an an example of what a smart dude said about the ancient greeks: "They were honourable in words but not in deeds"--some smart dude

The greeks blatantly feigned surrendering to the Persians to lure them into oblivion, as in the example of the battle of salamis bay. Yet in our history textbook, we know that this is what happened, but we can't fail to have a sense of pride in their deception.

It's social darwinism at its finest- the craftier, more cunning and lucky is the winner. Direct democracy in ancient athens was only a democracy in the sense that it had a gigantic slave base.

Without slaves, Athenian democracy would have been impossible. It's fitting to draw on the cradle of western civilization as a litmus test for the rest of western civilization.

We really do value falsehoods, like "white lies", "tact and subtlety", and emotional repression "If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all".

This is going to start sounding like Nietzsche, but we place an obscene value on modesty, but modesty is amongst the most hypocritical of attributes, to be great at something and pretend that you don't believe you are.

In conclusion, I wish approaching women was as easy as "Hey, I think I'd really like to pee in your butt, but I am also interested on whether or not you are intelligent and we have things in common, why don't we talk about the things we can bring to the table and whether or not we would make a good breeding pair".

But nOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo, we have to do this stupid false and women's magazine dictated routine that's fucking annoying and totally dishonest.

Does anyone know that feel?

>> No.2491764

I'm glad I don't know you in real life. You sound insufferable.

>> No.2491767

Come on, you know that buried in its vulgarity, there is truth.

>> No.2491774

But Dante.

>> No.2491778
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You went on this weird rant about the nature of society and justified it with Nietzche just because you don't know how to talk to girls? Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.2491779
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Come on, have a sense of humour.

>> No.2491780

You seem to suffer from a serious case of Don't hate the player, don't hate the game./ Hate the troop man we take all blame,/ that you got no money, you got no fame,/ that you got no honeys, you got no name

>> No.2491782
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(kinda looks like a pit-bull when it's in its docile non-murderous state)

>> No.2491789

I found this hilarious. Though I'm unsure if that was the intended purpose. Also in this society you fancy OP, you forget one thing. These girls that you ask

>"Hey, I think I'd really like to pee in your butt, but I am also interested on whether or not you are intelligent and we have things in common, why don't we talk about the things we can bring to the table and whether or not we would make a good breeding pair".

Would probably use the same tactless method to deny your advances. In the process probably insulting your physical appearance and personal hygiene.

>> No.2491792
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But I did find it funny. Good job OP.

>> No.2491795

you had a good flow with your text, and the ideia is good, but the conclusion came too fast and with an unprepared terran around it
the link between western society values and talking to girls was poorly made

just sayin...

>> No.2491796

What can I say, I think I was born a philosopher clown.

>> No.2491800

At least then you'd know, rather than not realizing you stink like shit until it's too late because everyone's too polite to tell you.

>> No.2491801
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Yeah, that's true. Maybe OP was right after all. Even the flaws of this ideal world seem to have hidden perks.

>> No.2491809

If Greece is the cradle of Western society then Terran are surely the pinnacle. I don't think it's fair to say that the Terran was unprepared.

>> No.2491812

The ability to deception is one of the most important and useful aspects of intelligence and is one of the defining traits of humanity. It's inseparable. And I think we would be very much worse of without.

Take for example a work of fiction or a film. It's deception at it's finest.

>> No.2491823

Deception is as much a primal tool as bashing someones head in with a rock. Once monkeys realised communication was as useful as physical interaction we adapted.

>> No.2491825

Good points, but I ask you, what will be the consequence of the progression of human beings in a society when there exists an algorithm generating ill-begat breeding pairs? You see it in our society all the time:

Sir Issac Newton did not spread his amazing seed in society. Nikola Tesla, no spreading of his seed either.

Then there are those people, who acquire avarice through psychopathic determination, breed with the finest specimens.

I think society calls for a bit more...forwardness and honesty.

We are so obsessed not to upset each other's and our own feelings, yet a little criticism might be a good thing.

That perfect looking blond specimen in class, may benefit if everyone would stop groveling at her feet and told her that she is shallow, self-entitled, and a retainer of social stupidity. It might make her cry for a bit, but she may try to improve herself a bit.

Then maybe society would come to value intelligence again, and perhaps we would get quality entertainment, instead of jersey shore.

Back in Shakespeare's day, illiterate fucking people got to see some of the most sophisticated media ever created, now we pander exlusively to idiots, and like fire, it keeps becoming more all consuming and destructive.

>> No.2491834


>Back in Shakespeare's day, illiterate fucking people got to see some of the most sophisticated media ever created, now we pander exlusively to idiots, and like fire, it keeps becoming more all consuming and destructive.

You're kind of dumb.

Shakespeare is not sophisticated on the surface. No one treated him that way, and no one appreciated him in that way. Save for a very small minority.

Going to see a Shakespeare play was akin to going to see a Micheal Bay film. It was a bit of fun and distraction. That's it. No one cared that the plays were intelligent. Hardly anyone even realized they were.

Humanity has never really cared for 'intelligence'. The exceptionally intelligent aren't even really that useful, from a biological standpoint. It only takes a certain amount to survive perfectly well. After that it's pretty useless.

>> No.2491836

As you describe it the problem isn't deception but rather a failing value system. I think that if people were honest you would see even more horrors. People put a lot of effort in appearing deeper and more interesting than they are.

>> No.2491837
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Now I know you trollin'.

>> No.2491839
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>Going to see a Shakespeare play was akin to going to see a Micheal Bay film.

>> No.2491842


Go back to /b/, where green text and a reaction face is the height of rhetoric.

>> No.2491844
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lol you're trying so damn hard...

>> No.2491847
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>trying so hard

>> No.2491848

The Athenian civilization was based on trade and agriculture, and slavery wasn't the basis of either of those and never became so. Sparta and Thebes you might have a point. And the Persian structures were so run by graft and bureaucracy that they rivaled the Han Chinese and the Levantines for the sheer depth and imagination involved. I think they equation of a love of deception and intrigue with the west alone may be an error on your part. At best it's an oversimplification

>> No.2491851


>Someone combines moral philosophy and humour
>Shit all over him and call him names and tell him to go back to /b/

Stay classy bloke.

>> No.2491857
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>> No.2491859

>Then there are those people, who acquire avarice through psychopathic determination, breed with the finest specimens.

>I think society calls for a bit more...forwardness and honesty.

Why would anyone want to acquire avarice? And "finest specimens by whose judgement? Their own? In most western civilizations it's the women who do ninety nine percent of the choosing. Wealth and position are good indicators of ability to care for offspring, and the abilities necessary to acquire those things are even better indicators of good genetic and cultural bases for reproduction.


>> No.2491860


I appreciate your serious inquiry.
Western Civilization, is most definitely not the only civilization that values deception. I never said it was.Hindus love their trickster god figures.

Ancient Athens relied on slaves to do most of the labour, and they were also the vast majority.
>trade and agriculture
All of which depend on mostly on the labour of slaves.

Anyway, the whole point was to emphasis how dishonest and hypocritical we are and how us honest folk suffer.

>> No.2491862

along with its ability to 'weave great falsehoods' is society's immense capacity for denial.

>> No.2491863

I'm interested. Elaborate please.

>> No.2491865


No. Trade and agriculture did not depend on slavery in the Athenian system. There was a system of tenancy similar to the share-cropping of the south, and a demi feudal structure in a few places, but for the most part no systematic slavery. It certainly wasn;t the basis of any aspect of the economy, barring the mining industry which was closer to penal servitude than industrial indenture. say Thebes, say Sparta, maybe. But not Athens.

>> No.2491869

>ability to care for offspring
OH MY GOD!! I hate psuedo-evolutionary assumptions like this!!!! SO MUCH!
I especially hate it when assholes say "a man's main objective is to make sure his seed spreads as far and wide as possible". This is so false, men are not salmon, we have more complicated breeding habits than this. There is no scientific basis that proves this assumption.

You however, aren't exactly wrong about what you wrote. But I'm sure exceptions to the rules can be found. Like for example, I know some polish girls who are super beautiful and clever (who could lure an affluent fellow), but they end up falling for poor polish dudes who are mean drunks and generally irresponsible.

You could use a Freudian, or evolutionary psychology to explain this, but it is still an example to contradict your assumptions.

>> No.2491875

Ok, I think I can sum it up like this: the fact that the greater part of the population living within a governed landmass were not entitled to lawful citizenship and political participation over their own fates insinuates that its hierarchy is slave based.

>> No.2491879

>society's immense capacity for denial.
Resource management would be a good example. (I'm not the guy who wrote this)

>> No.2491898


Sexual selection in humans is pretty well documented, I think. No need to bring in anything Freudian or invoke evolutionary psychology.

Any one who thinks in terms of beta and alpha males has already conceded that one. What do you imagine betas compete for? Ever hear of Lek behavior?


Lack of universal manhood suffrage is hardly the same thing as a slavery based economy. Medieval feudalism and the post-enlightenment industrial feudalism would have a stronger claim, and even they couldn't be considered slavery per se.

>> No.2491902


>Any one who thinks in terms of beta and alpha males has already conceded that one.

Any one who thinks in terms of beta and alpha males is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.2491915
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ITT: Nothing to do with literature.

>> No.2491917

>Lek behavior
Ma nigga. I'm thoroughly enjoying reading about this. Thank you.

Also, it is arguable, but serf is not the same thing as slave. Also, definition for "slave based economy"-a system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work. Sounds like ancient Athens to me (of course there were periods of economic restard, but slaves have always been the majority in ancient Athens).

>> No.2492051

>Society's immense capacity for denial

As humans we are able to think about our place in the world, our place in society, history, quality of life, reproduction etc. And yet, we live in an extremely violent society which operates solely through large-scale exploitation on every imaginable level with a corporate governing body to ensure it's continuance.

Resource management is a good example. The very concept of scarcity simply should not exist with the technology that is available. But still, on an individual scale we act as though personal miseries have nothing at all to do with an unstable social structure. On an individual scale the pursuit of wealth and materials is still most important (think ipads etc).

>> No.2492175

I like you.

Now for the true test of whether or not I love you...

What would be your solution?

>> No.2492199
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hey guys what's going on in this thread

>> No.2492207

/lit/ is somehow ALWAYS completely oblivious to off-topic threads and cannot into sage.